

9029 Uppsatser om Liquid feeding system - Sida 23 av 602

Feldetektering för diagnos med differentialgeometriska metoder -en implementering i Mathematica

Diagnosis means detection and isolation of faults. A model based diagnosis system is built on a mathematical model of the system. The difficulty when constructing the diagnosis system depends om how the model is formulated. In this report, a method is described that rewrites the model on such a form that the construction of the diagnosis algoritm is easy. The model is transformed by two state space transformations and the result will be a system on state space form where one part of the system becomes easy to supervise.

Bastu-frigidarium,energieffektivt system för återhämtning

Sweden is considered to have one of the world's highest animal welfare standards in agriculture. Despite this, there are shortcomings in animal husbandry. One example is overcrowding, which is a way to increase stock size without making costly investments in the buildings. It can be carried out systematically to increase profitability or due to, for example uneven calving during the year. The European Commission criticizes the fact that stocking density is not controlled under Swedish welfare inspections.

Ett flervariabelt feldetekteringssystem för övervakning av bärlagertemperaturen i vattenkraftturbiner

The purpose of this thesis work was to develop an automatic fault detection system for surveillance of bearing temperature in hydropower turbines. The parameters used except the bearing temperature were cooling water temperature and cooling water flow. A simple static model based on data sampled every minute was developed to estimate the bearing temperature. Then a detector for detection of change in bearing temperature based on the CUSUM-algorithm was designed. Since the amount of data was very small the developed model was too uncertain to be used in a working system.The designed fault detection system showed to work well for the available data.

Kungliga bibliotekets klassifikationssystem över den svenska samlingen år 1887

We have carried out a study of a classification system for the Swedish collection at The Royal Library in Stockholm from 1887. It was printed in 50 copies. The constructor, Bernhard Lundstedt, and his colleagues used it as guidance in lack of a catalogue. We regard it a local classification system. Little research has been done on old classification systems, but Francis Miksa points out the importance of examining them.

Affärssystem för Gamersneed Sweden

This degree project deals with the creation of a business system for Gamersneed Sweden. The system is divided into two parts, one windows appliction and one websolution..

En jämförelse av beteende mellan vävande hästar och två icke vävande hästar under liknande förhållanden :

Today we keep our horses in a way that is easy for us humans but may not always be the most optimal way for the horse. Often the housing of the horse prevents the horse from performing behaviours that they have natural needs to perform. It is not unusual that animals that can not adapt to their environment develop abnormal behaviours. Many of our stabled horses therefore develop some kind of stereotypic behaviour. This study was made in purpose of comparing the behaviour of a weaving horse to two non-weaving horses under similar conditions, where one of the horses was stabled next to the weaving horse and the other horse was stabled further away in the same stable. Seven weaving horses were included in the study.

When companies grow up - A case study of a family-owned company?s management control system

Problem: What are the characteristics of Polykemi?s management control system and how is it affected by growth? Purpose: To describe and analyse the management control system of a medium-sized family-owned company from the perspective of Simons? Levers of control. Research design: An abductive, interview-based case study of Polykemi AB. Conclusion: Polykemi?s management control system is primarily a traditional one which is rather strong in terms of Levers of control.

Handel med utsläppsrätter. Ett effektivt styrmedel på den svenska fjärrvärmemarknaden?

In January 2005 the emission allowance system was introduced within the European Union and the first period ends at the end of 2007. The system was introduced in order to decrease the wastes of carbon dioxide and the system is a part of ratifying the Kyoto ?protocol which first period runs between 2008-2012.The idea of the system is to reduce the wastes of carbon dioxide where it costs less to do so and the expenses for the society therefore are as diminutive as possible. Different theories explain that companies can benefit from environment legislation and can depending on the company?s attitude gain competitive advantages improve its productivity and thereby increase its profitability.With this in mind, the study aims at examining how the introduction of the emission trade system has influenced Swedish smaller companies in the distant heating industry, with focus on the factors attitude, innovation, competition and profitability.

Åsktransienter och överspänningar : En spänningsfylld simulering av elkraftsystemet vid Forsmark 3

A power system will inevitably be subjected to transient overvoltages, most often produced by switching operations and lightning strikes. These transient overvoltages may harm sensitive equipment without sufficient protection, but it is not an easy task to predict what transients may occur or how they affect the system. A fault occurred in a low voltage system at Forsmark 2012 and overvoltages from lightning were concluded as the probable cause. The three aims with this thesis are to develop and test a model of the power system at Forsmark 3, analyse the transient behaviour of the system when subjected to lightning surges and identify critical parameters, and lastly to provide a tool for investigating the protection of the system. The modelling and simulations were performed in the freely available simulation program LT Spice.

Integrationskatalog - teknisk dokumentation av ett integrerat system

Systemintegration är arbetet med att få IT-system att samarbeta med varandra. Inomsystemintegration finns det idag ett glapp mellan den tekniska dokumentationen och den tekniskalösningen vilket försvårar arbetet med att ta fram och underhålla integrerade system. För att underlättadetta skapades på uppdrag av Ipendo Systems en databasmodell för att kunna lagra tekniskdokumentation om integrationssystem. Lösningen implementerades i Microsoft SQL Server. Underarbetet utvecklades stöd för hämtning av data från integrationsplattformen BizTalk.

Affärssystem för Gamersneed Sweden

This degree project deals with the creation of a business system for Gamersneed Sweden. The system is divided into two parts, one windows appliction and one websolution..

Göta älvbron, övervakning med optisk fiber : Ekonomisk analys

The Göta älv-bridge is a welded steelbridge which is located in Gothenburg,it connects the inner city of Gothenburgwith the island Hisingen. Cracks wasdiscovered in the steel in 1999-2000which started an investigation of thebridge to clearify the condition of thebridge. The conclusion was a monitoringsystem based on laser light sent throughan optical fiber.This report describes the bridge, thedamages, the monitoring system and thetraffic on the bridge.Stefan Pup, at Vectura Borlänge was mysupervisor during this work. In myinvestigation the costs of themonitoring system and the costs ofclosing the bridge is compared andevaluated. The biggest investigatingpart is the costs of closing the bridge.The results of my investigations is thatclosing the Göta älv-bridge would cost 1107 300 SEK / day.

Evaluation of Ectopar for the control of the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae

The poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae, is a common problem in poultry facilities, causing great discomfort for the hens and effecting the production economically. Few efficient acaricides are available and there is a need for new control methods since resistance has become a problem in some cases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the new liquid silica control agent Ectopar, on the poultry red mite. An initial in vitro test of Ectopar and its two components individually was performed, where live mites were sealed in together with filter paper impregnated with one of the three solutions prepared. The survival of the mites was thereafter recorded repeatedly during a period of 120 hours and compared to a control. For the field study, two poultry farms with different housing systems were used, one with furnished cages (farm 1) and one with a single tier floor system (farm 2).

Adaptiva talbaserade system i fordon : Designförslag för att främja user experience

Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker hur user experience kan främjas i ett adaptivt talbaserat system i en fordonskontext. Att undersöka och involvera user experiencei adaptiva talbaserade system är i synnerhet viktigt i denna kontext då den primära sysslan, att köra, bör störas så lite som möjligt. Ett adaptivt system ger möjlighet att effektivisera interaktion och ett talbaserat system låter föraren fokusera på trafiken.Genom att undersöka existerande teori och utföra empiriska undersökningar i form av användartester genom Wizard of Oz-tekniken och intervjuer har vi skapat designoch dialogexempel. Dessa förslag kan främja user experience och på så vis bidra till att den interaktion som sker är effektiv och behaglig. .

Kemisk karaktärisering samt nedbrytning av process- och avloppsvatten vid SCA Ortvikens pappersbruk

During pulp and papermaking process a huge amount of water is used. The wastewater contains a large amount of pollutants and has to be treated before it reaches the recipient. In March 2004 a new bleaching plant was started up at SCA Graphic Sundsvall AB, Ortviken?s paper mill using peroxide. The production of bleached thermo mechanical pulp and thus the load to the wastewater plant increased.

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