

1006 Uppsatser om Line Extensions - Sida 7 av 68

Acceptansgränsen för solceller i lågspänningsnät : Kan den ökas?

Microproduction, also called distributed generation, is something that has become more and more popular in the electric grid. Microproduction can however lead to unacceptable performance if several units are installed in the same low voltage network. It is therefore good to know a limit where the performance of the low voltage network becomes unacceptable based on given parameters. This limit is usually called hosting capacity.In this report the hosting capacity with respect to voltage and current have been studied in three low voltage networks which are located in Falu Elnäts concession area. This has been done by simulations in a GIS-program where critical times of the grid have been simulated.

Framtagning av en utvecklingsprocess för automation - baserat på konceptet Lean Automation

Due to the globalization today the competition in the market has in- creased and it requires flexibility and produce according to customer demand. In order to reduce the cost of wages industrial companies are now considering moving the manufacturing to low-cost countries. To keep up with the competition in the market without moving the manu- facturing abroad, Lean Automation was developed. The concept of Lean Automation is to reduce the perceived complexity with automa- tion and make automation available for new users and in new applica- tions.Haldex Brake Products are situated in Sweden and want to maintain the manufacturing of the automatic brake adjusters in the country. It is a product well-known and highly exposed to the competition in the mar- ket.

Förutsättningar för ett hälsofrämjande ledarskap : En kvalitativ studie om förutsättningar och hinder i det hälsofrämjande ledarskapet bland första linjens chefer i Västerås stad.

Good conditions in the workplace, fairness in the workplace and the social differences contribute to a general improvement in public health. A health-promoting leader is working to create a workplace that promotes health, supports its employees and contributes to their wellbeing. The purpose of this study was to investigate the first-line managers in the city of Västerås experience and deal with their conditions and obstacles in the health-promoting leadership. A qualitative approach was chosen and the selection was six first-line managers working in three different areas of the City of Västerås. Managers were interviewed by an interviewguide and the material was analyzed with a manifest content analysis, with an inductive approach.

Hur expanderar näthandelsföretag?

Internet commerce is nowadays a well known phenomenon. There is awareness that a lot of newly created companies operate their business through the Internet. You can see a tendency where many young people try to establish an Internet business with the hope of success and expansion on today?s fierce market rivalry. To achieve success, companies have to consider factors like business concept, logistic knowledge, future vision, resources and contacts when initializing their business.Having this in mind, we can clarify the purpose with this paper: ?To analyze in what way On-line shopping companies that sell consumer electronics, cell phones and music/entertainment products, have expanded? The paper is based on telephone interviews with three On-line shopping companies.

Pedagogers användning av tecken som stöd i förskolan : En studie av fem pedagogers användning av tecken som stöd i verksamheten på förskolan

 Performance appraisals- a study of the performance appraisals significance as a tool for development in the public sector.Anders Larsson and Åsalill OlssonPerformance appraisals have been given a central role in leading businesses in the public sector and are seen as a tool to create development opportunities and achieve better results. This has resulted that performance appraisal in many organizations takes up capacity and time. This was the starting point of our interest to study whether the time spent on performance appraisals effectively pays for itself in the organization, in other words whether the effects expected actually are achieved. The paper examines first line managers` views on staff appraisal purposes and effects of a function within the Landstinget. The survey design, methodology and transaction are of qualitative and quantitative method with three different sources: literature review of previous research, interviews with first line managers in Landstinget Västmanland and the results from an employee satisfaction survey conducted on behalf of Landstinget Västmanland.

Utveckling av en ljudsimulator med anva?ndarcentrerad design : Tilla?mpad matematik fo?r ba?ttre konsertupplevelse

The company Sound Precision has developed a new Line Array loudspeaker system (VHA-40). When using this system, their customers need computer aid to get the best possible sound-quality and control of sound levels for the whole audience. The aim of this thesis is to develop a truly useful sound quality simulator for the VHA-40. The system will help the sound engineers to position the loudspeakers for optimal sound by simulating loudspeaker configurations and visualizing the resulting sound quality and quantity. To solve this a human-centered design (HCD) approach is taken to implement a system that is truly useful for the users, meaning that they will use it more and hence deliver better sound for the audience.

ConneXion : Konstruktion och produktutveckling utav proteskoppling

The company Sound Precision has developed a new Line Array loudspeaker system (VHA-40). When using this system, their customers need computer aid to get the best possible sound-quality and control of sound levels for the whole audience. The aim of this thesis is to develop a truly useful sound quality simulator for the VHA-40. The system will help the sound engineers to position the loudspeakers for optimal sound by simulating loudspeaker configurations and visualizing the resulting sound quality and quantity. To solve this a human-centered design (HCD) approach is taken to implement a system that is truly useful for the users, meaning that they will use it more and hence deliver better sound for the audience.

Medarbetarsamtal : -en studie om medarbetarsamtalets betydelse som verktyg för utveckling inom offentligsektor

 Performance appraisals- a study of the performance appraisals significance as a tool for development in the public sector.Anders Larsson and Åsalill OlssonPerformance appraisals have been given a central role in leading businesses in the public sector and are seen as a tool to create development opportunities and achieve better results. This has resulted that performance appraisal in many organizations takes up capacity and time. This was the starting point of our interest to study whether the time spent on performance appraisals effectively pays for itself in the organization, in other words whether the effects expected actually are achieved. The paper examines first line managers` views on staff appraisal purposes and effects of a function within the Landstinget. The survey design, methodology and transaction are of qualitative and quantitative method with three different sources: literature review of previous research, interviews with first line managers in Landstinget Västmanland and the results from an employee satisfaction survey conducted on behalf of Landstinget Västmanland.

Leaf area index in Vittelaria Paradoxa parklands in Burkina Faso estimated by light interception and leaf sampling

Burkina Faso as well as most sub-Saharan African countries struggle with providing food for a fast growing population. The dominating farming system is agroforestry parklands. Agroforestry parklands can broadly be defined as areas where scattered trees occur on farmlands as a result of selective clearing. The presence of trees in crop fields may in the long term have a positive effect on the production of annual crops. It is commonly discussed, but not proven, that the presence of trees leads to increased groundwater recharge due to higher infiltration capacity of the soil.

Vad kvinnor vill ha : en studie om unga mäns självpresentationer på dejtingsajten Spray Date

Title: What women want ? a study about young men?s self-presentation on the on-line dating site Spray Date.Authors: Anna Tuvehagen & Josefin HultTutor: Lena Widding-HedinPurpose: Our main purpose was to identify implicit norms and ideals for masculinity in young men?s advertisements on the on-line dating site Spray Date.Questions: How do the men present themselves on Spray Date and what do they accentuate in their advertisements? What kind of relationship do the men hope to establish and what qualities and attribute do they look for in women? Are there any notable differences and similarities regarding our findings of ideals and the ones in previous research?Method: In order to answer our questions we chose 100 advertisements made by men in the age 18 to 25. To analyse the advertisements we used a qualitative content analysis, however we have some quantitative elements.Main results: The men in our study are searching for love on Spray Date and usually describe themselves as nice, cheerful, decent guys with good sense of humour. Although, spare-time interests and activities are what the men mainly focus on. Their interests are broad and all sorts of combinations occur why it is difficult to place the men in categories.


This report aims at giving you as a reader a basic knowledge in measurement techniques used in the road/land construction and witch instrument and methods that is commonly used. It also tries to shed light on the problem with unfinished or incomplete blueprints, which cause additional work performed by the surveyor. This report is written in collaboration with PEAB Umeå whom has given insight in their work.The goal of this report is to examine what kind of work surveyors has to perform on blueprints delivered by a technical consultant. The reader of this report gets a run-through of the different theoretical measurement techniques used today and a short explanation of different measuring instruments used by surveyors in their day to day work. Computer programs used in the field of construction are briefly explained, and some of the most common file extensions used, for example dwg and Land-xml.The report concludes in a questionnaire that was sent out to surveyors employed by PEAB.

Utveckling av det förebyggande underhållet vid chokladpralinlinjen

I Upplands Väsby utanför Stockholm tillverkar Kraft Foods bland annat choklad under varumärket Marabou. Vid anläggningen finns en Pralin Line som är en automatiserad produktionslinje för tillverkning av chokladpraliner i ask. Under en tid har Pralin Line inte kunnat motsvara förväntningarna och har inte haft den linjeeffektivitet man eftersträvar. Som ett led i detta har ett projekt initierats för att öka effektiviteten vid Pralin Line. En del i projektet är detta examensjobb som syftar till att utveckla det förebyggande underhållet vid Pralin Line.

Utveckling av det förebyggande underhållet vid

I Upplands Väsby utanför Stockholm tillverkar Kraft Foods bland annat choklad under varumärket Marabou. Vid anläggningen finns en Pralin Line som är en automatiserad produktionslinje för tillverkning av chokladpraliner i ask. Under en tid har Pralin Line inte kunnat motsvara förväntningarna och har inte haft den linjeeffektivitet man eftersträvar. Som ett led i detta har ett projekt initierats för att öka effektiviteten vid Pralin Line. En del i projektet är detta examensjobb som syftar till att utveckla det förebyggande underhållet vid Pralin Line.

Xlight-Retro : En lampa för offentliga inomhusmiljöer

The company Sound Precision has developed a new Line Array loudspeaker system (VHA-40). When using this system, their customers need computer aid to get the best possible sound-quality and control of sound levels for the whole audience. The aim of this thesis is to develop a truly useful sound quality simulator for the VHA-40. The system will help the sound engineers to position the loudspeakers for optimal sound by simulating loudspeaker configurations and visualizing the resulting sound quality and quantity. To solve this a human-centered design (HCD) approach is taken to implement a system that is truly useful for the users, meaning that they will use it more and hence deliver better sound for the audience.

Analys av monteringslinan för luftbehandlingsaggregat (EC)

The purpose of the work is to analyze and balance an assembly line at Fläkt Woods in Jönköping. The work is going to answer the questions about today?s throughput time, how much waste that occurs, number of staff at the assembly line, how the supply of material works and possible improvements that can be made at the work stations. The work is also going to give a proposal of improve-ments that can be made.The methods used to get the result include observations and measurements, con-versations with technicians and operators and also data from Fläkt Woods? data-base.Large variations in throughput time are measured during the measure period, from 3 hours up to 5 hours and 35 minutes.

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