4128 Uppsatser om Lifeworld and care personnel - Sida 49 av 276
Anorexia Nervosa : anorektikern, familjen och sjuksköterskan, svårigheter med att ge en god omvårdnad. En litteraturstudie
Background: Anorexia nervosa is a disease that often strikes teenager girls. The causes of the disease are not entirely known, but there are redeemed and maintenanced factors. The factors describes as biological, psychological and sociocultural. Aim: The aim of the study was to illuminate the nurses problem in caring of girls that developed anorexia nervosa. Method: The method of this essay is a literature study.
Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder vid cancer hos barn - en litteraturstudie
Every year 300 children in Sweden are diagnosed with cancer, but through research and successful clinical work 70 % of the children survive their cancer. Aim: To illuminate nursing care of children with cancer. Method: The study was carried out as a general literature study through systematic review and analyse of 18 scientific articles. Result: The analysis resulted in five themes: Support, play as a psychological assistance, alternatives to alleviation of pain, nutrition and relieving symptoms of fatigue.Conclusion: It is important that the nurse has knowledge about the children and their family?s experiences when dealing with a cancer illness to provide the children with adequate care.
Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med ett cancersjukt barn : en studie av självbiografier
Background:Approximately 300 children get a malign cancer diagnosis every year in Sweden, 80 % of them survive. Parents of the children who have a cancer diagnosis experienced that they didn't have mental health, nurses care of parents are to keep a mental health so they can handle their parent role. Nurses should meet families through their life-world because caring should be done with dignity and integrity.Aim:The aim of this study was to describe how parents experience the daily life with a child who has a cancer diagnosis.Method:The method used in this study was a literature study based on autobiography, which means analysis of autobiographies. Four books were analyzed.Results:Four categories emerged from the analysis of the autobiographies, experience of powerless, desire of a regular, experience of anxiety and fear, to experience joy and have hope.Conclusion:This study shows how life changes when a child in the family gets a cancer diagnosis and how it affected the parents. The study points out the importants to create a great relationship between the nurses and the family so they can have a good care..
Anhörigvårdarens situation
The purpose with this study was to examine how persons giving care to their spouses with dementia experience their life situation. As information source we used a qualitative study which included halfstructured interview questions. The study took place in three municipalities in the south of Sweden. Three females and two males took part in the study and everyone had experiences of giving care to their spouces with dementia. We used a coping theory and an exchange theory.
Legitimerade sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt till psykisk ohälsa : Med själen i fokus
Patients with mental illness experience dissatisfaction with their care due to lack of understanding and ignorance from the nurses. The nurses? approach might influence these patients' experience of their care. The purpose of the literature review was to describe nurses' approach in care of patients with mental illness. The literature review is based on an inductive approach and the result is based on 14 scientific papers, of which eight used a qualitative design and sex used a quantitative design.
Livsvärlden hos den yngre kvinnan med urininkontinens: En intervjustudie om det dagliga livet
Syftet med studien var att beskriva det dagliga livet för yngre kvinnor med urininkontinens. Sju stycken kvinnor intervjuades och en öppen fråga ställdes för att få fram studiens syfte. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys genom Lundman & Hällgren Graneheim(2012) användes som analysmetod. Studiens resultat visade att urininkontinens förde med sig en rad konsekvenser för den unga kvinnan. I det dagliga livet innebar det att livet blev mindre aktivt och då var det främst påverkan på den fysiska aktiviteten kvinnorna tog upp och upplevde som ett problem.
Samhällets intresse i sinnesslövården : en studie av Statens uppfostringsanstalt för sinnesslöa flickor 1924-1968
The State Institution for Education of Feebleminded Girls was one of the two swedish educational institutions established under state management in the 1920s and came to be the starting point for further government operations for the mentally deficient. The purpose of this paper was to investigate the activities of the State Institution for Education of Feebleminded Girls, out of what needs the institution filled in Sweden?s care for the mentally deficient. The institution has tried to be understood from the view of eugenics and the perspective of children that was current during the 1900s first half.To fulfill the purpose of the study, the archives for the State Institution for Education of Feebleminded Girls was studied and analyzed with basis of previous research on Sweden?s care for the mentally deficient and the impact from eugenics and Sweden?s child perspective.The study shows that the State Institution for Education of Feebleminded Girls mostly existed to educate students and adapt them to the community, which the institution did by education, disciplinary interventions and sterilizations.
Stress i omsorgens vardag : Personliga assistenters och boendestödjares upplevelser och hantering av stress, samt hur deras stress kan påverka brukarrelationen.
The focus of our study was to examine personal assistants and group home assistants experiences of stress at work, how they cope with stress and how it affects the relationship with the care recipient. The study is made out of a qualitative frame and based on interviews with two personal assistants and four group home assistants. Our theoretical perspectives consist of Aaron Antonovsky?s SOC theory, Richard Lazarus theory about coping and also sociologist Johan Asplund?s theory about social interaction. The result indicates that the experiences of stress are individual and varied among the participants while the presence of stress at work is a shared apprehension.
Miljöfarliga transporter till sjöss : Kartläggning och riskanalys
An increasing number of chemicals are being transported by ships along the Swedish coastline. Many of these chemicals may pose a threat to the environment. Accidents and spills are luckily rare, but nonetheless it is important to be prepared for a possible chemical spill. The Swedish Coast Guard is responsible for responding to chemical spills at sea, and has both equipment and trained personnel for the purpose. In order to prepare for a possible accident one also needs to know what is currently being transported at sea.
Socialt stöd vid bröstcancer. En litteraturstudie om kvinnors med bröstcancer upplevelser av socialt stöd
Social support is an important part of handling the troubles of life. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate what forms the social support for adult women with breast cancer with the aim to be used in the nursing care. By system-atical reading of scientific articles nine qualitative articles were found which the result is based on. The theoretical framework was Antonovsky´s health focused theory with the central issue KASAM, the feeling of life connection. The study resulted in three themes emotional support, practical support and informational support, which describe the balanced content of social support.
"A gentle push": barnets inskolning i förskolan
An absolute majority of all Swedish children begins to attend preschool at some point between the age of one and five. The acclimatisation to preschool means a great change in every small child's life. They leave all that is well known, the parent and their home, to face a whole new environment with new kids and adults to get to know and learn to trust.The purpose of this study has been to find out how the professionals in preschool reflect upon the child's acclimatisation at preschool. More specifically we wanted answers to how the preschool teachers, in their work with the child's acclimatisation, relates to the today, in preschool, much debated relationship between the two perspectives care and pedagogy.This qualitative study is based on ten interviews with preschool teachers at different preschools in a small town in Sweden. The analysis is based on a presentation of the interview material compared with earlier research and the theoretical aspects we have chosen, which are Bronfenbrenners Ecological Systems Theory and the Object Relations Theory.While working with this paper it has come clear to us that there is no explicit or common definition of the concept of care within preschool, while there is a clear definition of the concept of pedagogy.
Läkemedelssökning i vårddokumentationssystem : En användarcentrerad utveckling av läkemedelssökning i vårddokumentationssystem
This thesis examines the problems related to IT in the Swedish healthcare system, specifically the drug searching part of the electronic healthcare systems used in Sweden. The question formulation is divided into two questions: What parameters and functions are of greatest importance when performing a search on drugs, and how should these be presented in a graphical user interface? Thus the purpose is to answer these questions through developing a design concept, in the form of a prototype, which describes how a drug search can be carried out.The entry point is a central quality checked drug database that is managed and owned by Swedish county councils and regions. The problem is attacked through user-centered methods where interviews of physicians and developers, in conjunction with observations, are used to give an overview of the problem area as well as to specify a requirements specification for the prototype that this thesis aims to develop. The thesis result is a requirements specification in combination with a prototype that exemplifies how drug searching can be performed, the prototype is based the requirements gathered from the interviews with the user group of physicians..
Empati och närhet: Hur sker bemötande mellan vårdpersonalen och de äldreboende?
Trots att det finns en lag om att bevara patientens rättigheter, finns ändå bemötandeproblem i vården som har varit en följetong i svensk media. Bemötande i vården bör anpassas till patientens behov, där empati är en grundläggande aspekt inom vården. Syftet med denna studie var att studera hur bemötande sker mellan vårdpersonalen och de äldreboende. Fyra timmars fältobservationer gjordes med tio vårdpersonalen och fyra intervjuer med fyra vårdanställda på ett äldreboende. Rådata analyserades och en triangulering gjordes med grundad teori.
FRÅN ÖPPENHET OCH NÄRVARO-TILL DISTANS OCH KONTROLL : Att medicineras och att administrera ur ett patient- och sjuksköterskeperspektiv
Title: From openness and presence to distance and control: to be medicated and to administrate from a patient and nurse perspective.Background: Within forensic psychiatric care the patients are admitted against their will, under heavy security with long term treatments. Self-care seems, based on scientific studies, to be dependent on what the nurses involved can provide. Emphasis should focus on a humane and respectful approach when the patient is exposed to coercive measures.Aim: From a patient and nurse perspective describe experiences of beeing medicated with and to administrate antipsychotic drugs within the psychiatric inpatient care.Method: Interviews with patients and nurses, which were analyzed using qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach.Results: Patients experience frustration over not beeing able to participate in or influence descisions made regarding their neuroleptic treatment. The neuroleptic treatment is described as a coercive measure and is characterized as an experience of losing control and independence. Nurses? experiences of administering antipsychotics were described as having to do what is needed for the long term benefit of patients? well-being.
"Som syskon, fast ändå inte" : En studie av familjehemsföräldrars egna barns erfarenheter
The aim of this study has been to create an understanding for the situation of an often forgotten group in foster care, the carers? own children. Our main focus has been the experience this group has of foster care, their experience of participation in caring for the foster children and their possible need of support and help. Our chosen method has been qualitative interviews with six adult children of foster carers, two men and four women. The theory used in this study has been Sense of Coherence.Our interviewees gave mainly a positive description of being part of a foster family even though they could give examples of difficult situation and of loss.