5844 Uppsatser om Life world - Sida 43 av 390
Jakten på den moraliska kompassen : En kvalitativ studie om implementeringen av skolans grundläggande värden inom ämnet idrott och hälsa
AimThe purpose of this study isthat, from a student perspective, study how the implementation of the school's core values ??based curriculum context is experienced in school activities and the context of physical education.How do the students perceive the basic moral values ??in school activities and more specifically in physical education?Is there ethical aspects of physical education that can be linked to students' moral fostering and if so, how?MethodThe study's methodological approach is hermeneutic and data collection is therefor equalitative in nature. Through focus group interviews gathered material in which aimed to gain insight into students'subjectively experienced life-world in which their experiences, feelings and values ??were at the center. The investigation resulted in the execution of three focus group interviews with four students in each group from three different classes.
Skandinavien i Yorkshire Herald under det första världskriget
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the occurrence of Scandinavia in the then daily English newspaper Yorkshire Herald during the First World War. The dissertation looks into what the Yorkshire Herald wrote about Scandinavia in the parts of the newspaper where the newspaper´s own opinion was given. This approach is connected to the theoretical idea that the British local and regional press was politically free during the war period. The dissertation also looks into the number of news telegrams etcetera that concerned Scandinavia during the period.The result shows that Scandinavia, both as a whole as well as the three individual countries, was mentioned about 700 times, split over about 600 telegrams and articles, during the examined period stretching from the first of August 1914 to the eleventh of November 1918. Material that gives the newspaper´s opinion regarding issues concerning Scandinavia can be found six times during the period.
Institutionsplacerade ungdomars uppleverlser av återvändningsprocessen i förhållande till familj, skola och kamratvärld : "det kommer att bli tuffare än du tror"
The aim of this study is to describe young people?s experiences returning home after beinginstitutionalized for over two years. The young people in this study describe their feelingsregarding their return home which involves reuniting with their families, their friends andstarting school. The study is conducted through five semi-structured using qualitativeindividual interviews with two boys and three girls. The theoretical points of departure areconcepts from the Symbolic interactionism and the Bioecology model of human development.The results of the study show that reunion with families is not easily accomplished by theadolescents and returning home is likely to be very stressful.
Strategiskt samarbete For the Win : En studie om interaktioner i World of Warcraft
Multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) spel har blivit mycket populära. Trots detta finns det begränsad forskning kring spelares interaktion och kommunikation gällande samarbete. Det här arbetet har därför riktat in sig på hur interaktion och kommunikation gällande hur samarbetet fungerar inom MMORPG spelet World of Warcraft.Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka möjligheter till förbättringar gällande interaktion och kommunikation för samarbete inom MMORPG spel, och inriktar sig i det här fallet speciellt på World of Warcraft.Genom att använda tre vanligt förekommande metoder undersöktes nuvarande interaktionsmöjligheter inom World of Warcraft. Dessa metoder var deltagarobservationer som genomförs i testmiljön World of Warcraft. Enkätundersökning som var av typen webbenkät med både öppna och stängda frågor.
Närståendes upplevelser vid akut kritisk sjukdom
AbstractBackground: When an acute illness or trauma occurs, life becomes disorganised and shattered for the critically ill person and his/her family members. The family members are confronted with thoughts about life and death which can cause stress and anxiety. How the family members cope with the crisis is individual and depending on personality and earlier experiences. Aim: The purpose of this literary review was to illustrate the family members´ experiences when dealing with a critically ill family member. Method: A literary review was made based on fifteen qualitative and quantitative scientific articles and a literary book.
Gentrifieringsprocessen : Omvandlingen av nedgångna till attraktiva stadsdelar
Title: The process of gentrification ?the transformation of declined neighbourhoods into attractive ones Gentrification = ?A social process of change where people with high socioeconomic status move into neighbourhoods which traditionally has been dominated by people from the lower classes or from ethnical minorities.? (Nationalencyklopedin 2010).In many cities around the world, disinvested neighbourhoods become the place to be, where everything happens. This usually occurs when different social groups, such as bohemians, homosexuals and artists, move into a declined and disinvested neighbourhood. After a while, people from the middleclass move in to the area due to its increased attractiveness, and start to renovate their properties. This usually leads to higher rents, which force some of the original inhabitants to leave the neighbourhood.
Katastrofbistånd - utifrån ett organisationsperspektiv
AbstractTime after time the world is struck by humanitarian catastrophes, whether it is through a war or a natural disaster. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to have a functional and effective aid, as it is a matter of life and death. Thereby the actions of the humanitarian aid organizations are interesting. The investigation treats the three specific organizations Star of Hope, Sida and the Red Cross movement and the process from decision to action in times of war. The organizations are different from one another in many areas.
Förekomst av smak- och/eller luktförändringar vid antitumoral behandling med kemoterapi
Aim: The aim of present study was to determine the frequency of taste and smell disorders occuring in patients receiving chemotherapy for cancer. Methods: The study was of an empirical cross sectional quantitative descriptive design. During one month, consecutive cancer patients at outpatient units in two Swedish hospitals were asked to participate in the study by completing a questionnaire that had been developed previously for a similar study. All participants had undergone at least 1 cycle of intravenous chemotherapy or a minimum of seven days of oral chemotherapy. Results: A total of 102 patients completed the questionnaire.
Stress, self-efficacy och livstillfredsställelse : Finns det köns och åldersskillnader
ABSTRACTThe aim of this quantitative study was to investigate if stress, self-efficacy and life satisfaction varied with gender and age. The sample was selectively chosen in the municipality, country council, private sector and in the trade business. 237 participants were included in the study, of which 94 were men and 143 were women. Age was split in two categories: younger adults (18-40 years) and older adults (41-65 years). The results showed that there were correlations between the dependent variables: stress, self-efficacy and life satisfaction.
En validering av Life Content Questionnaire
Vardagslivets belastning har en stark påverkan på människors välbefinnande, men utbudet av reliabla och valida mätinstrument är inte tillräckligt stort. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att göra en systematisk utvärdering av Life Content Questionnaire (LCQ), en enkät baserad på Krav-Kontroll-Stöd-modellen avsedd att mäta generell belastning i vardagen. Undersökningsdeltagarna var 272 föräldrar; kvinnor och män boende i Stockholms kommun med minst ett barn 0-16 år. LCQs psykometriska egenskaper mättes både genom en kvantitativ och med en kvalitativ studie. Inledningsvis genomfördes reliabilitetsberäkningar och en jämförande statistisk analys mot andra stress- och utbrändhetsmått.
Butorfanol till get : farmakokinetik efter subkutan injektion
Today there are no analgesic drugs approved to be used in goats. Drugs approved for use in other species are consequently being used without knowing the pharmacokinetics of these drugs in goats. The purpose of this study was to investigate the pharmacokinetics of the opioid butorphanol when given subcutaneously in goats. Subcutaneous administration might extend the half-life compared to intravenous or intramuscular administration. Eight clinically healthy, non-pregnant 6 months old female goats were used.
När pappa tog sitt liv : En narrativ studie av fyra unga kvinnors berättelser om erfarenheten av att under tonåren ha förlorat sin pappa i självmord
Grief research generally demonstrates that children and teenagers who have lost a parent in suiciderisk developing severe psychological and physical morbidity, as well as social disabilities, in adultlife as a result of traumatic aspects of the death and complicated grief reactions. The youngbereaved also run a highly increased risk of developing suicidal behaviour or to commit suicidethemselves. Despite these alarming reports, the research field is poorly explored and studies thattake an interest in the long-term consequences and the subjective experiences of the bereavedyoungsters are lacking. A qualitative study using narrative methods has been carried out toexamine the experiences of four young women, who during adolescence lost a father in suicide.The study specifically focuses on the grief process, the short- and long-term consequences, and theneed for social support in relation to family, extended network and society. The study reveals thatthe women?s traumatic loss has shattered their basic assumptions about the world as a safe andmeaningful place.
Den lukulliske Lucullus' passioner; om villaträdgårdar, mat och ett romerskt orginal
AbstractFor this exam paper, I have chosen to delve into the life of Lucius Licinius Lucullus, the famous Roman general and statesman of the 1st century BC. Widely regarded as a glutton and degenerate, I will try to examine if these claims are true or completely exaggerated. My research will be based on the works of Plutarch, the great Greek scholar and biographer, who's our main source of knowledge regarding the life of Lucullus. Furthermore, I will examine two of Lucullus's main interests ? his love for villa gardens and culinary delights ? to see in what way they have contributed to the common picture of him as a sybarite.
Millennium Mindscreen - Om det filmiska jaget och den samtida förstapersonsfilmen
Denna uppsats diskuterar, utifrån relevant teori inom narratologin, det filmiska förstapersonsberättandet och dess konstruktion. Med utgångspukt i en synkron studie av ett antal förstapersonsfilmer (Where the Truth Lies, Millennium Mambo, The New World, The Thin Red Line, The Brown Bunny, Eyes Wide Shut och L'Intrus) diskuteras vilka implikationer dessa filmer har för filmteori rörande just det subjektiva berättandet och om det i någon egentlig bemärkelse finns en filmisk motsvarighet till det litterära "jaget"..
Flexibel för ökad tillgänglighet : Sjuk- och undersköterskors perspektiv på work-life balance
Work-life balance är ett ämne som det har forskats mycket om de senaste åren. Denna undersökning har applicerat de befintliga teorier som finns inom work-life balance och relaterat dessa till yrkesgruppen sjuk- och undersköterskor. Denna yrkesgrupp är intressant då det för närvarande råder brist på sjuk- och undersköterskor på dagens svenska arbetsmarknad. På grund av denna brist ställs denna yrkesgrupp på höga krav både vad gäller flexibilitet och tillgänglighet. Denna undersökning har redogjort för de samlade teorier som finns inom work-life balance, flexibilitet och tillgänglighet.