5844 Uppsatser om Life world - Sida 17 av 390
Livsstil och livskvalitet året efter avslutad hjärtrehabilitering : en enkätstudie
ABSTRACTBackground: To be stricken with a cardiac infarction is among other things linked to different risk factors. Many studies show that the participants in cardiac rehabilitation programs learn to deal with the risk factors, increase their quality of life and lessen the risk for re-infarction.Objective: To describe the lifestyle and perceived quality of life of the individuals after having participated in cardiac rehabilitation program and to see if they had maintained their results up to a year after having a cardiac infarction.Method: The 19 individuals who had participated in cardiac rehabilitation in 2010 after having had a cardiac infarction were asked to participate in the study. Everyone agreed to participate. The study was made analyzing the surveys, one a locally made, that the individuals had filled out four and eight months after cardiac infarction, and the other the generic Quality of life questionnaire EQ-5D, that the individuals had filled out two and twelve months after cardiac infarction. Result: The individuals have not changed their lifestyle after having participated in cardiac rehabilitation which can be interpreted that they have followed existing recommendations. The mean weight increased with one kilogram, no depression is shown and they stress less.
De talar av erfarenhet : uppfattningar om begreppen demokrati och diktatur hos vuxenelever med utländsk bakgrund
I have in this study examined, through qualitative interviews, how adults with foreign background that are pupils in adult education in Sweden, understand the concepts democracy and dictatorship. Their expressed understandings have been compared with their former life experiences as well as with the aim of the social studies to create a qualitative understanding of essential social concepts. My starting point is theories about the adult in leaning processes. It has been assumed that the adult interprets the world much through former life experiences. I have also relied on the idea that having a qualitative, more scientific, understanding of essential subjects is important for the adult as a member of society and participator in the on-going political debate.
The gift of life : -experiences of the kidney donation process
Background: There are many people waiting for a kidney transplant. To get a kidney from a living donor has many advantages. The gift is about giving and receiving. The decision is characterized by life-philosophy of the donor.Aim: To highlight the experiences of the kidney donation process.Methods: A systematic literature review in which 11 articles were included, seven qualitative and four quantitative. The articles are quality and ethically reviewed, the results are analyzed according Granskär & Höglund and Polit & Beck.Results: The results were gathered under two themes: the decision-process shows the path from idea to decision and implementation-process treats the donation and confirmation of the gift.
Wow! : En studie i identitetsskapande i World of Warcraft
Datorspelet World of Warcraft har växt något enormt i popularitet sedan det kom 2004. Idag är det den största mötesplatsen på nätet med användare över hela världen. När vi möter användare på nätet är det precis som i verkligheten viktigt för oss att framställas på det sätt vi helst vill. Vi spelar en roll och bygger en identitet. Spelet erbjuder en alternativ, virtuell värld åt oss och det som är intressant för mig är att se på vilket sätt detta påverkar våra möjligheter till detta.
Vård av patienter i livets slutskede och deras anhöriga : undersköterskors beskrivningar
Palliative care is founded on a holistic attitude, with the goal to alleviate suffering when a cure is no longer possible. Palliative care affirms life and regards dying as a normal process, providing possibilities of a quality time for the patient and family. Studies show that an increasing number of people choose to live the final phase of their life in their own home. A requirement for end of life care is an effective team work, where the nurse is responsible for more advanced care, and the caregiver?s provides the immediate care.
Utopia Trek : utopibegreppets resa genom Star Trek
Humanity has always dreamed about a better world. These dreams has manifested themselves in the vision of Utopia - the good place, but also the non-existing place. Up until World War II man still wrote optimistic descriptions of this ideal world, and spread the idea through literature. In the aftermath of the atomic bomb and under the influence of the cold war, these publications seized to surface in literary surroundings. Despite this utopia did not die - it has only changed.
Anden nu och då : En jämförande studie av pneumatologin i Kyrkans Tidnings Eftertanke och pneumatologin i Luthers lilla katekes och Luthers stora katekes
The purpose of this essay is to analyse and compare pneumatology in Eftertanke in Kyrkans Tidning, in a Swedish evangelical Lutheran context, with pneumatology in Luthers Small Catechism and Luther's Large Catechism. Through a descriptive, inductive and hermenutical approach the essay intends to answer two main questions regarding how these sources 1) describe the character features and 2) the function of the Spirit. The conclusions of this essay show that the character features of the Spirit in Eftertanke differ from the catechisms in describing the Spirit with words connected to nature and life, while the catechisms only describe the Spirit as holy. The discussion that follows implies that the Spirit in the catechisms is depicted as more personal whereas Eftertanke depicts the Spirit more as an impersonal force. There are similarities in how both the catechisms and Eftertanke depict a dialectic relationship between human beings and the Spirit. However, they differ in function: in Eftertanke the Spirit is foremost a giver of life and a creator of positive emotions as well as a giver of guidance, while in the catechisms the Spirit is foremost a sanctifier.
Faktorer för att upprätthålla psykosocial hälsa : -en studie utifrån socialsekreterares egna upplevelser
Research on psychosocial health in social work isn't developed enough. Instead, there's much more research on psychosocial unhealth. What about social workers, the unhealth is often related to the situation at work and the work environment.The aim of this study was to "during interviews understand the factors which social workers experience as important to maintain their own psychosocial health in the life situations". With hermeneutic method the particular interest was directed on how the participants experienced and explained their psychosocial health on the basis of their life situations, and the results was analyzed with Antonovsky's (1991/2005) perspective directed on health and Sense of Coherence (SOC). In the study, we used a qualitative form of interviews which allowed our participants to answer with their own words and from how they interpreted the questions.
World of Warcraft -spelandets inverkan på individen och det sociala livet
I och med Internets framväxt de senaste tio åren har en ny underhållningsmarknad öppnat sig. En ny form av kommunikation och interaktion har möjliggjorts. I denna uppsats behandlar vi nätspelsfenomenet World of Warcraft. Dataspel och beroende har blivit ett vanligt ämne i media den senaste tiden. Det finns därmed misstanke om att detta ökat den senaste tiden i och med Internets framväxt.
Work-Life Balance : En kvantitativ studie av könsskillnader bland civilekonomstudenter
Work-Life Balance (WLB) is defined as the ability to manage both work-life and non-work life successfully. WLB can be evaluated by examining individual?s experience of Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Family-Work Conflict (FWC), both of which can be assessed by a questionnaire developed by Netemeyer, Boles and McMurrian (1996). The aim of this study was to explore if responses to the questionnaire, the amount of time spent on studies, household chores and sick leave, were gender related or not, among civil-accountants students. The survey included 138 respondents (74 woman and 64 men).
Äldres upplevelser av kvalitet på särskilda boenden
Old people's life situation when receiving municipal help and care in theirlast period of life is sparsely investigated from their own perspective. Thepurpose of this study was focused on the thoughts of the aged people andtheir personal experiences on what quality is within the geriatric care. Inthis qualitative study, 10 elderly people aged 75-90 years wereinterviewed from 3 different nursing homes within Solna Municipality.Qualitative interviews, with the emphasis on their present life situationespecially what brought about a good life, were performed. The interviewswere analysed using qualitative content analysis. The implication of theterm ?meaningful existence? is individual and differs from person toperson.
Patienters upplevelser av att leva med fibromyalgi
Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder. It affects muscles and connective tissue. It's a very complex disorder that has no adequate treatment or cure. The research has progressed but there are still some questions to be answered. Quality of life for these patients is decreased and leads to suffering.
Samtalande rum - ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv på individens erfarenheter av onlinerollspelet Word of Warcraft
Den här uppsatsen är en teoretisk och empirisk studie över unga vuxnas erfarenheter av onlinedatorspelet World of Warcraft. Perspektivet som anläggs på spelet och dess användare är ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv. Det socialpsykologiska perspektivet utgörs av den symboliska interaktionismen, sociala roller och rum samt Johan Asplunds teori om social responsivitet. I uppsatsen relateras även teorier om det medialiserade samhällets inverkan på individ och sociala rum. Kunskap om fältet har genererats främst genom ostrukturerade intervjuer med användare, samt genom en kulturanalys av verket.
Nürnbergsprocessen i svensk press : en studie över tre tidningars ledarsidors rapportering av rättegången i Nürnberg
One of the most well-known trials in history is the one in Nürnberg, Germany, soon after the end of World War II. It is understandable that this caused a lot of discussions and that it was a world known trial which set the standards for a lot of similar occasions later on. The aim of this research is to focus on the opinions about this trial from a perspective of well-known Swedish newspapers. The method is to analyse three big papers with different political views and to see what separated them and what maybe united them. By studying the master-pages of the newspapers a picture is given of how the contemporary time had an understanding for the trial reports, which we in our time have established as facts.
Utveckling av kompetenser i MMORPGs : Ur spelares perspektiv
ABSTRAKTUnder de senaste åren har det släppts flera onlinespel inom genren MMORPG och deras popularitet har ökat. Vid vår litteraturstudie framgick det att tidigare forskning visar på att spelare av MMORPG spel utvecklar olika kompetenselement genom sitt spelande men tar inte upp spelares uppfattning kring detta. Därför har vi undersökt spelares uppfattning kring sin egen kompetensutveckling i ett MMORPG spel samt vilka spelmoment som kan bidra till detta. Vi utförde en netnografisk studie med enkät, intervjuer och deltagande observation i World of Warcraft. Vår slutsats är att spelare uppfattar en utveckling av sexton olika kompetenselement.Nyckelord: Onlinespel, MMORPG, Kompetens, Kompetenselement, Kompetensutveckling, World of Warcraft.