

3865 Uppsatser om Level of fear - Sida 33 av 258

Om samspel och gruppklimat i arbetsgruppen : En kvalitativ studie om samspelets och gruppklimatets betydelse för arbetsgruppens gemensamma psykosociala arbetsmiljö

The purpose of this paper is to identify significant factors of influence for the co-existence and team climate within working groups, and to examine their impact on the psychosocial work environment within a group. Team climate and interaction affect every individual in a group. The manager, however, is the one formally accountable for the psychosocial climate in a working group, which is the reason why this study uses the management perspective.As an introduction to the empiric study, an overview of the existing literature within the field was made. A qualitative method is used and the empiric data is based on semi-structured interviews. The study comprises six interviews with department managers within the Social Services in the City Council of Stockholm.

En retrospektiv fallstudie av konservativ behandling av intraartikulära hovbensfrakturer, typ II och III, hos rid- och körhästar :

Hospital records of 32 non-racehorses referred to Skara Animal Hospital and Halland Animal Hospital, Sweden, between January 1995 and September 2001 for intraarticular fractures of the third phalanx, were reviewed, and follow-up information on final outcome was collected to determine whether any injury or treatment factors could be associated with the outcome. Mean age of the horses was 8.3 years (range, 1-20 years), and follow-up time ranged from 1 to 7 years after injury. In 11 (34%) of the horses, injury involved the front limbs. Twenty-two (69%) horses returned to their original level of use. There was no statistically significant correlation between outcome and elapsed time from injury to treatment, treatment variables, or bony union in the present study.

BIM förändrar produktionen

Because society?s demand for quality, efficiency at low cost is constantly increasing, companies are increasingly choosing to invest new methods to achieve these points. Those who manage to find ways to improve their processes are often the companies that have the greatest chance of becoming a winning player in the market. BIM is a new method that can reduce the internal costs while increasing communications between different parties. However there is disagreement about what BIM is and its purpose.

Elevhälsan ? främst förebyggande och hälsofrämjande? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om skolkuratorers villkor att arbeta förebyggande

The aim of the study was, through qualitative interviews with school counsellors in Swedish primary schools, to study what the counsellors are experiencing condition their ability to work proactively according to the Swedish Education Act provisions on student health. During the study, six interviews with school counsellors who worked in the same suburbs, was conducted. The theoretical approach that was used is Michael Lipsky's theory of street-level bureaucrats and the term discretion. The overall outcome of the study was that the interviewed school counsellors felt that they did not have good opportunities to work preventively as the Education Act requires. The main reason for this was the school counsellor?s heavy workload.

"Det är inte bara folkvalda politiker som utövar offentlig makt" : En jämförande studie gällande främjande av integration i fem kommuner i Stockholms län

Based on different integration policies, we aim to examine how five municipalities in Stockholm County are working to promote integration at a local level with focus on voter participation and to some extent, representativeness among foreign-born. Statistics provided by SCB shows that foreign-born tends to vote to a lesser extent than those born in Sweden. Further, we aim to examine the implementation of two policy documents established at a national level concerning integration in contrast to policy documents established at a local level in each different municipality. Further, we aim to examine summaries of actions taken in response to the local integration programs, as well as personal interviews. Each municipality will be considered separately, but we thus seek to make a comparative study.

Medborgardeltagandets baksidor - en studie angående medborgardeltagande i förhållande till den politiska jämlikheten

AbstractParticiapation from the citizens in a democratic society is one of the ground pilars for the function of the democratic society. The goal for the Swedish contemporary democracy is to complement the representative democracy with different kinds of participatory activities for the citizens. But is it working? The purpose of this essay is to exame the problems that might occur when the citizens participate in a wider extent than just voting. The focus is problems connected to the democratic value political equality.

"Det blev för mycket Strindberg" : -Lärares resonemang kring sin litteraturundervisning

This study aims to show how teachers talk about their teaching with regards to gender in relation to literature.We have interviewed four teachers of Swedish for upper secondary school to discover how they feel about, and understand, the fact that gender is a factor in the teaching of literature and that they should present to the students literature written by both male and female authors. To analyze the interviews we use Sannersted's (1991) theory about teachers as street-level-bureaucrats ("närbyråkrater"). He states that teachers are persons who have to follow what politicians have decided but they are fairly free to choose how they do it, but to be able to follow a decision as closely as possible three qualifications have to be met. The teachers have to understand the decision, be able to follow it and want to follow it. We find that the teachers that we have interviewed are aware that they discuss gender issues with their students and they all claim that they present a variation of authors to their students.

Internets effekt på skatteplanering : en fallstudie

We have seen a revolution in the area of communication on a worldwide scale. We begin talking about terms as globalisation, integration and deregulation of the financial market. Companies have been tax planning for decades, the questions is if Internet has made an increase of companies than uses tax planning and which roll Internet plays. It is hard to really pinpoint all the effects of the Internet because of the relatively new area of research. This thesis will take various factors under study such as globalisation, development of the offshore industry and the fight against harmful taxation by the OECD and other organisations in order to describe the effects of Internet.

Synchronous Latency Insensitive Design in FPGA

A design methodology to mitigate timing problems due to long wire delays is proposed. The timing problems are taking care of at architecture level instead of layout level in this design method so that no change is needed when the whole design goes to backend design. Hence design iterations are avoided by using this design methodology. The proposed design method is based on STARI architecture, and a novel initialization mechanism is proposed in this paper. Low frequency global clock is used to synchronize the communication and PLLs are used to provide high frequency working clocks.

Barn- och ungdomshockey utifrån ett tränarperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om tränarnas uppfattningar om barn- och ungdomshockey

Abstract________________________________________________________________Författare/Author Richard TähtinenTitel/Title Youth hockey from a coach perspective. A qualitative study about coaches´appreciations concerning youth hockeyThe aim with this study is to strengthen the knowledge about coaches´ appreciationsconcerning youth hockey. This study contains interviews with three leaders that operate onthe strategic level within youth hockey and three coaches working with youth players in theages of 11 and 12. I have divided my main results into 4 categories, based on an earlier studyfrom Karin Redelius (2002). These categories include the following themes:1) Competition on the good and the bad2) The importance of winning3) Shake-out versus sports on children’s terms4) Instruction, play and learningThe main conclusions in this study show that leaders on the strategic level appreciate youthhockey in a very similar way.

Fuktkvotens inverkan på oljeupptag och pigmentinträngning i tall (Pinus sylvestris L.) och gran (Picea abies L. Karst) vid impregnering med Linotechmetoden :

Wood has always been an important material for people, and it is used for many applications. As for example, fuel for cooking and heating houses, construction materials and for constructing means of transport. Since wood also is a material that with time biologically degrades due to activity by micro organisms and wood fungi it is important to find ways to protect and further lengthen the life span of the material when in service. One method is to decrease the amount of water in the material by impregnation with an hydrophobic oil. The Linotech method which uses only pure linseed oil is one such possible method. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility to at the same time impregnate and stain/colour wood samples of pine and spruce by using the Linotech method.

Ingen frågar varför : Två hjälpares upplevelser och känslor kring arbetet med utsatta människor

In this essay the purpose is to show my readers some of the emotions that professional helpers may experience in their daily work. The result is based on interviews with two helpers who works with people that have a variety of problems. Problems that these helpers are facing can for instance be alcoholism/drug abuse/homelessness/psychic illness or a combination of some of these problems. The questions I´m seeking to answer is; How does these helpers look at their own role and the relationship to their clients, and how do they feel about the group of people they are working with? I will also display some experiences regarding the influence from the society and it´s responsibility towards these people.

Ensamstående mödrars upplevelser av att leva med försörjningsstöd

The aim of the present study is to describe the experiences of high school students as regards the effects of their activities, in and out of lessons, being published on the web. In addition, a further purpose is to acquire knowledge about whether a website could be used as means of increasing the students level of attention, and focus, to their activities in school; and, furthermore, how such a website should be designed to correspond with the students requests.The implemented methods are interviews with students, school administrators and teachers. A survey was conducted covering the student?s personal experiences and opinions. Furthermore, an interface test of the website was performed.

Bemötande, delaktighet och information : Patienters upplevelse av vård på en rehabiliteringsavdelning

Background: When someone suffers a spinal cord injury, the nerve impulses between the brain, the muscles and the skin are intercepted, thereby resulting in motion and sensory loss.  During the recovery process, healthcare professionals play a vital role in ensuring that the patients have a positive experience of care, recovery and rehabilitation.Aim: The aim of this study is to determine how patients at a rehabilitation clinic in Sweden experienced the following: The patient?s experience of how well they were received by staff, the staff?s ability to explain and inform the patient of important details concerning their care and the staff?s ability to involve the patients in their own care.Method: A qualitative interview approach was used when undertaking this study. Six patients at the rehabilitation clinic were interviewed, and the interviews were later analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Result: The collected material was divided into ten categories that were sorted into three subheadings: reception of staff, information and involvement. Reception of staff, with categories: helpfulness, commitment, consideration, professionalism and reception. Information, with categories: if the patients felt well-informed.

Betryggande polisarbete? : En studie om implementeringen av lokala poliskontor i Stockholm län

The study consist of an investigation regarding the implementation of reassurance policing in Sweden and include a survey conducted among some of the local police offices in Stockholm County. The aim of the study is to investigate how the police officers working in the local polices offices experience the implementation of the local police offices and if the implementation of local the polices offices matches the police authority´s purpose with the project. The study uses the theoretical framework from political scientist Michael Lipsky calledStreet-level bureaucracy - Dilemmas of the individual in Public services which discuss the role of street-level bureaucrats and their influence in the implementation. Included in the study is also two different perspectives on governing in public sector called top-down perspective and bottom-up perspective. The findings of this paper shows that the police officers are in general positive towards the implementation and that there´s a duality among the police officers regarding the proximity to the citizens..

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