

3865 Uppsatser om Level of fear - Sida 29 av 258

"Action speaks louder than words" EU, jämställdhet och EPA-förhandlingarna

Officially, the EU gender policy since 2000 has been guided by the strategy of Gender Mainstreaming. This strategy aims to promote gender equality and is informed by a feminist ontology which stipulates that women are structurally subordinated.In this essay, I examine whether the European Commission has adequately adhered to this gender policy in its free trade negotiations with the ACP (African, Caribbean, and Pacific) countries as part of the Cotonou Agreement. As a result of my text analysis of documents related to the negotiations, opinion pieces by interested actors and policy papers of the EU, I find that the Commission does not act in accordance to its stated gender policy.To explain this discrepancy between policy intent and actions, I employ postliberal feminist theory and Robert Putnam's Two-Level Game Theory Model. By analyzing statistics and published research, I explore how gender issues are being represented politically on a domestic and international level.My findings show that a key cause of this discrepancy lies in the low levels of female participation in the political institutions of the EU and ACP; a lack of participation that is especially pronounced in the area of international economics. In explaining the constraints on female participation and the prospects of full implementation of the EU's gender policy in the international political economy, I emphasize the role of culturally and historically gendered institutions..

Vingar som bär och management by walking around- En fallstudie om politikers respektive förvaltningens ledarskap på kommunal nivå

This essay studies the practice of both the political and the administrative leadership at the municipal level from the point of view of the politicians and the chief officers leadership role, and the relationship between politicians and administrators. I discuss and analyse how politicians and senior officials practice leadership, differences or similarities and if their practice of leadership raises any challenges in a democratic framework at the municipal level. I conducted interviews with the municipal political leader and the head of administration at the municipal level in Karlshamn and Sölvesborg. In the analysis I discuss communication as a leadership process which highlights ?enabling elements? and potentials of the leadership process.

Några elevers tankar kring ett klassiskt matematiskt problem. : Om problemlösningsförmåga och argumentationsförmåga ? två matematiska kompetenser.

In this thesis we study four groups of students in grade 8, 9 and 10 when they try to solve a classical mathematical problem: Which rectangle with given circumference has the largest area? The aim of the study was too see how the students did to solve a mathematichal problem?The survey shows that students have rather poor strategies to solve mathematical problems. The most common mistake is that students don?t put much energy to understand the problem before trying to solve it. They have no strategies.

PixelCity Sharp-X : Jämförelser ur utvecklarperspektiv mellan C++ med OpenGL och C# med Direct3D

This essay serves to illustrate the main practical differences between the popular medium-level programming language C++ (C Plus Plus), and the newer high-level language C# (C Sharp). It will focus on the aspects that are readily apparent to the application programmer, such as differing syntax, constraints and capabilities.It will also feature a similar comparison between the open source OpenGL graphics library, and the proprietary Direct3D graphics library owned by Microsoft Corporation.It will not go into the differences in ?under the hood? mechanics that the application programmer seldom have to consider after having chosen his programming language or graphics API, such as C# being compiled into an intermediate language and is run on a virtual machine where C++ is compiled directly to machine code, or the differing principles of rendering in OpenGL and Direct3D.This is by no means comprehensive, many things have been left out or overlooked..

En slumpmässig vandring eller genomsnittlig återgång : Råder förutsägbarhet på Stockholmsbörsen?

This study has been conducted in order to determine the existence of predictability for the Stockholm stock exchange. With this purpose the random walk theory has been raised against the theory of mean reversion in order to determine which theory is the most substantial. Data has been collected from Nasdaq OMX Nordic and furtherly been processed using the statistical software EViews. Swedish listed companies? daily share values between 2000-2014 have been analyzed using two tests; an Augmented Dickey Fuller test and a Variance Ratio test.

Högskolebibliotekens synlighet i lärosätenas strategidokument: En innehållsanalys av högskolornas strategiska dokument och bibliotekens strategiska planer

The aim of this master's thesis is to describe the visibility of the university libraries in the strategic documents from the actual universities to which they belong. And also, the image of themselves they send out, are examined. By examining different kinds of descriptions we want to get a clearer picture of how and in what amount the libraries are mentioned in highest level strategies. By doing this we expect to find out the libraries' strategic role in higher education and research. The research questions are: What role and function are assigned to the university libraries in strategies created by the schools' highest administrative levels? How do the libraries present themselves in their own strategies? The approach is cross sectional and the time frame is year 2008.

Modeller för brösthöjdsålder för tall och gran :

The purpose of this study was to develop two types of prediction models for Scots Pine and Norway Spruce. The first type for calculation of the stump diameter under bark the year the tree reached breast height (Dstubh130). The second type for calculation of the annual difference, e.g. the number of growth years between stump height (0.2 m) and breast height (1.3 meters above ground level). The primary thought with these prediction models is to obtain the breast height age in the trees on basis of the number of annual rings at stump.

"Ibland tror jag man kan ha en dubbelmoral inom sig själv..." : - En studie om gymnasielevers förståelse av jämlikhet på en principiell och konkret nivå

The purpose of this study is, by groupinterviewing students in upper secondary school, to investigate students comprehension of equality on a principle level and a concrete level. The questions at issue are as follows; how is the comprehension on respective levels described and is there any difference or similarities between the two levels? Further more, this study also aims to end with a discussion regarding the result from the mainpurpose in relation to the educational environment. In my conclusion there is to be find a certain difference between the comprehensions of equality on the two levels. The conception of equality is in the beginning principled and there is no exception from the worth of every individual but however, when the conception is brought out in reality it gets depended of its context and the comprehension for equality becomes more dynamic. The project will be completed with a discussion regarding the results in relation to the educational environment. .

OMSTÄLLNINGSBEREDSKAP - En kartläggning av omställningsberedskap i kommunala förvaltningar i Västra Götalandsregionen

The study focuses on mapping how well prepared the counties in the west region of Sweden is in case of restructuring. The study explores what kind of activities and routines that contributes to prepare the organization for restructuring. The study also aims to investigate the effect of precedent restructuring, and if the counties who experienced restructuring are more prepared than others.The research within the field of restructuring characterizes of an evaluating nature and the focus has been after the restructuring occurred. There have also been a lot of studies of the negative consequences on individual and organizational level. Since downsizing is a frequently used method by management despite its consequences is it important to investigate how organizations can learn and thereby be more prepared for restructuring.

UNGA MÄN OCH DEMOKRATI : En fallstudie på en högstadieskola av teorin om unga män som demokratisk destabiliseringsfaktor

This case-study examines the correlation between young men and democratic instability in group discussions with two analyzing methods in one. One part of the method used is deliberative democracy which aims to explain how democracy works within the frames of discussion in ordinary citizens groups. In this study the citizens is upper level secondary school students. The other part of the method used is the theory pulled by many scholars lately, the demographic impact on democracy. With these two combined in one this study compare the theory of young men as more active in political violence and as a destabilising factor of democracy on country-level with the results of the study in deliberative democracy in small group discussions.

Det könade handledarskapet

The aim of this study is to research images of the academic world that is presented, incorporated and reproduced within the frames of the mentorship in the basic level. Can these images derive to the view upon science as a traditionally male area? Is mentorship gendered? Can the mentorship on the basic level be viewed upon as a milestone of a academic career where men and women have different opportunities to succeed?By interviewing seven mentors, working in a social sciences institution in a larger Swedish university, I have come to the conclusion that knowledge is coded male and that this affect mentors mental images of what male and female students are expected to do. The male student represent the scientist, while the female student represent what the scientist is not.Depending on the work of, among others, Kerstin Norlander, Dorothy Smith and Eva Erson I have come to view upon the university as a patriarchal organisation witch produces knowledge based upon male values, experiences and concepts. This precludes the female within this organisation from relating to the knowledge she is supposed to incorporate.

Säkring av nettotillgångar i utländska dotterbolag - omfattning och samband

The translation of financial records of foreign subsidiaries gives rise to currency translation adjustments that affect total group equity. If unwanted, fluctuations in translation adjustments can be avoided using net investment hedges. This study aims to find the extent of net investment hedging in Sweden today and in a short historical perspective, and find explanations to varying levels of hedging and firms' decisions to hedge. Based on annual reports, we determine Swedish firms' net investment hedging policies and their level of hedging. The 32 largest companies listed on the Stockholm stock exchange in the years 1993, 2004, 2006, and 2009 are studied.

Chemotherapy and Cancer - childrens experiences

With good knowledge about the disease and the treatment, the fear and worry of children and parents can be reduced. Children may be helped by painting to express their experiences. In order to have a good care, the care-personnel need to see and understand what the children need. It is important to live an as regular life as possible during the disease and its treatment. The aim of this study was to elucidate how children experience chemotherapy in conection with their cancer disease.

Manipulerar företag sina resultat - En studie av förekomsten av Earnings management i samband med nyemission på den svenska marknaden

The thesis aims to examine the occurrence of Earnings Management (EM) preceding Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEOs) on the Swedish capital market. EM refers to activities and adjustments carried out by managers. The underlying purpose of these actions is to adjust net income. The procedure is typically done by borrowing income from future periods. Evidence of EM around SEOs has been documented on capital markets around the world, and the effects on firms' post-offering performance are severe.

Rider ridläraren?

REFERATAtt en ridlärare själv ska rida är en allmän åsikt som man ofta stöter på. Ridlärarens egna ridkunskaper och färdigheter uppfattas vara av stor betydelse. Men hur ser det ut i Sverige, rider ridläraren?Det finns idag (2011) 1177 examinerade ridlärare med ?level?, enligt Svenska Ridsportförbundet, i Sverige, som är utbildade för att svara för ridutbildningen på ridskolorna. Till ridlärarens uppgift att ansvara för undervisningen av ridskolans elever så ingår det att vara kompetent och kunnig inom sitt ämnesområde, ridning.Det primära syftet med den här studien är att kartlägga i vilken omfattning yrkesverksamma ridlärare rider i Sverige.

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