

13224 Uppsatser om Level based reading - Sida 40 av 882

Jobbkontroll, stress och prestationsbaserad lön inom callcenterbranschen

The application of performance-based pay system among enterprises is becoming more frequent. Performance-based pay systems is used by organizations in hope of increasing productivity and have become more flexible. Employees may perceive the performance-based salary as a motivator or a threat depending on lifesituation and personality. At a perceived threat, the employee may become stressed. Work-related stress has become a serious social problem that can have consequences for both companies and individuals.

Förvandling : från verklighet till fiktion

The purpose of this study is to describe some primary school teachers understanding of language development and approach of first and second language speakers with Arne Tragetons Writing to reading, for pupils in early ages.By using a qualitative method with interviews and participant observations and informal conversations, the basis for the survey was collected. Four teachers in three schools participated. The proportion of second-language pupils at each school was 35%, 17% and 0%. My theoretical starting point in the study was the hermeneutic research tradition, which has been used to interpret and understand the collected material. Theories of behaviorism, constructivism and socio-cultural perspective has been used in the analysis part of this study.

Styrmedel för att hantera kreditrisk: En fallstudie av Handelsbanken Sergel

The Swedish bank Handelsbanken has, according to their own way of measuring, been more successful than a weighted average of their competitors during the last 38 years. They have also handled the recent financial crisis, as well as the one in the 1990´s, better than most other banks. This paper studies their management control system at branch level in order to identify the controls which have been enforced to ensure that a low risk level is retained in the lending. The controls that have been identified are; (1) A decentralized organization with the offices as profit centers where the manager has restrictions regarding risk level and the results are measured as K/I (cost/revenue). (2) The absence of bonuses and individual follow-up regarding performance measurement.

It?s a Guru Thing - Vlog Popularity in the Beauty Community : En kvantitativ samt kvalitativ studie om vad det a?r i sko?nhetsvideor som genererar visningar.

The overall purpose of this essay is to come to a deeper understanding about videos in the Youtube beauty community by using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods. By answering the main questions of the essay which are; What quantitatively measurable components are there in the videos that can be seen as contributing factors leading to the fact that some generate more views that others?; Is there a set mold for success containing certain aspects that a video must have to stand out?; What correlations can be found between the two categories of analysis and how do these potential correlations affect the popularity of the video? and What effects do specific components on the level of popularity of the video?, we?ve been able to distinguish differences as well as similarities on both qualitative and quantitative levels. We have also seen that using the two methods together have enabled us to reach more profound results. The main result that we have found on a quantitative level is that there are obvious correlations between a high level of popularity and a good visual quality.

Diagnostiksystem i gaffeltruckar

This is a final thesis done at BT, considering one of their forklift truck models called Reflex. The first part of this report is about a preliminary investigation investigating what kind of diagnostic systems BTwants to use, and also which demands there are to meet all expectations on such system. Secondly a diagnostic system, which will show if the drive wheel is worn out, will be presented. In the preliminary investigation, two kinds of diagnostic systems were mentioned. These were Model based diagnosis and Predictive analysis.

Det nya betygssystemet på gymnasiet. Blev det bättre? En empirisk undersökning av en grupp gymnasielärares erfarenheter i betygsättning, grupprelaterad- respektive kunskapsrelaterad.

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

Demographic Surveillance System Implementation - Low-level structures of the PDA - PC/PDA communication

Demographic Surveillance System Implementation- Low-level structures of the PDA- PC/PDA communicationThis thesis report describes the continuing work to develop a tool for demographic research at CIDS (Centro de Investigación en Demografía y Salud Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua), UNAN, Leon/Nicaragua.The report is divided into four parts:? Revision of the existing database as a result of newly found requierments? Implementation of the low-level design on the PDA? Communication between the PC and the PDA? A mid-storage database on the client-PC.

Ett ämbete i fångenskap : Diakoners erfarenheter av Svenska kyrkan som hierarkisk organisation

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Varför är skolan svår att förändra? : en institutionell studie av rektorers förändringsarbete

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Reading recovery - what about it?: ett perspektiv på för-
och nackdelar i en framgångsrik metod

Reading Recovery (RR) programmet är en kompenserande läs- och skrivutvecklingsmetod från Nya Zeeland som utvecklats av Marie M Clay. Vi har under 5 veckor studerat RR programmet genom observationer och intervjuer av elever, föräldrar och lärare på en skola i Nya Zeeland. Detta med syftet att uppmärksamma om och i så fall vilka för- och nackdelar som finns i programmet och vad vi skulle vilja använda oss av i vår roll som blivande lärare. Vi har valt att avgränsa och fokusera vår studie enbart kring för- och nackdelar eftersom detta är sådant vi ser relevant till vårt gällande syfte. Vår studie visar på såväl fördelar som nackdelar vid användandet av programmet.

Reading recovery - what about it? : ett perspektiv på för- och nackdelar i en framgångsrik metod

Reading Recovery (RR) programmet är en kompenserande läs- och skrivutvecklingsmetod från Nya Zeeland som utvecklats av Marie M Clay. Vi har under 5 veckor studerat RR programmet genom observationer och intervjuer av elever, föräldrar och lärare på en skola i Nya Zeeland. Detta med syftet att uppmärksamma om och i så fall vilka för- och nackdelar som finns i programmet och vad vi skulle vilja använda oss av i vår roll som blivande lärare. Vi har valt att avgränsa och fokusera vår studie enbart kring för- och nackdelar eftersom detta är sådant vi ser relevant till vårt gällande syfte. Vår studie visar på såväl fördelar som nackdelar vid användandet av programmet.

Lärande på lika villkor : En intervjustudie om individanpassad undervisning i ämnet svenska

This study is a survey concerning learning on equal terms. The purpose of the survey is to get a look into how teachers of today integrate students to obtain an individually adapt education. A good education is where every single student can evolve from an individual level and how education is adapted to let high-achieving students keep their motivation and thus develop from their own level of knowledge.Data has been collected through a qualitative method using semi-structured interviews. In the result the answers of the interviews are presented and it shows that teachers turn their focus towards low-achieving students. Low-achieving students are more in need of support to reach the required amount of knowledge, but that the high-achieving students must not be forgotten by the teachers. .

Gymnasieelevers inställning till lokal skolstyrelse med elevmajoritet : En enkätstudie

The aim for this essay is to investigate students attitudes to a local schoolboard with student majority to determin the level of functionality, relevancy and interest for this schoolboard among the students in a Swedish gymnasium in Örebro. This is done by distibution of a questionnaire form to a third of the students in the third grade . The results show that the attitudes overall amongst the students are positive, although the level of interest is low. One explanation for this low level of interest could be the lack of information from the school board to the students..

?Ibland så kan en bok som jag har tyckt vara lite halvdöd plötsligt få liv och piggna till? ? En kvalitativ studie av formella och informella läsecirklar

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine similarities and differences in qualitative experiences between formal and informal reading groups from the participants? point of view. The empirical data was acquired from interviews with nine reading group participants, of whom four of them participated in formal reading groups and five in informal reading groups. To analyze the empirical data, Louise M. Rosenblatt?s theory concerning reading and a method concerning reading groups by Immi Lundin were used.

Skönlitteraturens genrer: En analys av två universella klassifikationssystem

The main aim in this Master thesis is to analyse how an ideological view may have influenced the shape of hierarchies with a specific concentration on the concept of fiction genre in the latest versions of the systems SAB and DDC. Our thesis is that no theoretical classification scheme can be recognized as objective. With an ideological/institutional perspective we look at the structures behind these systems. As a vehicle we use the hermeneutic circle to show the play between part and unit by focusing and analysing three different levels: the content level the concept level the ideological level. The first level is in the shape of a historical background and an analysis of concept with focus on content.

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