

13224 Uppsatser om Level based reading - Sida 37 av 882

Bonusprogram och prestationsbaserade ersättningar till koncernchefer : en jämförande studie mellan svenska och amerikanska incitamentsprogram

In my essay I have examined how teachers look upon their role as leader in the classroom. I have interviewed six teachers, senior level ones and teachers from the upper secondary school, about how they look upon tasks that involve planning, control, motivation, groups, and individuals. Based on their answers, I have analyzed if there is anything that can be related to a common leader competence within their profession and, in that case, how it will appear.The result that I have found has been that it exists a common leadership style that teachers are more or less conscious of. The teachers decide on what level the classes or the pupils are andafter that decision they plan their education. The leadership in the classroom can be of different kinds depending on the situation.

Vad säger bilden?: En utvärdering av återvinningseffektiviteten i ImBrowse

The aim of this master thesis is to evaluate the performance of the content-based image retrieval system ImBrowse from a semantic point of view. Evaluation of retrieval performance is a problem in content-based image retrieval (CBIR). There are many different methods for measuring the performance of content-based image retrieval systems, but no common way for performing the evaluation. The main focus is on image retrieval regarding the extraction of the visual features in the image, from three semantic levels. The thesis tries to elucidate the semantic gap, which is the problem when the systems extraction of the visual features from the image and the user?s interpretation of that same information do not correspond.

Genusperspektiv i barnbibliotekariers arbete ? Vilka attityder har de till genusfrågor i förmedlingsarbetet?

This Master?s Thesis aims to examine the attitudes concerning gender issues among children?s librarians. The main purpose is to examine what their views on the subject are, and if they consider gender issues when acquiring and mediating books. We are also interested in their opinions about gender stereotyping in children?s books.

Om individanpassad matematikundervisning i praktiken : en intervjustudie med tre pedagoger i grundskolans tidigare år

Studies show that the performance of Swedish students in the subject of mathematics is to be considered somewhat average. The government has therefore decided to assist with extended project funding to schools on a local level in order to improve these results.Schools will, unlike before, practice teaching suited for the individual needs of students based on their previous experiences, knowledge level, language comprehension and their environment. This is also clearly stated in the Swedish school curriculum.My survey shows how three teachers in primary school actually work towards individualized teaching of mathematics and what methods they prefer. This survey also answered what these teachers considered to be the obstacles and opportunities with individualized teaching methods. The difference in approach of how to practice this has also been documented.The survey, based on interviews and class observations, have been analyzed and compared to previous research and theories in the field of teaching practices.

I dig finner jag mig : Väninnor som narrativ motor i tre 2000-tals romaner

By reading three 21st century books am I trying to see how the female friendship is described in literature of our days. The books are Rebell med frusna fötter by Johanna Nilsson, Lutherska badet by Unni Drougge and I närheten av solen by Hanna Wallsten. They are all written by Swedish authors and taking place in Stockholm in the early years of 2000. I am doing a critical reading against the roles of ?heteronormativitet? as the word is described by Tiina Rosenberg and Fanny Ambjörnsson trying to see how the characters are following or breaking these roles.

Läsflöde eller läsmöda? : Ett arbete om hur la?sning pa?verkas (och inte pa?verkas) av olika element pa? en webbplats fo?rstasida.

The purpose of this project was to find out how reading is affected, and not affected, by different elements on a start page. The site I was studied belongs to the magazine Fitness Magazine, and the current site has a problem. The editorial texts and articles don?t reach out to the visitors. The goal was to make a proposal for a new first page of the web site that highlights the texts and the reading.With the help of interviews, user testing and textual analysis, I studied if the texts were in itself that caused the problem or if it was the design.

?Om man börjar från början?. Litteracitetspraktiker i flerspråkiga familjer med små barn.

The aim of this master thesis is to investigate how parents? in multilingual families perceive language learning and reading for young children, and how their practice of this can be understood in relation to their language situation and cultural background.This study focuses on the interaction between parents? and young children in the light of the literacy practice. Important concepts such as early childhood literacy and family literacy have been used to study language, culture and literacy practice as phenomena that interact. The theoretical framework is a sociocultural perspective. Through qualitative interviews with seven parents?, it was found that multilingual families have a strong ambition for their children to learn all the languages spoken in the family.

Varför sagostund? Sagostundsverksamheten på folkbibliotek igår och idag.

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to investigate the reasons for public libraries to have story-time today and also the reasons for story-time at the public library historically in Sweden. Why is the phenomenon of story-time still existing at public libraries today? The study is based on a questionnaire that was sent to childrens librarians in the Västra Götaland region. The material collected in this questionnaire was put together and resulted in six different categories showing the libraries purposes and thoughts of their story-time activities. The categories were: cultural heritage/tradition, joy of reading, language and imagination, library visits, storytelling and mutual experience.

Implementeringsarbete i den svenska grundskolan

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Identitetsskapande i och genom ungdomslitteratur. En textanalys av Per Nilssons ungdomsböcker Anarkai och Ett annat sätt att vara ung

This Masters thesis is a study in library and information science, that examines literature as a tool for young people in their identity creation. Both scientists and teachers have found that teenagers like to identify themselves, when reading literature. The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine how youths construct their identity through reading in relation to the purpose that libraries and cultural politics have in youth novels. The starting point of this study is the sociologist Thomas Ziehe and his idea about identity try-out identitetsutprovning and Erving Goffmans dramaturgy perspective. The main question is: what is the relation between young peoples identity creation in youth novels and in their reality in proportion to the young peoples reading of youth literature and the science about their reading? The question is answered in three parts.


This study aims to identify the municipalities of Hallands? methods, guidelines and policies in integration concerning new arrivals of children and teenagers. Some of the new arrivals are under the power of Swedish Migration Board and some of them are by a contract handed over to the municipalities. The evaluation is based on Michael Lipskys street-level bureaucracy which puts its focus on the lower level of bureaucrats meeting with clients. The frame is Skolverkets guideline for education of new arrivals which is more or less a way towards a common policy.

Ungas nyhetsvanor : Vilka medier använder sig ungdomar igymnasieåren av för att ta del av nyhetsflödet?

This paper is based on a quantitative survey. The study aims to answer the questionwhich media young people rather use to take part of the news. The results showthat young people today in Kalmar preferably and often read newspapers on theInternet and mobile phone.The questions asked was about which media they usually use, the level ofconfidence they had in various media, how interest was in different newscategories, willingness to pay for online news and background issues relatedsubjects. The survey was aimed at high school students in Kalmar and weredistributed and collected on-site at the schools. What was remarkable among theresponses was that young people largely had access to a morning newspaper athome and said that they would consider subscribing to one in the future.

Läraren som ledare : en intervjustudie av sex lärares syn på sin ledarroll i klassrummet

In my essay I have examined how teachers look upon their role as leader in the classroom. I have interviewed six teachers, senior level ones and teachers from the upper secondary school, about how they look upon tasks that involve planning, control, motivation, groups, and individuals. Based on their answers, I have analyzed if there is anything that can be related to a common leader competence within their profession and, in that case, how it will appear.The result that I have found has been that it exists a common leadership style that teachers are more or less conscious of. The teachers decide on what level the classes or the pupils are andafter that decision they plan their education. The leadership in the classroom can be of different kinds depending on the situation.

? Som att slicka på en regnkappa. En kvantitativ studie av kvinnor som har sex med kvinnor och sexuellt överförbara sjukdomar/säkrare sex

The background to this thesis is that we know very little about lesbian and bisexual women's sexual health in Sweden, particularly in relation to sexually transmitted infections (STI) and their transmissions. An internet-based questionnaire with self-selected participants targeted to the group WSW (Women who have Sex with Women) has been implemented. An international survey on the subject shows that the WSW has sexually transmitted infections. This is also in line with the results in this study. The most common sexually transmitted infection in the survey is chlamydia which 12.3 percent have had.

Erkännande och verkställighet av skiljedomar i Ryssland : Hinder mot erkännande och verkställighet av utländska skiljedomar enligt rysk processrätt

This paper is based on a quantitative survey. The study aims to answer the questionwhich media young people rather use to take part of the news. The results showthat young people today in Kalmar preferably and often read newspapers on theInternet and mobile phone.The questions asked was about which media they usually use, the level ofconfidence they had in various media, how interest was in different newscategories, willingness to pay for online news and background issues relatedsubjects. The survey was aimed at high school students in Kalmar and weredistributed and collected on-site at the schools. What was remarkable among theresponses was that young people largely had access to a morning newspaper athome and said that they would consider subscribing to one in the future.

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