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Fastighetsutveckling i Farsta. Ekonomisk analys av TeliaSonera-områdets framtid

Stockholm is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Its population is growing every day and the housing needs are becoming higher. Despite the growth and the need for more houses only a few new housing units are being built every year. Critics argue that if the building rate stays as it is today the development of the city will be very limited since there is no capacity for the city to embrace new incomers.The decision makers in the municipality of Stockholm are planning for large investments in housing units for the coming years up until 2030. There are plans of building approximately 140 000 new apartments to mend the ascending need for new houses.Farsta County is part of Stockholm and lies a few kilometers to the south of the city center.

Problematiken vid samägd jord- och skogsbruksfastighet : De rättsliga förhållanden

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze existing law concerning joint owner-ship in agriculture and forestry businesses. Joint ownership often arises through a succes-sion of ownership, therefore we will go through the most useful methods.Even if the owners of agriculture and forestry businesses are getting older, the numbers of succession of ownerships are still low. A succession of ownership is important to plan and its time is demanding. Often it takes three to five years for the completion of a succession of ownership. Therefore, owners must start their planning in time and think about what is to come of their business.

Transformation från kyrka till förskola

Projektet har genomförts i samarbete med Lokalförvaltningen, Göteborgs Stad.Eftersom behovet av lokaler i en stad förändras över tid efterfrågas en byggnad som kan användas till flera olika ändamål under dess bruksperiod. Ombyggnation av befintliga byggnader kan bli kostsamma och tidskrävande eftersom bärande komponenter eller fasta installationer ofta måste flyttas eller bytas ut. En flexibel byggnad som redan vid uppförandet förbereds för ombyggnation kan enkelt anpassas och användas till flera olika verksamheter. Att bygga mer effektivt och flexibelt minskar kostnader och bidrar till ett mer hållbart byggande. Syftet med arbetet var att ta fram en byggnad som genom enklare omställningsarbeten i byggnadens invändiga utseende kan fungera för tre olika verksamheter.

Ingenmansland? : En studie av medarbetarnas uppfattning om sin tillhörighet och roll inom ett personaluthyrningsföretag

SummaryThe purpose with this study is to give a view of how employees understand their belonging and role in a temporary work agency and its clients. This study describes the employees´ relation towards the temporary work agency and the client. The study should be interesting for temporary work agencies and those who have considered of working in the temporary work agency business.The agency in this study is Manpower AB and has existed in Skövde for five years and has appreciated 200 employees. The company offers fast, worth its prizes and flexible employment agency solutions no matter if it affects a few persons or more complicated solutions. You can find specialists and generalists within the most fields, for example administration, sales, market, telemarketing, technology, and logistics.

Cypern, EU:s halva medlemsstat

Since the 1st of May 2004 Cyprus is part of the European Union. The Republic of Cyprus as a whole is part of the Union, but all of the advantages of the Union membership cannot be enjoyed in all parts of the country. Since December 1963 the Cypriot administration has been separated into two, a Greek Cypriot and a Turkish Cypriot, and since 1974 the country is also territorially divided. The Greek Cypriot political administration is considered to be the legitimate representative of the Republic of Cyprus, the Turkish Cypriot administration is only recognised by Turkey. Since the disruption of the country in 1963 the UN has been trying to get the Cypriot parties to agree upon a peace solution in order to reunite the country.

Den svenska mäklartjänsten är inte dyr - en jämförelse med England och Holland

ABSTRACT Titel: Den svenska mäklartjänsten är inte dyr ? en jämförelse med England och Holland Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Veronica Sandström och Matilda Edin Handledare: Tommy Gerdemark Datum: 2011 ? 03 Syfte: Allmänheten har idag en övervägande negativ bild av den svenska mäklarkåren. Mäklarens arvode i form av provision är uppenbart en av orsakerna till det dåliga ryktet. Syftet med denna uppsats är utifrån detta att öka förståelsen för den svenska mäklartjänstens innehåll och värde. Ytterst vill vi genom att informera stärka branschens rykte och ändra allmänhetens uppfattning om fastighetsmäklare.

Dagvattnets föroreningar som potentiellt hot för en god ekologisk och kemisk status i ytvattnet : En kartläggning av Vallentuna tätorts dagvattenhantering utifrån dess tillsynsbehov

The EU's Water Framework Directive aims to a long-term and sustainable use of our water resources and wants to ensure good water quality in Europe's water bodies. Discharge of polluted stormwater into receiving waters can be a threat to their ecological and chemical status. Municipalities are responsible for supervision of the environmental quality standards (EQS) and therefore need to gain knowledge of current stormwater management, the expected level of pollution emissions and possible appropriate purification steps to ensure that the goal of good water quality is achieved.This master thesis aims to provide this knowledge in the example case of Vallentunas urban area and wants to prepare future oversight so that it can be assessed how much the discharge of polluted stormwater into the local receiving water is a threat to its status. With the help of maps, aerial photographs, site observations and individual discussions those areas are mapped where appearance of moderate to highly polluted stormwater could be suspected. The degree of pollution at the discharge points is determined based on land use upstream and uses standard values according to the administrators assistance "Tillsyn av dagvatten" (MSL 2014).The study identifies 100 areas in need of supervision regarding their stormwater management.

Sammanställning och utvärdering av små avloppsanläggningar utifrån tillförlitligheten hos angivna reningsgrader

The private sewage systems in Sweden releases around 600 tons of phosphorus per year, compared to about 350 tons from municipal sewage treatment plants, and they account for approximately 21% of the total anthropogenic discharge of phosphorus into Swedish waters. About 40% of Sweden's nearly 1 million private sewage systems are inferior with respect to emissions to surface and groundwater. The technology of small sewage plants is under development and knowledge of treatment effects for different solutions is poorly consolidated. Municipal authorities lack resources to keep up with the technologic development and assess the reliability of the treatment performances that suppliers report for their products. The thesis aims to conduct a market review and evaluation of wholly or partially prefabricated small sewage plants, to make it easier for municipalities and property owners to assess different technical solutions. The goal is a compilation of the products on the market, evaluated on the basis of the reliability of specified degrees of reduction.Information on sampling procedures and test results were collected through a questionnaire to all active suppliers and the responses were then used to classify the products.

Julia och eliterna : En studie av hur näthatsdebatten utvecklades till en medial lavin

English title: Julia and the elite. A study of how the Internet hatred developed into a media avalanche.Introduction: During February 2013 Swedish media flooded with news of online hate directed towards women after an episode of Uppdrag Granskning on SVT (2013). Female media profiles were given the opportunity to tell the entire Swedish population about the hate and threats they had been exposed to online. In this thesis we want to investigate what topics end up on the media´s agenda, how a piece of news is developed and framed.Questions: How does a piece of news considered highly newsworthy develop from when it first appears in the media until it gradually disappears? How and why did Internet hatred end up on the media´s agenda? How does the media framed the Internet hatred?Theory: To be able to answer the questions formulated in this thesis, the following theories have been used: Agenda-Setting theory, framing theory, news valuation and media logic. Method: Quantitative content analysis of news broadcasts and debate shows from TV, radio and newspapers.

Att kommunicera etik : - En analys av de svenska storbankernas etiska riktlinjer

AbstractTitle: Communicating Ethics ? An Analysis of Ethical Codes in Sweden?s Largest Banks( Att kommunicera etik ? en analys av de svenska storbankernas etiska riktlinjer)Number of pages: 49 (without enclosures)Author: Karolina SvenssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The main purpose it to answer the main question how Sweden?s largest banks are communicating ethics externally? This question generates a number of questions with relevance to the purpose and subject of this thesis. The ambition is to answer all of these questions in order to achieve the main purpose.Material/Method: The method used for this study is a qualitative text analysis. Applying this method is also done through using a model presented by Norman Fairclough. This model belongs to the tradition of critical discourse analysis.

Afrikansk svinpest : förebyggande åtgärder och kontroll ur ett EU-perspektiv

Afrikansk svinpest (ASF) är en hemorrhagisk sjukdom orsakad av ett virus tillhörandefamiljen Asfarviridae genus Asfivirus. Sjukdomen kan drabba både tamgrisar och vildsvin ochsmittar via indirekt eller direkt kontakt mellan smittade djur men även via vektorer.Sjukdomen beskrevs för första gången i Kenya på 1920-talet och har sedan mitten av 1900-talet spridits även utanför Afrika. 2007 spreds smittan till Georgien och därifrån vidare tillRyssland och resten av Kaukasusregionen. Detta har ökat risken för en introduktion av ASFtill EU.Då viruset kan spridas på flera olika sätt kan olika riskfaktorer för spridning identifieras.Detta är dels antropogena riskfaktorer som förflyttning av smittade djur och djurprodukter,utfordring med matavfall, personal, transportfordon och typ av djurhållning. Riskfaktorerutöver de som påverkas av människan är närvaro av vektorer samt förekomst av smittan hosen eventuell vildsvinspopulation.Flera studier har uppskattat sannolikheten för en spridning av smittan till EU.

Ögårdsparken - en gemensam park för olika kulturer genom aktivitet

Road safety is the result of measures to reduce therisk of accident and injury. (Nationalencyklopedin,2008). In principle, road safety means to arrive saveand sound.Safe traffic in cities is mainly achieved throughappropriate speed. In Sweden, more than half ofall rides happen with a speed above the legal speedlimit (Holmberg, Hydén m.fl, 1996). To reducespeed in order to increase safety requires measureswhich influence a driver?s motives for his orher choice of speed even if these are not rational(Boverket, 2002).

Sakta ner : åtgärder för förbättrad miljö ochtrafiksäkerhet på gator i bostadsområdeni Varberg, idékatalog ochtillämpning

Road safety is the result of measures to reduce therisk of accident and injury. (Nationalencyklopedin,2008). In principle, road safety means to arrive saveand sound.Safe traffic in cities is mainly achieved throughappropriate speed. In Sweden, more than half ofall rides happen with a speed above the legal speedlimit (Holmberg, Hydén m.fl, 1996). To reducespeed in order to increase safety requires measureswhich influence a driver?s motives for his orher choice of speed even if these are not rational(Boverket, 2002).

Likvärdig service börjar med ett gott bemötande: folkbibliotekens beredskap inför 2010.

In 2010 there will be a political resolution to ensure that the Swedish society is accessible to all citizens including people with disabilities. For this purpose a national action plan for disability policy "From patient to citizen" (Govt. Bill 1999/2000:79) has been set out with the aim of ensuring that the disability perspective will permeate every sector of society and that the approach and response to people with disabilities will be improved. The Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs is responsible for implementing the disability policy in the cultural sector.Since public libraries in Sweden are a part of the public cultural sector, they will also be affected by the political resolution regarding accessibility. The concept underpinning library services for disabled people must be that of equality of access.

Bröstarvingars arvsrätt i relation till svensk IP-rätt om ordre public : Ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv

Det faktum att Sverige blir allt mer internationaliserat och samhället mer mångkulturellt väckte ett intresse av att skriva om bröstarvingars arvsrätt ur ett såväl nationellt som internationellt perspektiv, där resultatet avsågs ställas i relation till svensk IP-rätt om ordre public. Idag tar alla barn lika lott enligt 2 kap. 1 § ÄB. Principen om istadarätt inträder om arvlåtarens barn avlider innan honom eller henne, då arvlåtarens barnbarn ärver istället. Bröstarvingar har alltid en rätt till hälften av sin arvslott enligt laglottsskyddet i 7 kap.

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