

1579 Uppsatser om Least-Connection Scheduling - Sida 11 av 106

Applikationsintegrering : en analys av metoder och teknik

Abstract In the contemporary world of information technology you find a multitude of applications and systems covering a broad spectrum of areas of need in different companies. One effect of this multitude of programs is the difficulty to make them exchange information with each other or to collaborate, since they are developed by different programming languages for different platforms, with different standards and different data formats. Our aim with this work is to describe how it is possible to tie these programs together to make them actually communicate with each other in order to exchange information, share their native methods and also to become a part of the overall business processes. In this integration task you will, among other things, find different levels of application integration such as data level, method level, application interface level and user interface level integration. Application integration also involves hardware components, called middleware, that facilitate the physical connection between applications.

Skolan har fatta', det nya är surfplatta! : Implementation av surfplattor i grundskolan.

During the last two decades, technology has developed rapidly. It has become a natural part of everyday life, which we today take for granted. It isn?t until the last few years that technology has quickly become a big part in the school environments. Computers, tablets and other technology is today a big part of the education and teaching.

Produktionsanalys av: Backa Teaters uppsättning av: UTOPIA 2012. När var du i paradiset senast?

This essay analyzes the production process in connection with the original play Utopia 2012, which premiered at Backa Theatre, Gothenburg, Sweden on 27 October 2012.The aim of the essay is to seek a deeper understanding of this particular production process. No universal process plan was employed when creating Utopia 2012. Therefore, taking into account artistic, technical and administrative aspects of the work, a chronological process map has also been constructed in connection with this essay, in order to clarify each step of the theatrical working process.The theoretical approach is hermeneutic, and the material is based on interviews with key individuals with different professions and functions within the working process in order to gain multifaceted perspectives and results. The interviews took place at Backa Theatre with the exception of those held by telephone with the project?s two producers, both of whom by that time no longer worked at Backa Theatre.The findings of the essay mostly indicate that, with the significant exception of director Mattias Andersson?s artistic vision, no fixed process map nor explicitly articulated common goals were employed in this particular theatre production.

Tegnér i gymnasiet : En komparativ studie av Tegnérs utrymme i gymnasiala litteraturantologier samt läroplaner från 60-talet till våra dagar

The purpose of this study is to present a comparative analysis of seven literature anthologies for the Upper Secondary School, from 1968-2004, to investigate how much space Esaias Tegnér is getting and how many and which of his works that is presented in these anthologies.The study is set against the hypothesis that Tegnér is getting a reduced space in the anthologies because of his connection to Romantic nationalism, which after World War II has been associated to the themes and ideology of the National Socialism. In view of this I have asked myself if Tegnér is getting a reduced space in the literature anthologies for the Upper Secondary School. My study shows that this is the case.One can also see clear trends in a subjective approach towards the author. In the anthologies where Tegnér have had a strong prominent role, he is retaining his position even in later editions. Over the entire period of 1968-2004 he is getting a less prominent role, although he is generally presented as the greatest poet of his time.I have also examined the discussion of Tegnér during that period to see if you can find any connection between the discussion about Tegnér and the change his work gets in the literature anthologies.

Folkhälsa och välfärd - En litteraturbaserad studie om hälsans betydelse för ekonomisk tillväxt

The interest in the significance of public health for economic growth has increasedsteadily in recent years and a clarification of this connection may be of importance forthe status of public health. Aim: The aim of this literature based study is to describewhat previous research has shown in terms of the connection between public health andeconomic growth, focusing on high-income countries. Method: The study is based ontwelve scholarly articles retrieved from four scholarly databases. Result: The resultclarify that there is a positive long-term correlation between good public health andeconomic growth in high-income countries. Good health has a positive effect onproductivity, which leads to increased economic growth.

Planeringens sociala effekter : En studie av hur den fysiska miljön återspeglar de politiska visionerna i stadsplaneringen

This essay examines a presupposed correlation between the way one look upon values and the way one look upon the will of the people in a theoretical democratic context. The more specific purpose is to test the following hypothesis: There is a reversed connection between the way one look upon values and the way one look upon the will of the people in a theoretical democratic context, that is; a strong claim of values give reason to a limited conception of the will of the people and a weak claim of values gives reason for a more unlimited conception of the will of the people.In order to test the hypothesis I examine three different conceptions of democracy, these are: pluralist democracy, deliberative democracy and constitutional democracy. I analyze the way they look upon values, there view of the will of the people and finally if there is a connection between the way they look upon values and the will of the people. Values should be understood in a metaethical context. In other words it is not values in the ?common? meaning, instead its how val-ues in them selves should be understood, and even more relevant, what we mean when we ex-press values.My conclusions are, first and foremost, that there is a correlation between the will of the people and values, according to the formulation of the hypothesis.

Applikationsintegrering - en analys av metoder och teknik

Abstract In the contemporary world of information technology you find a multitude of applications and systems covering a broad spectrum of areas of need in different companies. One effect of this multitude of programs is the difficulty to make them exchange information with each other or to collaborate, since they are developed by different programming languages for different platforms, with different standards and different data formats. Our aim with this work is to describe how it is possible to tie these programs together to make them actually communicate with each other in order to exchange information, share their native methods and also to become a part of the overall business processes. In this integration task you will, among other things, find different levels of application integration such as data level, method level, application interface level and user interface level integration. Application integration also involves hardware components, called middleware, that facilitate the physical connection between applications. There is a range of different middleware products offered today on the market.

Avstånd och användning : en jämförande studie av lärares använding av skolbibliotek i undervisningen

The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine whether there is a connection between distance to the schoollibrary and the extent to which teachers are using it as an integral part of their teaching. The study aims to answerif the physical distance to the school library is affecting teachers' ways of working with the library, if it affects thecollaboration between teachers and librarians and finally if teachers that are using a school library outside theschool premises are doing so less as an integral part of their teaching compared to teachers that have access to aschool library within the schools premises.The study is based on qualitative interviews with six teachers in the intermediate stage of the nine-yearcompulsory school, of which three have access to a school library within the school premises and three haveaccess to a school library outside the school premises. The two groups of teachers are compared in order to findout if there is a connection between distance to the school library and the usage of it. Loertscher's school librarymedia program and teacher taxonomy have been used as a theoretical framework.The study shows that the teachers who use a school library within the school premises have a bettercollaboration with the librarians than the ones who use a school library outside the school premises. The studyalso show that theese libraries are an integral part of the teaching to a higher degree.

Analys av fördelningssystem för bostadshus

The purpose of this project is to analyze earthing systems for houses. By practical measurements and theoretical analyzes consequences of possible faults, that can occur within the facility and in the low-voltage distribution network, is illustrated.  The reason for this project is that nowadays one has to arrange with a main equipotential bonding system for buildings. Apart from that, if necessary, bathrooms must be provided with a supplementary equipotential bonding system.The practical measurements verify that potential differences in facilities may be due to voltage drops in the PEN conductor between the origin of the electrical installation and the power transformer.Based on the theoretical analyzes of possible faults, it is considered that the requirement for  supplementary equipotential bonding systems for bathrooms in most cases can be questioned, when basic insulation, fault protection, residual current devise and main equipotential bonding system already provides an adequate level of protection.A PEN conductor loss may result in a situation where metallic parts attached to the equipotential bonding system starts working as earth electrodes. Equipotential bonding system may also increase the incidence of stray currents. If TN-C-S systems is provided with a local connection to earth a redundant system against PEN conductor loss is obtained.

Den ärvda utbildningen och det (o)fria valet? : En jämförande studie mellan fem olika program på Örebro universitet

The inherited education and the (un)free choice?- A comparative survey between five different programs on University of ÖrebroThe aim with this paper has been to examine and to report for different sociocultural background factors (class property, the parents' level of education, the parents' income) importance for the choice of type of education and to see if there is any differences between different university courses with respect to class property. Our issues were following:1. What/which sociocultural factors have had most importance for the choice of programs on universities?2.

Åtkomst till affärssystem i mobila enheter - För- och nackdelar

The purpose of this study was to investigate the reason behind thedecision by a company regarding the desire to use mobile access to theirERP-system and to discover whether this will involve any loss offunctionally in comparison to using the ERP-system on a computer atthe office. In addition, the pros and cons involved in using mobiledevices for accessing the ERP-system will also be examined. Semistructured telephone interviews were conducted with companies whicheither used or did not use mobile devices in relation to their work. Atelephone interview was also conducted with a consultant who isworking with the implementation of ERP-systems and mobile solutions.The survey showed that companies with staff working in the field assellers, service personnel and construction workers want to gain directaccess to their ERP-system so as to be able to act directly and takedecisions, to have the ability to provide more efficient order processingand to send out invoices more quickly. Those companies which have notopted to use mobile devices at work within this field are those whichare unsure of the connection to the Internet and the capacities availablewithin cellphones.

Bemötande vid gynekologisk undersökning : Sett ur unga patienters perspektiv

The aim of this study was to describe young women's experiences of midwives/ gynaecologists treatment in connection to gynaecological examination. A further aim was to achieve a better understanding of the factors that can form the basis of the experience of treatment. A qualitative study was performed in which the participants (N=10) was Swedish-speaking women aged 18-25 years, with experience of at least one gynaecological examination. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, using an interview guide. The material was analyzed according to Graneheim and Lundman´s (2004) method for qualitative content analysis.

Energi- och kostnadseffektiva klimatskal : För lager-, industri- och kontorsbyggnader

A study to optimize insulation thickness for stock-, industrial- and office-buildings for external walls and roof in an economical perspective has been conducted on behalf of DynaMate. DynaMate?s role is to maintain all Scania?s buildings. Analysis has also included other parts of the building envelope, such as windows, exterior doors and industrial doors. In this thesis, three different types of exterior wall constructions has been investigated, these are a sandwich design consisting of sheet metal and a another one consisting of concrete, as well as a wall of concrete with a coating of plasters.

Nätanslutning av vindkraft : vindkraftsbranschens aktörers perspektiv på nätanslutning och tariffer

Wind power is a growing energy sector in Sweden. However, it still represents only a small part of the total electricity production, about 0.7%. In order to create good conditions and to facilitate the establishment of wind power in Sweden, the government has for example, created a national centre for wind use. The objective has been to reach the governmental goal, which is an expansion of wind power by 10 TWh by year 2015 compared to the level in 2002. The Swedish electricity market was deregulated in 1996 which refers to the introduction of a competitive market in electricity production and trade.

Hälsa och hälsorelaterat beteende : En undersökning av beteendets betydelse för den självskattade allmänna hälsan

An increasing number of health problems in the population and an uneven distribution of health between different groups in the society, have been identified as a problems and has therefore been put on the political agenda in Sweden. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to estimate and discuss the significance an individual?s behaviour, in a number of areas, has on his/her level of health.The empirical material for this thesis is taken from a nationwide inquiry conducted in 2004,which was called ?Hälsa på lika villkor?? (Health on equal terms?) The material used consists of the answers and records from individuals living in the administrative district of Kronoberg. 9972 individuals were included in the sample and the answering frequency was 63,2%. To map and analyse the material, which was done mainly through crosstabs, chi-square tests and logistic regressions, the statistics software SPSS 11.5 was used.The parameter used to measure the health level is the individual?s own perception of his or her general health.

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