

3450 Uppsatser om Learning organizations - Sida 54 av 230

Utomhuspedagogik : Hur pedagoger arbetar med naturvetenskap utomhus

The aim of this study is to understand which strategies helped women escape honourbased violence, by reading the autobiographies of seven women. Honourbased violence is a relatively new problem in Sweden, but it has existed for a long time. According to FN (2012) 5000 women are murdered every year in the name of honour. Honourbased violence is about maintaining the honour of the family. Womens sexuality is connected to men´s honour, and because of that they are not allowed to express it.

En studie om kunskapso?verfo?ring vid o?ppen innovation genom crowdsourcing

Organizations that want to maintain a good innovation capability can seek knowledge both within and outside its boundaries. Opening up innovation processes, through so-called open innovation, allows organizations to combine internal and external knowledge sources in order to include previously excluded perspectives to the innovation process. This study examines how knowledge is created and transferred when conducting open innovation through crowdsourcing. It is done based on Nonaka?s (1991; 1994) theory of how knowledge is created through conversion processes, where implicit knowledge can be converted into explicit knowledge and vice versa.

Sociala medier ? strategier,möjligheter och risker

Social media, with its immense and continuous flow of information, has in recent years growntremendously in terms of users and content. This increase has led companies and organizations keen to be seen within these channels of communication, but do they always have a clear idea of how andwhy, and are they aware of the risks that are associated with it? Current research on social media is somewhat divided in two. The debate concerns, among other things, what value the information on social media has, and whether the media is really a good communication channel or not. This raises several questions, for example can a company really afford to remain outside of social media with allthe information it generates? This research aims at answering these questions in order to further understand how organizations discuss social media presence and strategies.

Hållbar utveckling i matematikundervisningen : En studie om hur ett utbildningsmaterial som integrerar hållbar utveckling i matematikundervisningen kan utformas

This master thesis, which has been carried out in collaboration with Fairtrade,investigates how sustainable development can be integrated in the mathematicaldiscipline in the Swedish upper secondary school. The study includedfindings on design and disposition, with sustainability themes relatedto Fairtrade. This since Fairtrade is going to use the study as a basis forthe development of an educational material. The results of the study areof interest to teachers and organizations that want to develop educationalmaterial that integrate sustainable development in mathematics education.The main focus of the study has been the teachers? preferences on dispositionand design.Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven mathematics teachersin the Stockholm area.

Kvinnliga studenters alkoholvanor : På Linnéuniversitetet i Kalmar

As the title reveals this is a study of female college students alcohol habits in Kalmar,Sweden. During the spring of 2012 a total of 118 female students at Linnaeus universityanswered a survey about their alcohol habits. The survey reveled that as many as 67%percent of the answering female students (according to Audit) have risky drinking habits.The drinking habits are explained using Albert Banduras social learning theory in contextto the Scandinavian drinking pattern. The study concludes that female alcohol habits needeven further research. Furthermore the study shows that student initiation have an impacton the female drinking habits and that expectations of that students drink are to some extentimportant to the development of hazardous drinking habits..

Communication works for those who work at it : En studie i hur organisatoriska kommunikationsstrategier kan bidra till meningsskapande under en förändringsprocess

Aim: The challenges that arise from the development of the digitalization are forcing organizations to adjust their activities and operations to meet the needs of the society and organization´s important stakeholders. To be able to keep up with the developments organizations are constantly changing. These changes must be communicated to their stakeholders in a way that makes sense to them and to ensure that mutual understanding is achieved for the change to be succesful throughout the organization. The main purpose of this paper is to study an organizations communication during a change process. The focus lies on organizational communication strategies and the sensemaking processes as organization communicates about the change to its important stakeholders.Contribution:This paper will contribute to the field of organizational communication by filling a gap on empirical studies of internal communication during an organizational change.Method: The main method for this paper is the qualitative interviews.

En analys av hur subjektspositioneringar kan påverka rekryteringsprocessen via internet

The purpose of this thesis was to study descriptions of companies on their webpages on the Internet. This was performed from a socialconstructionist point of view with focus being on subject positionings and gender. A critical discourse analysis was carried out on two texts from the webpages of two organizations on the Internet. Using the three dimensional model for critical discourse analysis by Fairclough, the discourses and subject positionings that the texts included could be revealed. The purpose of this thesis was also to point out the importance of the use of language in recruiting personnel and to hopefully encourage organizations to put effort into text production to avoid discrimination.

Skolkuratorers handlingsutrymme i en pedagogisk kontext : En kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study has been to highlight how school social workers experience their discretion, and furthermore how they feel about working in a context mainly dedicated to teachers. The study is executed with a qualitative research method where ten interviews with school social workers, in eight schools in the area of Stockholm have been conducted. The theoretical framework used to analyze the results was discretion, street-level bureaucracy and human service organizations.The main findings of this study imply that the most important ambition of the social work that was conducted in the schools was to help the students reach their knowledge goals. The assignment is, however, not clearly defined, which has lead to school social workers defining the mission and goals themselves. They all have wide discretion and great possibilities to decide how to execute their work, but how they use the freedom that was given seems to vary among them.

Unga ledares ledarskap - en kulturell fråga

Culture is seen as an abstract phenomenon, not easily defined. It is cathegorized as something that affects every person, though it is seldom described how. This study adress how culture, in the form of basic assumptions and accepted behaviors and ways to think affected how young coaches formed their leadership under the influence of their organization. The possible implications for the importance of knowing about ones culture in an organization affect both the recruitment process in organizations and what the organization stands for and what is conveyed through values and ways to act in the organization. The purpose of this study was, through the use of semi-structured interviews with young coaches and organizational leaders and a review of policys, to get the perspective and experiences of young coaches regarding cultural influence on their leadership.

Föreställande som verktyg för förändrad förståelse: en studie
om elevers lärande av ett särskildt objekt

This thesis attempts to describe the application of variation theory, as developed by Ference Marton, at a Swedish primary school, intermediate level. The aim of the thesis was to investigate some aspects of a learning process. The students were introduced with the theme of ?sustainable ecological development?. This included theoretical and practical knowledge of the art of sustainable living.

Ska det engelska språket implementeras i den svenska förskolan?

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att visa olika perspektiv och åsikter om att implementera det engelska språket i den svenska förskolan. För att kunna besvara syftet kommer arbetet att ligga till grund med bland annat följande frågeställningar: "Vad anser pedagogerna på förskolan om att implementera engelska språket i den svenska förskolan? Anser vårdnadshavarna att det engelska språket ska införas i den svenska förskolan? Vilka uppfattningar har pedagogisk personal i förskolan om estetisk läroprocess?".  Ett tidigare experiment om ämnesintegration mellan engelska och estetisk läroprocess ligger till grund för denna uppsats. Metoderna som användes för att uppnå syftet är kvalitativ (intervjuer) samt kvantitativ forskningsmetod (enkäter).

Vad krävs för att kunna läsa mellan raderna? : En Learning study över läsförståelse, med fokus på att göra inferenser.

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur man som lärare kan hjälpa elever att nå god läsförståelse, med fokus på att göra inferenser, samt att ta reda på vilka kunskaper elever behöver för att kunna göra inferenser. Studien har gjorts i form av en Learning Study.Med Learning study som metod urskiljer man en förmåga eller kunskap man vill att eleverna ska utveckla och söker sedan reda på de kritiska aspekter som finns inom lärandeområdet. En process följer, där man testar elevernas befintliga kunskaper och ett lektionsupplägg planeras, genomförs och analyseras. En eller flera nya lektioner planeras, genomförs, analyseras och revideras. Ett eftertest i någon form görs för att pröva elevernas kunskaper efter lektionstillfällena.Studien genomfördes i en åk 3 och resulterade i följande: De kritiska aspekterna består av ett antal förmågor, så som att sammanfatta text, god ordförståelse och att kunna göra sig inre bilder av det lästa.

ERP-system: utbildning och double-loop learning : Flerfallsstudie om ERP-system i detaljhandelsbranschen

Sammandrag Information flödar genom samtidens organisationer och behöver systematiskt kontrolleras. Genom att implementera Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, även kallat ERP-system, kan företag enklare samla upp, strukturera och utnyttja all denna flödande information i ett och samma informationssystem. Majoriteten av alla företag misslyckas dock att fullständigt integrera ERP-systemet med sina vardagliga rutiner. Tidigare forskning tyder på att den utbildning slutanvändarna får och ett kontinuerligt ifrågasättande av organisationens värderingar, även kallat double-loop learning (DLL), påverkar organisationens möjlighet till en fullständig integration. Genom en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie på olika företag inom detaljhandeln, alla användare av samma ERP-system, har denna studie undersökt vilken roll utbildningsfasen spelar för att DLL ska uppstå vid en ERP-implementation.

Verksamhetsstyrning i grundskolan - En väg till goda förutsättningar för inlärning

This study investigates how performance management in primary schools can facilitate learning, relating to theories of efficient schools. This is done through a qualitative study of the performance management systems in two public primary schools in Sweden. The schools selected were similar in all major aspects, except pupil grades, where there was a clear difference between the schools. The analysis revealed differences in how the schools handled the process of management by objectives, the professional development of teachers as well as routines, rules, and policies. We conclude that having a rooted process for management by objectives, professional development of teachers, and clearly formalized values, gives a school a good foundation to support a pupil's learning and development..

Den levande policyn

In today's changing environment, an increasing number of companies are realizing thebenefits of analyzing business information and thereby stay competitive. By making use ofdecision support systems, known as Business Intelligence (BI), organizations are expected tocollect and process business data and thus get more out of their business.Nowadays it is not enough for organizations to have access to corporate data inside officewalls, they must also be able to bring the information "on the go", which has been thefoundation for the progress of mobile BI solutions. As the mobility increases and thecorporate data leaves the office, new risks arise, which is one reason as to why manycompanies hesitate at the idea of introducing mobile BI solutions.In this paper we explore two security aspects in the area of mobile BI solutions. Our researchquestion is as follows: How does security aspects affect a company's decision to acquiremobile BI solutions? The survey was conducted through interviews in cooperation with thefirm Optivasys, exclusively dedicated to the BI solution QlikView.A significant part of the theory we studied describes security as critical; however, ourresearch suggests a solution on how companies can manage the security aspects.

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