

3450 Uppsatser om Learning organizations - Sida 38 av 230

Att skriva sig till läsning via datorn : Lärarens val?

The purpose of my study is to examine why five primary school teachers chose to start using the method ?Learning reading by writing on computer? in their teaching. How do they perceive that the method works in their classroom and do they perceive that the method affect the children?s literacy?The study consists of a qualitative method in form of interviews with five primary school teachers and also some observations made by me in the classrooms. I will use the findings I made during the interviews and observations and contrast these to relevant literature and research that I have collected.The result of my study shows that all of the interviewed teachers had a self-interest in working with the method ?Learning reading by writing on computers? and that they also worked closely with colleagues.

Utbildningsplattformen It´s learning i distans- och närundervisning

Avsikten med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka om det är möjligt att bygga upp en kursmall i en lärplattform, i det här fallet It´s learning, som ska kunna användas av lärare för att bygga upp både distanskurser och närundervisningskurser. Fokus lades på att dels hitta minsta gemensamma nämnare för en sådan kursmall och dels på att vidareutveckla arbetet med It´s learning på Örkelljunga Utbildningscentrum där jag är anställd. Undersökningsgruppen var i första hand lärare med sina kunskaper och erfarenheter av undervisningen både på distans och i klassrummet, i andra hand elever med sitt behov att ha insyn i vad som gjordes, vad som ska göras, vad har man missat och vilket är resultat av deras lärandearbete i form av lärarens feedback och betyg. Metoder som användes var enkät, intervjuer och samtal. Arbetets slutsats är att man kan, med en kursmall som grund, bygga upp både distanskurser och närundervisningskurser i It´s learning, det kräver dock mycket tid och engagemang från lärarnas sida då mallen ska fyllas på med vettigt undervisningsmaterial och planeringen synliggöras för eleverna. Allt handlar inte bara om tid och engagemang, även bristande datakunskaper hos en del av undervisarna är ett grundproblem som måste övervinnas. Projektet utmynnade i att de flesta av mina kollegor började använda sig av lärplattformen, dock ej alla som målsättningen var från början. Kursmallen underlättade arbetet initialt men den stora insatsen ligger under årets lopp då varje påbörjad kurs ska fyllas på med lektionsplaneringar och digitalt undervisningsmaterial av hög pedagogisk kvalité. Nyckelord: lärplattform, utbildningsplattform, It´s learning, distansundervisning, närundervisning, kurs, struktur, kursstruktur, kursmall.

Learning study med fokus på inkludering och elevers lärande

Syfte: Syftet med undersökningen var att studera lärares erfarenhet av att arbeta med learning study som modell för undervisning. Avsikten var att försöka förstå om modellen kan bidra till att öka den beredskap som behövs för att möta elevers variation i undervisningen genom att ge lärare redskap för reflektion och förändring. Syftet var också att undersöka om learning study skulle kunna vara ett redskap för specialpedagogens arbete inom ramen för en inkluderande pedagogik. Teori/Metod: Undersökningen baseras på intervjuer med fem lärare från två grundskolor,7-9. Inför studiens genomförande gjordes en auskultation i learning study, för att bättre kunna förstå dess upplägg inför intervjuundersökningen.

Alla ska va med... : En essä om storarbetslag, modularbete och dess förutsättningar och konsekvenser

I begin my essay with a story that illustrates how a preschool activity organized on a modular work can be perceived. I describe how the environment has been rebuilt and modified to accommodate one large group of children instead of two smaller groups as before. Management´s justification for the change is that it is carried out to give the children better conditions for their learning, but my understanding is that it also hampers preschool-teachers´ abilities to implement their assignment.I try to understand what benefits module work by examining what well-known researchers believe is important for children´s learning in environmental and preschool teacher´s importance. When I use what I have learned to analyze my story, my opinion is that the change of the preschool activity not have just a positive impact but also entails that preschool teachers find it difficult to be present and in interaction with the children as several well-known researchers notes is important for children´s learning. I discuss how a large and rich environment at the same time can be perceived as incalculable for teachers, which can result in not all of the children being paid attention to in the preschool activity.

En learning study i matematik om ekvivalens

Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva skillnaderna i sättet som lärandets innehåll behandlas i matematik under två lektioner i årskurs 4 om ekvivalens, samt titta på om det intentionella lärandeobjektet var förenligt med det iscensatta lärandeobjektet. Studien kommer även att titta på ifall eleverna lärde det som var intentionen med lektionen samt vilken invarians och variation som skapas under lektionen. För att besvara dessa frågor används learning study som en forskningsmetod i denna studie. Studien visar att grupp 1 inte erbjöds lika goda förutsättningar att erfara det som var intentionen med lektionen som grupp 2 gjorde. Resultatet visar också att skillnaderna var väldigt små mellan de båda grupperna, men att grupp 1 i stort sett endast hade förbättrat sig på uppgiften de undervisades om under lektionen.

Högskolebiblioteket i den pedagogiska processen

The information society creates new demands on the knowledge making individual; besides being literate one has to be information literate. And in the educational society there is an ongoing change from teaching to learning, the focal point being the active student and life long learning. The aim of this dissertation is to within a context of learning and teaching elucidate the relation between user education and subject education by examining what significance the academic libraries user education has for the development of information literacy within students. Some epistemological theories connected with learning is presented as well as aspects of the information search process and of information literacy. Universities and their libraries view of information literacy and the goal of their user education is being focused on in an empirical study.

Kommunikation och samarbete. En studie av bibliotekariers och lärares förhållningssätt gentemot varandra gällande samarbete

The purpose of this paper has been to study the relationships and attitudes of a few teachers and librarians as to their co-operation in a combined public and upper secondary school library and to find out what circumstances there may be to exert an influence on their work. The paper has been based upon qualitative interviews with upper secondary school teachers and librarians as well as on studies of literature relating to our issue. We believe there may be different approaches to the learning process, as these are the relations and attitudes of two professions from different trades. That is why our point of departure has been Roger Säljö's theory about learning and, in our analysis, a few of Jean Donham van Deusen's ideas of joint planning and flexible timetabling. All respondents agreed that co-operation could be better, but the teachers were of the opinion that it must not interfere with their time.

SJ-syndromet - en fallstudie om en intensiv medierapporterings inverkan på en organisations anställda

Media and social media have been proved to occupy an increased amount of time in people's everyday lives and affect how individuals interpret reality. This phenomenon is referred to as the medialization and its implications on organizations and their members become important to understand. The purpose of this study was therefore to examine how members of an organization under intense scrutiny from the media are affected by this exposure in their everyday work. To gain knowledge about the area a qualitative case study was performed on the Swedish train operator SJ AB - one of the most media exposed organizations in the country. A theoretical framework is developed for the study and discusses organizational identity, stigmatization and motivation.

Utredning och uppföljning av adoptionshundars situation

There are some hazards associated with mediating dogs for adoption to Sweden from foreigncountries. Contagion is considered to be one of them, but this report focuses solely on what adoptionsmay signify to the dogs concerning animal welfare. The aim of this study is to investigate how thebusiness in Sweden is run and what this can imply to the adopted dogs. Websites of the organizationswhich perform mediation of dogs, has been examined to show which information is available. A webquestionnaire was sent to these organizations to learn more about their standard procedure.

Undervisningsbehov vid ischemisk hjärtsjukdom - en litteraturstudie om patientens uppfattning

The aim of this study was to determine the self-perceived learning needs in patients with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). CHD is the leading cause of death worldwide. Poor compliance is one of the causes of rehospitalisation. Patients suffering from CHD need education in order to manage their disease and prevent readmission to hospital. As hospital stays diminish the time available for patient education is limited.

Från input till output: En kvalitativ studie om hur resultatkrav inom biståndet påverkar svenska civilsamhällesorganisationer och mottagarens möjlighet till participation

This bachelor thesis is based on the current discourse within the aid policy, whichhighlights and focuses on measurability and reporting of results within the development cooperation.The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish CSOs Diakonia and Plan Sverige, bothoperating many of its activities through which Sida are directing Swedish aid, are influenced by theresults agenda in it?s work, and to investigate which impact this has on participation of the recipient.The research is based on information collected through examination of relevant text such asdocuments from the organisations, agencies and from debate articles and inquires. Together with datacollected through informant interviews with informants from the organizations this information hasbeen analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. The study show that the demands occurringwithin the development cooperation mainly generates quantitative, short term results in order tomaintain legitimacy as an organization. The focus has changed from a traditionally high reliance onthe organizations activities to instead focus on which results the organizations can present as a resultof its work.

Strategier för att erhålla legitimitet i en civilsamhällesorganisation

Non-profit organizations gain increasing attention in society but their legitimacy often decrease by scandals in separate organizations. Doctors without borders (MSF) constitutes an exception and has managed to retain their legitimacy. The aim of this study was to examine how MSF built and retained its legitimacy towards institutional actors in their environment, when the branch in general is suffering from a crisis of confidence. In a case study, this was done by identifying the institutional pressures on MSF and examining which strategies MSF uses to handle the pressures. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews with employees at MSF and actors in their environment.

Bild / Typografi / Bok - abstrakta illustrationer till lyrik och ett undersökande av arbetsprocessen av en boks tillkomst

This is a project about learning from an experience, about trying to have fun and not getting overwhelmed and draining your work. The thing that wraps this whole experience together is the making of a book. The purpose of making the book has been to bring two interests together, illustration and graphic design.The content of the book for this graduation project is written by Fredrik Mårtensson. His poetry tells about the unnatural state of the modern society. I have interpreted the poetry in six abstract illustrations that I made digitally, with the intent to maintain the feeling of something organic.The process of making this book is a lot about learning what it actually takes to finish it, about trying to tell something and a lot about experience practical work..

Instuderandet av notläsning på gitarr - en analys av olika gitarrskolor på marknaden med kompletterande egna exempel.

Title: Learning to read music notation on the guitar ? an analysis of various guitar schools on the market with added own examples. Purpose: To analyse currently available teaching materials on the subject of guitar notation on the market. A comparative analysis is made of five chosen books on the topic. Four criteria for the analysis of these five books are stated: 1) Structure and progression of the study of reading music on the guitar.

Pressmeddelandet - betydelsefullt eller föråldrat verktyg? : En fallstudie av journalisters och kommunikatörers resonemang kring pressmeddelandens funktion

Journalists and communication managers are becoming more professional and to reach out to its stakeholders in society today, organizations must work strategically with communication, to enter the news. Many make use of press releases to provide journalists with information, hoping to influence what is published on the news. With a background in the medial change that occurs is the purpose of this study to elucidate and problematize which role press releases has for newsrooms and for organizations today and in the future. A qualitative interview study has been used, and communication managers from three organizations and journalists from three newsrooms has been interviewed. The study has been combined with a quantitative pilot study of selected press releases and articles from the selected organizations.

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