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Teknikundervisning för yngre barn? : Förskollärares, lärares och anställda i näringslivets attityder till Teknik och Teknikundervisning för barn i yngre åldrar

Syftet med denna studie är att uppmärksamma attityder till Teknik hos förskollärare, lärare, skolledare och näringslivsrepresentanter och försöka ta reda på tänkbara orsaker bakom dessa attityder för att se möjligheter och svårigheter i arbetet med ämnet. Den forskningsfråga jag kommer att försöka besvara lyder: ? Hur ser några ?tidigarelärare? förskollärare och representanter från näringslivet på barns tidiga möten med Teknik? De empiriska data som studien bygger på kommer från 83 enkäter och 2 intervjuer. Enkäterna besvarades av 28 förskollärare, 30 lärare och 25 anställda i näringslivet. Intervjuerna hölls med en person ur ledningen på ett större företag och en skolledare.

Externa ledarskapsutbildningar : En studie kring ett fackförbunds externa ledarskapsutbildningar

More and more preschools are choosing to reduce the sugar consumption. The reason is, inter alia, the increase of weight in the community, but there is also research showing that sugar is harmful to children. The discussions on sugar and children are also a hot media topic.I have chosen to use a qualitative method, interviews, to gather material for the essay. I have interviewed a teacher and a cook in three different preschools, in different municipalities. I have also looked at their various nutrition policies to see how the guidelines for their work on diet and health look like.

Datorkompetens : En studie av förväntad datorkompetens vs verklig datorkompetens vid Örebro Kommun

More and more preschools are choosing to reduce the sugar consumption. The reason is, inter alia, the increase of weight in the community, but there is also research showing that sugar is harmful to children. The discussions on sugar and children are also a hot media topic.I have chosen to use a qualitative method, interviews, to gather material for the essay. I have interviewed a teacher and a cook in three different preschools, in different municipalities. I have also looked at their various nutrition policies to see how the guidelines for their work on diet and health look like.

Om att skapa en databas över Enaforsholms fjällträdgårds 60-åriga växtförsök

Enaforsholms mountain garden is situated in the western parts of the Swedish province Jämtland. This means a maritime climate. After a donation made by wholesaler A. W. Bergsten the country estate became KSLA property in 1937.

Vattendragsrestaurering i teorin och fiskinventering i praktiken : en litteratur respektive metodstudie

Running water-pathways have played an important roll in Sweden and frequently been manipulated. One profound change was made during the period of logging when streams were cleared from obstacles as big boulders, sharp bends and side-streams. Dams and different constructions gave control of the stream water and the streams became channel-like with a homogen structure. This interference gave problems for many fish populations and resulted in a shortage of feeding habitat, over-wintering habitat, spawning habitat, unnatural flow regimes, sedimentation, unnatural temperature fluctuations. Many of these historical changes of the watersheds are now subjects for restoration, ie., bring back the streams to what we believed it was before the change. However, what once existed in terms of complexity is now gone and difficult toreplace.

Hästägares kunskapsnivå och attityder angående hästutfodring

Horse owner?s knowledge about horse feeding and nutrition is directly linked to the horse?s health and welfare. According to several studies, both Swedish and foreign, horse owners generally have inadequate knowledge about horse feeding. The housing systems and feeding routines of today differs in many ways from what horses have adapted to through evolution. Wild horses live in harem herds and roam on large open fields, spending about 60 % of the day grazing, mainly grass and herbs.

Socker i förskolan : En rörig fråga eller en riktig beta?

More and more preschools are choosing to reduce the sugar consumption. The reason is, inter alia, the increase of weight in the community, but there is also research showing that sugar is harmful to children. The discussions on sugar and children are also a hot media topic.I have chosen to use a qualitative method, interviews, to gather material for the essay. I have interviewed a teacher and a cook in three different preschools, in different municipalities. I have also looked at their various nutrition policies to see how the guidelines for their work on diet and health look like.

Samverkansplanering : en jämförande studie mellan praktik och teori

Collaborative planning ? a comparative study of theory and practice Why There is today, according to my experience, a growing interest and demand for a more inclusive and transparent planning process. Also, if we are going to be able to reach a truly sustainable society it is my belief that there is a need for a more integrated collaboration between different actors. Where the social, economic and ecological values can influence and benefit from each other. The question then is, how can the planning system accommodate that kind of collaboration? Purpose My aim for this thesis has been to study a selection of the theoretical work that exist about collaborative planning.

Alternativa skogsbruksmetoder i Norden : ett välbehövligt komplement?

Clearcutting systems have been the dominating silvicultural approach during the last decades in the Nordic countries. While economically rational, it is also leading to a trivialisation of the flora and fauna, and may result in negative reactions of people in urban settings. As a consequence of this, and a more diversified view on which goods and services forests should deliver, there is an increasing interest in broadening the range of silvicultural methods that are used. The term continuous cover forestry (CCF) represents a suite of methods that have gained increasing interest in the Nordic countries. In CCF a considerable amount of the trees are left after harvest to favour values that require a continuity of tree-covered areas. There are thus hopes that this method will meet the needs for maintaining biodiversity and satisfy social and cultural values.

Insatser och åtgärder för främjandet av laddelbilar i Sverige

To achieve the goal of fossil independency in the Swedish vehicle fleet in 2030, it would be important to substantially increase the proportion of electric vehicles, both BEV:s (Battery Electric Vehicles) and PHEV:s (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles). The Swedish Energy Agency has funded numerous research and development projects about electric vehicles in recent years. An important task for the Swedish Energy Agency is to allocate state funds to those projects with the greatest potential to contribute to increased establishment of electric vehicles in society. The purpose of this work is mainly to understand the efforts and measures that can make the market for electric vehicles to grow. The report can contribute to a better understanding of how far the research on electric vehicles has come and what has to be done in the future to promote the establishment of electric vehicles. Another aim for this report is that it should serve as a basis for future decisions by the Swedish Energy Agency on which projects that will be funded with state funds.

Vilka faktorer påverkar ett mjölkföretags tillväxt? : en jämförelse mellan Sverige och Danmark

Dairy farms have during a long time been under pressure and this situation was aggravated during the spring and summer of 2009, when profitability declined to historically low levels. Lower milk price and relatively high input prices have caused Swedish dairy farms great liquidity concerns and profitability problems. For a long time, Denmark has been identified as a leading country for the agrarian development with a leading structural rationalization and willingness to grow. In 2009, it was shown that the Danish agriculture, which is generally more leveraged, has difficulties in maintaining profitability and when market price of land started to fall, the proportion of technically insolvent agricultural enterprises rose dramatically. In light of this prevailing situation, this study highlights differences between Denmark and Sweden with the hope to Learn from each other.

Food traceability system for Swedish origin food items : an assessment of the application ?våga fråga - få en bonde på köpet? from a farmer perspective

In June 2013 a debate concerning the consumers? right to a label of origin on food packages was held in the Swedish parliament (www, Riksdagen, 2014). The debate was sparked by some food scandals where labelling was falsely used, claiming something that was not true ? the horse-meat scandal, frozen strawberries infected by Hepatitis A, pork sold as beef, etc. These cases were not only wrong in terms of food safety, but also fraudulent and threating consumers? right to fair origin labelling.

Kv. Tvättstugan, ett flerbostadshus med massiv trästomme : Ett examensarbete om akustik- och brandkrav samt en jämförelse av energi- och fuktaspekter

Title: Kvarteret Tvättstugan, an apartment building with massive wood construction. A thesis about acoustic and fire requirements and a comparison of energy and moisture aspects. Earlier restrictions in the Swedish legislation have resulted that only a small percentage of the apartment buildings that have been built are designed with a massive wood construction. It has been allowed to build unrestricted with wood since 1994 as long as the function of requirements are fulfilled. This change in the rules together with the great environmental benefits of wood has led to that more companies choose to build apartment buildings with wood. One of these companies is Folkhem Production AB.

Filmiska landskap : film som representation, verktyg och handling i landskapsarkitektur

The title of the final thesis is Filmic landscapes ? film as representation, tool and practice in landscape architecture. The aim of the final thesis is to investigate how film as a medium can be used to describe, interpret and manipulate the understanding of a place and its design. What kind of aspects of landscape architecture can film as a medium in a design-process emphasize or create? How can filming, as a self-standing act, contribute to the understanding of the landscape and a landscape-related design-process? The thesis is divided into two parts, one theoretical part that consists of an essay, and one practical part that consists of a 11minute long filmic reflection of the ?Glass-houses?in Kosta, Sweden, created by the Swedish designer and architect Bruno Mathsson.

Så nära mig men ändå på distans En presentation av EFT, Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy och en studie av ett försök att arbeta med delar av EFT i en svensk familjerådgivning

In my work as family counselor I have long seen a pattern with many of the couples I?ve met. Thepattern consists of a movement where one person take an offensive, accusing and sometimeschasing position, whilst the other person is on the retreat. Over and over again I?ve made theexperience that if you help them solve a single problem another one pops up.

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