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Kunskap om och attityder till dopning bland styrketränande unga vuxna : En kvantitativ undersökning i Mellansverige

The main purpose of this study was to determine the self-estimated levels of knowledge about doping for a group of strength training young adults, and also to get an idea of their attitudes regarding the subject. A part of the purpose was also to investigate the potential associations between knowledge and attitude. Method: To collect information a questionnaire was constructed that was inspired by a similar study and in consultation with the tutor. Questions regarding background, doping and training experiences together with self-esteemed attitudes and knowledge about doping were included. Questionnaires were handed out at gym facilities in central Sweden, and were answered by men and women ages 18 to 35 years.

Ett aktivt beslut att renovera passivt : En ekonomisk jämförelse vid upprustning av miljonprogrammetsflerbostadshus

As a result of increased energy prices more and more energy-efficient homes are coveted. An energy-efficient alternative is passive houses, which is characterized by an extremely well insulated building envelope that recovers the heat without the use of radiators or under floor heating. But a passive house requires a higher investment cost than a conventional building project, since it will require more construction materials, training of construction workers, greater land area, and long construction period. But the lower operating cost expects to pay back the higher cost of investment. We therefore question how profitable a passive house is in relation to houses built according to modern conventional building techniques.The aim of our study is to investigate the viability of passive houses compared to convent­ional houses.

What factors correlates with the use of game meat, wild fish, berries and mushroom in Swedish households : urban vs. rural areas

This study was made to see too what extent Swedes uses consumptive resources such as berries and mushrooms, game meat and meat from fish in their household on a yearly basis. I have also looked into the difference between rural and urban areas in Sweden. Further aim was to determine what factors that correlates with the participation in berry and mushroom picking and the use of game and fish meat within the household. The study was conducted in form of a mail survey that was sent to randomly chosen persons in every municipality in the six northern most counties in Sweden and in the county of Stockholm. In addition a sample was sent to randomly chosen persons on a national level.The results showed there is a difference in use between rural and urban areas in Sweden in all 4 investigated consumptive resources.

Arbetsrelaterad stress och dess inverkan på möjligheten till att vara fysiskt aktiv, hos ett urval av grundskolelärare : Intervjuundersökning

The main purpose of this study was to determine the self-estimated levels of knowledge about doping for a group of strength training young adults, and also to get an idea of their attitudes regarding the subject. A part of the purpose was also to investigate the potential associations between knowledge and attitude. Method: To collect information a questionnaire was constructed that was inspired by a similar study and in consultation with the tutor. Questions regarding background, doping and training experiences together with self-esteemed attitudes and knowledge about doping were included. Questionnaires were handed out at gym facilities in central Sweden, and were answered by men and women ages 18 to 35 years.

Nöjdhet hos kvinnor som väljer planerad hemförlossning i de nordiska länderna

Bakgrund: Endast ett fåtal kvinnor i Sverige och övriga nordiska länder väljer en planerad hemförlossning. Organisationen för en planerad hemförlossning varierar mellan de nordiska länderna. Det är inte känt hur nöjda dessa kvinnor är med sin hemförlossning, det är därför av intresse att öka kunskapen om hur nöjda kvinnor i Sverige och Norden är med sin planerade hemförlossning.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva förekomsten av nöjdhet hos kvinnor som genomgått en planerad hemförlossning samt att jämföra förekomsten av nöjdhet hos kvinnor i Sverige med Danmark, Norge och Island.Metod: Studien är en retrospektiv tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Materialet är insamlat 2010-2013 inom ramen för forskningsnätverket ?Nordic Homebirth? via en enkätformulär på internetsidan www.nordichomebirth.com.

En omöjlig Gud? : en jämförelse mellan gudsbilden i postmodern teologi och östkyrklig apofatisk teologi

In some postmodern philosophy and theology, the view of God has returned to the centre of the discussion. God is seen as a living reality beyond human conception. Some of the contemporary philosophers even relate to the negative or apofatic theology. They often do this as a contrast to the positive theology. The view of God in postmodern theology and philosophy is beyond our rational knowledge.

Jämförelse av fyra rundbalspressars packningsförmåga som funktion av grödans torrsubstanshalt :

To succeed, and make money at your animal production you need to feed your animals with high quality fodder. Other condition to succeed is that you keep your production costs at a minimum. To be able to produce baled silage at a low cost it?s very important that the bales have a high density. Density is measured in kg dry matter (DM) per cubic meter. The purpose with this report was to Learn more about making silage in round bales and to how much the bale density varies between different brands of round balers.

Tron är aldrig allena ? en undersökning av Kristusföreningsmotivet i den finska Lutherforskningen, med en följande diskussion utifrån deras kritik av modern protestantisk teologi

In this essay I present an outline and examination of the Finnish Luther research, withan aim to Learn more about some different aspects of Luther?s teaching on justificationas sanctification, and sanctification as the growth of the new man. I will also draw myattention to the formal language of metaphysics, as it is continuously employed by Luther to depict the issues and the content of his reformation theology. Apart from the program of research in Helsinki, I have turned to the writings of Luther himself; and I have as well tried to engage in a broader survey of Luther-scholars, some of which seem to, or in fact, support the Finnish interpretation, others which raise a critical stance towards it. The later portion of the essay picks up on the Finnish critique of dominant 19th and 20th century German Lutheran theologians, such as Albrecht Ritschl and Gerhard Ebeling.

Urbana utväxter : konsumtionskoncentrat

The shopping mall is a reflection of the city and its habitants, a concentrate of the modern city. I have studied the dialogues of malls and the communication within, how malls are put together and what they communicate. The city is constantly changing. As soon as we try to grasp the city, it slips away. My opinion is that city planners and landscape architects need to widen their views. City planning needs to develop to better fit to the changes of our modern cities.

Vanans makt : Betydelsen av vana i praktiska verksamheter i naturen

AbstractOur life-experiences and our background form the way we act and the activities we are involved in. The overall purpose in this thesis has been to study what habits are to be found in different activities related to the outdoors and how these habits have been developed. Hopefully this work can contribute to a better understanding of the meaning of habits in our lives and thereby play a part in a further differentiated talk about habits and knowledge in society. The background and my theoretical approach has been three views of habits:In practice these patterns of habits are not separable so this approach should be seen as a way of making the development of habits clearer. Another purpose is to study how the following concepts can be related to habits: Reflection, master-apprentice, episte?me, techne, phronesis, interest and tacit knowledge.

Måltiden, en tid för språkutveckling?

Syftet med denna studie är att studera hur ett språkutvecklande förhållningssätt kan yttra sig i planeringen, organiserandet och utförandet av en vardaglig rutin på förskolan nämligen måltiden och då specifikt lunchen. Jag har valt att fokusera på lunchen eftersom den är en vardaglig aktivitet som förekommer på varje svensk förskola. Undersökningens design utgörs av två komparativa fallstudier och jag använder mig av två kombinerade metoder. Dels gör jag två typer av strukturerade observationer och dels genomför jag ostrukturerade intervjuer. Jag har valt att undersökta två förskolor i Stockholmsområdet.

Vegetationsbekämpning i dräneringsdiken inom ett järnvägsområde i Västra Götalandsregionen

My purpose with this thesis has been tostudy the intersection between Landscapearchitecture and Land Art. They both relateto the landscape in some way whetherit is to the urban landscape or thenatural landscape.What tangent points are there betweenthese two subjects, and can you Learnsomething of the artists approach to thelandscape?Land Art is an art movement that began inthe late 60?s, what links are there to thecurrent landscape?Last summer, I travelled around the U.S.for a month and visited the three classicLand Art projects. Lightning Field in NewMexico, by Walter De Maria, Sun Tunnels inUtah, by Nancy Holt and the Spiral Jetty,also in Utah, by Robert Smithson.The sites where visited from half a day upto 24 hours and was described and analyzedwith text and photographs.To visit these sites has been crucial formy thesis and will affect my future workas a landscape architect. The use of themethod has been a thought of mine for along time, particularly to analyze ordescribe a landscape with images.

Kulturell Globalisering : en litteraturstudie

Today we are living in a time were impulses from other places and cultures constantly grow and the contact over the boundary is getting bigger. We se satellites pictures over the world, we hear about worldwide ecological problems, we Learn about other different lifestyles, we cock food that are inspired from the worlds many kitchens, we shop more and we can travel to different parts of the world. My problem was to find out how cultural phenomenon spreads to a greater extent global and how this transference take place, but also be able to se what factors that has a part in the cultural spread.What I found with help from my literature study was that trough improved communication and transports has gained mobility in the world and people can take part off others culture.The world is shrinking and this means that human beings identity is changing and this create a so-called hybrid mixture. Culture is what we human beings create. Culture can be seen as a community phenomenon for the most parts.

Kvalitetsarbete i grundskolan ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv - en fallstudie

Abstract Heléne Slivka (2013). Kvalitetsarbete ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv ? en fallstudie. (Quality assurance process in the elementary school from a special education perspective ? a case study.) The research This essay investigates the language in the school´s quality assurance documents. An important aspect of this is the way in which language structures and informs how we think about, and work with, students with special needs. Aim The aim of this essay is to problematize how students with special needs are represented in the quality assurance documents of the school. The writer intends to point out how the ways in which the language used to describe students informs governing processes.

Land Art och landskap : en studie av tre Land Art-projekt ochderas förhållande till landskapet

My purpose with this thesis has been tostudy the intersection between Landscapearchitecture and Land Art. They both relateto the landscape in some way whetherit is to the urban landscape or thenatural landscape.What tangent points are there betweenthese two subjects, and can you Learnsomething of the artists approach to thelandscape?Land Art is an art movement that began inthe late 60?s, what links are there to thecurrent landscape?Last summer, I travelled around the U.S.for a month and visited the three classicLand Art projects. Lightning Field in NewMexico, by Walter De Maria, Sun Tunnels inUtah, by Nancy Holt and the Spiral Jetty,also in Utah, by Robert Smithson.The sites where visited from half a day upto 24 hours and was described and analyzedwith text and photographs.To visit these sites has been crucial formy thesis and will affect my future workas a landscape architect. The use of themethod has been a thought of mine for along time, particularly to analyze ordescribe a landscape with images.

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