

899 Uppsatser om Learn - Sida 50 av 60

?Är man inte trovärdig när man pratar om sex och samlevnad så blir man kapad vid knäna" En kvalitativ studie om lärares förutsättningar och tillvägagångssätt i sex och samlevnadsundervisningen

Abstract: Introduction: Even though that it is mandatory by law since 1955 in Sweden, teachers stilldon?t get any education courses in sex education. There has been almost no research on whateffects the sex education has had on the general population in Sweden. Aim: The aim for thisstudy has been to look at middle school teacher?s ways of conducting and there conditions insex education.

?I wanted and I want to learn more!? ? Japanska ungdomars uppfattningar om och erfarenheter av sexualitet, sexualundervisning och sexualupplysning

Syfte Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka japanska ungdomars uppfattningar om och erfarenheter av ämnena sexualitet, sexualundervisning och sexualupplysning. I anslutning till det undersöks ungdomarnas upplevda möjlighet att få sexualupplysning i Japan, samt vilka metoder och kanaler de använder sig av för att få tag på informationen. Frågeställningar * Vad har japanska ungdomar för uppfattningar om och erfarenheter av sexualitet?* Vad har japanska ungdomar för uppfattningar om och erfarenheter av sexualundervisning i skolan?* Vad har japanska ungdomar för uppfattningar om och erfarenheter av sexualupplysning?Metod Jag har använt en kvalitativ metod och gjort tolv intervjuer med japanska ungdomar i åldrarna 21-26 år. Jag använder mig av tio av dessa intervjuer i uppsatsarbetet där ungdomarnas egna och subjektiva erfarenheter, ord, beskrivningar och uttryck är centrala.

Egenvård vid hjärtsvikt- en enkätstudie om vilka egenvårds åtgärder personer med hjärtsvikt säger sig använda i det dagliga livet

Heart failure is an illness that requires life-long treatment and often affects everyday aspects of a person?s life. Self-care is a significant part of the treatment. Good self-care resources make it possible for people with heart failure to make the lifestyle changes they often need to maintain or improve their level of health. Self-care means having knowledge of and being able to recognize the symptoms and signs of deterioration that can occur with heart failure, so that the person can take appropriate measures ? and it also means knowing when it is time to seek professional help.

Blixten & Ida, två elever med synnedsättning möter läs- & skriftspråket

By studying recent literature and following current research we know that language awareness and a rich language is important to all children when Learning reading and writing and that decoding and understanding of the words are the fundamental processes in reading. How do pupils with visual impairment Learn how to read and write? What strategies do they use in their contacts with reading and writing? What are the advantages do pupils with visual impairment have when Learning to read and write? These questions have been the starting points in a study we have done by following two pupils with visual impairment. By meeting and discussing with the children, their parents, teachers, and lowvisiontherapists we have got a deeper knowledge in how these children meet the language in reading and writing. We have also come to an understanding regarding people surrounding the children have to make reading and writing comprehensive, enjoying, and meaningful.The problem for a child with visual impairment is the decoding, to catch letters and pictures of words good enough with the sight.

?De som kan simma ska få fördjupning?   : en studie om utvalda skolors simundervisning  

AbstractAim: The purpose of this study was to describe and compare education in swimming in grade six in two different schools. Another purpose was to investigate students? perception of their swimming skills and their attitudes to education in swimming. The more précised questions were: (1) How is the education in swimming organized in each school? (2) How do the teachers control that the students reach the goals to attain in swimming in the 5: th grade? (3) How do the students judge their own swimming knowledge? And (4) What attitudes towards the education in swimming do the students have?Method: A quantitative method, a questionnaire, was used to answer the purpose and questions of the study.

Effekter av kolhydraträkning vid diabetesdebut hos barn och ungdomar : En registerstudie

Abstract Aims and objectives. To examine whether an intervention with carbohydrate- counting at onset of type 1 diabetes in children, has had any effect on metabolic indicators such as HbA1c , BMI-sds and total daily insulin / kg, 2 months and 1 year after onset by age and gender .Background. The pediatric department at the university hospital of Norrland in Umeå (NUS), has since several years a higher average HbA1c among children 0-17 years, compare with pediatric departments in the rest of Sweden.  Therefore, in autumn 2011, an intervention was made to teach children with diabetes and their parents to count carbohydrates from the onset of diabetes. Using this method they can regulate their insulin doses depending on the amount of carbohydrates they are eating.Design. This is an empirical registry study done on the basis of a quantitative method.

Läromedel inom ämnet Teckenspråk för hörande : -

The aim of this study is to establish an understanding of how the concept educational materials can be interpreted, as well as to investigate how teachers describe their use of educational materials. The focus of this study is the subject ?Sign Language for the hearing?, at the upper secondary level. We, the authors of this essay, both have a great personal interest in this language. Swedish Sign Language is the sign language mainly used in Sweden.

Min stol, din stol : -Stolar som passar fler

This account deals with my degree in furniture design. The project was done in collaboration with the architect firm Byggnadskonst AB in a quest for the cafe chain "Vivels"Byggnadskonst AB?s mission was to make the interior of the cafe that Vivels is building in Larsberg Center on Lidingö. My assignment was to design chairs for the café. In the beginning I had even thought about designing a table, but as time past I focussed more and more on the chairs.

Barn och ritualer Religiös traditionsförmedling i tre hinduiska hem

The aim in this bachelor thesis is to describe and analyze ritual performance and transference of religious traditions in some Hindu homes in Varanasi (India). In particular from the children?s perspective. The curriculum of Religious Education in the Swedish schooling system focuses on religious life, expression and practice. Thus, this thesis is about ?lived Hinduism?, ritual performance and religious practices.

Barn, familj och klass : en jämförande studie av läseböcker i svenskämnet för årskurs 3, från 1950 till 2009

In primary school reading-books in Swedish language is something that students come across early in school and have done ever since the 1800s. After World War II there have been major changes in society. 1962 there was a school reform where the school turned into a nine-year system of compulsory education. That is why it is interesting to see what reading books contain with regard to notions of children, family and class and how the developments have been from the 1950s until the present time. This study aims to analyze and compare the different aspects of how notions of children, family and class are produced in the reading books for primary school for pupils in third grade, between 1950 and 2009.The research questions were:What are the notions of children, family and class in the reading-books?What differences/similarities exist in the reading books from the 1950s to the  recent decades?What could be the reason?I have chosen to apply qualitative text analysis originating in idea analysis.

Fingertoppskänsla : en essä om etik, bemötande och samspel på förskolan

In this text I will work on three situations from my daily work as a pedagogue at preschool. The situations are about how pedagogues at preschool relate to children in difficult situations, e.g. when they pee in their pants or long for their pacifier. Those are situations which occur frequently at preschool, but they are still rarely coming up for discussions. The problem in the situations is difficult to describe which makes the essay a suitable form for me to explore and discuss it.

Vad kan grundskolan lära av särskolan? Att arbeta med matematik med elever i gråzonen

Andersson, Anna (2008) Vad kan grundskolan lära av särskolan? Att arbeta med matematik med elever i gråzonen. (What can compulsory school Learn from the special school for pupils with Learning difficulties? Teaching mathematics to children in the gray zone). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogisk påbyggnadsutbildning, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka och beskriva hur man på två olika särskolor arbetar med elever i gråzonen och deras matematiska utveckling för att kunna ha nytta av det för eleverna i gråzonen i grundskolans tidiga skolår (F-6). Genom studiebesök och intervjuer med specialpedagoger i särskola har jag tagit reda på hur de arbetar med elever i gråzonen och deras matematiska utveckling.

Skiljer sig hundvalpars lekbeteende åt mellan raser och kön? :

There are many theories why animals play but none have jet been proven. During observation on Canids, play seems to be important when they Learn to control the intensity of the bite and to facilitate the social structure within a group. When dogs play they perform behaviours that otherwise are used during hunting, reproduction and aggression that in another context would be for example hostile. The dog is one of the species that we humans have domesticated and they have been exposed to an intense and concentrated breeding so they can function in different areas, for example herding and hunting. This breeding has resulted in that the pure bred dogs can be very different between the breeds.

?Vi vet ju inte vad de kristna egentligen tror på.? En studie om elevers syn på sin undervisning om kristendom i religionskunskap

Johanna Petrén, a prospective teacher of religion, has examined how a couple of students view Christianity as it is presented in a Religious Education classroom. Furthermore, how this image matches their experience of Christianity outside of school. The key questions of this essay are: How do the students generally describe Christianity and what it means to be a Christian based on the image they have acquired from outside of school, or from Christian friends, confirmation or their own faith? How do the students describe Christianity according to what they Learn in Religious education at school? What potential differences do the students perceive between the image of Christianity conveyed by the school and the image they have of Christianity from outside of school? Does the school's teaching influence the credibility and interest in Christianity? The questions have been discussed in focus group interviews, in which the students way of reasoning and talking about religious matters were analysed based on previous research. References used in the analysis includes research on topics such as science of religious history, religion in multicultural and postcolonial rooms, secularism and discourse analysis have.

Läromedel i engelskundervisningen : En studie gällande läromedels utformning, läromedlets roll i lärares undervisning samt lärares tankar kring detta.

This study is about the use of textbooks in teaching English as a second language and about teachers? attitudes and opinions of using textbooks during lessons. The aim of the study is to receive a deeper understanding of the use of textbooks in English teaching and to Learn about why teachers choose whether to use the textbook approach or not. The study contains an analysis of the textbooks the teachers in our study used. The analysis shows the actual content and the types of texts together with the design and the structure of the textbooks.

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