

899 Uppsatser om Learn - Sida 17 av 60

"Smartphonen är som en egen liten hjärna". En kvalitativ studie om specialpedagogers syn på smartphonens användbarhet som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel för elever i behov av särskilt stöd i gymnasieskolan

Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to investigate whether and how nine teachers of special education for older students, primarily at Upper secondary school, consider the smartphone an appropriate pedagogical means of assistance to improve participation and to support students with special education needs within and outside the school environment. Theory: The theoretical framework for the study is the sociocultural perspective on Learning. The sociocultural perspective is related to the relational perspective and sociocultural Learning theory involves Learning and participation in school. It views the human being as socially active within a certain historical and cultural context which actively influences the way we act, how we Learn and develop through interaction with others in the social, everyday practice. The latter is of vital importance here.

Samarbete mellan bibliotek och förskola En studie om huruvida samarbete kan främja barns och särskilt invandrarbarns språkutveckling

This Masters thesis concerns how library and preschool can cooperate in supporting childrens language development and especially that of bilingual children. We have investigated how librarians and preschool teachers different competences can complement each other to gain the best result in work with childrens language development. This study is based on qualitative interviews with four librarians and three preschool teachers. The answers from them have been analysed according to different categories. Our results show that both librarians and preschool teachers think that bilingual children need extra support and that it takes longer to Learn two languages.

Utveckling och utförande av frekvensstudie vid Rapid Granulator AB

The object of this examination project is to produce a method of work sampling at Rapid Granulator AB. The aim is to perform the method at the company and evaluate if it is executable. The study is delimited to the basic construction of the 45-series in the assembly hall.Preparations to produce the method of the work sampling resulted in definitions of activities, a form and a product tree. Several days were spent studying the assembling to Learn and understand the entirety.The work sampling result showed a large amount of no value adding time that was used in the assembling. Some of the activities could be reduced and we observed some problems during the assembly process.

Effektivisering av pulverlackeringslinje med inriktning på fixturer

The project has been oriented for development of fixtures to ateljé Lyktan to provide a more efficiency line. In the year 2012 the company invested in a new coating booth, which leads to opportunities to upgrading the fixtures and also new design. The request is to minimize the area for storage of fixtures, and therefore should fixtures be designed to apply as many articles as possible The priority of products that fixtures have development to has been products that are most frequently coated and new products that don?t have any fixtures. The product families that the project has been having focus on is TIME and FOVEA with RONDO. In the developing of fixtures have ideas been discussed with the staff, and instructions were made about how you are suppose to hang up the different products.

Sexualeducation for young people with autism

This essay is about the sexual- education at special schools for young people in the ages thirteen through sixteen with the diagnosis autism. The study aims to identify, describe and understand the teachers? experiences in how the education is practiced in their daily work with these children. The way of procedure we have used in the study is qualitative interviews with teachers at special schools. The result show that how the teachers practice the education depends on how the student group is constructed and the students? qualifications.

Det löser sig! : Förberedelsens betydelse för gymnasieelevers lärande vid kemilaborationer

Laboratory work is a big part of chemistry education in high school. During our student training placement we have noticed that the laboratory work is not fully utilized to develop students´ chemistry knowledge. This problem made us want to investigate how the laboratory work in chemistry could be set, to become more meaningful for students. We introduced two preparation methods, and examined the outcome of students Learning experiences and their acquisition of chemistry knowledge. This was examined both through surveys and observation.

Attityder och kunskaper kring hållbara matvanor

The Purpose of this study was to examine what knowledge and which attitudes there are about environmental friendly food in the society. To do so an essay were constructed and distributed to five different working places. Altogether there were 50 essays distributed and 43 were returned. The main result; the respondents think that it is important for people to Learn how to consume food in a more environmentally friendly way. The majority of the respondents recognized the eco-label KRAV but the European eco-label and Demeter were not recognized in a less extent.

Språkets betydelse för matematikinlärningen

Study aimed to see if the language has bearing on mathematics Learning. The study used qualitative interviews of three first grade teachers and one special education teacher.The questions asked was:Do the teachers and specialist teacher, at the selected schools, think there is a connection between language difficulties and difficulties in mathematics and in case how is this connection.How does the teachers / specialist teacher make it easier for students to Learn mathematics and swedish.The study was based on Vygotsky and Piaget teories. In previous research, it is primarily Malmer, Hoines, Lowing and Kilborn who´s been treated. Within the governing documents, it is mainly the compulsory school curriculum Lpo-94, and the curriculum for mathematics treated.I hope that the study has conclude that there is a connection between language and mathematics Learning.I tried to emerged this through interviews with tree teachers and one special teatcher but i couldn´t. The teatchers couldn`t fint that it was the only reason to why the pupils hade difficulties in mathematics.But in the literature I found the relation between language- and mathematicdificulties..

Lek och lärande : en studie om fyra pedagogers syn på den fria leken och dess påverkan på lärandet

The purpose of this study is to find out how four preschool teachers view children?s free playing and its impact on their Learning. My main questions are:How do the teachers view the children?s free playing?In what ways does the children?s free playing affect their Learning, according to the teachers?This essay is based on a qualitative study in which I have interviewed four female preschool teachers of different ages. I highlight various theories of children?s playing and Learning in preschool, by theorists such as Vygotsky, Lillemyr, Knutsdotter Olofsson, Lindqvist, among others.

En oviss framtid. Vart går allmänheten idag för att uppleva och lära sig historia och vart går den imorgon?

The purpose with this paper is partly to find out what people of different ages do to Learn more about the past, and partly what they believe will happen within the next 50 years with institutions like traditional museums and the relatively new theme parks. How will the museums and theme parks evolve? Will they evolve? Or will they disappear?To solve these questions I have sent out a questionnaire to people of different ages. I have also been in contact with employees from different museums and theme parks in Skåne. I have used literature written by archaeologists among others.

Miljövård på förskolan : Förskolans arbete med att göra barnen delaktiga i att värna om sin miljö.

AbstractThe aim of the present study was to investigate if and how pre-school teachers reach the objectives in the national curriculum concerning the environmental issues.Another angle of this study is to find out if there are any involvement amongst the preschools regarding the environmental issues and if the teachers encourage the children to join in and make them a part of discussion.I have randomly chosen 10 preschools throughout Sweden and interviewed one staff-member from each school. Most of the preschools were well aware of the goals to follow according to the national curriculum.After comparing the answers my conclusion is that preschools act quite differently concerning environmental issues. Some worked almost exclusively with the children involved. Others occasionally involved the children whereas a few didn?t include the children at all.In every case the teachers would want to dedicate more time to environmental issues.

Perspektiv på svensk skola - fem framgångsrika invandrarelevers erfarenheter och tankar

This is a qualitative analysis based on interviews with five students, aged 17-19, all with an immigrant background and with a history of being successful in their school work. The students were interviewed twice with an interval of 1 to 1.5 years. The main purpose of this essay is to Learn more about these students? experiences and to understand their conceptions of being students in the Swedish school system. Another aim is to put focus on the chosen target group, since it is a category of students that seldom gets attention in media or research.

Entreprenöriell matematik : På John Bauergymnasiet i Västerås

Enterprise Learning is a pedagogic concept that implies that the students, in correlation with development of theoretical, subject specific knowledge, also develops enterprise competences that will be useful in their everyday life and on the labour market. Enterprise Learning has grown over the last ten years, as well in school practicing as within research. In the mathematics subject, a strong educational tradition has delayed the introduction of enterprise Learning. At the examined school, enterprise mathematics has been introduced during the spring term of 2010. This examination focuses on which of the enterprise competences that are developed and how they are developed.

Att bo i Södertälje och studera på sfi : Sex irakiska flyktingars syn på sina sfi-studier, staden de bor i och att vara flykting med en framtid i Sverige

It is widely recognized that the town of Södertälje, a small Swedish town of 85 000 inhabitants, has alone received more war refugees from Iraq than the US and Canada have put together. Whilst writing this thesis had nearly 6000 Iraqi refugees sought their way to Södertälje since the US invasion in Iraq 2003.Nevertheless, life is not what the media and the government retail. Six of these Iraqi refugees who resided in Södertälje share their life stories in the following thesis. They discuss their escape from Iraq and the difficulties of living in the segregated parts of Södertälje where they solely speak Arabic and Assyrian, whilst Learning Swedish at sfi (Svenska för invandrare, Swedish for immigrants). Another distress is related to the unsecure future in Sweden waiting ahead.      The aim of this thesis is to engage in, and highlight the studies of six sfi-students in their endeavor to Learn Swedish, whilst struggling through Swedish bureaucracy and experiencing despair due to their situation and uncertain future.       .

Eftersökta fördelar vid företagsförvärv : integrationsprocessens betydelse för måluppfyllnad

Mergers and acquisitions are a phenomenon which can occur for a variety of reasons. It may for example be that the organizations want to gain larger market shares or to complement and Learn from each other and thus become more competitive. After the completion of an acquisition or merger, a process is initiated to create an affiliation between the two companies' employees. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether there is something that management can do to make the integration process as efficient as possible. The empirical research in this paper consisted of interviews and surveys with respondents from two accounting firms that recently completed a merger.

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