12701 Uppsatser om Lean material flow - Sida 54 av 847
Miljövärdering av resurssnål betong med införande i BIM
This thesis aims to illustrate how environmental impact can be reduced, through the use of lean concrete. It also illustrates how environmental data can be applied to a house through implementation with BIM. In this study a unique concrete structure developed by Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute is assessed for environmental impact, by calculating the carbon dioxide equivalents using LCA methodology. The construction is a sandwich element where the concrete is made ??up of three layers.
Finns det potential att införa en massdatabas för handel och utbyte av överskottsmassor i Eskilstuna?
In Eskilstuna and Sweden in general the level of reuse of surplus material containing soils and rocks from excavation is low. In this report the potential for increasing the reuse of excavated material in Eskilstuna by using a web-based earth information database has been examined. The purpose of a web-based earth information database is to connect those who have surplus material with those who need material for a fast and simple transaction. The intention is to give Eskilstuna a more environmentally and economically efficient handling of surplus material by increasing the level of reuse and thereby reducing the amount of surplus material that is wasted and emissions given off to the atmosphere during transportation. The potential has been examined in two different ways, by tracing information about a number of projects to see if excavated material driven to the dump could have been used in another project and by interviewing eight of the work leaders active in Eskilstuna.
Produktion av Pyrolysolja från kvistrejekt
Fast pyrolysis is a method for converting biomass into three energy rich products: char, gas and bio-oil, where the latter is most interesting. Pyrolysis is an endothermic process where biomass is heated in an anaerobic environment and, with the right operating conditions, up to 80 %wt bio-oil can be extracted. Key parameters for fast pyrolysis are: stable reactor temperature (~500°C), short residue time for gas in the reactor (<2 s) and a very high heating rate for the biomass. Today there are several different process solutions for fast pyrolysis, where fluidized beds and rotating cones are most developed. Bio-oil has compared to fossil oil: lower heating value, low pH and also polymerizes with time. Because of this upgrading is desirable for increasing competitiveness.
Effektivisering av ma?ltidsprocessen inom sjukva?rden
Syfte ? Syftet med denna studie a?r att identifiera utmaningar som kan uppkomma inom ma?ltidsprocessen pa? ett sjukhus, fo?r att sedan utveckla tillva?gaga?ngssa?tt fo?r hantera dessa. Fo?r att uppfylla syftet har fo?ljande fra?gesta?llningar formulerats:Vilka utmaningar finns inom ma?ltidsprocessen pa? ett sjukhus?Hur kan utmaningar inom ma?ltidsprocessen pa? ett sjukhus hanteras?Metod och genomfo?rande ? Ett initialt teoretiskt ramverk uppra?ttades som har mo?nsteranpassats med empirin under arbetets ga?ng. En fallstudiemetodik antogs fo?r att underso?ka ma?ltidsprocessen och dess utmaningar pa? La?nssjukhuset Ryhov i Jo?nko?ping.
?Det sade bara klick?: en studie om 15-åriga tjejers Internetanvändning utifrån ett källkritiskt perspektiv
This Masters thesis aims at investigating how 15-year old girls use the Internet, particularly on their free time, taking a source critical perspective. It includes group interviews. The main question of this thesis was whether there is a need for specific user education. The following four questions were asked: What do they do on the Internet during their free time? In what way do the girls learn how to interact with each other on the Internet? How do they relate to different types of web pages and materials from a source critical aspect? What content do they consider to be relevant in a user education? The study is mainly focused on information use and information behaviour in different contexts.
Digitala tredimensionella visualiseringsmetoder : Användning av prefabricerat material för att skapa digitala landskap
Användandet av digitala visualiseringar möjliggör nya sätt att kommunisera och presentera det skapade materialet. Är det möjligt att i de digitala tredimensionella visualiseringarna återskapa känslan och atmosfären hos ett naturligt landskap? Stora mängder med fritt tillgängligt material laddas ständigt upp på Internet, men hur användbart är detta material vid skapandet av digitala landskap? Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka detta..
Investeringskalkyl för en ny såglinje : en rapport om investeringskalkylering
This report presents an investment calculation based on an assumed initial investment of a new saw line to an existing sawmill. In order to get as close to reality as possible, we have received data material from northern forest owners who recently made an initial investment in their sawmill in Kåge.
In order to calculate and evaluate investments are several different methods, but we, we have chosen to use the discounted cash flow method. The method sums up with the help of a fixed cost of capital together with any future costs and revenues, thereby giving a present value of the investment. We also do a sensitivity analysis to examine how selected factors affect the investment research they change.
The study is carried out to a fictitious investment, and therefore the result should not only be studied as a result of the figures. The purpose of this study was that with the help of an investment calculation studying the profitability of a hypothetical investment, and by means of a sensitivity analysis to study the sensitivity of investment to changes.
The result demonstrates that the calculations according to the present value method requires a lot of information of the prospective investment.
En analys av TPL-företag och deras samarbete med kunder
AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyze TPL companies, and their collaboration with their customers from a TPL perspective. The paper intends to get a bigger understanding of their collaboration, advantages/disadvantages and how the collaboration can be improved. The foundation for the paper is obtained through questions that have been created from the chosen theories about supply chain, third part logistic (TPL) and lean production. We have had open interviews with five different conveyers where we have had our questions prepared and during the interviews asked new questions to get more distinct answers. When we subsequently analyzed the empirical material and by chosen theories we have been able to confirm that the collaboration between the TPL companies and their customers is more of a partnership character.
Förändring av nitratläckage och växtproduktion från låglänt jordbruksmark vid en ny reglering av vattennivån i Mälaren
The water level of Lake Mälaren has been regulated since the 1940?s. A recentinvestigation suggests that the current regulation needs to be adjusted in order toprevent a decline in water level, salt water from infiltrating from Lake Saltsjön,and risk of floodings. In addition to these preventions, the new regulation couldpotentially effect the natural environment and agriculture practices in the lowlands that surround the lake. The new regulation proposal calls for an increase invariations in Mälaren?s water level during seasons, while the annual mean waterlevel will remain the same.
Planering av väginvesteringar :
The problems around and the planning of wood flow is some of the most complex issues in the forest-sector. The experience and overview of the single employees is crucial for the possibility of correct tactical and economical decision-making. The increasing demand of savings and shorter reaction-times with greater flexibility in the wood-supply-chain, makes solutions and aids for improved effectiveness in the work and processes according to wood-flow urgent.
Holmen Skog is starting to develop a new forest-road-management-system. The system will facilitate the work according to construction, improvements and updating the standard of roads.
"Jag ska också göra chokladbollar" : En undersökning om hur tillgången till konstruktionsmaterial påverkar barn i förskolan
The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the availability of construction materials affect children's constructions and play. Observations were made when the children were allowed to play and build with very little and much of the material play-doh dough in preschool. The study is aimed at children aged 3 ? 5 years. Interviews were also conducted with educators in departments where the children spent time to give support to this study.The result shows that the children create as many designs of any material amount.
Flödesbaserad planering och produktionsberdning i
husbyggnadsprojekt: en kombination av lägesbaserad planering
och beredningsmetoden last planner system of production
Detta examensarbete undersöker, genom en fallstudie av ett husbyggnadsprojekt i norra Sverige, planeringsmetoden Lägesbaserad planering och produktionsberdningsmetoden Last Planner system of production control, LPS. Syftet har varit att undersöka om dessa två metoder, som var för sig forskats om inom forskningsområdet Lean construction, har möjligheter till att kunna kombineras. För att inhämta information om det studerade byggprojektets nuvarande gällande planerings- och produktionsledningsmodell har författarna genomfört intervjuer med platschefen för det studerade byggprojektet samt representanter för projektets underentreprenörer. Författarna har även medverkat under några av de samordningsmöten som har hållits för byggprojektet. Examensarbetet innefattar även två olika försöksuppställningar, där i det ena försöket, PPS-mätningar från fyra samordningsmöten har genomförts, sammanställts och analyserats.
?Killar skriver inte puttinuttigt? : En experimentell studie av genusföreställningar i textbedömningar
This thesis examines conceptions of gender revealed by people when assessing texts. The research questions are: What associations can be discerned between gender conceptions and ideas about the quality of texts? What features of content and style are perceived as female or male? The study seeks to develop a method for comparing different people?s assessments of the same text. The material was collected by means of questionnaires in which 114 informants were asked to assess three anonymous student texts and then guess the sex of the writer. The material has been analysed quantitatively by correlating the assessments of the texts with the guesses about the sex of the author, and qualitatively, as the informants? freely worded assessments of the texts were analysed for content and form with the support of assumptions about how assessments are expressed in text.
Orala problem vid Parkinsons sjukdom
Parkinson's disease is a progressive degenerative neurological disorder. In Sweden there are 15 000-20 000 individuals affected by the disease.The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of oral diseases in individuals with Parkinson's disease. The material for the literature review was gathered in the medical database PubMed. Keywords used for the data research were ?Parkinson?s disease?, ?oral diseases?, ?dry mouth?, ?gingivitis?, ?caries? and ?periodontitis?.
Kvalitetsförbättringar och Emballageinstruktioner
This report is the result of a thesis carried out at the Department of Innovation, Design and Technology (IDT), at Mälardalen University on behalf of ABB AB Machines.The year was 1988 when ASEA and Brown Boveri formed a joint venture under the name ABB (Asea Brown Boveri).We perform our thesis at the division Discrete Automation and Motion where they primarily develops, manufactures and sells synchronous and asynchronous AC motors and generators.The main purpose of this thesis was initially to write a general packaging instruction, but the priority changed to develop more specific packaging instructions for Rotors, Stator gables, Bearing support and Outer Cover (plates) instead.The work started off to deal with a problem about that the staff had to start its work to grind away rust on the stator gables due to those stored outdoors. The result was mainly an investment in a new gable rack so that the material can be stored inside, as well as a packing instruction as it was originally intended.The problem on the bearing supports were that the staff thought it was demanding and difficult to clean them from the rustproofing they were greased in. If it is not possible to remove all rust protection it can cause the paint to not attach properly. After having compared with similar articles a test were done to order a pair of bearing supports without corrosion inhibitor, which gave good results. This initiative also set in motion a process to do the same for more different items.For special pallet, a survey were made of the process with two different VSM and a calculation of how much ABB would earn at ordering more special pallets than getting the material delivered on the A-pallets.