1102 Uppsatser om Leadership styles - Sida 3 av 74
Ledarskap i mångkulturella skolan : med utgångspunkt i autentiskt ledarskap
School leaders face the challenge of creating and maintaining learning during rapid and complex conditions. Some of the challenges associated with leadership based on authenticity in intercultural schools will be discussed. The purpose of this essay is to describe and gain an insight into three school leaders´ views on leadership in multicultural schools. The study is based on scientific articles and the survey consists of interviews with head teachers in different multicultural schools. The hermeneutic research approach has been the basis for this study through qualitative interviews and collected data for analysis.
Inlärningsstilar : Learning styles
Elevperspektiv på lärstilsmetodiken. Upplever eleverna att det är lättare att lära i de ämnen som tillämpar lärstilsmetodiken..
Student blir lärare : En kvalitativ undersökning om nyexaminerade lärarstudenters erfarenhet av att komma ut i arbetslivet
This paper aims to examine how the beginning of newly examined teacher?s professional life might look like and also highlight the obstacles that might occur during the induction, the time during which the student becomes the teacher. The paper also discusses what support that is available for newly examined teachers in schools concerning the possibility to have a mentor and a period of introduction.A qualitative method was used for this study and interviews were made with new teachers who shared their experiences from the beginning of their careers. The results from the interviews were also discussed from the points of view of the study?s theories concerning different Leadership styles.Two handbooks for new teachers, aiming to support them in their new professional role were compared.
Ledarskap i klassrummet : Demokratiskt eller auktoritärt
The aim is to examine how teachers view their leadership, how leadership is used and developed, and what kind of perceptions teachers have of leadership and how it is important to their students.My questions are: In what ways can the teachers develop their leadership?In what ways can the teachers make use of leadership in the classroom?What do the teachers in the study consider to be a good leadership?What do the teachers inte the study think of their leadership and its´ importance to students? The study uses a qualitative research method and consists of interviews with four teachers working in a school south of Stockholm. The results of the study shows that teachers´ leadership in the classroom has a significance for students´ learning and development. The teachers´style of leadership should not be static and should be adapted to students´development level. The results also shows that teachers´ leadership in the classroom is about various tasks.
Alexander: det tar hundra år... : Kvinnligt ledarskap i den ryska medievärlden
The more leadership you get, the more power you will receive. Unfortunately, not everyone is given the same opportunities. This can be seen and proved on the basis of studies in media companies. Our purpose concerns attitudes towards female leadership in Moscow, Russia. This thesis was based on two study methods, qualitative interviews and observations.
Ledarskap inom fastighetsförvaltning : En kvalitativ studie av tre fastighetsförvaltarbolag
ABSTRACT Title: Leadership within property managementCourse: Bachelor Dissertation - LeadershipAuthors: Isabell Andersson och Marlene LundqvistAdvisor: Ingemar WictorKeywords: Leadership, property managementProblem formulation: How can managers within property management lead their employees to achieve company goals?Purpose: Our purpose was to identify similarities and differences between different property managers? way to lead their employees.Theoretical framework: In our study, we have chosen to use the four basic theories which we found most relevant to the subject after studying literature in the field of leadership and leadership within property management. In the theoretical framework we discuss theories such as practical leadership, motivation and commitment, service quality and communication which are all important components for succeeding with an effective leadership according to O'Reilly et al. (2010).Methodology: We have conducted a qualitative study with an intensive format and a deductive approach. The empirical data were collected through six interviews in which we interviewed three managers and a member of each managers? staff within property management companies.Results: In our research we have reached the conclusion that all our respondent managers are working to motivate their employees and communicate with them in order to guide them towards the company goals.
Ledarskap vid personalnedskärningar : ett ledarperspektiv
Background: How do leaders act during organisational changes which involve downsizing? The leader often ends up in focus during these processes. These issues are by no means recently developed. Already the medieval author Machiavelli wrote about leaders? problems with leading changes.
Implementering av delat ledarskap inom en kommunorganisation
This report addresses the management innovation and how shared leadership is a form of it. The report is a compilation of what shared leadership means and how two municipal organizations works with shared leadership. The two minicipal organizations are Strängnäs and Vällingby. One municipality (Strängnäs) is meanwhile this report produced during insertion of shared leadership. The other (Vällingby) has about two years experience of working with this form of leadership.
?Man får uppskattning om man skriver kreativt men inte om man stavar kreativt? : en litteraturstudie om fenomenet dyslexi
The aim of the study was to study the phenomenon of dyslexia on the basis of a literature study. I did a thorough exposition of what dyslexia is and its history and previous research in the area. Further I assumed two questions at issue which were What testimonies are there from the literature of how it is to live with dyslexia? and What learning styles are there for people with dyslexia? I have taken part of testimonies that are to be found about how it is to live with dyslexia according to the people themselves that live with it. In the second question at issue I move on to present a couple of learning styles that are used.
Ledarskapsprocesser inom framgångsrika organisationer
The aim of this study is to investigate leadership in sports organizations and business organizations. The study focused on common and important leadership components and the most important leadership processes in both business context and sports context. The study also investigated common and important leadership components, leadership challenges and which degree leaders used the transformative leadership. The study focuses on leadership components most importantly from the leaders view, including both sport managers and business leaders. The investigation was based on eight interviews, which are analyzed with content analysis.
Att lära på olika sätt : En studie om pedagogers syn på elevers olika lärstilar
The intention with my study is to examine how teachers in school relate to the concept of learning styles and how they define an individualized education that focus on students? different learning abilities. My intention is also to raise their thoughts about what they think the benefits and the deficits may be with an individualized education that focuses on students? individual ways to learn.My study is based on the empiric material I have collected from interviews with five teachers, whom all worked in grade three. To analyze and discuss the interview answers I have had to my help Dunn-, Kolbs- and Gardners theories about peoples different learning abilities and learning styles.
Styr partiledaren? : En Interaktionistisk Studie i Mona Sahlins Partiordförandeskap
The aim of this paper is to study and outline the factors governing political leadership at the party leader level, and to conclude to what extent a party leader rules and to what extent the party leadership is contextually determined. The theories used are based on Elgie's interactionistic study of political leadership and Stewart's organisational model of leadership as well as political culture.Thus, the questions raised are if the leader leads or if the leader follows; if the leadership environment is formed by the leader or if it is, merely, implemented on the leader; and what a model of the political leadership consist of? To answer these questions a text analysis comparing Sahlin?s speeches to the party?s political programme is used as well as in-depth interviews with members of the Board of Party.The conclusion shows that the leadership is contextually framed, but the leader is free to implement his or her ambitions within that frame as long as it is coherent to the party line..
Millennials- Den nya och krävande generationen
Psykologisk forskning visar på att unga medarbetare, den så kallade Millennialgenerationen, efterfrågar en annan typ av ledarskap än deras äldre föregångare. Syftet med studien var att undersöka unga medarbetares föreställningar om transformativt ledarskap samt i vilken utsträckning dessa föreställningar motiverar dem i arbetet. Hypotes: Transformativt ledarskap är gynnsamt för unga vuxnas motivation på arbetsplatsen jämfört med andra ledarstilar så som laissez-faire och transaktionellt ledarskap. Undersökningsmetoden som använts var en webbaserad enkätdesign med 28 deltagare i åldrarna 20-38. Resultatet stödjer studiens syfte och hypotes, det transformativa ledarskapet var det som motiverade unga vuxna mest på arbetsplatser.
Vad kännetecknar ett bra ledarskap i skolan? : En intervjustudie
The purpose of the thesis is to find out what characterizes a good leadership in the school. Five persons from two different schools were interviewed. From one school the female vice principal was interviewed. From the other school four persons were interviewed ? the female principal, the male vice principal, a male teacher and a female teacher. This was executed to get a picture of their view on a successful leadership in the school.
Ledarskapsideal : - ur ett demokratiskt-, auktoritärt- och låt-gå (laissez-faire) perspektiv
The purpose of this essay is to identify and analyze the term leadership based on democratically-, authoritarian-, and passive (laissez-faire) leadership and find out which of these types are to be preferred among employees. Our main aspects are:Do employees prefer democratically-, authoritarian-, or passive leadership?Are there any differences regarding ideal leadership considering sex, age, length of service and sector?We have chosen to make a quantitative study of two equivalent organizations, one in the private and one in the public sector. Our method is an explorative method were we seek to find new knowledge about our fenomena. Our study is based on the already established theories on leadership and our empirical data is gathered by questionnaires.The conclusions to be drawn from this study is that our respondents to a large extent prefer a democratic leadership towards an authoritarian and passive leadership. Most of them prefer a democratic leadership with elements of the other leadership types.