

345 Uppsatser om Laser Cutting - Sida 8 av 23

Implementering av Constant Fraction Detection vid avståndsmätning

This thesis is performed at Saab Bofors Dynamics in Karlskoga and investigates a technique for ranging with laser pulses. The investigated technique is called Constant Fraction Detection (CFD). Described briefly, the received laser pulse is split into two equal parts, where one part is delayed half the pulse width and inverted. This signal is added to the original pulse. The resulting curve has the shape of a laying S and the detection of the zero level is used to stop the time measurement.

Utvärdering av metoder för framställning och kontroll av digitala terrängmodeller

Today there are many applications of digital terrain models (DTM) and the requirements of low uncertainty increases. Most of the DTM are produced with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), airborne laser scanning (ALS) and total stations. Guidelines for the preparation and verification of DTM are found in Swedish Standards Institute ? Technical Specifications (SIS-TS) 21144:2007 and SIS-TS 21145:2007. These were defined in collaboration between Swedish National Rail Administration, Banverket, and Swedish Road Administration, Vägverket, to satisfy the needs of requirement formulations in the production of DTM planning, design and construction. The purpose of this paper is to produce and control DTM over Åkermans kulle, located west of the University of Gävle, according to SIS TS 21144:2007 using GNSS with network-RTK, TLS and ALS.

"Det värsta som kan hända är att jag skär mig" : En studie om unga kvinnors upplevelser av självskadebeteende

The aim of this study was to examine self-harming women?s own experiences. To try and raise understanding and awareness about how they themselves create their identity and meaning round the self-harming behaviour. Our three questions were; how do the young women conceive society?s reactions on their self-harming behaviour? Do the young women express an imposed or self-elected alienation? If so, in what way? In what way do the young self-harming women construe their own identity in relation to the self-harming behaviour?We have used a narrative approach when we have examined the blogs as life stories in the sense that all our lives and everything in them is a story by definition.

Automatisk identifiering av branter för orienteringskartor

Orientering är en sport som går ut på att besöka ett antal förutbestämda kontrollpunkter med hjälp av en karta. Orienteringskartan redovisar olika objekt som finns i verkligheten så som stenar, gropar, höjder och branter. Att tillverka en orienteringskarta är dyrt och tidskrävande. Omkring 120 000?150 000 kr och mellan 20?30 h/km2 fältarbete läggs ner på varje karta som skapas.

Stamräkning och identifiering av åtgärdsbehov i röjnings- och gallringbestånd med hjälp av låghöjdsbilder

This report is an assessment of the feasibility of using aerial photographs to estimate number of stems per hectare in young forest stands, used together with upper height to determine the need for pre-commercial thinning or ordinary thinning cutting. Aerial photo-interpretation was conducted in 2007 on assignment of Stora Enso Skog AB. A mean height function based on stand age produced with data from Bergvik Skog AB?s 2006 forest inventory assessment was used as a proxy for upper height and used together with photo-interpreted number of stems per hectare to determine the need for thinning cutting according to Bergvik Skog AB?s definitions. The test area is located north of Falun on Bergvik Skog AB?s land.Flight altitude was approximately 900 m above ground and the aerial photos were taken by L&L Flygbildteknik AB.

3D-skrivare ur ett tillverkningsperspektiv

I detta examensarbete har en studie genomförts av hur väl 3D-skrivning kan tillämpas i Volvo Cars i Skövdes produktion. En litteraturstudie har genomförts för att åskådliggöra de olika 3D-skrivningsteknikerna och deras användningsområde. För att på ett överskådligt sätt jämföra de olika teknikernas duglighet har en bedömningsskala utvecklad av Nasa använts. Denna skala benämns som Technology Readiness Level (TRL). Den teknik som bedöms som mest lämplig med avseende på fullskalig produktion samt prototyptillverkning är Selective laser melting (SLM).För att åskådliggöra fördelar med 3D-skrivare har en förenklad 3D-modell av Volvos cylinderblock I5D modellerats.

Virkesproduktionen under 80 år i ett fältförsök i Dalarna med olika skogsskötselsystem

I Sverige är trakthyggesbruk med kalhuggning det dominerande skötselsystemetmen intresset för kalhyggesfritt skogsbruk har ökat de senaste åren. Alternativentill kalavverkning är omdiskuterade och kritiseras ofta för att inte vara lönsamma.Målet med detta examensarbete är att analysera ett långtidsförsök med olikaskogsskötselsystem och att diskutera eventuella produktionsskillnader. De fem skötselåtgärdersom undersöktes var 1) kalavverkning med plantering av gran och tall,2) naturlig föryngring under fröträd, 3) blädningsbruk, 4) dimensionsavverkningoch 5) orörd skog (referensyta). Fältförsöket ligger på Siljansfors försökspark iDalarna och anlades 1923. Alla försöksytor har en areal av 1 ha.

Trakthyggesfria skogsbrukssätt : kunskap, förutsättningar och attityder

Forestry has three main aspects to take into consideration today; economical, ecological and socio-cultural. In order to reach the broad policy goals for sustainable forest management, an increased variety of management approaches are requested. Today clear-cutting is the only method used in 96 % of the managed forests in Sweden. The Swedish National Board of Forestry has therefore initiated a project in order to investigate and develop Continuous Cover Forestry (CFF). This study is a part of this project.

Dekoration av plasttallrikar

A group of two people, Jelena Durkan and Johan von Heideken, have worked together on an assignment from the company August Lundh AB. The company manufactures plastic products for all sizes of catering establishments. The basis for this thesis is a pre-study which shows that many of the users would be more drawn to the plates that the company manufactures, if there was a motif on the plates.This thesis will present the method of application for the motif that best benefits the company, with regard to the requirements placed on the motif, application method and the costs. The group found five relevant methods that were more carefully examined and compared to each other. Those are:Laser engraving, Hot-stamping, Injection molding, In-mould labeling and Pad-printing.The tools that have been used to solve this problem are: Requirement specification, QFD and OEE.

Fröskörd av hampa : metoder och tekniker för fröskörd av industrihampa

Hemp is an ancient cultivated plant that came to Sweden in the 1st to 2nd Century and was particularly interesting for use for food, clothing and building materials. Over time, other applications have been developed for hemp, e.g. in energy and health products. Interesting new uses for hemp continue to be identified and this fascinating plant has incredibly versatile applications.In this project, seed production of industrial hemp in Sweden was studied and evaluated. Five different methods are described, four of which are proven under Swedish conditions.

Utformning av kylkanaler och spånrum på superturbofräsar

This thesis describes how the chip space and coolant channels are designed in today?s mills, the ideas behind the design and what is considered to be the best method of cooling. It contains ideas on how the chip space can be simplified. It contains several concepts on how the cooling could be designed for better efficiency and manufacturability. There are also suggestions on how the cooling could be stopped when the cutter isn?t cutting.

Datorsimulering av gruvlastare för funktionell testning

I denna rapport presenteras hur en simulatorlösning för funktionstestning av en gruvmaskin har tagits fram. Arbetet har skett i Atlas Copcos regi och består av tre delar: kartläggning i form av intervjuer, utvärdering av befintliga simulatoralternativ och slutligen val och implementation av lösning. Resultatet visar på en konceptuell prototyp, där en gruvmaskin visualiseras i en 3D-miljö tillsammans med en virtuell gruvgång. Detta möjliggör bland annat testning av autonom navigering, alltså att en gruvmaskin självständigt styr utifrån avläsning av tunnelväggar med hjälp av laser. Samtidigt tillåter lösningen också att kontrollvärden från olika sensorer, såsom vinkelgivare, kan hämtas ut ur simuleringen..

Bland barn, lasersvärd och lejon : Hur förhåller vi oss till och tar tillvara barns kulturella erfarenheter?

This essay, with the title: Among children, laser swords and lions. ? How do we approach and utilize the cultural experiences of children? is an approach to participate in a scientific discussion in the field of cultural experiences. This text is an attempt to show the importance of paying attention to, how children express themselves, and place their activities in social and cultural contexts. By doing so and approaching children and their activities with an intercultural point of view, I can use my new found knowledge and use it to stimulate their future learning progresses in different fields.

Kvävestatus och risk för nitrifikation i två avverkade skogsområden i Halland

Nitrogen deposition leads to environmental damage in areas where the nitrogen deposition is high. Southwest Sweden receives an annual nitrogen deposition of up to 20 kg N/ha. Nitrogen that is not assimilated by the vegetation is accumulated in the soil, which may lead to nitrogen saturation and an elevated risk of nitrogen leaching. Nitrogen leaching from forest areas in southern Sweden has proven to be higher than from agricultural areas, which have been thought to be the main contributors to elevated nitrogen levels in rivers and lakes. The amount of nitrogen that leaches depends on the fraction of the total nitrogen in the soil that consists of nitrate, since nitrate is easily transported through the soil.

Maskinskydd på rullriktverk

ESAB is a world leader in production of welding consumables and equipment. The company manufactures, among other things, welding electrodes. A roller straightening unit is used in the cutting process to straighten the wire, which the welding electrode consists of, by adjusting some of the rollers during operation. According to ESAB?s standard and the European machinery directives, moving parts of machinery, such as rollers of the roller straightening unit, must be out of the operator?s reach.

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