

345 Uppsatser om Laser Cutting - Sida 22 av 23

Additivt tillverkat material

SammanfattningDet här projektet behandlar området Additiv Tillverkning (AM) för metalliska material och undersöker om det är lämpligt att använda vid produktion inom flygindustrin. AM är en relativt ny tillverkningsmetod där föremål byggs upp lager för lager direkt ifrån en datormodell. Teknikområdet tillåter i många fall större konstruktionsfriheter som möjliggör tillverkning av mer viktoptimerade och funktionella artiklar. Andra fördelar är materialbesparing och kortare ledtider vilket har ett stort ekonomiskt värde.En omfattande litteraturstudie har gjorts för att utvärdera alla tekniker som finns på marknaden och karakterisera vad som skiljer de olika processerna. Även maskiners prestanda och kvalité på tillverkat material utvärderas, och för varje teknik listas möjligheter och begränsningar.

Simuleringsmodul för energiflödesanalys av ett hybridfordons drivlina

SammanfattningDet här projektet behandlar området Additiv Tillverkning (AM) för metalliska material och undersöker om det är lämpligt att använda vid produktion inom flygindustrin. AM är en relativt ny tillverkningsmetod där föremål byggs upp lager för lager direkt ifrån en datormodell. Teknikområdet tillåter i många fall större konstruktionsfriheter som möjliggör tillverkning av mer viktoptimerade och funktionella artiklar. Andra fördelar är materialbesparing och kortare ledtider vilket har ett stort ekonomiskt värde.En omfattande litteraturstudie har gjorts för att utvärdera alla tekniker som finns på marknaden och karakterisera vad som skiljer de olika processerna. Även maskiners prestanda och kvalité på tillverkat material utvärderas, och för varje teknik listas möjligheter och begränsningar.

Teknik för vårskörd av hampa till stråbränsle :

Hemp is an annual energy crop that fits very well in Swedish crop rotations. It is an interesting crop with many benefits, for example its ability to establish a large quantity of biomass in one year. Hemp is easy to grow and out-competes unwanted weeds through its aggressive growth pattern without the need for pesticides. Interest in growing hemp and other energy crops is currently decreasing, apparently because of high grain prices. These high prices give a higher net profit that we believe could partly cover the cost of hemp cultivation, while the hemp in turn would improve the crop rotation and thus repay its debts in the form of increased yields of other crops. The great disadvantage of hemp is the lack of knowledge about spring harvest of the crop.

Osteoartrit hos hund : evidensbaserad rehabilitering och den legitimerade djursjukskötarens rekommendationer

Artros, även kallat osteoartrit (OA) är en degenerativ ledsjukdom som ger förändring i brosk med pålagringar i omgivande benvävnad som följd. En hund som drabbats av OA har ofta kliniska tecken på smärta och nedsatt funktion i rörelseapparaten. Det är en vanligt förekommande sjukdom bland hundar. Om inte rätt behandling sätts in utsätts djuret för onödigt lidande. Det är viktigt att ha en multimodal behandlingsplan vid OA samt att individanpassa den. Behandlingen syftar till att lindra smärta, bibehålla funktion och rörlighet i leden, bromsa ned sjukdomens händelseförlopp samt att hunden ska kunna återgå till en så normal aktivitetsnivå som möjligt.

Besparingsmodell för produktivitetshöjande arbete inom skärande bearbetningsteknik

The market is developing and a growing competition increases pressure on companies to maintain their competitive advantage. Working with cost savings is a way to enhance earnings in a short term but also in a longer perspective. Volvo Powertrain Production Köping has an overall goal; to reduce costs by nine percentages in three years. To achieve the goal, Volvo Powertrain Production Köping works with World Class Manufacturing where the Department of Processing Technology constitutes an important part.Volvo Powertrain Production Köping lacks a standard for how savings within the metal cutting tool area are to be calculated. This makes it difficult to control and monitor their business outcome but it also causes difficulties in controlling the tool suppliers? outcome.

Analys av miljöaspekter för en planerad svensk fabrik i Kina

A Swedish company, company F, will establish a new factory in China. Company F is adivision within Company F. The factory in China will manufacture wire products. Thepurpose of this final thesis is to analyse which legal and practical measures the company hasto undertake during the process of localization to get approval from the Chineseenvironmental legislation.An analysis of the influencing factors on the environment from the production in theconstruction in Sweden was carried through. A material-balance was analysed according tothe flowchart of the production.

Förslag till skötselplan för Uppsala högar och Tunåsen : ett exempel på medbestämmande planering

This Master thesis is made at the request of the local municipality of Uppsala in Sweden. The purpose of this work is to create a guiding management plan. Recreation, conservation of the cultivated landscape and the historical environment, conservation biology and the aim of the landowners are all considerd. The area is almost 34 hectares and located north of the centre of Uppsala. Landowners are the National Heritage Board, the diocese of Uppsala, the university of Uppsala, the local municipality of Uppsala and one private landowner.

Bergerosion i utskovskanaler

Today?s climate changes will probably give rise to precipitation in Sweden, which will cause more floods in Swedish rivers. Many of the Swedish rivers are regulated and have lots of hydro-electro power plants. Higher floods in the rivers will give greater water loads on the dams, which mean that a higher discharge through the sluice gates and in the spillway channels is needed. High discharge of water in a spillway channel can create scour of the material in the channel.

Kvinnlig könsstympning : Hur kvinnlig könsstympning kan förklaras och förstås som ett sociologiskt fenomen.

Kvinnlig könsstympning uppmärksammades i västvärlden på 1970-talet då invandringen till väst från länder där könsstympning praktiseras ökade. När Waris Dirie gav ut sin självbiografiska bok En blomma i Afrikas öken 1999 kom könsstympning åter på tapeten. Eftersom könsstympning är en sedvänja som praktiserats i tusentals år världen över och fortfarande utövas i flera länder idag, väcktes ett intresse att ta reda på omständigheterna kring fenomenet. Vart, hur och varför uppstod denna till synes inhumana och irrationella sedvänja och hur kommer det sig att den lever kvar än idag? Vilka bakomliggande faktorer finns? Hur hänger könsstympning ihop med religion, kultur, genus, makt och så vidare?Eftersom det verkade handla om ett mycket komplext fenomen togs beslutet att syftet skulle vara ganska brett och omfattande.

Konsumentbeteende vid köp av färsk fisk : en kvalitativ studie för utveckling av ett produktkoncept hos ICA

Health and convenience trends dominate the food industry and retailing business of today. The health consciousness is spreading while appealing product attributes concerning taste and packaging also are increasingly important. At the same time, the competition is growing fierce in the Swedish market with hard discount formats and niche concepts who also are trying to provide the market with perishables. Therefore, the pressure to lower prices is increasing making economies of scale and rationalization progressively more important. In 2004, ICA launched private label meat packaged in a modified atmosphere. Consequently, many stores went from in-store cutting-up and packaging to selling centrally packaged and distributed meat. ICA is now developing a concept with fresh fish in modified atmosphere packages and needs to increase the knowledge about the market and the consumer.

Klövviltets besöksfrekvens och bete i sydsvenska poppelplanteringar

Energy is an essential part of the society and for a sustainable future we need to use the energy resources in a sustainable way. The forest is Sweden?s most important resource for renewable energy and a higher production combined with shorter rotation periods (time from planting to clear cutting) can increase the access to energy. The tree genus poplar (Populus spp.) is interesting as energy resource as it has both high production and short rotation period. But browsing ungulates are a major threat to the establishment of poplar plants and therefore the poplar plantations need to be fenced in today. To use fences is expensive and time consuming; this makes it interesting to find more cost-effective solutions where there is no need to fence. The aim with this study was to look at the ungulates? occupation rate and browsing pressure in poplar plantations without fence.

Effekter av kön, ålder och region på sjukpenningen i Sverige - en variansanalys

According to TCO (The Swedish Confederation for Professional Employees) the worst threat to the Swedish welfare is that so many people because of bad health and unemployment are not a part of the labour force. If Sweden could make the number of people with health and unemployment problems half the size as today, the GDP would increase with more than five percent. In real money this means 110 billion Swedish kronor a year. According to SCB (Statistics Sweden) the difference between women?s and men?s absence owing to illness should be investigated more closely in order to get at better understanding of the problem.

Effekten av metyljasmonat som skydd mot gnag av snytbagge (Hylobius abietis) på gran- och tallplantor :

The effect of methyl jasmonate on resistance against the large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) in Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings. A field experiment was conducted in order to determine the dose-response effects of methyl jasmonate (MJ) on growth and defence to pine weevils in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) and to compare the effect of MJ between pine and spruce. In addition a complementary greenhouse experiment was conducted with the same aims as above and to determine the amount of resin ducts and their correlation to the feeding of pine weevils. The field experiment was conducted on a fresh clear cutting in Garpenberg, southern Dalarna in central Sweden. The experiment consisted of 30 blocks with three kinds of containerized seedlings: 2-year old spruce, small pine (before shoot elongation) and 1-year old pine (already shoot elongated). They were all exposed to 4 treatments 14 days prior to the experiment: control, 25 mM/L MJ, 50 mM/L MJ and 100 mM/L MJ. Data on weevil damage and seedling growth were collected after the first and the second growing season. The seedlings in the greenhouse experiment were of the same kind and were exposed to the same treatment as the ones in the field experiment.

Organisationsstruktur och internkommunikation efter en omorganisation : En fallstudie om Karlstads universitet

This is a case study which investigated the perceived consequences of the organizational change that was implemented in January 2013 at Karlstad University. The study aimed to explore the experiences of the employees concerning the changes in organizational structure and internal communication. This was done through a set of eight individual standardized qualitative interviews with members from different departments. A lot of effort and thought was given to the ethical implications and to create a comfortable and open climate during the actual interviews to ensure that the respondents felt free to speak openly and honestly about their personal opinions and experiences.It is evident that the overall vision was ambitious; aiming to create a more effective organization through cutting off excessive administrative personnel and streamlining decision paths. However according to the opinions of the respondents it was clear that the result was far from the desired goal.

Detaljhandelns stora utmaning : en studie om detaljhandelns försäljningskoncept och detaljhandelns kunder

The society has strongly developed and changed the condition of the trades. The retail trade is no exception; it has changed and developed in the same pace as society. The retail trade is a very broad and extensive trade as all people come in contact with frequently. In the past people shopped locally but nowadays people have the entire world as their marketplace because of the development of Internet. Globalisation gives customers wider opportunities, which demands new and different sales concepts.

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