

345 Uppsatser om Laser Cutting - Sida 19 av 23

GPS- & GIS-användning i drivningsprocessen hos Stora Enso SKog AB :

GPS (Global Positioning system) and GIS (Geographical information system) has been used for planning and inventory in the forest sector for more than ten years. The last years the development has come to equip harvesters and forwarders with GPS and GIS (GIT). The goal with this study was to reach a basis for decision, how Stora Enso Skog should continue its investment in GPS and GIS in harvesters and forwarders. To reach this basis for decision, possible advantages and benefits, disadvantages and problems in the harvesting process was evaluated. The study was made as an interview study with four harvesting managers and ten machine teams. To secure the quality of the results an interview questionnaire was made before the interviews were done. The results showed that GIT will make the harvesting managers work easier.

Förebyggande djuromvårdnad mot post-anestetisk myopati hos häst

Post-anaesthetic myopathy (PAM) is a serious occasional complication of general anaesthesia in horses. It causes not only pain and suffering to the horse, but also suffering (trauma) to the owner with increased veterinary costs. In the worst case PAM can be fatal. The anaesthetic nurse must know which parameters have to be taken into consideration in the prevention of PAM, to be able to prevent it, and use that knowledge for the animals safety. The aim of this literature review was to investigate and make a presentation of the factors and measurements associated with PAM, with focus on how to monitor these measurements to prevent it from happening, and the advice a Veterinary nurse can give to the horse owner regarding this condition. According to literature there a few factors that greatly increase the risk of PAM, these include- hypotension, periods less than 60 mmHg significantly increases the risk.

Frågeställningar vid ombyggnation av kontorslokaler till bostäder : Håltagning i plastgjuten betong

Det råder bostadsbrist i Stockholm, en lösning är att bygga nya bostäder. En annan lösning är att nyttja befintliga byggnader som inte används som bostäder, genom att bygga om kontor- och industrilokaler till bostäder. Det som händer är att industriområden flyttas längre ut från de attraktiva bostadsområdena. Ombyggnationer av byggnader med olika lokalkategorier kräver omfattande bearbetning och samarbete mellan flera aktörer såsom stadsplanerare, byggherrar, arkitekter, konstruktörer med flera. Det finns många aspekter att ta hänsyn till vid ombyggnationsprojekt och vårt mål är att belysa några av dessa.Den här rapporten studerar först och främst konstruktörens roll, vad en konstruktör ska tänka på vid en ombyggnation.

Hur expanderar näthandelsföretag?

Internet commerce is nowadays a well known phenomenon. There is awareness that a lot of newly created companies operate their business through the Internet. You can see a tendency where many young people try to establish an Internet business with the hope of success and expansion on today?s fierce market rivalry. To achieve success, companies have to consider factors like business concept, logistic knowledge, future vision, resources and contacts when initializing their business.Having this in mind, we can clarify the purpose with this paper: ?To analyze in what way On-line shopping companies that sell consumer electronics, cell phones and music/entertainment products, have expanded? The paper is based on telephone interviews with three On-line shopping companies.

Zonerat skogsbruk på fastighetsnivå ? effekter på ekonomi och miljö

Det traditionella svenska skogsbruket bygger på ett trakthyggesbruk som tillämpas på största delen av arealen. Generell hänsyn lämnas vid skogliga åtgärder i form av levande och döda träd samt orörda områden. Utöver detta lämnas hela bestånd och nyckelbiotoper. Denna modell har fått kritik för att den skapar ett fragmenterat och variationsfattigt landskap med dåliga förutsättningar för många skogslevande arter att reproducera och sprida sig. Ett alternativ är triadskogsbruk där arealen delas upp i zoner med olika mål.

BI M i förvaltningsskedet med avseende på konstruktion.

Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.


The main objective of this thesis was to develop appropriate strategies and find factors that affect the usability of parameterized designs. This was accomplished by investigate the user-interface and how it is designed to meet the user's information needs. The thesis also embraces the basic theories in terms of investigation, cognitive design principles and human behavior patterns in the interaction with the machine. The approach has led to an explorative investigation in this subject area.The thesis also had the purpose to achieve more efficient ways for development of motor chainsaws at Husqvarna AB's department Global Cutting Equipment. That can be achieved through reduce costs of development per sold unit.

Koldioxidutsläpp vid sticklingsproduktion av pelargonium x hortorum i Kenya jämfört med Sverige :

Long transport of products is an environmental issue discussed to an increasing extent. The consumers are increasingly aware of how far our comestibles really have been transported. The increasing levels of environmental emissions are something that concerns people. The question is nevertheless delicate and many choose to ignore it. This is no longer an option.

?Utredning av fosfatets inverkan vid pressning av rullar i LRQ MEDIUM BEARINGS

Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.

Produktionseffektivisering av arbetsmoment inom byggsektorn En tidsstudie för standardisering av arbetssätt

Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.

Limträstomme till hallbyggnader : Utformning och dimensionering av momentstyva ramhörn och 3D-modell framtagning

Industrial buildings are increasing all over Sweden. Farmers are building new modern facilities and the government chooses to build new halls to invest i youth sports. Glulam is the most common framework but there are limitations because of the transport. Therefore, there is a need to develop new solutions to increase the use of glulam.The maximum torque in the eaves was found in the frame with a roof pitch of 18 degrees and a wingspan of 25 meters. Using hand calculations according to Eurocode and comparison with the computer software StatCon, the maximum torque, shear force and utilization rate is calculated.

Bokskog för framtiden : Planer och visioner för en bokplantering

Objekt för undersökningen är en nyplantering av bok på en mindreskogsfastighet i sydöstra Blekinge. Bok och ek, som är de viktigaste ädlalövträden för den biologiska mångfalden, intog i dessa trakter en stor andel avskogsbeståndet fram till 1960-70-talet, men har sedan minskat i takt med attde ersatts av planterad gran. Det finns idag, bland annat i Skogsstyrelsensriktlinjer, en uttalad strävan mot en högre andel ädellövskog på debreddgrader som ingår i dessa trädslags naturliga utbredningsområden. På såsätt kan det projekt, som studien beskriver, anses ligga rätt i tiden.Inledningsvis ger rapporten en översikt över skog och skogsbruk somkunskapsområde och bakgrunden till att vi nu ser tendenser till att detraditionella formerna av skogsbruk, där ekonomi är den dominerandestyrfaktorn, börjar ge vika för skogsbruksmetoder som gynnar ävennaturvårds- och sociala värden. Detta är en tendens som nu börjar fågenomslag såväl i myndigheters styrdokument som i forskning ochkunskapsutveckling.I rapporten beskrivs utvecklingen av en tio-årig plantering av bok, delsresultatet av den första fasen, etableringsfasen, och dels en bedömning av hurden framtida planeringen kan göras utifrån de uppställda målen med fokus påde skötselformer som kan betecknas som ?hyggesfria? eller ?naturnära?metoder.I analysen av studiens resultat görs jämförelser dels med liknande studier ochdels med schabloniserade tillväxtprognoser för bok.

Undersökning av svetsegenskaper för svetsning med rörtråd kontra homogen tråd

Welding is a common method for joining of metal or plastic construction parts. This report describes several different weld methods in general terms. The report focuses on the GMAW method, specifically MAG welding.A case study has also been performed for the company Wenmec. The task received from the company was to compare the mechanical properties of joints welded with the tube electrode called Nittetsu SM-3A and joints welded with the homogenous electrode called ESAB Aristorod 12.63. Both types of weld joint were welded with the MAG method with an Argon based shielding gas with 18% CO2.

Jordlöparfaunan i bestånd av contortatall (Pinus contorta) och svensk tall (P. sylvestris) 1987 och 2010

In the 1970´s the North American lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) was introduced to Sweden in large scale. The lodgepole pine affects its new environment different from Scots pine (P. sylvestris), leading to a change in biological diversity. Forestry today affects the ground beetle fauna (Carabidae). Habitat specialists associated with older forests are first affected. When the canopy closes again after a clear-cutting species that prefer open habitats reduces and those who prefer mature/closed forests increase. In this study we compare differences in diversity and community structure of ground beetles in stands of lodgepole pine and Scots pine.

Axellagring till Klasserare

GE Healthcare wants to investigate whether additive manufacturing would be an alternative method in their workshops in the Umea? plant. Additive manufacturing is called 3D printing in everyday language and manufactures details by building them up layer by layer in an automated machine. The purpose of this work is therefore to investigate how mature additive manufacturing methods are and how they could be used at GE.The work has been divided into three parts. The first section investigates how additive manufacturing would work in the production workshop at GE.

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