

345 Uppsatser om Laser Cutting - Sida 17 av 23

Mek Stans 07

Mek Stans 07 is a machine developed for Tetra Pak in Lund as a 10p candidate theses project at Halmstad University. The commission behind the project involved development of a machine that punches holes in packages for the inspection division at Tetra Pak. The task for the machine was to facilitate the process of making openings for testing in the company?s other equipment. Researches on different methods of cutting, types of automatization and possible designs were made. To implement the project a design and construction from the base where chosen.

Geosynteter för hållbara vägar : Modell för jämförelse av vägöverbyggnader med eller utan geotextiler och/eller geonät

The different material layers as part of a road construction fill all a function so theroad becomes durable, safe, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Recently, anew group of construction materials started to play an important role in roadconstruction ? geosynthetics.This thesis addresses the two most common types ofgeosynthetics used in modern road construction, namely geogrids and geotextiles.The most common use of geogrids is reinforcement of poor subgrade by usinggeogrid soil reinforcement, which occurs when road material particles wedge inthe geogrid?s mesh. Geotextiles act partly as a barrier that prevents the finermaterial in the below ground from being mixed with coarser upper material andalso act as a load spreader.Road contractors often face a choice of whether geogrids and/or geotextiles areappropriate in a particular road project and also how much profit the choice mightbring. This phase in the tender calculation process is the intended scope of thisthesis.The thesis deals with both the "hard" cost-function aspects and the "softer" values e.g.

Jämförelse av jordartsbedömning i fält och laboratorium

Muskuloskeletala problem och dysfunktioner är vanliga bland befolkningen och kan ofta kopplas till myofasciella triggerpunkter. Utmärkande för en triggerpunkt är en o?m palperbar knuta i muskulatur som a?r ka?nslig fo?r kompression. Om tryck appliceras pa? triggerpunkten kan den ge utstra?lande sma?rta och ofta uppstår ett så kallat local twitch response.

Underlag för BREEAM-certifiering : Kristianstad Nya Galleria

The company Olofsfors AB manufactures drive belts for forest machinery, known as ECO-Tracks, and abrasion-resistant steel and cutting edges for graders, excavators and tractors, known as Bruxite and SharqEdges. Manufacturing these products requires the steel to be heated and molded, then submerged in water and hardened. The water used in the hardening of steel is pumped to the process from pits below the floor and then pumped back to the pit after it?s been used. Since the temperature of this water rises after being used to harden the steel the temperature of the pumping pit needs to be adjusted to maintain its setpoint of 21°C.

Balanserat styrkort : En fallstudie om vilka problem som kan uppstå vid implementeringen av Balanserat styrkort i ett sjukhus.

The Swedish healthcare systems have over the past decades experienced a major reorganization that involves reduction of costs and cuts due to the financial problems that the public health system faced. Healthcare was criticized because it was considered to be bureaucratic and inefficient (Funck, 2007). The solution to this problem was to focus on other measures rather than the economic measures, such as modernizing the healthcare instead of cutting down. Implementing a balanced scorecard in a public sector as a hospital, perceived as failures. This is due to several factors such as communication, knowledge and expected time are not taken into consideration when implementing the scorecard.

När räddningen slutar i självmord : en studie om unga flyktingars självmordsbeteende i Sverige, utifrån personals erfarenheter i sociala verksamheter

Background and aim: The number of refugees and unaccompanied children are increasing in Sweden and these people belong to one of the groups that are at higher risk for developing suicidal behavior. At the same time the lack of research on the subject is mentioned several times by different sources. The aim of this study is therefore to investigate suicidal behavior among young refugees between the ages 13 to 18 years in Sweden, from personnel experiences in social services.Method: We have chosen a qualitative approach with seven narrative interviews that each lasted for about one hour and were recorded. The interview guide was semi structured. The respondents in this study consist of one student counselor, workers from two child psychiatry departments and four different residential care homes for unaccompanied children and young persons.Results and conclusions: The respondents had the understanding that young refugees have been through a lot, lost their families and experienced difficult traumas and a tough refuge.

Strängluftning av vallfoder : Inverkan på ensilagets torkningförlopp, spill och smörsyratillväxt

When harvesting ley you hope to get a fast drying and a faster harvest. If there is a system with round bales, you need to have a dry matter close to 45 %. To make this as fast as possible, there is made a machine which pick up the grass with an pick-up. It turn the grass over and put it behind the machine (figure 2 and 4). There are few tests to prove the efficiency of this machine.

Fysioterapi för behandling av triggerpunkter: En litteraturöversikt

Muskuloskeletala problem och dysfunktioner är vanliga bland befolkningen och kan ofta kopplas till myofasciella triggerpunkter. Utmärkande för en triggerpunkt är en o?m palperbar knuta i muskulatur som a?r ka?nslig fo?r kompression. Om tryck appliceras pa? triggerpunkten kan den ge utstra?lande sma?rta och ofta uppstår ett så kallat local twitch response.

Hudblodflödesmätning vid uppvärmningsprovokation med laser Doppler flowmetry teknik

Bakgrund: Populationen av äldre kommer att öka kraftigt i Sverige. Samtidigt indikerar populationsökningen att antalet sjuka äldre och behovet av vård och behandling kommer öka. Det är därför av vikt att utöka den geriatriska kompetensen i Sverige. Studier avseende sjuksköterskestudenters attityd gentemot geriatrik och äldre har utförts i Sverige men studier som studerat sjuksköterskestudenters uppfattning av geriatrisk omvårdnad är få.Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka uppfattningen av geriatrisk omvårdnad hos sjuksköterskestudenter i termin 6.Metod: Webbaserad enkätstudie med sjuksköterskestudenter i termin 6 vid Blekinge tekniska högskola våren 2015. Totalt distribuerades 64 enkäter ut vilket resulterade i en svarsfrekvens á 59 % (n =38).Resultat: En majoritet 81,6 % (n = 31) av studenterna ansåg att de erhållit god baskunskap i geriatrisk omvårdnad under grundutbildningen till sjuksköterska.

Reglering av matarsystem vid höghastighetskapning

Today small metal parts are mass-produced as for example rollers in cylinder bearings. At high velocity cutting the metal is cut with a great force in a scissor-like device. Both precision and repeatability is important to be able to guarantee good quality, but from an economical point of view it is also important to keep a great manufacturing capacity. The part of the process that is most time consuming is when the metal bar, that is about to be cut, is fed to the right position. Therefore it is interesting to examine if the time used for positioning can be reduced.

Förbättringsarbete mot Lean Production på Tooling Support Halmstad AB

Nowdays an efficient production is critical to achieve for companies competing on the market for steel cutting tools. One of such companies is Halmstad based Tooling Support Halmstad AB that manufactures threading-taps, threading-dies and parting off tools, towards a centralized warehouse in Schiedam, Holland. The large amount of different products, approximately 2500 is a big contributor to the problem along with a new order system that creates a demand of low setup times. Previously the company was forwarded orders through quarter based prognoses which enabled planning of the production over a longer time span. Currently the newer order system ZENIT is in use and the company thereby gets their orders weekly.

Kvalitetssäkrad arbetsprocess vid 3D-modellering av byggnader : Baserat på underlag från ritning och 3D-laserskanning

Tidigare vid ombyggnation, försäljning och förvaltning av byggnader som var uppförda innan 80-talet utgick fastighetsägarna från enkla handritade pappersritningar. Det är en svår utmaning att hålla ritningen uppdaterad till verkliga förhållanden d.v.s. relationsritning. För ca 25 år sedan (i början på 80-talet) byttes papper och penna ut mot avancerade ritprogram (CAD) för framtagning av ritningar. Idag används CAD i stort sett för all nyprojektering och de senaste åren har utvecklingen gått mot en större användning av 3D-underlag än tidigare 2D-ritningar.

Inventering av Maskinisten 6 och Valhall 2 på LEAX fastigheter i Köping enligt MIFO fas 1

This study is a degree project in environmental engineering at Mälardalens university. Its purpose has been to perform a risk assessment on whether or not any contaminations are present in the soil at two properties in Köping. The assessment was to be done accordingly to a method that has been set up by The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket). The method for investigation of contaminated sites is called MIFO. MIFO consists of two stages.

Driftoptimering av torkmaskin : Driftoptimering av torkmaskin 3 vid Billerudkorsnäs Karlsborg AB

The company Olofsfors AB manufactures drive belts for forest machinery, known as ECO-Tracks, and abrasion-resistant steel and cutting edges for graders, excavators and tractors, known as Bruxite and SharqEdges. Manufacturing these products requires the steel to be heated and molded, then submerged in water and hardened. The water used in the hardening of steel is pumped to the process from pits below the floor and then pumped back to the pit after it?s been used. Since the temperature of this water rises after being used to harden the steel the temperature of the pumping pit needs to be adjusted to maintain its setpoint of 21°C.

Design and evaluation of an AGV-system for Tetra Pack in Lund using simulation

This examination work is the final work in our education to become a Bachelor of Science inMechanical Engineering by the University of Lund.The main purpose with this work has been to develop a new effective material handling system for TPPM AB in Lund since the existing system starts to become out of date. The future system that is going to be installed shall have the capacity to support all machines with unit-, semi- and finished goods during full production. The work has also included studying the possibilities to change the material flow in a positive way between the storage and the production when one is using existing buildings.During our work we have been used a simulation program called AutoMod, performing company visits, interviews and reviewed internal and external information to create a picture of what the best conclusion can be. During the work we have contacted five suppliers to receive system solutions and quotatioris. The suppliers, which have been contacted, are Swisslog, Moving, Rocia, Christensen & Hansen and ABB.

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