

6494 Uppsatser om Large technical systems (LTS) - Sida 37 av 433

Testbänk för luftlager

Test bench for air bearingsThis thesis work consisted of bringing forward and defining the test parameters relevant for a test bench and constructing a test bench that can test and verify the largest existing air bearings that are of use in Micronic Laser Systems AB machines. Because the knowledge about air bearings is limited it is thought that with the help of the test bench the knowledge would increase and in that way improve the air bearings.After learning more about air bearings and their purpose at Micronic Laser Systems AB, I started the concept phase for the test bench. For each part in the test bench I consulted my two tutors, Torbjörn Hedevärn and Johan Bergqvist, at Micronic Laser Systems AB. The final concepts where documented as 3D-modells in Solidworks and some of them have been tested in Solidworks FEM-program.The test bench is designed so that, with the help of a pneumatic cylinder, 25 kilo weights are placed on the air bearing to test its stiffness, damping and the pressure performance under its surface area. To test these parameters the test bench has to have a pressure meter, accelerometer and a microcator.

Calf health before and after change in housing system ? isolated barn vs. hutches

Calf health is of importance both from a financial perspective and from an animal welfare point of view. Housing system and environment are factors affecting the calves? health. The objective of this project was to make a review of literature on calf health and housing and to perform an observational study on calf health at Nötcenter Viken, Research Dairy Farm, Lantmännen Sweden that changed calf housing system; from a traditional indoor system (Group IN) to outdoor hutches (Group OUT). It was only the housing system that was changed; the routines and feed were the same in both systems.

Saklighet, öppenhet och profilering : arbete med information och marknadsföring på Linköpings universitet

With this essay we have had the intention of observing Linköping University as an example of a public authority undergoing change. In the information society of today, the increasing competition and internationalization affects, not only companies and organizations, but also the public sector. After having been concerned with neutral information spread only, according to"the third mandate", employees at the Department of Information at Linköping University has also started dealing with marketing, so as to increase the recruitment of students. As a result of this, the work team has been divided into an editorial staff and a department with emphasis on market issues. To strengthen the trademark of Linköping University one has chosen to mediate certain values representative for the university - an interdisciplinary and innovative approach and an entrepreneurial spirit.

Riskkapitalbolags påverkan på styrning i sina portföljbolag: En studie om utveckling av styrsystem i svenska Venture Capital finansierade företag.

The aim of this study is to investigate which management control mechanisms evolve in companies that receive funding from Venture Capital companies and why the management control systems evolve in the way that they do. A case study was performed on three Swedish high technology companies, that all received funding from Venture Capital companies for the first time in 2006. Merchant?s framework, defining all management control mechanisms as either, results control, action control or personnel control, was used to structure the study. Results show that the companies that received Venture Capital all increased the use of management control mechanisms within results control, action control and personnel control.

Hantering av omvärldstryck i svenska elitidrottsföreningar av olika kommersialitetsgrad

This essay studies how and why large sports clubs from sports with a different degree of commerciality interact with their institutional surroundings in the way that they do. It compares two large Stockholm-based table tennis clubs, Ängby SK and Spårvägens BTK, with a large Stockholm-based football club, AIK Fotboll. In order to get proper data, a number of key persons within the organisations were exploratively interviewed using open and semi-structured questions, together with study of literature and other sources related to the subject. One of the key findings was that the non-profit table tennis clubs, who were expected to resemble the institution association closely, were subject to company-ization, and thus acted a lot more like the institution company than expected. The other key finding was that the football club, although driven partially like a public limited company, in many aspects placed a greater value on cultural capital than on economic capital..

Kvalitetsbristkostnader i samband med reklamationsprocessen

During the 1970?s the interest for quality management and the concept of quality costs increased considerably. Business leaders noticed that there was a great potential for reducing costs of poor quality. Since up to 10-30% of a company?s total turnover may consist of poor quality costs some consider them as an unexploited goldmine.

Integrerade ledningssystem : Drivkrafter, möjligheter och hinder

The world is changing and the business context is no exception. One of the clearest tendencies is a tougher business climate with harder competition due to increased international trade and the expansion of the e-business. At the same time the customers are becoming more sophisticated and demanding. The last decades have also meant that tougher and more frequent demands are being aimed at the businesses from a wider variety of stakeholders; demands regarding how environmental issues, social responsibilities and business ethics should be dealt with. All of the above have driven companies towards implementation of different management systems to be able to cope with the demands as well as to ensure that these issues are being dealt with in an efficient and effective manner.

Ljudet av William

Ett Film som projekt, en film om ljud, en film om ljudet i film. En film inspelad professionellt med professionella medarbetare. Kandidatarbetet gick ut på både skapa en film inriktad på ljud och skapa ett fungerande filmteam. Arbetet tar upp både det tekniska inom filmljud men även processen i ett filmteam. I arbetet följer vi processen från dess början till dess slut.

Kultur kontra regler : En fallstudie av omorganisering i offentlig sektor

This thesis examines the subject of change in public administration from an instrumental and an institutional structure perspective. The purpose of the thesis is to examine whether institutional structures affect the development of instrumental structures and if it in turn is possible to affect institutional structures by changing the instrumental structures. This case study is primarily based on a series of deep interviews with senior administrators and politicians within two new administrations in the municipality Karlstad, both which have been created by merging several smaller administrations, but also thorough analysis of several official document such as protocols from the municipal council meetings, Tja?nsterskrivelser and internal PMs.   The result of the analysis indicates that both institutional structures and the forming instrumental structures affect each other and  that their ability to affect each other depends on the dominance over the organization each structure has.  In my specific research case we can see that the institutional structure of the city-technical and housing administration has affected the outcome but the institutional structure of the cultural and tourism administration hasn?t.  While the structural change of the city-technical and housing administration hasn?t effected the institutional structure but the structural change of the cultural and tourism administration has affected the institutional structure of this specific administration..


This study aims to investigate how small scale manufacturing companies reason around an implementation of a PLM-system, as well as the suitability of these systems compared to larger companies. The study is built on a qualitative method. Initially, secondary data was gathered through books, articles and reports. Primary data was gathered through four interviews. Two interviews were performed with PLM resellers, one interview was performed with a PLM developer, and one interview was performed with a small scale manufacturing company that opted to not implement a PLM-system.The results imply that overall differences between larger and smaller companies exist in regard to the need of PLM systems.

Kundlönsamhetsanalys som avbildande kalkyl och medskapande praktik: En fallstudie av Billerud

In recent years, customer profitability has become a focal point of academic discussions on business performance. However, researchers remain divided as to how evaluation of customers ought to be conducted, resulting in uncertainty of how accounting systems should be adapted to prevailing conditions. This paper aims to investigate the application of customer accounting techniques and the role they play in the organisational and commercial context in which they take place. In a case study of Billerud, a Swedish company providing materials and services for packaging solutions, the interplay between customer accounting techniques and customer relationship characteristics has been examined through the application of a theoretical framework developed by Lind and Strömsten. Particular emphasis has been put on deviations from the prescribed pattern of the framework.

Assessment methods for corporateresponsibility on the fashion scene : a case study of Hennes & Mauritz, Lindex, Kappahl and MQ

Assessing the outcome of corporate responsibility is often argued to be complicated due to long-term effects and qualitative aspects. Epstein (2008, p.261) establishes that: ?Though many think that sustainability is too difficult to measure, companies have found that unless the impacts are measured, they are commonly ignored in the resource allocation process?. Corporate responsibility is often referred to as a business case, i.e., that social and environmental concern add value to the business (Heikkurinen, 2010; Porter & van der Linde, 1995). Hence, for corporate responsibility to be a business case a strategy, corporate structure and systems, programmes and actions linked to performance measures need to be in place to assess the outcome; environmental, social as well as financial.

Produktutveckling med hjälp och stöd för teknisk projektledning : - en kvalitativ studie av tre högteknologiska företag.

Due to an increasing global market with a growing competition and an escalating technologydevelopment the demands on companies today are increasing. To maximise the output fromtheir recourses they need to be more efficient. The research on product development and how toensure the efficiencies in the process are extensive and companies could by adapting andimplementing the result of this research use its benefits.This master thesis is made for Knightec AB with the aims that through interviews anddiscussions with three companies investigate, collate, justify and give proposals for productdevelopment process together with supporting methods and procedures for technical projectmanagement. Besides Knightec AB three other companies located in Sweden has beenparticipating in this study. Through semi structured interviews and discussions in focus groupsinformation from the three involved companies were obtained.

Den omedvetna organiseringen : Om etableringen av bitcoin i Sverige

Many of today?s societies are built on established financial structures that are controlled by states and central banks. These structures are built on a clear perception of economic systems as established but invisible institutionalised concepts that are operated by millions of organizations worldwide. An idea of counteracting against centralized economies by introducing a currency that no state or bank controlled was developed in the beginning of the 20th century. In 2008 the idea was realised by the introduction of Bitcoin, which is a digital currency and transaction system without any centralized emitter or controlling organ.

Användarorienterad design av anestesisystem

In inhalation anesthesia life-support systems are used to provide gases to the patient and to monitor important parameters. These systems are used in dynamic and stressful situations where the information-load on the operators often is significant. This thesis presents a design concept of an anesthetic system. The design goal has been to keep the information-load on the operator low with the objective to minimize confusion and error.A number of contextual inquiries were made in the operating room during surgery at four hospitals in Sweden. The goal was to understand the actual use-situations when anesthetic systems are employed.

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