

2018 Uppsatser om Language poetry - Sida 1 av 135

Användandet av poesi i undervisningen : effekter på barns språkutveckling

The study focuses on the use of poetry in language teaching in the lower grades in the Swedish school. Poetry has a reputation of being an art form with such specific rules and structures that children and teachers think that it is something that they do not have the ability to work with.  The purpose of this study is to get an understanding of how poetry is used in educating children. My research is based on the following questions. To which extent is poetry being used in schools and how is it being used?Can you as a teacher see any effects on childrens language development by using poetry?As a part of my study I have met with and interviewed four different people, who in one way or another is involved in teaching children. Two working teachers in the lower grades, one pedagogical resource and one artist that work with teachers in reaching different goals through the help of aesthetic processes.

Standardisering VS anpassning- En fallstudie om Electrolux

The study focuses on the use of poetry in language teaching in the lower grades in the Swedish school. Poetry has a reputation of being an art form with such specific rules and structures that children and teachers think that it is something that they do not have the ability to work with.  The purpose of this study is to get an understanding of how poetry is used in educating children. My research is based on the following questions. To which extent is poetry being used in schools and how is it being used?Can you as a teacher see any effects on childrens language development by using poetry?As a part of my study I have met with and interviewed four different people, who in one way or another is involved in teaching children. Two working teachers in the lower grades, one pedagogical resource and one artist that work with teachers in reaching different goals through the help of aesthetic processes.

Poetry Slam. En studie av vilken betydelse Poetry Slam har som litteratur och som identitetsskapande verksamhet för ett antal tävlingsdeltagare.

Today, the definition of literature has changed. Walter J. Ong talks about the secondary spoken language that has surfaced as a result of new technical innovations to our writing tools. This also transforms our attitude towards literature and we can see a return to literature based on verbal characteristics. According to Hans Hertel the verbal renaissance reflects a modern man need to come closer to each other and create togetherness.

Gräset är apoteksgrönt eller var går gränsen för ett gränslöst språk : om nationell identitet i svensk språkpoesi

Based on the on the assumption that the two recent Swedish poetry collections mil by Anna Hallberg and mallamerik, mallamer, malameri, mallame, amerik, mallameka, merikka, by Lars Mikael Raattamaa, are constructed with theoretical questions about identity, national identity, language hierarchy and power in mind, this study aims to investigate the ways in which these issues come to expression. Simplified, the term language-poetry, or språkmaterialism, can be used to describe a language-philosophical poetry that aims to eliminate the hierarcic structures between writer and reader in a text and invite the reader to become the co-worker of it. The study shows that by different ways of eliminating the centre of the text, the text is made democratical. But one question that this study asks is how can a nation's conventional and standardised written  language ? the language of the centre ? be used to write itself out of this centre into the margin? Stepping from a theoretical background of postcolonial theories on identity and national identity, including reflections as those given by Benedict Anderson, Madan Sarup, Timothy Brennan, Stefan Helgesson and Mia Cuoto, the analysis points out how this poetry laborates with the terms bugging, repetition, national language identity, and space as poetic material, in order to work in line with ? and contrary to - conceptions of a unified and shared language.

En kropp av bokstäver och ett alfabet av kroppar : Om kroppens och språkets materialitet i Helena Erikssons poesi

Based on the assumption that the work of contemporary Swedish poet Helena Eriksson, in various ways elaborates the inseparable relation between body and language, this study aims to investigate how this view of language comes to expression in her poetry. Stepping from a theoretical background of feminist perspectives on the body, as well as recent theories on poetic materiality, the analysis points out how the concepts of aesthetic and/or linguistic materiality, social and technological materiality, and what can be described as the ethical dimension of materiality, all as termed by Jesper Olsson and Fredrik Hertzberg, take on feminist implications in Eriksson?s poetry. Through the theory of feminist anthropologist Vicki Kirby and her account of Derrida?s general view of writing, the study makes use of a deconstructive approach to the later work of Eriksson.

Jag drar ett streck / skriver alfabetet : Exilen som katalysator för Nelly Sachs lyrik

German-Jewish Nobel Prize laureate Nelly Sachs is remembered for her poetry written while in exile in Sweden. In this essay I have tried to examine how the exile situation shaped her poetry and what different kinds of stages the poetry went through. For example - how it went from being dark and painful when concerning the holocaust, into light and hopeful with reconciliation during the last years of her life.The exile turned out to be a catalyst to her poetry..

Natten är naken och månlös : Subjektsinversion i Marie Unders 20-talslyrik

Like several of her female peers, Marie Under (1883 - 1980) has been denied the international acclaim she deserves. The earliest text on Marie Under in swedish told of her greatness, but in classical fallic maner reduced her poetic production by marking it with pathological symtoms. Though latter texts by author Enel Melberg have put a feminist perspective on Unders work, the theoretical complexity of her poetic images and language, and its polemic relation to contemporary literary currents, has yet to be recognised. This study will seek to portrait Marie Under and her poetry in this new light.The study moves from an installation of Marie Under in the modern discourse she so far has been estranged from, to an analysis of her earlier works (in the 1910?s and 1920?s).

Bland tiggare & barfotabarn : 19 intervjuer med lyrikläsare i Borås

The objective of this entire essay, founded on nineteen interviews of poetry readers at thepublic library in Borås, is to ascertain why people do read poetry. But in addition to examinewhat sort of people who enjoy poetry, as well as what they appear to get out of their exercise.I have also put together the position of the poetry reader as a customer of the library.The summary of contents is primarily based on direct quotations of the interviews, and doesnot reflect any generally applicable facts about poetry readers. I am only trying to focus on thethoughts and sentiments on poetry experienced by a few randomly selected individuals. DanAndersson, Karin Boye, Nils Ferlin and Gustaf Fröding were stated as favourites by many.The only thing in common subsequently found by those interviewed was a great affection forliterature and a diligent usage of the library..

Adaption och subversion : Återbruk, mening och nonsens i Block av Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson

The Swedish contemporary poet Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson (UKON) creates his poems by recycling and manipulating existing material. Though the overall opinion of his work has been positive, the idea that experimental poetry focus shape on the expense of content has led critics to either interpret the nonsensical and absurd aspects of UKON?s poetics as a consequence of the technical methods he uses to create his poetry, or to look beyond the nonsensical and absurd aspects to focus the fact that the poems creates meaning at all. The poems of UKON?s sixth collection of poems, Block (2005), differ from each other in many ways: some poems are lists and other revolves around a person ? their content and construction vary and they can hardly be read as an expression of one persons thought.

"etymologiskt uttytt: frälst." En studie av det religiösa vittnesbördet i Majken Johanssons sextiotalsdikt

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the religious testimony in the following works of the Swedish poet Majken Johansson (1930-1993): Liksom överlämnad (1965), Omtal (1969) and Från Magdala. Fragment ur en självbiografi (1972). A part of the purpose is also to investigate how Johansson phrases this testimony using a contemporary aesthetics. The thesis also studies how her works were received by the contemporary critics. The result shows that they tended to deprecate Johansson?s religiosity but were generally appreciative when it came to her poems.

VART LEDER EN BRO AV POESI? ?Jo, jag g?r i f?rskoleklass och jag kan skriva dikter.?

In autumn of 2021, the anthology A Bridge of Poetry was given to all six-year-olds in Sweden. The anthology contains both older and contemporary poetry, as well as both children?s poetry and poetry written for experienced readers. The idea is that, with the help of an adult, texts and images, and in some cases short movies, will together stimulate children?s thoughts and initiate conversations, as well as arousing children?s curiosity about poetry.

Det ?r du att st? i regn hela tiden. Ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv p? subjektet i Katarina Frostensons poesi

This essay examines the speaking subject in Katarina Frostenson?s poetry through a phenomenological perspective. The study is focused on how the subject appears, the relation between the subject?s inner world and the outside world, and the relation between the speaking subject and language. The purpose of the study is to expand the understanding of questions regarding the subject in Frostenson?s poetry by using a phenomenological approach ? a perspective that is missing in previous studies.

Hur klär man ett moln i svenska byxor? : En komparativ analys av svenska översättningar av Vladimir Majakovskijs poesi

Abstract of How to dress a cloud in trousers? ? A comparative analysis of Swedish translations of Vladimir Majakovskij?s poetryIn this essay I present a comparative analysis of Swedish translations of Vladimir Majakovskij?s poems ??????? ? ??????? and ??? ???? ??????.[1]My ambition is to analyze and understand methods of translation and reasons of devices in transforming Majakovskij?s poetry into a Swedish language and context. On the basis of my theoretic perspectives (which contain fundamental problems of translation, the development of the subject ?translation? and English translations of Russian texts) I methodically execute a parallel reading of the original poems, literature concerning Majakovskij as a poet and selected, biographic literature with a concentration on the works of the Swedish translator and scientist Bengt Jangfeldt.[2]The chapters of my analysis was formed during my methodic reading of theoretic and biographic literature and creates a frame for my results: the analyze of three different kinds of transforming the Russian rhymes into Swedish, the way of translators actualizing and making poems more understandable by placing it in a different context by changing names/national clichés, the effect of using hard or vulgarized language and the inevitable transformation from Russian to Swedish when translators are showing underlying meanings in the strophes by using more poetic language, a discussion of errors in translation, implicit difficulties in Russian use of certain words and the ideology of Majakovskij?s poetry and the Swedish publication/relationship to the authorship.[1]?A cloud in trousers? and ?At the top of my voice?[2]An interview with a Russian-speaking reader is also executed for another perspective of the Russian language.

Lyrik i skolan : Hur lyrik i skolan kan utveckla barns kreativa skrivande

AbstractWhen I was a child my mother and I wrote a lot of poems, but in school we didn´t write poems at all. As a teacher I want to show the children the joy and happiness of writing poems, stories and fairy tales.The purpose of this report was to investigate the work with poetry and creative writing in my class and how the pupils experienced their own work/writing. I began with asking the pupils in my class a few and simple questions about poetry, then we made a diffrent kinds of poetry writing and a finally I repeated the interviews with the children. The poetry writing took place during six weeks under the spring semester.I found that as a teacher it is possible to work with creative writing and poetry in diffrent ways. The pupils enjoyed the writing and their opinions were that they had increased their skills in rhyming, writing and spelling, that they had learnt new words and to use their fantasy and that they had learnt a great deal of how to cooperate.KeywordsCreative writing, fantasy, poems..

"Alla människor har en fasad och man vet aldrig vad som döljer sig där bakom" En undersökning om hur det går att påverka elevers attityd till lyrik genom undervisning

The study is ethnographic and the collected material consists of questionnaires, interviews andconducted practical exercises. The purpose of this study is to examine whether it is possible tochange boys attitude to poetry and poetry teaching through practical exercises. The questionswhich the study is based on concerns how frameworks for tasks can enhance the creativity ofthe students, the standards students have as a reference point and what attitudes boys have topoetry. The study shows that students feel that they are more creative if there is a frameworkfor the task, it has also been shown that boys do not have any special attitude to poetry,because they do not know what the word means. One of the most important results in theresults section is that boys have a positive attitude to poetry as long as the teacher gives themthe right tools to work with..

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