

2273 Uppsatser om Language constructions - Sida 15 av 152

?Men dom kan ju i alla fall läsa? ? Litteratur på teckenspråk

The goal of this Master?s thesis is to explore the approach and general attitude of public libraries regarding Sign Language Literature. There is a need to study and advance how the deaf can find ways to read in their own language, as it is as important to them to be able to read in their language, as it is to the next hearing person. The purpose is to define and explain the full capacity of the problem. In the process of research, by investigating how library staff approaches and deal with deaf patrons, the nature of the patron-staff relationship is revealed.

Jag måste tänka på ett annat sätt... : Fem folkhögskolestuderande med annat modersmål och deras upplevelser av att lära matematik på svenska

The purpose of the present study is to describe adult second language learners? experiences of mathematics learning from a past and contemporary perspective. What experiences in mathematics do they bring? What does it mean to learn Mathematics through their new language?The study is based on life-world narratives from five second language students with another native language than Swedish. Today they all study at a Swedish folk high school, at upper secondary level and they have previously studied at this level in Mathematics. The result shows that the meeting with the Swedish school and folk high school context is confusing.

Spelets språk : Hur används det engelska språket i onlinespel?

This study aims to research how upper secondary pupils interact while playing online games, how the English language is used within each game and what attitudes these pupils have towards language in school and online gaming respectively. Online gaming sessions have been recorded to analyze the methods of interaction by which people communicate with each other while playing online games. Furthermore, the text-based communication occuring in online gaming is analyzed on a lexical level to find words not defined in legitimate English dictionaries. Interviews with students have been conducted to understand the attitudes held by students towards language in school and online games..

Vadå språkutvecklande arbetssätt? : En studie av tre olika klassers undervisning med fokus på språkutvecklande arbetssätt

In a municipality in the county of Stockholm there is a preparatory class which accepts newly arrived children from other countries. In the preparatory class the education is focused on teaching students the Swedish language so that they eventually, after about 3-4 -terms, can be transferred to a "regular" class.For students with a different native language, it takes about 5-7 years longer to learn the knowledge-based language that is used in school (Gibbons 2009: foreword). This requires education in school to be linguistically developing.The purpose with this essay is to gain knowledge on how pedagogues can work in a linguistically developing manner with students who have Swedish as their second language. The comparison between education in a preparatory class and education in two regular classes at two different schools is also part of that purpose.What is the education considering linguistically developing work methods like in the preparatory class and the" regular" classes? Are there differences and similarities between the preparatory class and "regular" classes education when it comes to linguistically developing work methods? Which part of the education is adapted to a linguistically developing perspective that fits students with Swedish as a second language?Theories as the socio cultural theory, the proximal zone, and Jim Cummins model, concerning among other things language and knowledge development, is brought up and linked to the study of differences and similarities between schools.

Att använda skönlitteratur i skolan : En studie om hur och varför åländska lärare i åk 4-6 använder skönlitteratur i sin undervisning

This essay is about how and why teachers use fiction litterature as a teaching method. It´s based on a study among eight teachers in year 4-6 at a school in Mariehamn in the Åland Islands. The results show the high importance of using fiction litterature in education. Fiction literature is highly valued in all subjects as it stimulates the students development of language, empathy and fantasy. The curriculum´s aim of using fiction litterature is to stimulate the pleasure of reading.

Estetiska vägar mot språket : En undersökande essä om estetiska lärprocessers påverkan på språkutveckling

My purpose with this essay is to examine the relationship between esthetic learning processes and language development to find good practices in my work with multilingual children. In my report, I describe a few activities from my work as a preschool pedagogue in a multicultural area, with a large group of children where age and knowledge of Swedish varies. The background to this essay is the problems I experienced in my work with children´s language development in an organization that, in my opinion, is limited by economic factors. The questions I poses are about the way esthetic learning processes can help children develop their language skills as well as their participation in preschool activities. I also pose the question whether there is a connection between the musical ear and children´s development of language.

Berättandets betydelse i förskolan : En undersökning av pedagogers syn på och tillämpning av berättande för att främja barns språkutveckling

AbstractThis study investigates the impact of storytelling for children's language development in preschool from a sociocultural perspective. The purpose is to find what narrative methods teachers use to promote children's language development. I also want to examine whether the children are involved in the storytelling. To get answers to my questions which include what methods teachers use, narrative meaning and function, and their children's participation, I have used qualitative interviews with four preschool teachers at four different preschools.The results of my survey show that teachers use a variety of methods at storytelling. The most common methods were reading, rhymes and daily storytelling while eating.

Kontrollerat och okontrollerat språk En litteraturstudie i informationsåtervinning i databaser.

This thesis deals with one of the main questions within information science: The question about controlled and uncontrolled vocabulary and which of the two that are most effective when it comes to retrieve relevant information from electronic databases. The method used here is literature studies. I have described and examined five empirical studies which has been done in purpose to compare the effectiveness in retrieval with controlled and uncontrolled vocabulary, in the way they are used in retrieval of information in databases. The studies I have examined have also used recall and precision as a value to measure the effectiveness of retrieval. The studies which I have chosen is also limited to deal only with studies that have been done in bibliographic databases.

Man och kvinna till salu : En studie av manliga kontra kvinnliga modemagasins framställning av genus och konsumtion

Due to the developments in today's gender discussions, this essay aimed at investigating the gendered constructions and encouragements to consumption. As a former fashion student I have a special interest in the commercial constructions featured in fashion magazines, especially since advertising, fashion and perceptions of gender have long walked hand in hand. Just as feminism studies have shown femininity being a fluid identity, recent studies of masculinities, media and culture are also showing changes in the depictions of men.The aim was to clarify how fashion magazines encourage men and women to consume products and ideals, and also discuss the gender constructions occurring in the junction of editorial and commercial text (articles and advertisements). The analysis was thereof based on three main questions:-       How is consumption encouraged in male and female fashion magazines?-       What kind of gendered pattern appears in the junction of advertisement and editorial text?-       With regard to the gender constructions, what is the reader encouraged to consume?The theoretical framework of the analysis was based on gender studies and political economy, mostly describing a commercial perception of feminine journalism and a new metrosexual expression in men?s fashion and lifestyle magazines.By using a combination of quantitative (content analysis) and qualitative (semiotics) approach two fashion magazines, Elle and King Magazine (published in May 2013) were used as representatives of fashion magazines in general.The results showed clear differences between the sexes.

Försäkringskassan har beslutat : En undersökning av mottagaranpassning och språkbruk i Försäkringskassans beslutstexter

The aim of this study is to learn about and demonstrate the process in which Försäkringskassan (The Swedish Social Insurance Agency) customizes texts and the texts linguistics influence on a potential beneficiary. I use three different questions to fulfill the purpose of the study. I examine what the manuals writers of Försäkringskassan use say about the issues of sentence length, addressing the beneficiaries and wording ? three language features that represent different perspectives within plain language research. Furthermore, I examine how decision texts are created and tailored for its beneficiary group and how the language in decisions is perceived by potential beneficiaries.

Kommunikationseffektivitet och kommunikationsstrategier för L1- och L2-talare i referentiella problemlösningsuppgifter

This thesis examines and measures differences in effciency between L1- and L2 language use for solving referential problems. Quantitative measures used in the study were time and error frequency. Qualitative measures, such as how the tasks and the participants own performance were experienced, were measured by an post interview and two questionaires. Two different tasks, a sorting task and a construction task, in which each informant was given the role as a constructor or instructor, were used for data gathering. A total of 20 dyads, divided in two language groups (English and Swedish) participated in the study.

Hur uppfattar pedagoger att de bedriver undervisning i svenska och svenska som andraspråk? : En jämförelse mellan två skolor i olika områden

The purpose of this study is to investigate how two elementary schools work with Swedish and Swedish as a second language through four teachers thoughts and perceptions. My issues are: How do the teachers perceive the Swedish classes in the school, and how do they perceive that they are conducting it? Which examples of material for teaching do the teachers show me and how do they use it in each school? Do the work with Swedish and Swedish as a second language in the multi-ethnic school and the more mono-ethnic school differ according to how the teachers perceive they are conducting it? Do the teachers think that the equivalent education that is part of the curriculums values and mission always is maintained and why/why not? My study is performed from a sociocultural perspective. My conclusions are that the teachers from the multi-ethnic school are more aware of how to work with Swedish or Swedish as a second language regardless of the students ethnic or national origins. Some aspects of how the teachers work with Swedish are equal with each others, but there are differences to.

- Varför finns det inga Äppelhyllor för vuxna? Teckenspråksböcker för vuxna

This master thesis is about access to literature translated into Swedish sign language for deaf at the public libraries. It is by now a well-known fact that there is produced very little literature in sign language for deaf. This is so even though the policies for the library nationally and internationally, and the public law for libraries in Sweden says there should be literature available for all groups of disadvantaged people. People who have problem reading ordinary ink books have the right to get the book adapted into a medium accessible for them. The goal of the Swedish law for disadvantaged says that in 2010 Sweden should be accessible for all irrespective of weather you are deaf or not.

Nya förhållningssätt i den fackliga jämställdhetspolitiken? En studie av LOs Klass och kön-serie 1990-2000

At the Congress of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) in 1991 a decision was made to reform LOs politics of gender. In the new resolution class and gender were established as equal causes of oppression. This was a giant leap from LOs traditional politics, where the dimension of class had always been considered more important than gender. The present thesis discusses how gender was constructed in LOs discourse after 1990 by analysing their official publications about gender politics called Klass och kön. The key terms in the analysis are continuity and change.

En studie rörande brottspåföljder : Straffets legitimering

AbstractThe author Selma Lagerlöf was born in 1858 at Mårbacka, in Värmland and died in 1940. Fifty years after Selma´s death were her correspondence released and ten thousand of letters were found in the collection. But it was just the correspondence between Selma and Sofie Elkan who interested people because they wanted to know if Selma and Sofie have had a sexual relationship. Later, in time for Christmas 2008 the Swedish Television shows a film about Selma. "Selma Lagerlöf Society" was critical to the movie and thougt that the movie focused too much on Selma`s sexual orientation.

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