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En annan värld kan bli möjlig : En studie om ABF:s bildningsideal i det mångkulturella samhället
The purpose of this paper is to investigate, analyse and interpret the educational ideals of the ABF (Workers Educational Association) as they are understood by five members within ABF. The paper also examines how the educational ideals are represented in the national guidelines and statues of the ABF. The basic theoretical perspectives are intercultural theory and theories about Bildung and adult liberal education in a multi-cultural pedagogical environment presented by Bernt Gustavsson and Hans Lorentz respectively.The empirical study consists of five semi-structured interviews and a text study of the official documents of the ABF. The data is interpreted with hermeneutic and semiotic tools. Organisational theory focusing on organizational culture has also contributed to the study.The result of the study, when analysed in accordance to the methods, shows mainly four things.
Vetenskapsteoretiska och metodologiska perspektiv på tidsgeografiska visualiseringsmodeller. -En fallstudie i samhällsvetenskaplig visualisering
In the history of scientific visualization techniques there is a lack of social science practices and methodologies. The advent of modern computer graphics brought the use of visualizations into a whole new era, but even though the tools by which such modern visualizations are created become easier to access and use, the lack of social science researchers harvesting the benefits of such tools still remain. This ease of use, increase in power and accessibility plus the ever growing need within the natural sciences to augment the human senses has further complicated the relationship between scientific methodologies, validity, reliability and the use of visualization techniques. This relationship must be explored, demystified and understood in order to fully grasp the impact of visualization practices when incorporated into any given scientific method. Within the social sciences there is one example of a tradition that has since its conception carried within it a graphical notion and a visualization practice.
Workshopmetodik för uppstart av nya projekt inom mobil IT
Ordet workshop är något som växt sig mer och mer välkänt under det senaste årtiondet. Det har blivit ett allt mer använt, såväl som omtyckt arbetssätt. Detta har medfört att bra workshopmetoder är något som är av stort intresse för företag. En form av workshop som används är idégenereringsworkshops, något som kan vara önskvärt vid dessa är att samtliga deltagare har en gemensam målbild, vilket kan vara problematiskt att uppnå.Målet med denna fallstudie var att skapa en workshopmetodik som är anpassad för arbete med mobila applikationer. Workshopen genomsyras också av ett fokus på att skapa en gemensam målbild hos deltagarna, samt ett synsätt som utgår från den potentiella mobilapplikationens slutanvändare.Genom att utnyttja information från en litteraturstudie, ett antal intervjuer samt önskemål och erfarenheter från företaget Sogeti inom ämnet, skapades en mängd kriterier.
Redesign av en hemsida : Med sökmotoroptimering och användbarhet i fokus
This paper describes the redesign of a site (Kolonn.se). Some of the problems with the site were a lack of structure and a design that was unclear both visitor and search engines. The site now has a new design and structure that has been taking form in Axure prototypes that has been tested and applied into WordPress. The results are a site with a new main menu, new graphic profile and logo. Also SEO-adapted content such as correctly structured headers, meta tags, descriptions and key words that has been implemented in the content.
Lyckliga i alla sina dagar? : Makt, kön och heterosexualitet i tre Disneyfilmer
The purpose of this thesis was to examine the ways in which the constructions of heterosexuality and gender in three Disney movies about princesses affect the power relations between men and women in the movies, and how discourses on gender and heterosexuality have changed over time. Research questions were:How do characters in the movies talk about gender and heterosexuality?How does the interplay between gender and heterosexuality affect the power relations between men and women in the movies?What are the likenesses and differences between movies from different time periods?Discourses were mapped out using a model based on Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe?s political theories. These discourses were then analyzed with a theoretical framework consisting of Yvonne Hirdman?s concept of gender system and gender contracts, Judith Butler?s view on the heterosexual matrix and an understanding of power relations based on Michel Foucault.
Gränser och gränstillstånd : Möten med det övernaturliga i den naturmytiska balladen
This two years master?s thesis is about book circles for children, arranged by the public libraries in Sweden. The purpose is to gain knowledge about how children experience their participation in book circles, and how they experience their own reading. It focuses on children aged 10 to 12 years, and their leisure reading. The research questions are: What are the book circles? function for the participants? How and why do the children read? What kind of literature do they like? Do the children experience that their reading has developed through their participation in the book circles? What parts of the reading process do the book circles influence?The theoretical framework is threefold.
Effektivisering av ventilationsprojekt : Bravida Filial Uppsala
In recent years the construction industry has been exposed to increased time pressure which has resulted in a higher amount of wastage. Today 35 % of all construction projects in Sweden is "wasted". Time pressure has risen due to increased competition on the market, with more actors entering the construction business, therefore profit margins decreased which has led to a more pressing need for decreasing the amount of wastage.Bravida is Scandinavia's largest supplier of installations and provides specialist services in electrical installations (heating and sanitation), and ventilation. Mahdi Bawaqneh's task was to investigate where, how and why wastage occurs in the company's projects and how to prevent such wastage. The thesis covers the subjects of lean production, communication in projects and planning of projects.
"Om vi säger att mobbning inte förekommer i förskolan lurar vi oss själva" : En intervjustudie om förskollärares föreställningar om barns maktrelationer och mobbning i förskolan
The study aims to describe and analyse the relationship between norm and practice regarding social services casework on honour-related problems. The relationship between norm and practice involves the difference between the way it is intended that social workers shall operate in these cases and how they perceive that this works in practice. We interviewed two focus groups of eight Swedish social workers, four in each group. We also held an individual interview with a social services business developer. Focus group interviews were based on two vignettes; one depicting an honour-related case and the second an "ordinary" case.
Äganderätten eller allemansrätten : En studie av hur små och medelstora markägare i mellersta Sverige skyddas av rättssystemet vid markpåverkan orsakad av tredja man
The aim of this master?s thesis in administrative law has been to study the property owners' legal rights when a third party impacts on the property. The essay is based on several case studies of landowners in central Sweden which has the purpose of forming a background to the legal studies of this field. The framework for current studies builds therefore on landowners' experiences of impairment and damages on their property and has been added to highlight a current problem that exists in central Sweden. The purpose of the study is therefore to see whether a protection in law is imposed on landowners with such problems as the land ownership study shows.
Bestämning av vattenytor med hjälp av Nätverks-RTK och totalstation : Inmätning av Karlbergsån i Grums kommun
This report is presenting an approach that can be used to measure water surfaces in difficult conditions caused by dense vegetation and lack of nearby known points. The objective was to make a contribution to necessary measures for adaptation against floods in Grums Municipality along the stream Karlbergsån, which may occur when persistent rain raises the level of the stream. Along the river there are low-lying areas prone to flooding. According to Grums Municipality, the stream may widen where the water level differences are large, to create a better flow path and to counteract flooding. Grums Municipality was also interested in survey stormwater discharges which may affect the water level in the stream.
Kvinnors upplevelser av misslyckad infertilitetsbehandling- en metasyntes
Infertilitet är ett globalt hälsoproblem och 15 % av par i fertil ålder lider av ofrivillig barnlöshet.En del av infertila par genomgår infertilitetsbehandling men behandlingen leder inte alltid tillbarnafödande. Syftet med den här studien var att öka kunskaper om kvinnors upplevelser avmisslyckad infertilitetsbehandling genom att syntetisera resultaten av tidigare kvalitativa studierinom området. Metoden metasyntes användes i studien. För att hitta relevanta artiklar användesdatabaserna ``Pub Med`` och ``Scopus``. Åtta artiklar som svarade mot syftet valdes ut.
Hovjuvelerare W. A. Bolins AB företagsarkiv
This examination paper is an account for the author?s work to arrange and registrate the business archive and business records of court jeweller W. A. Bolin AB from 1916 until present day, and a part of the one-year Masters Programme in Archival Science at the University of Uppsala. Problems that have been encountered are treated, as well as motivations of the decisions made during the process.
Kan man ingjuta mer liv i Norra Fäladens centrum? : analys, diskussion och förslag på hur man kan skapa ett bättre lokalt centrum genom fysiska åtgärder.
This is a master thesis on how to develop the central area of Norra Fäladen, a suburban housing area in the town of Lund, Sweden. The area is discussed on the basis of literature studies, analysis, and place descriptions, which leads on to a proposal. The starting point for the proposal is to create a more lively local centre and to make the area pleasanter for the visitor. A large part of the thesis is devoted to giving a background about local centres and to describe and analyse the area.
Fäladstorget has an important role as a central place for supply and services and as a local meeting place for the inhabitants of Norra Fäladen.
Utomhuspedagogik i skolan
Nature is in many ways considered a source to both physical and mental health among people. Trends in today?s society reveal that children become more distanced to nature. Seen from the perspective of sustainable development this trend is considered crucial: it is of importance that children in their early ages experience nature positively in order to develop a dedication towards environmental issues as adults.The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers use outdoor learning as an educational tool. Research data were collected through a series of interviews.
"Den boken hade jag aldrig läst annars" : Om barns deltagande i bokcirklar
This two years master?s thesis is about book circles for children, arranged by the public libraries in Sweden. The purpose is to gain knowledge about how children experience their participation in book circles, and how they experience their own reading. It focuses on children aged 10 to 12 years, and their leisure reading. The research questions are: What are the book circles? function for the participants? How and why do the children read? What kind of literature do they like? Do the children experience that their reading has developed through their participation in the book circles? What parts of the reading process do the book circles influence?The theoretical framework is threefold.