2599 Uppsatser om Lack of empathy - Sida 14 av 174
Ungdomar och Riskbeteende - Youth and hazardous behavior
The purpose of our essay is to investigate the social services work for youth with hazardous behavior. To aquire relevant information we decided to us the qualitative method. We made five interviews with social workers from different sections to get a full view of the situation. The main conclutions we came up with is the importance of the family structure, and a safe home environment with good values. Another important part is a daily meaningful occupation, for the main part in this age it is school attendance.
Att fråga kvinnor om våld i nära relationer : En litteraturstudie
Background: Domestic violence is a major social problem both nationally and internationally. Around the world 35% of the women say that they have experienced physical and/or sexual violence. In most cases it is the woman's partner who subjected her to violence. Every year, 12,000 -14,000 women in Sweden seek medical help as a result of injury incurred of domestic violence. The healthcare in Sweden has a responsibility when it comes to detecting, treating and documenting, but also to prevent violence and its consequences.Aim: To examine the extent to which nurses and midwives asking women about domestic violence, barriers for asking the question and making visible steps to increase the ability to ask the question.Method: A literature review, were included articles reviewed and quality determined.
Mänskliga rättigheter inom den svenska klädesindustrin : Klädföretagens revision av sina leverantörer i utvecklingsländer
This essay is about how the educators can use the play as a tool to develop childrens social skills with eachother. The work is based on a qualitative study using a survey, where the educators can tell how they work within the play. I chose to use five different participants in my essay. All of them work in the same preschool, south of Stockholm.In this essay I have two questions. These two are:What do the educators tell about the importance of play for children's interaction?How do the educators tell how they work with the play to develop the children?s social interaction?Previous research shows that play gives the children opportunity to develop socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically.
Lärares skrivdiskurser i teori och praktik. : En fallstudie av lärare i årskurs 6.
The purpose of this discourse-analytical study is to investigate teachers? beliefs about writ-ing and writing instruction and how their beliefs and writing instruction can be understood in relation to the Lgr11 syllabus in Swedish. The study included five teachers who teach in grade 6 of primary school, where I applied Roz Ivani??s theories of written discourses, based partly on interviews with teachers and classroom observations of teaching, partly on the Swedish curriculum for grades 4?6. The result shows that teachers move within creativi-ty, process, genre and social practice discourse, while the skills of discourse and the socio-political discourse lack matching.
Orsaker till låg följsamhet till handhygienföreskrifter : En litteraturöversikt
Background: Hand hygiene is the simplest and most fundamental means to prevent care related infections. It is of great importance that the guideline of hand hygiene is followed for the patient?s sake. Unfortunately, healthcare workers perform hand hygiene too seldom. If the patient comes down with a care related infection, the suffering will increase.
En kvalitativ studie om ungdomsbrottslighet
This study will focus on the role of social services and their experiences regarding why youth become involved in criminal activities, as well as the preventive measures social services offer to address this issue. The paper employs the theories of territorial stigmatization, systems theory, and labeling theory (of deviant behavior). The study is based on a qualitative method. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers who have experience working with youth involved in criminal activities or at risk of involvement. The results indicate that a lack of social cohesion can be a contributing factor to youth involvement in crime, and various factors can lead individuals to such situations.
Missuppfattningar inom genetiken: En litteraturstudie om hur missuppfattningar inom genetiken hos h?gstadie- och gymnasieelever kan motverkas
In schools, misconceptions about genetics can arise due to several factors, and the consequences of
these misunderstandings can be significant. Lack of education can play a central role in the spread of
misinformation about genetics. When teachers lack sufficient knowledge or do not have access to
up-to-date resources, they risk inadvertently conveying inaccuracies to students. Additionally, students
own preconceived notions and misinterpretations can be reinforced through interaction with their
peers, creating a vicious cycle of misinformation.
In this study, various misconceptions within genetics education have been identified and analyzed,
while different strategies to prevent these misconceptions have been examined. The study revealed that
the two most common misconceptions are the confusion between "genes" and "DNA" and the
simplified perception of genetic determinism.
LOCAL ADAPTATION IN EMERGING MARKETS ? in theory and reality. Study of the Swedish subsidiaries in China
Some MNEs encounter frustration or failures when they enter a new market. The main reason is due to a lack of adaptation. There is a lack of theoretical study about the local adaptation phenomenon of Swedish MNEs in China. Most studies are at the level of experience. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out the dimensions subject to local adaptation and their degree for the Swedish MNEs in China.
Mer empati hos män som arbetar med människor än med robotar
Tidigare forskning har visat att beroende på vilken utbildning man läser varierade den emotionella empatin. Däremot saknas forskning på andra empatikomponenter angående skillnader mellan utbildningsprogram. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om empatin skiljer sig beroende på vilket högskoleprogram som studeras. En enkätundersökning om empati genomfördes mellan olika högskoleprogram. Enkäten mäter Davis (1983) mångdimensionella syn på empati och består av fyra delskalor.
Förvärvsgarantins förutsättningar : Svårt att utforma fungerande politiska reformer
The title of this thesis is ?The preconditions of the acquisition guarantee- hard to design working political reforms?. The acquisition guarantee (förvärvsgaranti) is a form of credit guarantee issued by the Swedish government to credit institutes that give out housing loans to debtors with poor credit history. The reform hasn´t been used in any substantial extent.The purpose of the study is to investigate whether you could identify any problems with the preconditions that the governmental agency BKN was given to implement the acquisition guarantee, and if so describe which these problems are.Two questions are answered:1. What preconditions for a working implementation of the guarantee, in the form of rules, objectives and directives was offered by the government in their steering of BKN?2. How did the structural preconditions for a working implementation of the guarantee look like?By doing a text analysis of central documents I find that the lack of outcome could to some extent be related to weaknesses in how the reform was formulated.
Empati och närhet: Hur sker bemötande mellan vårdpersonalen och de äldreboende?
Trots att det finns en lag om att bevara patientens rättigheter, finns ändå bemötandeproblem i vården som har varit en följetong i svensk media. Bemötande i vården bör anpassas till patientens behov, där empati är en grundläggande aspekt inom vården. Syftet med denna studie var att studera hur bemötande sker mellan vårdpersonalen och de äldreboende. Fyra timmars fältobservationer gjordes med tio vårdpersonalen och fyra intervjuer med fyra vårdanställda på ett äldreboende. Rådata analyserades och en triangulering gjordes med grundad teori.
Känner vi mera för en kvinna än en man? : Två studier om könets betydelse för graden av upplevd empati
I två studier undersöktes skillnader I empati beroende på målpersons kön. Istudie 1 fick 72 psykologistudenter läsa fyra berättelser där målpersonernabefann sig i besvärliga situationer och upplevde känslorna ilska, skam,rädsla och sorg. Därefter fick deltagarna skatta sin empati. Resultatetöppnade för möjligheten att sorg medförde mer empati för männen och ilskamer empati för kvinnorna. I studie 2 fick därför 101 psykologistudenter läsaen berättelse där målpersonen upplevde ilska eller sorg i en svår situationoch därefter skatta sin empati.
Arbetslöshet och social kompetens : Finns det ett samband mellan tiden som arbetslös och social kompetens i termerna bas-självkänsla, self efficacy och empati
Arbetslösheten är idag ett av resultaten av den pågående lågkonjunkturen. Att vara arbetslös kan kännas psykiskt påfrestande och i längden hota delar av den sociala kompetensen. Social kompetens kan kortfattat sägas handla om förmågan att möta och kommunicera med andra människor samt anpassa sig till nya miljöer. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan tiden som arbetslös och sociala kompetens i termerna bas- självkänsla, self-efficacy och empati samt hur situationen för den arbetslöse ser ut ifråga om hjälp och stöd från arbetsförmedlingen. En enkätundersökning genomfördes där 128 arbetslösa deltog.
Empati för personer som utsatts för våld inom förhållanden
Personens egen erfarenhet samt subjekts/objektssyn och ansvarsyn har visats vara viktiga förklaringsfaktorer till empati för en annan. Den här studien undersökte huruvida empati har samband med empatisörens egna erfarenheter, tillskrivet ansvar och subjekts/objektssyn samt hur en person som blir utsatt för våld i sitt förhållande upplevs av andra. En enkätundersökning utfördes på fyra gymnasieklasser där eleverna läste en fiktiv berättelse om en kvinna som blir utsatt för våld i sitt förhållande. De besvarade frågor om deras upplevelse av kvinnan samt deras erfarenhet av våld. Resultatet av studien behandlades främst kvalitativt, men också genom statistiska analyser.
Samverkanshinder och dess hantering mellan socialtjänst och skola, sett ur ett utförarperspektiv
The purpose of this article has been to elucidate social secretaries? and teachers? experiences of collaboration around children in need of society?s intervention. We wanted to examine what the difficulties could be, according to their experience, and how they handled them. Additionally our aim was to analyze whether their method of dealing with the obstacles were likely to succeed, viewed from the perspective of system theory. In order to achieve our purpose we used a qualitative method and interviewed four social secretaries and four teachers.