

453 Uppsatser om Label machine - Sida 14 av 31

Affärsrelationen - en studie av samspelet mellan drivningsentreprenörer och tjänstemän inom ett virkesområde hos Mellanskog

The purpose of this report is to investigate the business relationship between forest machine entrepreneurs and company officials within a timber area at one of the Swedish forest owner associations called Mellanskog. This report shows how these people work with their business relationships, what they believe are the keys getting a successful relationship and how they have got were there they are now. Key words: Business relationship, cooperation, team work, communication, negotiation, respect, commitment and trust..

Kartläggning och analysering av produktionsplanering av order med specialkvalitet hos Stora Enso Packaging AB

This investigation?s task was to map manufacturing of special qualities at Stora Enso Packaging under a certain period, analyze if rules concerning special qualities is followed, which consequences this results in concerning use of paper, waste and costs and to give suggestions on alternative solutions. The goal was to give sugges-tions that help the company to reach its business ratio that the production de-partment uses within use of paper and productivity in the corrugated cardboard machine.Stora Enso Packaging is a part of the forest group Stora Enso and is one of Swe-den?s leading producers of corrugated cardboard. Stora Enso Packaging acts pri-mary on the Swedish market, where they have a market share of 25 %.To be able to analyze orders with special qualities we did a data collection during two months, where we mapped incoming orders.

Samarbete mellan lantbruksföretag : möjligheter och problem

Nowadays, cooperation is necessary and this study tries to illuminate the possibilities and problems about cooperation in fiction between 7 small/midsize farms in Skåne. Conventional Farming is done with grain and sugarbeets as specialization. Calculation of machine costs have been done and compared in the study, both for the farms in thorough and the fictitious operation companies. Business ratios as depreciation/ha, interest/ha and maintenance/ha have been calculated. In this essay we present a proposal about how a practical implementation can be done. In the proposal there is an example how the distribution of work can be done.

Att smöra för EMV kan smälta kategorin

Private labels have been increasing a lot during the last 30 years. The reason is great margins and it also works as an aid to build a store's brand. The problem is that private labels take market shares from national brands. Retailers need to have a good mix between these products and adopting category management without being influenced by opportunism, which can lower the profitability of a category. The purpose of this study is to examine and describe how private labels are prioritized in the category edible fat.

Dekoration av plasttallrikar

A group of two people, Jelena Durkan and Johan von Heideken, have worked together on an assignment from the company August Lundh AB. The company manufactures plastic products for all sizes of catering establishments. The basis for this thesis is a pre-study which shows that many of the users would be more drawn to the plates that the company manufactures, if there was a motif on the plates.This thesis will present the method of application for the motif that best benefits the company, with regard to the requirements placed on the motif, application method and the costs. The group found five relevant methods that were more carefully examined and compared to each other. Those are:Laser engraving, Hot-stamping, Injection molding, In-mould labeling and Pad-printing.The tools that have been used to solve this problem are: Requirement specification, QFD and OEE.

Syns vi - finns vi !? : marknadsföringsstrategier för Svenska FSC

A couple of hundred years ago half of the earth?s surface was covered by forest. Today, only half remains and every year an area the size of Nepal is disappearing. Deforestation, together with the burning of fossil fuels, is also one of the reasons for the increasing greenhouse effect. Another relatively unknown problem for the world?s forests is the trade with illegally harvested timber.

Vad får jag egentligen skriva om min arbetsgivare på facebook och andra sociala medier? : Yttrandefrihet möter Lojalitetsplikt

In today's society the borders between work and leisure blurs out more and more, and just as we might bring our work home, we might as well take our leisure to work with the help of so called smartphones with constant connection to social networks such as facebook and twitter. But what happens when the small talk around the coffee machine in the workplace gets out in public spaces? Instead of complaining to my closest colleague when my boss is acting like a fool or when my workload sky rocketed, I might now instead update my status on facebook with my complaint. But what am I actually allowed to write about my employer? And has the employer any possibility to act legally in respond to what I write?For the younger generation, who more or less is grown up with these social networks, I think this demarcation can be difficult to draw and understand.In this essay I deal with the issue of whether a principle of law, such as the duty of loyalty might collide with my constitutional right to use freedom of speech against my employer..

Värdering av ekologisk gradering - Super(eko)logiskt? : En mätning av styrkan i varumärkets miljömärkning - ur ett konsumentperspektiv  

Då det ur ett konsumentperspektiv finns ett stort intresse för att kombinera olika miljöperspektiv i en enhetlig märkning samtidigt som forskning visar att en kombination av olika märkningar genererar en ökad betalningsvilja, åsyftar denna studie att undersöka hur dessa två respektive typer av märkningssätt påverkar konsumentens preferenser av varumärket samt hur dessa preferenser skiljer sig åt. Föreliggande studie testar dessutom huruvida Simonsons (1989) teori om kompromisseffekter är applikabel för att öka konsumenters preferenser för ekologiska produkter när ett superekologiskt alternativ tillförs ett valset med ett konventionellt och ett ekologiskt alternativ. Studien bidrar därmed med information till beslutsfattare inom livsmedelsbranschen för hur ekologiska attribut påverkar konsumenters preferenser och betalningsviljan för ekologiska produkter.   408 respondenter har medverkat i en enkätundersökning där svaren har analyserats med hjälp av följande statistiska analyser: reliabilitetstest, t-test, korrelationsanalys, faktoranalys och klusteranalys. Resultaten visar att trots att de flesta konsumenter tenderar att ha såväl en positiv attityd som en ökad betalningsvilja för de ekologiska alternativen, väljer fortfarande majoriteten av konsumenterna det konventionella alternativet, varvid ingen kompromisseffekt uppstår.

Ungdomar och datorn : Vilken roll spelar datorn i ungdomars liv?

How does the computer influence teenagers' lives. I interviewed five young people, and gave a questionnaire to another 47, about this.What I found was that they were aware of and handled well the risks with the Internet and the computer, but had problems with the computer taking too much of their time. They wanted more time for their families and outdoor activities. It was mainly the Internet that seemed to have an influence on the teenagers, not the computer as a machine. They told me that there was a rough climate on the Internet, partly because of the possibility of being anonymous.

Talltimmeraptering - påverkande faktorer

In this work, I describe the factors that affect the bucking of pine logs on the basis of the machine operator. The aim is to find an explanation why the bucking differs so greatly between requested length results and the actual length results in pine bucking. The used methods in this study were data from simulated pine outcomes, data from earlier length outcomes and analysis of the harvesters' PRI files. This is to identify the problem. To explain the background to the problems a qualitative research interview was used.

Att vinna musikmatchen: Hur skivbolag förblir framgångsrika i en strömmad värld

Music streaming services are changing the music industry from the inside. After being struck by the piracy wave in the early 2000's, the industry was characterized by declining sales, layoffs, and a seemingly futile battle on what had become a culture of copyright infringement. After the successful launch of the music streaming service Spotify, the Swedish recording industry took a turn for the better. Music streaming services are creating both new opportunities and challenges to the music industry. This paper aims to study some of the opportunities and challenges concerning the creation of new music.

Programmering, dokumentering och driftsättning av CAN-bus baserat styrsystem

SRG Carrier Systems AB har tagit fram en ny maskin MPM 160 där MPM står för Multi Purpose Machine. Den är en typ av redskapsbärare i storleken av en skogmaskin som beroende på vad den utrustas med kan fungera som i princip vad som helst. Hytten på denna maskin skall om så önskas alltid kunna stå horisontellt. Detta skall kunna ske automatiskt eller manuellt och tiltningen sker med hjälp av sex stycken hydraulcylindrar.Arbetet i denna rapport avser skapandet av det automatiska systemet. Styrsystemet har skapats i mjukvaran CANmaster från Hydratronics AB.

Realtidsoperativsystem på mätinstrument

Emwiro Vibe is a complete system for seismic measurements. The functionality of the system was before the completion of this project handled using a software contruction based on a state machine. Emwitech, the company developing Emwiro Vibe, expressed a desire to replace this solution with a real-time operating system (RTOS). The project consisted of two parts. Firstly the existing software was studied, available RTOSes was evaluated, and the RTOS most suitable for the application was selected.

Realtidsoperativsystem på mätinstrument.

Emwiro Vibe is a complete system for seismic measurements. The functionality of the system was before the completion of this project handled using a software contruction based on a state machine. Emwitech, the company developing Emwiro Vibe, expressed a desire to replace this solution with a real-time operating system (RTOS). The project consisted of two parts. Firstly the existing software was studied, available RTOSes was evaluated, and the RTOS most suitable for the application was selected.

Automatisk plastlisthanterare

Today a lot of goods is transported on wood pallets because it?s practical and enabels a fast way to load cargo. The drawbacks with pallets are that they weight a lot, are big and are relatively expensive. Therefore IKEA has developed plastic lists that can replace the europallet in some applications. In this examwork an automatic handling equipment for plastic lists are design from a requirement specification to a finished machine.

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