

453 Uppsatser om Label machine - Sida 12 av 31

Findus Sverige AB:s distribution av frysta ärtor via cross-docking : Kartläggning och utvärdering av säsong 2008

Findus Sverige AB, referred to asFindus from now on, harvests peas during a period ofaround 50 days during the summer. The harvest generates about 30 000 tonnes of peas which gives around 40 000 pallets to distribute to the warehouses which Findus uses for final storage. Three hours after the peas are picked in the fields, they have to be frozen to keep their good taste and quality. Because of this the pallets are marked with a preliminary label with quality classification of the content. The Findus quality department then has one day to determine the correct quality of each pallet.

Konstruktion av en Telesvarsterminal

Telia Telesvar is an automatic anwering machine that is provided in your stationary telephone at home. The drawback of this is that you cannot see if anyone has called you. This report describes how a terminal for Telias Telesvar could be designed. Telesvar terminal will show in a display if anyone called you and show the incoming number. It will also play the spoken message in a built in speaker.

Systemanalys flingtork : Produktionseffektivisering

BillerudKorsnäs is a leading global provider of primary fiber-based packaging materials and on Gruvöns Bruk in Grums, they have chosen to invest millions in the boiler at the facility to increase the total capacity of the factory. This results in the Pulp Flash Dryer at Gruvön being burden more, which makes it important that it is of great reliability and can be run with a high capacity. The reliability of the Pulp Flash Dryer at Gruvön is not as good as one could hope, which leads to reduced availability and production, as well as to increased maintenance costs. There are a number of different reasons for this, but all the casual links are not known.The purpose of this project was to perform a system analysis of the Pulp Flash Dryer to identify bottlenecks and the most critical parts from a capacity- and availability perspective. Appropriate methodology for the system analysis was used and would be used in a structured way to perform the analysis with data from the process and the maintenance system.

Miljöhänsyn vid offentlig upphandling :

One of the biggest challenges in the human history is to prevent environmental pollution. Everybody has an indirect or direct influence on the environment through his or her consumption. The stakeholders are not just interested in price and quality, they are also interested in the circumstances of production and how this affects the environment. By taking environmental concern in public procurement it is possible to speed up the environmental adjustment of services and products. Environmental awareness has become more and more self evident in the environmental work.

Kostnader vid gallring med flerträdshanterande aggregat, från skog till industri

Profit in first commercial thinnings of today is hard to achieve. This is because of prevailing pulpwood prices and because of high costs of logging and transport. To reduce these costs higher productivity is advocated. One way to increase the productivity is the use of multi-tree handling harvester heads. The aim of this study was to calculate logging and transport costs in first thinnings, where multi-tree handling has been used.

LIKHET ELLER SKILLNAD? : Om hur ambassadörer för UNICEF i Sverige representeras i relation till barn/?de Andra? utifrån könade och rasifierade diskurser om bistånd

This essay aims to examine what subject positions are possible within the discourse of relationship anarchy. Through semi-structured interviews with four people who define themselves as relationship anarchists I've made a discourse analysis to determine how these relationship anarchists explain what, in the discourse they?re in, is described as an relationship anarchistic way of being, what isn?t and how they relate to this. Relationship anarchy is described as an ideology based on freedom. It is about the right to define their relationships as they like, as something constantly changing and that does not hold a specific value based on its label.

Effekt av spädningsvätska på spermiemembranintegritet analyserad med NucleoCounter SP-100 :

This study is a part of a larger project where the aim has been to evaluate different methods to assure the quality in stallion semen, due to the fact that some stallions in horse breeding have poor semen quality. The increased use of transport semen requires new methods to ensure good semen quality. In this part of the project the viability and concentration in fresh and cooled semen was examined with NucleoCounter SP-100. A comparison between two different commercially available semen extenders, Kenney?s and INRA 96, was made.

Utökade tillämpningsmöjligheter för turbinlösning i våtpartiet hos tissuemaskiner : Konceptförslag som möjliggör tillämpning av turbinlösning för maskiner vars banbredd är bredare än 2,9 meter

AbstractThis thesis is the final part of the Innovation and Design Engineering Programme (180 ECTS credits)at the Faculty of Health, Nature and Engineering Science at Karlstad University. The extent of thisthesis is 22.5 ECTS credits and has been performed independently by Hannes Jernberg during thespring of 2013. Metso Paper Karlstad AB is the task maker of this project, and Arvid Johansson is thecompany Representative. Metso Paper Karlstad AB is one of the world leading developer andmanufacturer of tissue paper machines.In the current situation, the company has developed and patented a power management systembased on a Cross Flow Turbine. The current construction is limited to a paper width of 2.9 meters.The company wants to take advantage of all the opportunities provided by the patents, to develop aturbine solution paper machine with a paper width that is wider than 5.5 meters, and give the abilityto manufacture paper for lower energy consumption which is an important part of the production asit is very energy intensive.Problems arise with the increasing length of the turbine, ultimately resulting in that the deflectionbecomes too big and that the momentums, due to the increased torque the turbine blades breaks.By applying the design process, this work has resulted in a number of potential solutions to theproblem.

Ett relationsanarkistiskt ställningstagande - en undersökning av subjektspositionering inom relationsanarki.

This essay aims to examine what subject positions are possible within the discourse of relationship anarchy. Through semi-structured interviews with four people who define themselves as relationship anarchists I've made a discourse analysis to determine how these relationship anarchists explain what, in the discourse they?re in, is described as an relationship anarchistic way of being, what isn?t and how they relate to this. Relationship anarchy is described as an ideology based on freedom. It is about the right to define their relationships as they like, as something constantly changing and that does not hold a specific value based on its label.

Förbättrad vakuumtätning mot kabeln under plastextruderingsprocessen

This thesis is about developing a design that provides improved vacuum seal between a lead coating and a plastic coating during plastic extrusion processes of cables. This report is a part of the course MSGC 17 for Bachelor Engineers in mechanical engineering.The work is performed at Nexans Norway AS in Halden where they have a production of high voltage cables for sea-, and offshore industry. A problem they face is that they do not get enough good seal at the attachment to the plastic extrusion machine. They want to achieve a vacuum between a lead coating on the cable and a plastic coating of the cable for plastic extrusion, which is something they do not achieve today. The thesis is thus to come up with a design that provides better sealing against the cable.The work involves a construction part with the phases of product development processes.

Att visualisera Orienten : En närläsning av Linda Nochlins The Imaginary Orient utifrån Edward Said och John M Mackenzie

According to Edward Said the Orient is a European construction that has arisen out of a need to describe the Western civilisation as culturally superior. This occurrence Said gives the label "Orientalism". Art historian Linda Nochlin takes Said?s theories further in The Imaginary Orient where she conveys the thesis that the pictorial Orientalism is an expression of an imperialistic ideology. John M.

Flexibla fixturer i bearbetande maskiner

This thesis was conducted at Linköping University and Saab Aerostructures DPS, Linköping, and focuses on the possibilities of flexible fixturing in machining applications. The thesis is part of the research project "Koofix", which is collaboration between Linköping University and a number of companies.The thesis is aimed towards small batch production which, for Saab Aerostructures DPS, means diverse part geometry and that parts are manufactured in very small numbers, sometimes just one piece. The result of this is that expensive dedicated fixtures are made for most parts. By introducing more flexible fixturing methods to this kind of production the cost of fixtures and tooling will be reduced, and make the production more efficient.New flexible fixturing methods has been presented and evaluated through the thesis, which has resulted in three different concepts. These concepts have been the result of literature screening and study of current manufacturing process at Saab Aerostructures DPS.

Misslyckandedekonstruktion - en metod att analysera tidigt entreprenöriellt misslyckande

Entrepreneurial failure is probably a subject that is not well understood. This might have to do with the methodological difficulties of screening out failed entrepreneurs. In this thesis a tool is developed for analyzing supposed entrepreneurial failure. In this model entrepreneurs are surrounded by different stake holders. By using the failure deconstruction model to analyze my own entrepreneurial effort I find that it has neither been a successful project nor a disastrous one.

Användarorienterad förarsituation för bergavläsning vid fjärrstyrt skrotningsarbete

Mechanical scaling is one of the most complex operations of all in the mining process. The operators are using both hearing, sight and feel to read the rock and to know where to scale and where to leave. They say they go on gut feeling in great extent, something that comes with experience. The scaling machine is placed into the edge of unsecured and newly blasted rock to hammer off the blocks that has become loose after the blast, but not enough to fall down. It goes without sayingthat it is a risky job.

Mätstation för rullmotstånd i massiva gummihjul

        This is a report that describes the entire process of design of a measuring station for rolling resistance. The report is structured with elements of Fredy Olsson's method.The report also includes a brief presentation of HGF, the company that will manufacture the machine. Requirements and preferences are set up and used in a weighting of criteria by which product suggestions are based. These suggestions are used in the evaluation to produce a final draft product. Solutions to major functions are produced by criteria?s. Component selection for all components is performed, a CAD-based model is developed and an economic analysis is set up. FMEA analysis is set up. The report ends with a brief summary, critical review and suggestions for further work..

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