

22 Uppsatser om Kristeva - Sida 1 av 2

Allt som kommer emellan mig och skrivandet dödar jag : Melankoli i språket i Mare Kandres Bubins unge

The purpose of this essay is to investigate the melancholic, poetic language in Bübins unge (Bübin´s brat) by Mare Kandre (1962 ? 2005). In my opinion the novel, which is about a teenage ritual, also gives an imaginary arena for archaic and unmentionable experiences of the libido. It is therefore a witness to the truth of the subjects complex mind. To my assistance I have Julia Kristeva´s theory on the abjection, the successful melancholia and her concepts of the outsider and the catharsis.

Melankoli och ironi : Strategier för hållbar utveckling

The purpose of this study is to show what melancholy and irony in my poems express and what techniques that are used to accomplish these effects. Many theorists, among them Sigmund Freud and Julia Kristeva, characterize melancholy as an experience of loss, and therefore one of my questions is what kind of losses appear in my poetry. In search for an answer I analyze the texts from both a psychoanalytic and a sociological point of view. In the latter perspective I discuss the postmodern society using concepts from contemporary thinkers like Zygmunt Bauman, Fredric Jameson and Jean Baudrillard. Finally, I also examine if melancholy has an influence on the form of the poems.

Varianter och versioner : Repetition i Marguerite Duras Älskaren och Monika Fagerholms Den amerikanska flickan

This essay examines the role of repetition in the two novels Älskaren (The Lover) by Marguerite Duras and Den amerikanska flickan (The American Girl) by Monika Fagerholm, through a thematic and comparative reading. The study mainly uses Bruce F. Kawin?s analysis of repetition in literature and language as well as it refers to Cathy Jellenik and her analysis of rewriting in the works of Duras. The study also takes into Julia Kristeva?s idea of Duras as a writer lacking of catharsis.

Kristian Lundbergs gudomliga komedi : En intertextuell analys av Yarden, Mörkret skulle vara som ljuset och Och allt skall vara kärlek

This essay explores the intertextual qualities in and between Kristian Lundberg?s works Yarden, Mörkret skulle vara som ljuset and Och allt skall vara kärlek. Read as a trilogy, it bears a thematic resemblance to Dante Alighieri?s Divine Comedy; an autofictional depiction of emancipation from alienation by grace. To reach this conclusion, I use Julia Kristeva?s theory of intertextuality and Roland Barthes? post-structuralist differention of Work and Text together with his notion of the Paper-Author.

Rakknivar och dess symboler

The purpose of this study is to show what melancholy and irony in my poems express and what techniques that are used to accomplish these effects. Many theorists, among them Sigmund Freud and Julia Kristeva, characterize melancholy as an experience of loss, and therefore one of my questions is what kind of losses appear in my poetry. In search for an answer I analyze the texts from both a psychoanalytic and a sociological point of view. In the latter perspective I discuss the postmodern society using concepts from contemporary thinkers like Zygmunt Bauman, Fredric Jameson and Jean Baudrillard. Finally, I also examine if melancholy has an influence on the form of the poems.

På spaning efter den kropp som flyr : mellan kön och text i Nina Bouraouis Mina onda tankar

This is a study of the novel Mes mauvaises pensées (2005) by the French writer Nina Bouraoui. I use an intertextual comparative method, where I read the novel against three intertexts: Marie Cardinal Les mots pour le dire (1975), the David Lynch movie Mulholland Drive (2001) and novels and photographies by Hervé Guibert. Main focus is on the relation between body and language. Using the psychoanalytic theories by Julia Kristeva I examine the melancholy of the narrator in Mes mauvaises pensées. The melancholic subject mourns a Thing which is the unrepresentable archaic mother.

"Mörkret har förebådats med mörker" : En läsning av tomheten i Christine Falkenlands Blodbok

This thesis has two purposes: (1) to analyze the emptiness in Blodbok by Christine Falkenland, and (2) to analyze my own reading of the same book. I have chosen to focus on how emptiness is expressed through the body, the language and the place in Blodbok, because of the deep impact these seem to have on the emptiness. The thesis discusses what kind of emptiness that is described, what it does to me as a reader, and how it is connected to other works by Falkenland. Cultural politics of emotions by Sara Ahmed, Uses of literature by Rita Felski and Pouvoirs de l?horreur by Julia Kristeva together form the theoretical framework.Blodbok is a poetry collection, about the loss of a mother.

Inkarneringar -Teoretiska diskussioner kring abjektion, kroppsligeht, begär och bögar

I ett försök att låta psykoanalysen tala med poststrukturalistiskateoribildningar undersöker uppsatsen hur det går att förstå fenomensom kroppslighet, begär och subjektion. Uppsatsen försöker skapaaffiniteter och synteser mellan de inom svensk genusvetenskap oftaignorerade delarna av Judith Butlers psykoanalys och teoretiker sombland annat Julia Kristeva, Jacques Lacan, Sigmund Freud ochJacques Derrida. Genom att låta den freudianska och butlerianskatermen melankoli stå i dialog med Kristevas teori om abjektionenoch Derridas différance-begrepp görs en teoretisk ansats attanalysera ätstörningsproblematikens omedvetna struktur i denmanliga homosexuella subjektspositionen. Uppsatsen argumenterarför behovet av psykoanalysen inom genusvetenskaplig teori för attkunna blottlägga de dolda subjektiverande processer som via enheterosexistisk diskurs skrivs in starkare och mer våldsamt i vissapsyken än andra. Uppsatsen försöker visa på hur den ätstördakroppen hos bögen som subjekt framträder som något förfrämligatoch abjektalt med ursprung i melankoliska heterosexistiskaintrojiceringar i jaget och begäret.

Vilt växande Fula Flickor. Om kvinnoblivande hos Mare Kandre - an analys av "Bübins unge" och "Aliide, Aliide"

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine from a psychoanalytic point of view how Mare Kandre narrate the complex process when girl becomes woman. Earlier theoretical work concerning Mare Kandre is sparse and limited to narrow cut-outs of her authorship. There are two dissertations, but none with Kandre and her unique fictional works alone in focus. Most frequently she is presented as part of different groups of authors.

Äckellust : En läsning av Eva Sjödins Gränsland utifrån Julia Kristevas teori om abjektion

Gränsland is a poetry collection by the poet Eva Sjödin. One distinct theme among others in Gränsland is repulsion and attraction, disgust and fascination in interaction. There is also a direction inwards and towards something. This essay is an attempt to analyse this theme. I will apply Julia Kristevas theory on abjection, a theory that explains these contradictory feelings and movements of the subject.

Påverkan : Hur intertextualitet påverkat innehåll och berättarröst i romanen Panik (Den ätbare mannen)

The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss what exile writing is and who can be seen as an exile writer. If the word ?exile? is related to forced dislocation, like Paul Tabori and Sopia A. McClennen describes it, who can be viewed as an exile writer? Is Anders Olsson?s definition of an exile writer acceptable or not? Could the The Escape, a future story about exiled Northern Europeans in Myanmar, be classified as exile literature?Another purpose with this text is to describe how a story about exile can be made realistic and tangible to a reader who has not experienced exile.

Kvinna, konstnär eller människa?  : en studie av Mimmis slitning mellan intellekt och kropp i Stina Aronsons Feberboken

I uppsatsen underso?ker jag hur huvudkarakta?ren Mimmi, under va?gen att etablera sig som fo?rfattare och i mo?tet med Hugo, so?ker na? balans mellan intellekt och kropp. Utifra?n Julia Kristevas teori om abjektionen utforskar jag pa? vilka sa?tt Mimmi fo?rha?ller sig ambivalent till viljan att vara a? ena sidan innesluten, a? andra sidan avgra?nsad, och hur i sin tur synen pa? kroppen, dess samverkan med sja?len samt synen pa? andra kroppar pra?glas av bega?r och a?ckel. Som metodisk spra?ngbra?da anva?nder jag paradoxen utifra?n Kristina Fjelkestams definition.

Simone de Beauvoir och moderskap : en personlig genealogisk läsning av En familjeflickas memoarer och Det andra könet

This paper focuses on the subject of Simone de Beauvoir and how she creates her view of motherhood. With help from Toril Moi?s method ? which she calls personal genealogy ? as a standpoint I have read Beauvoir?s autobiography Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter with and against her essay about women, The Second Sex.The genealogy tries to understand the term ?making? and the idea of production or construction and the personal genealogy sees the subject ? the person ? as an extraordinarily complex effect of a whole network of different discourses or determinants. In order to be able to understand Beauvoir?s view on motherhood I have read her philosophy with and against the feminist philosopher Ulla M.

Främlingar i förvandling : En sociologisk analys av främlingskap i tre filmer av Roberto Rossellini

Uppsatsen analyserar hur främlingskap framställs i tre av Roberto Rossellinis filmer, ?Stromboli?, ?Europa ´51? och ?Viaggio in Italia?. Utgångspunkten är sociologi med inriktning på främlingskap där syftet är att avtäcka hur främlingen i varje film skildras, vad som utgör främlingskapet, om det löses och i så fall hur.  I min analys har jag tillämpat tematisk och narrativ analys av filmerna, vilka ställts i relation till uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter utifrån Georg Simmel, Zygmunt Bauman, Julia Kristeva och Janet Wolff.Studien visar hur främlingskapets olika aspekter berörs och hanteras i filmerna. Klass, kultur och kön är tre avgörande och genomgående faktorer som frambringar främlingskap. Inledningsvis är huvudkaraktärerna en del av främlingskapet, men en medvetenhet väcks och en transformering av dem och deras relationer till de andra börjar.

Naturens lockelse : en studie av dubbelhet i Karin Broos bildvärld

The aim of   the study has been to examine the duality that I seemed to find in Karin   Broos works, primarily on the basis of her renditions of nature. The   objective is to study the duality on various plans and to examine which   traces of Intertextuality that may exist.In the study of the duality   I have taken note of how nature is presented in terms of style and form, as   well as that I have seeked cultural references pictorial and symbolic. I have   also examined the images with reference to Intertextuality. The following   questions has been applied during the work:  How is nature produced in the paintings?  What place occupies nature in relation to the people, in the works?  What is being communicated by nature's participation in the works?As a method, and as a   tool for analysis and interpretation of selected works, I have chosen to use   Panofskys iconological interpretative method. As a guide to seek relations of   intertextuality the theories of  Julia   Kristeva has been useful, which  includes thoughts  that new images are created or re-created   in relation to other images all the time and in new contexts.As a result of the   study I have found some kind of expression of balance, though it did not   seemed to look that way from the beginning.

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