

5801 Uppsatser om Knowledge spillover - Sida 6 av 387

The Trivial Pursuit: Den modererande effekten av kunskap och engagemang på utvärderingen av produkter med triviala attribut.

Research has concluded that meaningless differentiation with trivial attributes sometimes can be a successful strategy. However, the effect varies with respect to certain aspects such as the price of the product and the decision context. How the characteristics of the consumer influence the effect of trivial attributes has until now been unknown. This thesis investigates how the consumer?s level of knowledge and personal involvement influence the effects of trivial attributes on product preferences and product attitudes.

Jönköpingska ä gött! : En studie i jönköpingungdomars kunskap kring den egna dialekten

This essay investigates the knowledge about the dialect in Jönköping among youths in the same city. My aim is primarily to focus on their knowledge around words and expressions in the dialect of Jönköping. My method is both qualitative and quantitative and the survey was performed through questionnaires that were sent out to 50 students. In the questionnaires the students were asked to translate words from the dialect in Jönköping but also to freely speculate around the features in the dialect. My findings indicate that the knowledge around the students own dialect is very poor. Knowledge about the words and expressions that were used in my questionnaire were also poor but among those words that the students actually recognized many originated from the Romany language.

Pedagogers uppfattningar om den fysiska miljön i förskolan : En intervjustudie med pedagoger från olika pedagogiska inriktningar

In recent years, the demands for effectiveness and evidence in social work have increased in all work areas, including that of healthcare. This has sparked the discussion on concepts such as practical- and theoretical knowledge and their respective roles in social work. In the light of this, the purpose of this candidate thesis is to investigate healthcare social workers understanding of practical- and theoretical knowledge in the working process as well as their respective influence and importance. This candidate thesis is based on three interviews with social workers from different departments in Norrlands Universitetssjukhus in Umeå, Sweden. To provide range to the thesis, the interviewees were chosen from a purposeful sampling.

En studie av zero knowledge-identifikationsprotokoll för smarta kort

Zero knowledge protocols is a lesser known type of protocol that can be used for identification. These protocols are especially designed not to reveal any information during an identification process that can be misused later on, neither by the one who should be convinced of the identity of the user, nor by anyone else that is eavesdropping. Many of these protocols are also especially designed for implementation in smart cards. The more common type of card with a magnetic stripe has during the last few years become more susceptible to attacks since they are easily copied. Smart cards combined with a secure identification protocol has been predicted to be the solution to this problem.

Kollektivt lärande i kunskapsföretag

Background: For the knowledge company the employees? competencies and knowledge are important assets. According to this, there has been a lot discussion about how to best take advantage of the employees? knowledge and create organizational learning. This organizational learning can be difficult to create due to the individuals? own goals and the fast changes in today?s society.

Man kan både sitta bredbent och med benen i kors : En kvalitativ studie om hur genusvetare praktiserar genuskunskap

There is an awareness of the importance of gender equality in most western societies, both at the political level and in everyday life. In academia, for instance, gender is nowadays a scientific field which indicates that there is a lot of knowledge about the subject. What we do not have much knowledge about is whether gender knowledge leads to changes in gender relations in practice. The aim of this study is to explore how gender scholars relate to using ? practicing ? gender knowledge.

Är medieelevens datorkunskaper likvärdiga medielärarens? : En självskattning från lärarens och elevens perspektiv

The aim of this essay is to get knowledge and to evaluate if the media student has equal or evenbetter knowledge of information technology (IT) than his/her teacher. Today the student of IToften has knowledge of hard ware and soft ware sometimes even unknown to the teacher. Themain reason for this might be that IT hitherto has played no prominent part at the institutes ofteacher education. Continuing further education of IT for teachers is also eligible as IT still is arather new subject on the time table.To adopt an empiric approach to the problem I have used trough interviewing and questions bothteachers and students at two upper secondary schools in the province of Värmland. The schoolsare called ?A? and ?B? in my investigation.Does the teacher have enough knowledge to give the student relevant knowledge concerninghard ware as well as soft ware to handle the computer and to utilize its possibilities? How can theteacher act to comply with the students? claims and demands?IT-knowledge can be expressed in a complicated way but I have limited my investigation to therole of the teacher and how he/she manages to teach and instruct concerning a selected numberof soft ware and how the students evaluate their own knowledge compared to that of the teacher.My investigation shows that the teachers consider their knowledge relevant for their task asinstructors and teachers.

Arbetet i lärarnas tankar dygnet runt : Sexton lärares upplevelse av negativ överspridning

Negativöverspridning från arbetsliv till privatliv och från privatliv till arbetslivuppkommer när beteenden, humör, stress eller känslor från den ena sfären på ettnegativt sätt påverkar den andra sfären. Denna uppsats har en kvalitativ ansatsoch undersökte lärares upplevelse av negativ överspridning mellan arbetsliv ochprivatliv och tvärtom. Respondenterna var 16 lärare inom grundskola ochgymnasieskola som förde dagbok kring negativ överspridning. De typer av negativöverspridning som nämndes oftast var 1) hög arbetsbelastning, 2) tankar ellerkänslor som stör, 3) trötthet, 4) problem med andra människor samt 5) problemmed maskiner. Resultatet visade att respondenterna rapporterade mer negativöverspridning mellan arbetsliv och privatliv än tvärtom.

Hembesök - hur gör man? : -  en fokusgruppsstudie av socialsekreterares kunskap och tillvägagångssätt gällande hembesök vid barnavårdsutredningar

The aim of this study was to examine what knowledge social workers express about home visits in child welfare investigations and how they know what to do. Sixteen social workers who work with social investigations concerning children were asked to discuss the topic home visit in three focus group interviews in three different municipalities in southern Sweden. The social workers in our focus group interviews mainly discussed the purpose of the home visit, what social workers do during home visits and furthermore their opinions about guidelines and policy documents regarding the home visit.  To get an understanding of what type of knowledge is the basis for social workers use of the home visit, we used Polanyi's concept of 'tacit knowing' as well as the Aristotelian theory of knowledge containing three forms of knowledge, that is, episteme, techne and fronesis. We found that the displaying of ?tacit knowing? was a consistent feature in all groups, as they had difficulty expressing their knowledge use.

Talar samlingarna? Hur bibliotekarier lär sig sina samlingar vid nationalbiblioteken

National libraries hold large, valuable repositories of often unique materials. How can we ensure that the knowledge is accessible without endangering the materials that hold the knowledge? Digital preservation is meant to solve this problem. With more and more material being accessible digitally, users are expected to do more and more of the finding on their own, instead of being guided by librarians. What kind of knowledge do the librarians have, that cannot be mediated through a system? How is the knowledge of experienced librarians passed on to new librarians? What is the difference between physical and digital materials? I have interviewed senior and junior librarians of Det Kongelige Bibliotek in Copenhagen, Nasjonalbiblioteket in Oslo, the National Library in Helsinki, and Kungliga Biblioteket in Stockholm to learn about their journey to knowledge of their collections.

Organisationskulturs inverkan på kunskapsdelning: en forskningsöversikt

A research review shedding light over organizational cultureand its affect on knowledge sharing. The purpose of thereview was to give an overview of the current researchmeanwhile answering the research questions how and whyorganizational culture influences knowledge sharing.Through careful selection of articles, from Journal ofKnowledge Management, a review of the material led toareas of emphasis being identified: motivation, trust,organizational structure, management, communication andrewards. For each area of emphasis the results from thechosen articles were presented and analyzed, leading toconclusions that the how and why of organizational culture?sinfluence is due to mainly individual motivational factorsamongst staff. This implies that organizations need to keepfocus on the psychological factors affected by organizationalculture when looking to make knowledge sharing moreefficient.

Implementation av ett kunskapsbas system för rough set theory med kvantitativa mätningar

This thesis presents the implementation of a knowledge base system for rough sets [Paw92]within the logic programming framework. The combination of rough set theory with logic programming is a novel approach. The presented implementation serves as a prototype system for the ideas presented in [VDM03a, VDM03b]. The system is available at "http://www.ida.liu.se/rkbs". The presented language for describing knowledge in the rough knowledge base caters for implicit definition of rough sets by combining different regions (e.g.

Förmedling : från Arkeologisk Dokumentation till Publik Presentation

The aim of this study is to investigate how new knowledge, discovered and translated by the archaeologist, is transferred to the public by examining the question posed to the archaeologist by ?la?nsstyrelsen,? the county administration office.Since there can be no mediation of knowledge without an understanding of its perception, I pay a visit to the cognitive sciences in order to answer what knowledge is and how it functions in regards to contract archaeological results.I argue that the current structure of mediation, in regards to archaeological knowledge, is in need of the same quality control that is demanded by the contractors in regards to standard archaeological procedures. When presenting archaeology to the public, consideration needs to be paid to the different targets groups of society. The importance of national directions rather than regional translations for mediation of archaeology is stressed by the author. This needs to be carried out through a change of the questions posed to the contracted archaeologists by the county administration in their ?fo?rfra?gningsunderlag,? the order specification for archaeological investigations. .

Kunskapssystem - ett nytt sätt att betrakta företag

Title:Knowledge system - a new way of observe the company Authors:Malin Pärmborn och Susanne Gidlöf Tutor:Anders Nilsson Department:Department of Business and Management Blekinge Institute of Technology Problem:How can processes of problem solving in a project contribute to generation of organizational knowledge in a knowledge company? Course:Master thesis in Business Economy Purpose:By describe the processes of problem solving in two different projects of our two chosen knowledge companies, we will clarify whether problem solving contributes to the generation of organizational knowledge. The purpose of this research is to increase the management consciousness concerning everyday processes that will contribute to the creation and transfer of knowledge. This is a condition to transfer human capital to structure capital and thereby decrease the company?s vulnerability. Approach:We gathered the data we needed through conversations and interviews with people on the two knowledge companies.

Bibliotekariers syn på utbildning och kompetens ? de små folkbibliotekens perspektiv

The aim of this thesis is to examine librarians' view on the knowledge and competence required at a small public library and how they look upon their education in retrospect. Library education in the 1970's and 1980's was mainly practical, a vocational training, but since 1995 the education results in an academic degree in Library & Information Science. Due to this, we focus on the ongoing generation shift in Swedish libraries as an aspect of knowledge and education. The empirical study is based on interviews with librarians working in minor public libraries. The informants form two groups, based on their education; ?old? ones and ?new? ones.

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