

2235 Uppsatser om Keywords: competition - Sida 9 av 149

Barriers to market entry and EC Competition law

Hinder för marknadstillträde är viktigt i många avseenden. För ett företag som slår sig in på en ny marknad är det viktigt att veta vilka hinder det möter. För konkurrensrättsliga myndigheter är det nödvändigt att veta vilka hinder som existerar för att exempelvis kunna avgöra om ett företag har en dominerande ställning. Det är också nödvändigt att känna till hindren för att säkerställa en fri tillgång till marknaden. Det saknas dock en generellt accepterad definition av hinder för marknadstillträde.

Kundlojalitet : En studie om hur man skapar lojala kunder inom mobiloperatörsbranschen

The cellular market is today suffering from great customer dissatisfaction. Simultaneously, the services offered by the different cellular providers are very homogenous, causing strict competition where various price strategies have been the main mean of battle. From a business perspective, implementing pricing strategies, to keep up with increased network investments, is a short term solution.In a market characterized by lacking customer satisfaction and harsh competition, research has shown the importance of highlighting customer relations in marketing. This type of marketing, which one could refer to as relationship marketing, is considered an efficient, economic, and strategic method of showing the importance of customer loyalty. To get insight in the relationship between the customers and the cellular providers, as well as to show the importance of relationship marketing, this study has used qualitative interviews to find what develops strong customer loyalty.The results showed that increased customer loyalty is achieved when an emotional bond is created.

Nei til EU : Är det rationellt för Norge att stå utanför EU?

The purpose of this study is to illustrate why Norway is not a member of the EU from a rational choice perspective. In order to fulfil this purpose, two questions will constitute the framework of the study. These are:1. What are the arguments of the EU-opposers in the Norwegian EU-debate?2.

-Jag älskar att vara kvinna! Eller, vad är det för kvinnligt med Kvinnobiblioteket?

"What's feminine about the Women's library?" This library, Kvinnobiblioteket, is abranchoffice at Björkskatan in the city of Luleå, and the introducing question is thestartingpoint of this essay. To find some possible answers is its object.One way of describing what's feminine about Kvinnobiblioteket is through presenting itsobjective, ambitions and methods of working. That is done mostly in a chapter headlined"Kvinnobiblioteket", and shows how the women's perspective concerns for exarnplepurchase of books and magazines, displaying of books, the opening hours, design etc.Although the focus in the survey is not in the former kind of description, but in the interviewsbeing made during a two week long period of time with ten women at Kvinnobiblioteket(both library user and personnel) at spring 1995. The results of the interviewsthen have been compared with theories from psychological-, feminist-, literature- andlibrary and information sciences, as we11 as to former surveys and essays.The material together leads to some keywords that seem to be important when trying tofind out what's female about the women's library.

Bildämnets betydelse för elevers kognitiva utveckling En litteraturstudie av aktuell forskning kring estetiska ämnen

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to create an understanding of how customer engagement, communication / interaction and customer insight are driving forces behind the use of Social CRM from a leadership perspective.Method: The purpose of the study, we believed it was appropriate to use a qualitative approach to conduct the study. The empirical data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The sample consisted of 10 companies located in the Gävle area who are active on social media. The interviews were coded to obtain keywords and patterns. These patterns and keywords are then analyzed to arrive at the study's results.Results and contributions: Our results suggest that all the identified benefits, customer engagement, customer insight and communication are driving forces to make use of social CRM.

Medstops positionering : En fallstudie om ett nytt apoteks positionering utifrån konkurrenskraft

The aim of this thesis is, from a business perspective, to examine how the pharmacy chain Medstop is working with their positioning in order to achieve competitiveness in the re-regulated pharmacy market. This is studied through a theoretical framework that demonstrates five forces that affects the competitiveness in an industry, the five-force model by Michael Porter.The thesis is a qualitative case study where data collection was done through interviews, literature, articles, websites and internal information from Medstop. The data was then complied into the theoretical perspective the authors have chosen for this paper, the five-force model by Michael Porter. This model was chosen because it gives a broad description of the competition a company faces by describing five different forces that affect the competition within a branch. The fact was collected on the basis of the marketing strategy positioning, and the essay is written from a business perspective.Our cunclusions are that the pharmacy chain Medstop are in their initial positioning and has chosen to position itself on the basis of their core values; credibility, safety and security.

De nya riksdagspartierna och den politiska dagordningen

Engblom, Gustav (2009) De nya riksdagspartierna och den politiska dagordningen ?The new parilament parties and the political agenda.?1988 and 1991 the swedish parties Miljöpartiet, Ny demokrati and Kristdemokratiska samlingspartiet made it over the 4 percent threshold and successfully entered the Swedish parliament. Sweden was once described as one of the most stable political systems in the world, but the parliament elections of 1988 and 1991 showed that Sweden was no exception from the growing instability in west democratic political systems.The stability and instability that followed in the west democratic political systems is believed to be explained by the political parties? efforts to adjust to changes in their political environment. This has lead them to cartelize and the cartel party is believed to prefer stability over triumph for various reasons.The established political parties are believed to be able to manipulate the political agenda in such a way that political topics that would have caused great turbulence in the political system, if debated, are kept away from the political agenda.

Omvänd momsredovisning - Ur företagens perspektiv

Purpose: In order to curb the prevalence of undeclared work and to improve competi-tion within the building and construction business, reversed charge audit will from July 1, 2007 onwards be applied within the building sector. The new rules entail a consider-able amount of delimiting problems as regards both businesses and services.The aim of this essay is to study the rules as well as direct the light upon various consequen-tial delimiting problems. Furthermore, we will investigate what the effects are on the busi-nesses, as well as their view regarding this. Apart from this, we will also investigate who will benefit and who will be disfavourably affected, respectively, by the new lawMethod: The investigation has been conducted with a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Firstly, an opinion poll was carried out, directed towards Swedish construction companies, and this was then deepened using three interviews.Result & Conclusions: The essay demonstrates that the new rules have entailed more work to a varying degree for the companies.

Urban agriculture : experiences from the Swedish horticulture

Urbanisation has increased the distance between the urban and the rural. Urban agriculture can be a solution to overcome that distance. The characteristic of urban agriculture is the intensive production in intra urban and peri-urban areas. Until 1950s food production in cities was an important part of the urban economy and the urban food supply. Since the 1950s the urban located production of food has almost ceased in Sweden, partly as a result of cheap food imports.

SERVQUAL : ett lämpligt mätinstrument av upplevd tjänstekvalitet inom reseindustrin?

The travel agencies exist on a market that is distinguished by increasing competition. A majority of the travel agencies offer different services that all satisfie the same customer need. However,one major difference in the market aspect is the service quality, this making it an important mean of competition. There are several acknowledged methods of measurement when it comes to service quality and it is important to use an instrument that takes into consideration the fact that charter tours is a complex merger of several services. The purpose of this essay is to establish if the SERVQUAL method is a suitable instrument for measuring service quality in the travelindustry.

Studenters förhållningssätt till valet av framtida bank

Since the middle of the 1980´s the Swedish bank market has experienced a change concerning structure and pressure of competition. Before the year 1985, the market was characterized as a market with few operators but have changed to a market with many operators and seen as one of the most intense in Europe where the four major banks; Nordea, Handelsbanken, SEB and Föreningssparbanken together have a strong position. Their market share has recently decreased, mostly for the benefit of foreign banks and niche banks. The Swedish market has experienced difficulties in generating profits which mostly depends on new establishments that have increased the pressure on competition, a low growth as well as weakened customer relations. The development has resulted in a growing importance of market segmentation, mainly by the fact that costumers have become more disloyal as a result of the increased competition.Students are a market segment of interest for the financial market, mainly because of the expectations of their positive financial situation in the future.

Lärarrollen i förändring : En intervjustudie om lärares inställning till en förändrad lärarroll

During the past twenty years, the Swedish school systems have slowly changed to becomemore and more performance-driven. Private schools have been growing in general and, likeindependent schools and schools managed by municipalities, they profile themselves. Schoolsare becoming more performance and result-oriented, which has changed the roles of teachersin a dramatic way and is in general, still changing.By profiling students based on theirindividual performance, schools are able to help students identify themselves and their owngoals. The process of profiling is a slow one in which some teachers adapt more quickly thanothers, and one that is critical for other teachers to learn in order to keep up with the demandsof society.Schools, like ordinary businesses, are in constant competition with each other to keep up withthe newest and greatest models of teaching and to rank among the best in high achievements.Perhaps the downside of this modern school structure is that it is often difficult to have aschool where both school management and teachers see eye to eye. School management must heavily focus on the school?s results as a whole.

Behaviours of wild male and female Colobus angolensis palliatus during morning and afternoon in Diani Beach, Kenya

Colobus angolensis palliatus is a small old world monkey inhabiting southern coastal Kenya to southern Tanzania. The species activity budget is known to vary between seasons and areas, probably due to differences in group sizes, diets, predatory presence and resource competition. The variations between male and female activity budgets are reckoned to be a result of pregnancy and lactation. The aim of this study was to investigate potential differences in behaviours between morning and afternoon periods and between males and females. The study was carried out in two forest fragments in Diani Beach on the south coast of Kenya.

Leveransservicens betydelse som konkurrensmedel i apoteksbranschen : En fallstudie om hur Apoteket AB arbetar med leveransservice

During the last years, the pharmacy market undergone major changes. Re-regulation that has been done in 2009 meant that monopoly was unlocked for competition. In a market where firms offer equivalent products, increases the importance of delivery service as competitive tool to differentiate themselves among the crowd. This also applies to pharmacy market where the supplies of goods in large way consist of equivalent products regardless of the company.This case study observes the importance of delivery service in terms of competitive tool on pharmacy market by focusing on a company?s improvement in delivery service.

Att marknadsföra kunskap : En studie av utbildningssektorn ur ett kommunikationsperspektiv

Marketing of education is a phenomenon which has been developed throughout the increasing competition within the educational sector. The focus of this paper is the marketing made by upper secondary schools (grade 10-12) in Stockholm. The competition in this area is increasing partly due to the growing number of private schools. However, this is a phenomenon seen only in larger cities with several schools available. There are over 170 upper secondary schools in Stockholm and the students freely can choose among these.

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