

2235 Uppsatser om Keywords: competition - Sida 33 av 149

Meritpoäng : Ungdomars livschanser ur skolchefers perspektiv

This C-essay is a qualitative study designed to create a basis for understanding how managers involved in school affairs perceive the impact of merit points on students? chances to continue on to higher education and how this will affect individuals' life chances.The study is based on three interviews with managers involved in school affairs. In this paper grades, merit points and socioeconomic class differences are discussed.The aim of this paper is to answer the following questions:? What impact does merit points in language studies and the way different languages are valued, in the system, have for the individual and for society?? Who are the winners in the new grading system and who are the losers; how are different socioeconomic groups affected?The material was interpreted with the help of a report written by Ingrid Nordqvist and Monica Langerth Zetterman called "Secondary School competition field-a regional perspective", a paper written by Helen Raven who did a study on grades, national tests and social reproduction and the Frenchman Pierre Bourdieu's theories.The results show that class differences will increase and that it will be difficult to rise in the social hierarchy in the future..

Studenters konsumtionsvanor kring restaurangbesök : En kvalitativ studie om samhällsklasser

The purpose of this essay is mainly to study the reason behind students' visits to restaurants, and also their restaurant habits. The study also intends to find a possible difference in students dining habits among the different social classes; working class and middle class.  This study contains qualitative methods. The qualitative research method is in the shape of deep interviews with ten students from different social classes who?s registered at Södertörns  högskola. The results of this investigation show that the consumer society along with the respondent?s habitus and access to capital, has influenced and created their opinions and habits around eating out. This has also created the similarities and differences between them. Keywords:Habtitus, consumption, restaurant, social class, consumer society.

Den innovativa förmågans förutsättningar: En studie av organisationer inom Internetbranschen

Nowadays, the world around us is changing faster and faster, the globalization is increasing and harder competition puts extra pressure on companies to be more innovative than ever before. One of the fastest changing industries is the IT industry where the actors always have to be up to date to keep their competitive advantage. The authors want to find out what makes some companies in this industry more innovative than others by examining what internal elements that are necessary for innovation. Much research has already been carried out within the field of innovation and especially about innovation management, although less research exists about smaller, non high tech service companies. Therefore the authors also tries to find out how applicable today?s theories are on this special field and thereby fill a smaller gap in today?s research.

Shooting Target - Konstruktion : Product Development

The shooting sport is one of the most widespread sports in the world and it isbeing practice in most countries. Based on their own experiences, in competition -and hobby shooting, the client M4Solutions found a demand and need for ashooting target that is manufactured in Sweden.The purpose of the project has been to develop, with the help of Marcus Walldén,two shooting targets from idea to finished product. These two shooting targets,Plate Rack Target and Dueling Tree, would each be equipped with a mechanicalresetting system but will in the future have the ability to be provided with anelectronic resetting system.The project from the client was divided into two theses. One of these two, writtenby Marcus Walldén, focused on the tripod parts and the overall design work forboth Plate Rack Target and Dueling Tree. The thesis that is presented in thisreport have focused on resetting systems, the design of protective plates and otherperipherals for both shooting targets.This work has primarily been in CAD environment where design, constructionand development has been given free rein.

Rapportering eller kopiering : En kvantitativ studie av inkomna pressmeddelanden till P4 Kalmar

The aim with this study is to investigate how Swedish public service local radio uses information subsides in the form of press releases. In terms of which entrants gain entrance to the news feed, in which forms and in which subjects. Also we wanted to study how the journalist uses the content in the press releases. To do this we cooperated with the public service radio channel Sveriges radio P4 Kalmar. For 28 days, four weeks, we collected all incoming press releases to the newsroom of P4 Kalmar.

Betydelsen av hästens hud och päls för reglering av kroppstemperatur i kyla ? vad händer vid klippning och täckning?

The horse is a homeothermic animal and to keep a constant body temperature in winter season is important. Acclimatisation is to provide means for a good thermal insulation consisting of skin, hair, and an outer air layer. The skin covers the horses body and it is composed of three main layers where the top layer of the epidermis consists of dead keratinized cells that are constantly being sheed. The dermis is composed of collagen connective tissue that give the skin its strength. The bottom layer with subcutaneous fat provides a thermal insulation and can be used as an energy reserve in cold weather.

Den urbaniserade Umeälven : Vattenkraftverken som utsträckt urbanisering

This paper examines the power producing dams along the Ume-river as an integral part of and a result from the urbanization process in Sweden during industrial capitalism. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the knowledge of the urbanization process in Sweden in general and of its traces along the Ume river in the county of Västerbotten in particular. The paper applies the theory of concentrated urbanization and extended urbanization put forward by Neil Brenner and Christian Schmid (2015) and argues that the building of power producing dams along the Ume-river is part of an extended urbanization process. This becomes particularly evident when examining the vast physical structures that is the dams, situated in an otherwise remote and sparsely populated area. These vast physical structures are also very well connected to a nation wide electric grid that has connections to bordering countries as well.

Ingen har sett på mig så tidigare : Ungas upplevelse av attraktiva partner

Tidigare forskning av romantisk attraktion har visat att människor väljer partners både som liknar dem själva och som kompletterar dem utifrån beteendemässiga och fysiska egenskaper. Syftet med studien var att fördjupa forskningen och mer precist identifiera vilka egenskaper som anses väsentliga vid ett romantiskt intresse hos unga vuxna. Deltagare var 45 individer i åldrarna 17-26, varav 39 kvinnor. Data samlades in genom öppna enkäter och analyserades med meningskoncentrering. Analysen resulterade i fem attraktiva egenskaper: Personen ska (1) ha egenskaper jag tycker om, (2) få mig att känna mig speciell, (3) vara attraktiv för mig, (4) vara möjlig att relatera med och (5) bry sig om andra.

Brasil um pais para todos-en studie av MST:s tillvägagångssätt och mobiliseringsstrategi

AbstractThe struggle for land has been an issue ever since Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese Crown. The deep social inequalities that the country faces were raised then. More than 45% of the agricultural land is controlled by only 1% of the landowners. There have been many movements since then, who has fought for agrarian reforms.MST, the largest social movement in Brazil, was born in the 1980s. They managed to mobilize the peasants and the poor people.

Integration in the Supply Chain - use of Real Options to mitigate the costs of the Bullwhip Effect

Purpose: During the last years Real Options have been established in many areas of the day-to-day business. Recent literature also tries to address Supply Chain problems with option theory, since an efficient Supply Chain increasingly gains in importance as a significant competitive advantage. This thesis tries to answer the question, if Real Options can mitigate the costs induced by the Bullwhip Effect as one of the major problems in Supply Chains. Methodology: The authors of the thesis used a deductive approach. Based on a theoretical model utilizing Real Option contracts and under the usage of a randomly created dataset the influence of the Bullwhip Effect on the company?s business and financial structure is examined and subsequently analyzed.

En skola för alla : På vilket sätt blir elever med fysiskt funktionshinder bemötta av elever och lärare?

AbstractThe purpose with my study was to find out how students with physical difficulties are treated in school by teachers and other students and also if there are any differences between how teachers and students treat students with physical difficulties. I also wanted to see if there were any prejudices against students with physical disabilities from either students or teachers. If there are any prejudices, I wanted to know what kind it is that exists. When I went to school, I remember that I looked down on the students with physical difficulties because they were different. When I have been working in school as a teacher, I have seen students who pull away from students with difficulties.I chose to do the study at a higher grade school, because I have not been in such a high grade in school during my practice.

Kultur som friskvård : för ökad känsla av sammanhang

Kan kulturaktiviteter vilka erbjuds genom arbetet, resultera i ett ökat välmående för den anställde och eventuellt även en ökad känsla av sammanhang? Detta är utgångspunkten för uppsatsen, som tar sin början i Antonovskys salutogena perspektiv och KASAM, vilket mäts kvantitativt på två grupper där Grupp 1 utgjordes av anställda på arbetsplatser där kulturaktiviteter regelbundet erbjöds och Grupp 2 av anställda på en arbetsplats utan kulturaktiviteter. Genom deltagarnas resultat på KASAM formuläret, utlästes att kulturaktiviteter och ett deltagande i dessa visar ett samband med en ökad KASAM hos individen. Uppsatsen diskuterar sedermera hur kulturkonsumtion kan vara en bidragande mental hälsofaktor av lika vikt som den av arbetsplatser mer erkända uppbyggnaden av fysisk hälsa, genom träning för förebyggande av sjukdom och ohälsa..

En analys av galleriorna i Västerås och Norrköping : Ett centrumledarperspektiv

Media har i flera år skrivit om att centrumhandeln i många städer har en negativ tillväxt. De externa köpcentrum har under den senaste tiden haft en positiv tillväxt. Under de 10-20 senaste åren så har stora detaljhandelskedjor haft som strategi att etbalera sina nya butiker i de externa köpcentrumen. När de väljer att etablera sig där så ökar konkurrensen för centrumgalleriorna. Syftet med denna uppsats är ta reda på centrumledarnas syn på situationen för centrumgalleriorna och de externa köpcentrumen i Västerås och Norrköping.Åtta centrumledare på centrumgallerior och externa köpcentrum i Västerås och Norrköping har intervjuats samt en fastighetsmarknadsutvecklare i Norrköping.

Lågstadieelevers tankar om skogen : Närmiljöns och skolans betydelse

AbstractThe subject of this paper is children?s thoughts and feelings about the forest and on the importance of the schools for their students? thoughts. The aim of this paper is to find out if there are any attitude differences towards the forest in schools in the city and in the countryside. To fulfil this purpose the work has been divided into two questions,1 Do children have different thoughts about the forest, depending on where they live?2 Does the school affect their students? thoughts about the forest?Two schools with different locations in the country have been visited.

En fungerande eller bristande samverkan? : -En kvalitativ undersökning om samverkan mellan skola och socialtjänst

AbstractThe aim with this study was to enhance the understanding of the interaction between schools and social services. The study would also contribute to better understanding of what is considered work and burst in the interaction between the two, and examine the underlying factors for this. The study's approach includes semi-structured interviews with three employees of a school and two employees in the social services of the municipality. Both international and national research has been obtained for the study and theories as well, associated with the outcome. Conclusions of this study point to the existence of different opinions between the organizations in terms of the quality of their collaboration.

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