

2235 Uppsatser om Keywords: competition - Sida 31 av 149

Förlagsbranschen i en dynamisk förändringsprocess En kvalitativ undersökning av tendenser till utveckling inom förlagsbranschen.

The thesis of this Masterpaper has been to analyse what tendencies there might be to distinguish structural alterations in the publishing business today and how they can be understood analytically. The following questions have helped form the principal opinions found in this essay: - What tendencies according to the alterations in publishing business is Piratförlaget representing? -What tendencies according to the alterations in publishing are the literary agents representing? What tendencies regarding the alterations in publishing are the electronic publishing and other techniques related to the publishing business representing? Participants, familiar with the publishing industry in various ways, have been interviewed. The main theory is based on facts from sociology of literature, although Faheys and Randalls Key Scenario, with its driving forces, also provided a great deal of help. In addition, to structure the dynamical publishing business, Peter Senges The Systems Iceberg Model was useful.

Nationella proven i matematik? en tillgång för läraren? : Hur några lärare använder sig av resultaten på de nationella proven i matematik

The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate how some teachers make use of the results of the national tests in mathematics to plan their teaching. The questions are how they plan their teaching in mathematics and if they use the results of the national tests to compare with their own teaching.   Five teachers in mathematics has been interviewed. I have used unstructured interviews with open-ended questions, and I have been able to ask follow-up questions based on their answers. The analysis of the survey is made from a systems theory approach.  The result of the survey shows that teachers make use of student performance to look at their own teaching of the current group of students. However, there is not enough time to rehearse and repair the deficiencies discovered in the national tests, which for some is perceived as a stress factor.

En studie kring processen att som IT-konsult skifta affärsmodell genom försäljning av en standardiserad lösning.

Due to increasing international competition and new technology IT-consultants has been forced to oversee their business models lately. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the process and consequences of a shift in business model for a consultant by using a methodology based on action research. The empirical foundation consists of a field study with observations, notes, interviews and business related documents. The case describes a consultant?s process of shifting business model from profits based on man-hours to selling a standardized system.

Nordiska sjömäns arbetsutsikter inom offshorebranschen : Vad händer när olje- och gasreserverna i Nordsjön tar slut?

AbstractThis thesis is a qualitative study that provides an insight into the Nordic offshore market, focusing on the North Sea and investigates indications of how the near future may develop in the area and how these developments may affect the Nordic seafarers. Questions central to the work are aimed primarily at how shipping companies, agencies and seafarers active in the offshore industry look at future activity in the North Sea, Nordic seafarers' status in the global labor market, and how today's employment conditions look like for seafarers in the global offshore industry. The majority of the information was collected through interviewes and questionnaires. The purpose of this study was to examine whether and how the expected development in the North Sea, in terms of availability of oil and gas, may have effect on the Scandinavian seafarers' future work prospects and employment conditions in the global offshore labor. The conclusions that have been drawn are that competition among seafarers in the offshore industry is higher 2015 than previous years (2000-2014) and are expected to increase.

"Om det är förnuftet som formar människan, så är det känslan som leder henne" - En studie om hur atmosfären på en E-handelssida påverkar kunderna

The increased competition in e-commerce puts pressure on e-businesses which makes it even more important to influence the visitors on their e-commerce sites. An often overlooked marketing tool is atmospherics. With the increased focus on e-commerce from both traditional and new e-businesses this marketing tool becomes even more relevant. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the atmosphere on an e-commerce site influences the customers' thoughts, emotions and behaviors. We examine the effects the level of stimulus on a website has on the customer's emotions, attitudes, intentions, behaviors as well as the relationship between these variables.

Hur kan psykosocial ohälsa förebyggas på arbetsplatsen : -med nuvarande arbetsmiljölagstiftning eller med reducerad arbetstid?

From the early 1990s, psychosocial illness has become an increasing problem in our society. During this period several factors affected the development of the Swedish labor market and created lack of job security. For example, the competition between companies increased, aswell as an increase of demands, efficiency and rationalization. This led to a higher pace in the workplace, and it was noticeably especially in the public sector. According to studies, stress is the main reason for psychosocial illness and affects more women than men.

Anställningsintervjun och dess personbedömningsmetoder en jämförelse mellan internrekryterare och rekryteringskonsulter

The employment interview is an important part of the recruitment process because the recruiter then has a chance to form an opinion about the applicant as a person. The purpose with this study has been to examine if there are any differences between inhouse-recruiters and recruiting consultants concerning the employment interview and its assessment methods. Five inhouse-recruiters and five recruiting consultants have been interviewed on the basis of a manual. There are differences between the groups in 6 of the 17 themes that have been examined: purpose with the employment interview, private-, double- or panelinterview, length of the interview, personal chemistry, appearance and objectivity in the assessment. Many of the differences are caused by the fact that inhouse-recruiters recruit for their own organisation and recruiting consultants recruit for a client.

Enhetschefsposition - Utmaning eller huvudvärk? : Middle Management - A Challenge or a Headache?

AbstractThis is a qualitative study on what motivates personnel to apply for middle management positions within the Värmland County Police Department. This study also looks at whether or not there are differences in motivation between men and women in regards to applying for middle management positions.The study has been conducted through in-depth interviews with 17 employees of the Police Department. The material collected was analysed using the Empirical Phenomenological Method (EPP). 29 categories were generated which were then divided into four themes.The result showed that motivation can be achieved by having a more structured middle management roll whereby, for example, there are clear guidelines on the responsibility and authority you have. Support and encouragement were also named as motivating factors.

Sensorisk preferens : Vad som avgör konsumenters gillande i en mat- och vinkombination

AbstractThis study focuses on three generations of Kurdish women's view on honor. The study is a qualitative research based on three individual interviews. The aim of this study is to examine how three generations of immigrant women from a culture of honor is influenced over time by the majority culture and its values together with how these women affect each other mutually both consciously and unconsciously within the family. The study is based on two questions: What does"honor" mean to the three generations of women who are Muslim and Kurdish? Did these three generations of women?s idea of honor change over time as they have lived in Sweden? Results of this study have shown that the concept of honor has its focus on the woman's body, sexuality and chastity.

Produktutveckling - från idé till genomförande : skillnader i arbetsprocess mellan små och stora resebyråer

Tourism has been an expanding market since the first travel agency started in the middle of the 18?Th century, and today it is a global industry, with intensified competition and high demands from the customers. Product development is therefore one of the most important aspects for successful companies, and scientists also agree that the first stages in product development are the most critical. This essay is focusing on those stages, regarding product development on travel agencies, and the research question is as follows: How are new tourism destinations developed and what is the difference in working process between small and big travel agencies? The empirical research consists of qualitative semi-structured interviews with two big and two small travel agencies.

Vård och handhavande av kompetens : kompetensutveckling i Sverige och England

Background: Competence development has become more important since the pressure on effectiveness is increasing and organisations are expected to constantly improvement. The design of the competence development activities is governed by the strategy which in turn will affect the outcome of the same. A knowledge intense business in which changes recently have taken place is healthcare, a business in which competition also has increased as a result from globalization. Due to this, it is highly important to take care of and improve the competence of individuals. According to this, we have found that healthcare is an interesting business to study with regard to competence development.

Kontraheringsplikt inom förmögenhetsrätten ? Avtalsfrihetens gränser

Swedish contract law is based on the main principle of freedom of contract, which means that a contract is built on a voluntary agreement of both parties. There are exceptions from the principle of freedom of contract. In some instances a party is obliged to contract (kontraheringsplikt), which also is the subject for this paper. Kontraheringsplikt can be described as an obligation for one of the parts in a relation to come to an agreement under normal circumstances with everyone who ask for it. The cases of kontraheringsplikt are rather different.

Från elev till student : En jämförelse av tre högskolors studentrekrytering och gymnasieelevers perspektiv

Background: The competition is getting harder between the universities. To reach the high school students and discover which means of contact they prefer and how they perceive student recruitment are important issues in order to succeed in marketing strategies.Purpose: The purpose with our report is to investigate, analyze and compare the student recruitment in three universities and investigate how the high school students want to be contacted. Then we compare to see if they think alike.Method: We have done a qualitative study and chosen to use focus group interviews for the high school students and interviews for the universities to collect our empirical data. We have compared the empirical data and analyzed it with communication processes and marketing communication as theoretical grounds.Result: All of the universities work approximately the same way with their student recruitment. They put a large effort in the Internet and social networks as well as the personal contact.

Kalkbrottstvisten i Bunge Ducker : En ACF-analys av två kolliderande riksintressen

Abstract This thesis is based on a case study of the drawn out legal process on the question of establish a limestone quarry in Bunge Ducker in north Gotland (Sweden). The current fields are located next to areas that are protected by virtue of being EU-certified Natura 2000-areas. Despite this, the Swedish governments and courts have not agreed in witch national interest that should be prevail when decisions are made on this issue. This phenomenon are reflected in the judicial process and different court have evaluate information differently in the case. A change among governmental actors where priority is given to the importance of national interest have occur in the later part in the process.

Förhållningssätt till plagiat inom bildämnet

The purpose of this study is to gain insight on how art teacher?s reason about what is ?plagiarism? in the subject of art. This study focus on how different art teacher´s reason on the boundaries of plagiarism. What are the rules of duplicating an image before it is looked upon as plagiarism? The five interviewed teachers refer in its reasoning to the main curriculum and the rules of copyright; they also support the negative view of the plagiarism in the world of art. The theory of originality is a theory that deals with the vision of the originality in contemporary time.

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