

2235 Uppsatser om Keywords: competition - Sida 16 av 149

?De är externa revisorer med sitt uppdrag och vi är interna revisorer med vårt uppdrag? : ? En studie om samverkan mellan statlig internrevision och Riksrevisionen

Som ett led i att förstärka den effektiva kontrollen inom staten föreskrivs det att myndigheter skall ha en internrevision. Idag innehar ett femtiotal myndigheter en internrevisionsfunktion med uppdrag att granska myndigheternas interna styrning och kontroll. Vidare skall Riksrevisionen, en externrevision under Riksdagen, granska den statliga verksamheten och årsredovisningar som är upprättade av statliga myndigheter. Tidigare forskning visar på att intern- och externrevisionens arbetsområden kan anses sammanfalla i viss utsträckning. Enligt Riktlinjer för yrkesmässig internrevision (2006) anges att intern- och externrevisionen skall utbyta information och ha samordnade aktiviteter.

Fackförbunden och livslångt lärande : Kritisk analys av livslångt lärande ur ett fackligt perspektiv

Lifelong learning (LLL), a concept dating back to the 1920s, is much used both by the OECD, UNESCO and the EU. But while intergovernmental think-tanks and supranational organisations often use the term in a positive sense, many (not least scholars) are critical of the term. The critique either deals with the lack of a universal definition, that the implicit responsibility for LLL has shifted onto the individual, or that the meaning of the term has shifted from a humanistic one linked to the personal development and a better society to a neoliberal one that involves growth, competition, globalisation and human capital theory. This study is based on interviews with nine trade union representatives on their understandings of lifelong learning. The results showed that while LLL was positively viewed by most, there was virtually no communication vis-à-vis members on the topic, most trade unions have no policy regarding LLL, and responses from representatives were sometimes self-conflicting..

Innovation på Itkonsultföretag. En fallstudie på EVRY

Companies today are exposed to a turbulent market with fierce competition and the ability toinnovate itself becomes increasingly important. But what innovation is and how it is managed is farfrom obvious. In this case study at EVRY the research questions are: ?What is innovation in ITconsultant companies?? and ?how can innovation be managed in IT consultant companies?? ITconsultancy is a complex type of business and their focus is often to innovate the customers businessrather than their own. The study is based on a literature review, field studies, unstructuredinterviews and an interpretive analysis.

Webbradion : ett nytt medium

The purpose of this essay is to study the role of web radio in Sweden. To fulfill the purpose we have done a case study of two Swedish radio stations: Sveriges Radio AB, which is a public service station, and a commercial station called Mix Megapol. By interviewing two persons from each station and analyzing the contents of their web sites, we have tried to see how the relationship between radio, Internet and web radio looks like. Thus, our method is qualitative. We have come to many conclusion of which some are: The new medium web radio borrows qualities from the traditional radio.

Mening ? minne:glömska : En läsning av Birgitta Trotzigs Dykungens dotter

Dag Wellander: Meaning ? memory: oblivion. A reading of Birgitta Trotzig?s The mud kings daughter. Master of Arts paper.

Värdering och hantering av ungdomsverksamheten inom idrottsföreningar

The aim with this study was to describe how the board members of athletic clubs view and value their youth program. A qualitative approach was used in form of interviews. The interviews were made face to face as well as being taped, this to facilitate the analysis. When the board members viewed their youth program to be in alignment with the overall club philosophy there was a discrepancy between their views and the ?de facto? conditions of the youth program.

Barns uppfattning om fåglar

Abstract The purpose of this work is to investigate children?s perception of Swedish birds. Through qualitative questions there were twelve children interviewed. I showed the pictures for the children of different animals that we discussed but with focus on birds. The children could partly distinguish which of the pictures that represented birds and who did not.

Örter - en nisch? :

A tight economy and a keen competition force the Swedish agricultur to do a structural rationalization. The quantity of farmers is less but the units are growing. How to make money I think some kind of niche is necessary. In my examwork I have locked how to farm herbaceous plant and the marking of herb to feedstuff for horses. Today health food and alternative medicine are accepted to use and there is an increase in demand. The Swedish market for herbaceous plants to horses is small and the products are mostly imported. But there is a group of consumers who is willing to pay a higer price for Swedish cultivated herbs. The only way to find out which herbaceous plants I could cultivate is to make a test cultivate. I think that the market for herbaceous plants is growing.

Twelvestep - Down inside

Title: Music video: Twelvestep ? DownInside Made by: Benjamin Bondesson Christian Edgren Tutor: Silvio Ocasic Course admin: Peter Ekdahl Purpose: To create a music video that we can stand, that challenges us in the creative process. And to help a struggling band with another medium to spread their music. Goal:We intend to create a great product that is demanding and educational to us. Especially when it comes to cooperation and editing/post production. Keywords:Music video, digital video, film.

Grafisk profilering med praktisk tillämpning på IUC Dalarna

This degree project is a study of graphics profiling with a practical application on IUC Dalarna.The competition between companies is getting harder and harder. Competing goods and services hasa tendency to be more and more equal to each other in respect of quality and value. The customer choosesthe Company with a high reputation and confidence. This is one of the reasons why a companyshould strengthen their company profile. The graphic profile is an important part of the company profileand it gives positive signals to the company spirit and customers.The degree project contains a guide to graphics profiling.

Vilka rekvisit ska vara uppfyllda för att en fysisk person ska erhålla skuldsanering

The overriding purpose of this graduate thesis is to evaluate if municipalities and county councils can deviate from the legislation of public procurement during procurement of customer choice agreements within the health and social care area. The intention of this Quasi-market is to provide the users with competition in terms of quality rather then the general principal rule of economic value.My conclusion results in a legal situation without rules of general procedure. So far the authorities make their own regulation in the field of customer choice agreements. The problem lies within the authorization of new contractors and their right to make an appeal against resolutions made by the authorities social care divisions.One solution is to legislate within the present law of public procurement. Another way to solve the problem is to create a lex specialis apart from the present public procurement regulation..

Public Plays : offentlig arena för aktivitet

This project is a contribution in the debate of sustainable city planning. The conceptual ideas in this project can be used on many places and are here applyed on the center of Nacka, outside of Stockholm. The essay is based on an entry in the competition Europan 9, advertised by Europan in collaboration with the municipality of Nacka. The theme of the competition is ?sustainable city and public space?. The discussion of the sustainable city is a very wide subject which needs to be narrowed to suite the context of Nacka.

New Public Management i praktiken: En fallstudie i en av Stockholms stadsdelar

In the present thesis, we have studied the management control system in Enskede-Årsta-Vantör, one of Stockholm?s municipal districts, with focus on theories about New Public Management (NPM). When NPM was introduced, a number of complications arose. Some of these, along with the district?s solutions of the complications, are described and analyzed using e.g.

Tjäna pengar som gräs? :

The producers of grain in Sweden are facing a rough future. The competition is getting harder all the time, in Sweden, in EU and also from the ?world market?. The producers have to be more efficient and have to have bigger units. Many producers might have to look for new alternative production opportunities.

Att läsa mellan raderna : En studie i grafiska elements roll som identitetsbärare på magasinomslag.

Hard competition amongst the editorial world of magazines today has led to increased differentiation of the content as well as the visual communication. In this study, the graphic elements of the magazine cover was analyzed to establish how the magazines character is being conveyed by the cover design. In a case study the covers of the Swedish publications of fashion magazine BON and ELLE was semantically analyzed.The conclusion was made that the logotype plays the biggest part in conveying the magazine?s character. Secondly, the front cover headlines shape and size matter a great deal for the overall impression.

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