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En blick säger mer än 1000 ord : En studie av porträtteringen av kvinnliga kändisar i Aftonbladets och Expressens bildmaterial på Internet

AbstractTitle: A gaze says more than a 1000 words ? a study of the portrayal of female celebrities in the photographic material on the online portals of Aftonbladet and Expressen En blick säger mer än 1000 ord - en studie av porträtteringen av kvinnliga kändisar i Aftonbladetsoch Expressens bildmaterial på InternetNumber of pages: 58 (59 including enclosures)Author: Sofie BackmanTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring 2008University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University, SwedenAim: The aim of this essay is to study in what ways female celebrities are portrayed in the photographic material of the Swedish tabloid press. In which situations does she appear? What function does she seem to behold in the pictures? Further the thesis explores whetherthe portrayal of the female celebrity shows signs of stereotyping.Method/Material: The study combines a quantitative and a qualitative method. A picture analysis of photographic material from the online versions of the Swedish tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen has been conducted.

Identitet - det är allt vi är : En studie om kenyanska flickors identitetsskapande

The purpose of this paper is to examine what opinions parents have of the after school-centre, if they know that it has an objective and what that objective is. This will be examined by surveying parents with children in after school-centre. The questions posed in the study are as follows: Do parents know the objective of after school-centre? What is the general view of after school-centre among parents? The results show that 41 percent know that there is an objective while 39 percent don't. Only 6 percent can describe what the objective is.

Hur pojkar och flickor tar och får ordet i klassrummet. : Ur ett genusperspektiv

The text is about behaviour and appearance of boys and girls in the classroom in a gender perspective. How are the boys and girls placed in the classroom, and does this affect them in any way? How boys and girls are called on to speak. Is the teacher fare in the allocation of speech? There are a lot of differences between the genders, boys and girls are placed in a special way.

?Varför jag lära svenska...?- några invandrarkvinnors syn på svenskspråksinlärning

 ABSTRACTThis study focuses on immigrant women in Sweden and how their perceptions of resource loss may affect their motivation to learn Swedish. Focus group discussions were conducted with immigrant women who partake in a Swedish language learning project. Their Swedish language skills were very limited, and all of them had no or very few years of elementary level education. Results of the study suggest that the strongest motivator to learn Swedish is its potential role in facilitating everyday activities.    .

Subkultur och kommunikation : påverkar olika kulturer den hierarkiska kommunikationen i en organisation?

The essay studies the relationship between communication and organizational culture; to determine if there are any cultural differences between the management of an organization and its employees and to examine how a difference can affect the communication of organizational policies. A case study, where the public school was examined, was used to answer the research question, and interviews were held with relevant people on different levels in the organization.The interviews were analyzed with the theoretical frame of reference as a benchmark. Cultural differences could be identified between different levels in the organization and between the two schools studied. The differences affected how and why people communicated but not how well the respondents understood each other.Keywords: Organizational culture, subculture, Organizational communication, affects, hierarchy..

Finlands ekonomi i förändring, 1980 - 95 : en behandling av den finska ekonomiska politiken och förändringen av exporten

This present study is a result of a research that I made . My purpose is to find out how the debate about inclusion looked like back in the history. My research was about the view we had absolut inclusion in the history, I also made some interviewes among teachers and students in the schools of today. I wanted to se their views about inclusion today and I wanted to know their opinions about inclusion. Did the students and the teachers have prejudice against other students with functional disabilities as Down syndrom and blindness? What was their thoughts about inclusion of students with differents functional disabilities?One more task I had with this study I made was to raise another debate about inclusion .! Keywords: Inclusion and funtional disabilities.

"När katten är borta..." : En studie kring pedagogiskt ledarskap på distans

AbstractTitle: When the cat is away? A study of pedagogical leadership at a distanceLevel: Final assignment for Degree of Master of science (one year) in Educational ManagementAuthor: Evelyn JoelssonSupervisor: Ulla SebrantDate: 2013 mayLeadership is a subject that has been discussed for many generations. Today?s leadership is something completely different than what has been practiced before, in the more hierarchical companies, when leadership was something you were born to do and the workers had no choice but to follow. In the globalised world that we live in today there are demands of a different kind than before and physical distance between leaders and their followers gets more and more common.

Ungdomar med mobiltelefoner i klassrummet - vad gör de?

AbstractPurpose/Aim: To describe in-classroom use of mobile phones amongst teenagers.Material/Method: The data was collected through as use of focus groups and field studies.Main results: The main findings confirm the findings of other studies on teens and mobile phones. Teens use their mobile phones for much more than just sending text messages and making calls, there are many different types of localized usages. There is also a strong emotional connection between the device, its content and the user.Keywords: mobile phone, teens, classroom, focus groups, observation, field studies, mobility..

Livskvalitet hos personer med cancersjukdom inom palliativ vård

AbstractBackground: Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and accounted for 7.6 million deaths, about 13% of all deaths, in 2008. Several factors can affect patients' quality of life such as physical and psychological symptoms, relationship to people around and the environment. In palliative care professionals need to have good knowledge in order to improve patient quality of life and to give them as good a life as possible in the final stages of life.Aim: The purpose of this overview study is to describe the experiences of quality of life in patients with incurable cancer.Method: We conducted an overview study that was based on ten scientific articles. All articles are qualitative studies, from the year 1995 - 2011, and are from Sweden, Finland, UK, Canada and the USA. Qualitative analysis was used to group the various themes and subthemes for overview study purpose.

Fallet, korset och Gaia. : En studie i kristen miljöetik.

Denna studie handlar om att beskriva, diskutera och jämföra de olika argumenten som de två teocentriska filosoferna Michael Northcott och James Gustafson har om miljöfrågan. Studien fokuserar på vad de har för tankar om ursprunget till miljökrisen, vilken position mannen har i skapelsen, vad naturen har för värde och vilka konsekvenser deras ställningstagande har för lösningen till miljökrisen. Till sist undersöker studien vad de har för kritik mot samhället, vilken lösning de har för en fortsatt utveckling av samhället utan att ytterligare skada naturen..

Barnens kunskaper : En empirisk studie av barnens kunskaper om hjärtat, blodet och blodomloppet

AbstractThis report aims, through interviews, observations and literature review to examine what some of the youngest children know about the heart, blood and bloodstream. The sample size was twenty children, half of them are at the age of three and the other half is at the age of six.The interviews showed that children at the age of six had better knowledge than children at the age of three, but one child knew that we have the blood corpuscle in the body. He was also the only one who mentioned the blood corpuscle of all children who participated in the research. Children at the age of three could not see the functional relationship between the blood and heart. One child who was six years told that the air we breathe goes directly in the heart from where the blood is circulating to the rest of the body, together with the food.Keywords: heart, blood, bloodstream, the body.

Vardagsprat eller marknadsföring? : En studie i Buzz Marketing

This essay is focused on the marketing phenomenon buzz marketing. Buzz marketing is all about making the consumers to talk about your product. In the world we are living in with all the marketing messages, companies tries to find new ways to reach the consumers with their marketing message. The essay consists of 6 interviews with a low level of structure and standardisation. The material from these interviews has been analyzed with the help from the theories of buzz marketing, word of mouth, marketing communication, consumer behaviour, relationship marketing, one-to-one marketing and marketing ethics.

Forensisk arkeologi : Har forensisk arkeologi en framtid i Sverige?

ABSTRACTDelic, Admira. 2007. Forensisk arkeologi: Har forensisk arkeologi en framtid i Sverige?(Forensic archaeology: Is there a future for forensic archaeology in Sweden? C-uppsats i arkeologi. Högskolan i Kalmar ht 2007)This paper is about what forensic archaeology means, how the work is done, what methods are used in a forensic investigation.

Förändringar är till det bättre... eller? : En intervjustudie om kommunikationsförändringar på ett teknikkonsultföretag -ur ett ledarperspektiv

To lead is to communicate, a main part of the leadership. 80 % of leaders working tasks involve communication of some kind. The ambition of this study is to analyze how four leaders of an international technique consulting company experience and handle community and technical development during their professional courses. The leaders have a various experience of leadership which adds depth and width to this study. To perform the study qualitative method has been used in the form of personal interviews.The result indicates that change is not always beneficial in every aspect of communication.

Plats och minne

Place as a concept, and memory as a phenomenon is researched through literature studies. The essay investigates how we think about place and how we experience and relate to it. Memory is discussed both as personal memory and collective memory. Place is a strong source of memory. When we return to a place, we recognize not only the place itself, but also the things we did there, the people we met and the thoughts passing through our mind when we last were there. Pieces of ourselves are stored in the memories awaken when we revisit a place.

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