1414 Uppsatser om Kemi och biologi Department of Physics - Sida 66 av 95
Patienters upplevelse av omvårdnad på en akutmottagning
Bakgrund: Hög omsättning av patienter och ett högt arbetstempo på en akutmottagning gör det svårt att etablera en relation. Det har visat sig att det tekniska genomförandet går före omvårdnaden. Mötet spelar en central roll för omhändertagandet vilket bör präglas av medmänsklighet, trygghet och omtanke.Även god kommunikation är en förutsättning för god omvårdnad.Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelse av omvårdnad på en akutmottagning.Metod:En allmän litteraturstudie, där vetenskapliga studier sökts i databaser varav 13 stycken valts ut.Studierna granskades, analyserades och resultatet delades in i fyra teman.Resultat: De fyra teman är: Patienters upplevelser av medverkan, upplevelser av information, upplevelser av stöd och upplevelser av miljö. Medverkan påverkades framförallt av av hur vårdpersonal väljer att integrera patienter i vården. Upplevelsen av information handlar om och hur informationen ges till patienter.
Kvalitetsbegrepp och tv-spelsbestånd - En fallstudie av tv-spelsverksamheten på Malmö stadsbibliotek
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the quality notions used by the library personnel responsible for the video game department at Malmo City Library. Furthermore, the thesis aims to assess how these notions of quality relate to properties of the actual collection of video games. The empirical results are based on interviews with the responsible library personnel. The result is then analyzed by an interpretation of Carl Gustav Johannsen?s library adapted, theory-based, model of quality definitions.
Kommunikativ maktförskjutning? Legitimitetsskapande kommunikation i kölvattnet av ett massmedialt uppmärksammat omhändertagande
Citizens are in need of information to form an opinion about how society works. As a reviewer of the Public power the media plays an important role in a democratic society. The communicative power shift appears in contemporary media landscape, where technology offers great opportunities for actors to use their own channels to communicate their own image and thereby influencing power over the agenda. Alongside this, the number of communicators is increasing which makes power of resources affects the communicative whole picture. The study is based on a media profile case of the described assault and looks at what can happen strategic communicative at a police department when journalism offers a negative image.
Sjuksköterskors följsamhet till riktlinjer för våldsutsatta kvinnor på akutmottagningar
Syfte: Att undersöka i vilken utsträckning sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagning följde riktlinjer om våldsutsatta kvinnor, sjuksköterskors inställning till att rutinmässigt fråga om våld, sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att upptäcka och bemöta dessa kvinnor samt om det fanns skillnader mellan öppen- och slutenvård samt mellan kvinnliga och manliga sjuksköterskor. Metod: Tvärsnittsstudie i form av enkätundersökning. Ett bekvämlighetsurval gjordes och enkäter lämnades ut till sjuksköterskor (n=110) på akutmottagningar. Svarsfrekvensen var 45 %. Resultat: Få sjuksköterskor frågade om våld, de flesta gjorde detta endast vid misstanke om våld.
Neva Boyd, en lekteoretiker för dramapedagogik : En historisk fallstudie
This is a historical documentary research study across Neva Leona Boyd (1876-1963). The theoretical perspective is based on the historical perspective of knowledge from ancient Greece to the approach of modern symbolic interactionism. The study shows that Boyd, who was Viola Spolins teacher, was a proponent of the modern view of group play theory. 1909 she founded Chicago School for Playground Workers, later transformed to the Recreation Training School. Until 1927, the school entered in Hull-House initiated by Jane Addams.
Vilken uppfattning har operationssjuksköterskor om debriefing inom akutsjukvården?
ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis is to illustrate how surgical operation theatre nurses perceive debriefing within emergency health care. The study has a qualitative design with semi structured interviews that have been performed with seven operating room nurses working in emergency health care. The strategic selection consists of professional operation theatre nurses working in emergency care at Uppsala University Hospital. The main goal of this thesis is to increase the understanding of debriefing and to highlight the need of debriefing after difficult or unexpected events in the emergency health care profession.The interviewed nurses perceive debriefing as an important way to develop the day to day work, but also as a way to unburden the staff at the time of bigger traumas. Even though the effect of debriefing is not univocally positive in the literature, the staff perceives that it reduces different kinds of stress.
Den informella organisationen : Jämställdhetsutredning inom bank-och finansbranschen
During the autumn of 2007 I carried out an investigation within the bank and finance Sector. The aim of the investigation was to see how informal aspects could be understood in relation to equality within Bank AB? The main question was: Which are the obstacles and opportunities for equality within Bank AB? To answer the main question I asked the following questions to the material: Are there any gender related different within the organization? How are men and women represented within the internal magazine? Which are the conceptions related to sex/gender within the organization? The investigation is based on a survey, the internal magazine was investigated and finally interviews took place. Throughout the investigation I used organization theory in a gender perspective. With the gender organization theory I examined concepts as structures, leadership, symbolism and changes associated with equality.
Patienters upplevelser av bemötande från sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagning : En litteraturstudie
En stor del av anmälningarna som kommer till patientnämnden handlar om dåligt bemötande. Patienter som söker vård ska inte känna sig underlägsna eller otrygga på grund av vårdpersonalens bemötande. Ett professionellt vårdande bemötande kan skänka kraft och öka välbefinnandet hos patienten. Ett ökat välbefinnande kan reducera känslan av ohälsa hos patienten. Den patientgrupp studien fokuserar på är de patienter som kommer till akutmottagningen med en icke-brådskande diagnos.
Yes Logo
Abstract Title: Yes logo! What defines a good logo? Authors: Fredrik Dahlin and Vladimir Zunkovic Supervisor: Klaus Solberg Söilen. Department: School of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology. Course: Bachelor?s thesis in Business Administration, 10 credits.
Förändringsarbete inom socialförvaltningen
This report is about changes in an organization. Changes is something that every organization sooner or later is bound to do. In many cases the changes leads to problems and conflicts. I have chosen to study one change process in the home help service of the municipality of Bollnäs. The change process I have chosen to study is about changes in the day-to-day work for the employees at the home help service.
Hemtjänstpersonals upplevelser av sin arbetssituation och sina förutsättningar för kommunikation och samverkan kring vårdtagarna
Karlsson. A (2015). Importance of spirituality and social support for quitting narcotics - Experiences of the12 step program. Bachelor thesis in Public Health science. Department of work- and public health science.
Syns du finns du? : En studie över användningen av SEO, PPC och sociala medier som strategiska kommunikationsverktyg i svenska företag
Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka hur lärare och elever interagerar med varandra och hur det naturvetenskapliga innehållet presenteras och kommuniceras under en naturvetenskaplig lektion på gymnasiet. Studien ingår i det nordiska forskningsprojektet Explora som arbetar med naturvetenskaplig undervisning och som har tagit fram en kodbok för detta ändamål. Utgångspunkten är sociokulturellt lärande, där kommunikationen är viktig för lärandet, där lärande innebär att socialiseras in i en diskurs och att språket används olika i olika kontexter. Undersökningen var till största delen kvantitativ och deduktiv men med kvalitativa inslag. Kodboken användes som analysinstrument och därmed gjordes en slags innehållsanalys.
VFU- en väg in i arbetslivet? : En kvalitativ studie som behandlar arbetsgivares värderingar av erfarenheter från verksamhetsförlagd utbildning.
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the employability of newly graduated social workers is affected by the Supervised Practical Work Experience performed during the educational program. Four main questions were developed in order to establish an educated and concise theory: Does the newly graduated social worker?s choice of a specific Supervised Practical Work Experience affect their employability? Does the structure of the Supervised Practical Work Experience affect newly graduated social worker?s employability? What specific skills do employers within social work consider important for their organization? Is there a difference in how the representatives of various organizations within social work answer the aforementioned questions? The study was conducted through six qualitative semi-structured interviews. The people being interviewed work either as employers or recruiters in organizations from different areas within social work. Theories concerning organization and symbolic interactions were used during the analysis of the results.
Barnbiblioteksverksamhet i Norrbottens glesbygd med Barnkonventionen som utgångspunkt
The purpose of this master thesis is both to interpret the articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child from a public library point of view and to investigate how childrens librarians in the county of Norrbotten view their working situation in their relation to the users. This purpose leads to the main question: How do the childrens librarians and the childrens library consultant describe the present and the future of the childrens library activities in the sparsely populated regions in the county of Norrbotten? The subquestions are: What articles from the Childrens Rights Convention are the most relevant for the public library? In what way can you notice the Childrens Rights in the way the childrens librarians work towards the users? What part of the childrens library activity is the most important according to the childrens librarians and the childrens library consultant? The thesis is based on qualitative interviews with childrens librarians and the childrens library consultant of Norrbotten and field observations. The result of the study shows that the articles we found most relevant for the public library are 2, 3, 6, 12, 13, 14, 17, 23, 28/29, 30, 31 and 42. The Childrens Rights can be noticed in several ways in the childrens library activities.
Miljön kring Dalarnas damfotbollsspelare : Vad påverkar deras möjligheter till utveckling?
2011 Praktik med examensarbete i idrottspedagogik inom Idrottsvetenskapliga programmet, 15 hpSofia Pettersson (2011). Miljön kring Dalarnas damfotbollsspelare ? Vad påverkar deras möjligheter till utveckling? (The environment surrounding female football players in Dalarna, Sweden ? What factors affect their opportunities to develop?) Bachelor Essay in Swedish. Umeå: Umeå university, Department of EducationThe following study investigated the environment in which female football players in the district of Dalarna in Sweden operate. The aim was to identify the elements that affect the players? ability to develop according to their own potential, values and differences.