

9 Uppsatser om Jungle - Sida 1 av 1

Utveckling av barnvagn

After contacting the company Elite Group Sverige AB, who sells strollers under the brand Crescent Baby, it was determined that the project group were to develop a three wheeled stroller which was going to be Crescents first own developed stroller. Only the frame of the stroller was considered within the demarcation of this project however care was taken to the placement of the carry-cot and the wheels etc. Crescent Baby wished for the frame would be smaller than the competitor Urban Jungle, that the frame would have at least three unique selling points and that the number of unique parts was to be minimized. The work began with information seeking regarding strollers, competitors, independent tests, European standards and consumer interviews. After that a number of concepts were developed and past to Crescent.

Slamfärger och dess miljöpåverkan

The paint market of today is a Jungle whit an enormous range of different paint types; there all has different properties and different compositions, some with big influence on the environment and some whit less influence on the environment. It could even be difficult for an expert to always know what should be used on which surface and what would be the best out of the environmental point of view.This work is not intended as a total review of all the manufactures range of colours; only as a deeper dissertation about distemper paint in general, in particular Falu Red Paint. Whit focuses on the environmental issues.The work is especially for those who are ready to paint but don?t know what paint they should chose and people that has a interest in paint and environment, perhaps it also could be of interest for professional painters even when there probably isn?t any big news for them. The information is compiled from the Internet and downloaded brochures from the Internet..

Apor i fruktdisken!: eller påverkan av icke-musikaliska ljud inom detaljhandeln

Retail marketing is a field with many different enbranchements. Some of these can be considered relatively well explored, while the lack of knowledge concerning others is almost total. For example, the existing knowledge regardng the possible impact that non-musical sound can have on the customer can be considered non-existent. With this in mind, the intention with the thesis was to closer investigate how non-musical sound can influence the customer's decision process and attitude in and to a grocery store. The authors started out with theories on associative networks and automatic processing.

Tonala skillnader mellan två gitarrer med olika kroppstjocklek

As a guitarbuilder it is an advantage if you can control and understand what is creating the character of the tone. To approach this vast Jungle of variables that controls the tone in a guitar, I built two guitars and in one, guitar 2, reduced the thickness of soundboard, back and sides.The purpose was to compare the guitars and establish if there was a significant difference and what it was, in the guitars ability to produce sound. The thought was also to try the thesis: loud but short, long but moderate tone. Also if a lighter built guitar has an advantage in producing a loud but short ton and vice versa.The instruments has been examined by five guitarist, one guitarbuilder and a professor in Speech, music and hearing at KTH in Stockholm.The relative obvious conclusion is that guitar 2 is a bit louder and has a clearer base and treble but the more part of the guitarists fancied guitar 1 better. This one has got more mass fore the tone to stay alive with.

Varm klimatutbildning för blivande officerare

Försvarsmakten genomför skarpa uppdrag på flera platser i världen, både i extrem kyla och hetta för att lyckas lösa påfrestande uppgifter krävs både kunskap och erfarenhet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om Militärhögskolan Karlberg bör utbilda sina kadetter i varmt klimat, så att de innehar kunskapen innan de kommer ut på sina förband. Syftet har brutits ned i följande frågeställningar. Huvudfrågeställning: Bör kadetter på militärhögskolan utbildas i varmt klimat?Delfrågor: Definiera vad varmt klimat är, Hur påverkar värmen människan och vilka risker finns? Vilka utbildningar bedriver Försvarsmakten idag över varmt klimat?Varför utbildar inte Militärhögskolan Karlberg sina kadetter i varmt klimat? Jag har använt mig av metoden induktion vilket innebär att jag gjort empiriska iakttagelser i form av intervjuer samt litteratursökning och sedan dragit slutsatser utifrån dessa.

"Intersecting Theories" eller Mångkulturalismens dilemma: En teoretisk studie om intersektionalitet.

This study is mainly critical-theoretic and explores the theoretic Jungle of the concept of intersectionality with the use of Post-colonial and Feminist theories. The purpose of the thesis is also to investigate the concept of intersectionality further by looking upon its practical use as theoretic tool. This is performed in a discourse analysis of two programs developed by Swedish Liberal Party autumn of 2005. Another purpose is to discuss the multiculturalist dilemma as well as the phenomenon of a hegemonic western Feminism. One conclusion of this thesis is that the use of intersectionality is not unproblematic.

Vem är det framför skärmen? : En fördjupad textanalys om hur svenska politiker konstruerar jag-bilder på Twitter.

The trend of social media is a global hit and now both individuals, businesses, celebrities and politicianshave their own social media pages, which means that the visibility increases and focus lies on what'swritten and published by the person. Mediated communication are everywhere around us and affects theway we communicate with each other and also the way we look at ourselves and most importantly how weportray ourselves. The individual's perspective has become a relevant issue with the rapid moderndevelopment. One's cultural identity can be seen as a life-long project.The purpose of this paper is to do an in-depth text analysis to examine how Swedish politicians constituteand construct identities, with a focus on "the self" and the "mediatization self" on the micro-blog Twitter.The theoretical ground for this study is from a discourse analysis point of view that focus on ?the self? andthe ?meditization self?.

Kompostering av köksavfall och användning av kompost i köksträdgård i Chazuta, Peru : jordförbättring och/eller lösning på ett avfallsproblem?

All over the world the waste from human society is causing problems. In developing countries, large cities are polluted through huge amounts of wastes and people are forced to live very close to open deposits. Lima, capital of Peru, is no exception. The countryside in Peru has also a great challenge to face concerning the waste issue. Children and adults suffer from infectious diseases and contamination of the nature occurs as well. One solution to handle organic waste is to compost, which means a controlled decomposition of organic waste under aerobic conditions at certain temperatures.

Rumble in the Jungle : En studie om medias sätt att beskriva en organisation i kris och dess varumärke

På dagens marknad måste företagen kunna möta både de yttre och inre kraven som ställs på marknaden för att maximera sin avkastning. Ett företag som i allra högsta grad står inför förändrade yttre krav är Posten. Hur kan Posten kombinera yttre krav och omständigheter från kunder, marknadsförhållanden och ägarnas vinstintresse med de inre kraven, det vill säga en tillfredställd personal? Hur kan man skapa en bra företagskultur som gynnar både ägarna och de anställda? En teori som hävdar att det går att möta de yttre kraven samtidigt som de inre kraven uppfylls benämns: empowerment. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån ett empowermentperspektiv analysera hur några lokala chefer på Posten jobbar med sin personalpolitik rent praktiskt.