

57 Uppsatser om Jonathan - Sida 2 av 4

Dagens textilarkeologiska förmedling

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

Tempel eller torg? Forskningsbibliotekets funktion som offentligt rum. Exemplet Luleå Universitetsbibliotek

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

Folkbibliotek i nationens tjänst. Nationalismen och dess inverkan på framväxten av en svensk bibliotekspolitik

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

Vad är god kvalité på distans? En samtalsintervjuundersökning om distansstuderandes lärandeprocesser

Titel: Vad är god kvalité på distans?Undertitel: En samtalsintervjuundersökning om distansstuderandes lärandeprocesserFörfattare: Jonas Lidström & Jonathan Persson.Avslutad av Jonathan Mattebo Persson.Kurs: Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, (JMG) Göteborgs universitet.Termin: Vårterminen 2009.UppdragUppdragsgivare är Göteborgs Universitet som vill veta hur deras distanskurs imassmediekommunikation på 7,5 högskolepoäng står sig i jämförelse med liknande kurser på andra universitet i Sverige.SyfteVi undersöker studenters upplevelser av distansutbildningar i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskappå svenska universitet. Vi studerar vad deltagarna upplevt och tagit med sig från olika A-kurser i medievetenskap, samt genom vilka lärandeprocesser de tillskansat sig dessa kunskaper. Genom en teoretisk analys av studenternas upplevelser avser vi bredda förståelsen av distanskursen som form och fenomen samt ge förslag till utveckling av Göteborgs universitets distanskurs i masskommunikation.MetodUppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie vars empiriska material utgörs av femton telefonintervjuer speglade genom teorier från erkända forskare inom de pedagogiska och informations och kommunikations-didaktiska fälten.ResultatStudenterna i vårt urval anser att flexibilitet i tid och rum är de viktigaste faktorernaför en positiv distansstudieupplevelse. Grupparbeten har därför överlag dåligt rykte då sådana kräver synkronitet studenterna emellan, på bekostnad av flexibilitet.Merparten av studenterna skapar förståelse för ämnet med stor hjälp av sökmotorersamt fria encyklopedier på internet utan ledning från kursernas ledare.

Uppsatsreferenser i svenska doktorsavhandlingar i arkeologi 1972-2002. En teoretisk diskussion och en bibliometrisk undersökning

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

"Att utnyttja de andras kompetenser är det värdefulla". En professionsteoretisk undersökning av personalens kunskaper i en mångspråkig biblioteksverksamhet

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

Åt var bov efter behov? En kvalitativ undersökning av interners högskoleutbildning och lärande i skol- och biblioteksmiljö på kriminalvårdsanstalten Hall

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

Boken som föremål. En undersökning av bibliografiska förteckningar över sällsynta böcker tryckta 1850-1900

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

Den internetpublicerade skönlitteraturens förutsättningar och dess plats på folkbiblioteken. En teoretisk diskussion med kompletterande empiriska studier

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

"Det börjar bli problem att hitta offensiva, kreativa bibliotekarier". En professionsteoretisk studie av Svenska Kommunförbundets bibliotekarieskildringar

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

Från bibliotekskunskap till Biblioteks- och Informationsvetenskap. Institutionaliseringsprocessen av B o I som forskningsämne vid svenska universitet 1977-1990

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

Sveriges nationella minoriteter. En studie av deras tillgång till tidskrifter vid Sveriges folkbibliotek

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

"Jag har just läst den vidrigaste bok jag någonsin stött på". En studie av mottagandet av Nikanor Teratologens verk ur ett biblioteksinstitutionellt och ett litteratursociologiskt perspektiv

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

Den skönlitterära diskursen i BBL. En studie av förmedlingen av skönlitteratur till vuxna på folkbibliotek speglad i Biblioteksbladet 1990-2003

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

De nationella minoriteterna och folkbiblioteken. Folkbibliotekens hantering av nationella minoritetsfrågor i ljuset av Sveriges officiella minoritetspolitik

This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.

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