

704 Uppsatser om Jokkmokks bibliotek - Sida 6 av 47

Hur hjälper vi barn och ungdomar med dyslexi/läs- och skrivsvårigheter? - En undersökning av insatser från skola och bibliotek

This paper examines how teachers and librarians are helping children and young people withdyslexia/reading and writing difficulties. The examination has taken place in a small municipalityin Skaraborg County. Seven teachers in the municipal schools and the chief librarian inthe municipal library have been interviewed as well as an advising county librarian.In the municipal schools the pupils have access to literature in easy language and computerswith programs training reading, writing and spelling. In some schools there are textbooks ontape too. In the municipal library and in the county library disabled readers can loan literatureon tape and literature in easy language.The conclusion of the examination is that children and young people with dyslexia/readingand writing difficulties need all sorts of aids in reading and writing.

Barnbibliotek på Internet en granskning av fyra barnbibliotek på Internet i Sverige och USA

Barnens bibliotek, a Swedish Childrens Library on the Internet with a nationwide assignment is compared to three Childrens Library in the USA with local assignments. All four Childrens Libraries on the Internet are compared in terms of content, form, purpose and if they stimulate childrens intelligences according to Howard Gardners theory about multiple intelligences. Three different instruments are used to review the websites. The instruments are created on the basis of literature and the website Barnens bibliotek. To complement these instruments, written interviews are performed with librarians responsible for each reviewed website.

Genus i barnlitteraturen/Gender in children´s litterature

Uppsatsen handlar om hur genus gestaltas i barnböcker anpassade för barn i förskoleåldern, 1-5 år..

Barn söker i bibliotek ? en kunskapsöversikt

The aim of this thesis is to investigate new knowledge about how children search for library material and which strategies they use, and if the latest research gives any answers whether we should adapt systems and services or teach information seeking in a better way. In this thesis knowledge is understood as research publications but also results from projects in library practise, and studies concerning children 6 to 18 years old are included. The method used is a knowledge survey. We have gathered and evaluated documentation from different sources like citation and reference databases within the field of library and information science. The result implicates that there are, both in old and new documentation, three main search strategies children use in their search for information in a library context; they browse, they search in library catalogues and they use some sort of reference service.

Elektroniska böcker på bibliotek: Bibliotekariers och användares syn på elektroniska böcker utifrån intervjuer och samtal

The purpose of this paper is to describe how librarians andusers think of electronic books in libraries. My questions are:-What are electronic books, and how do they work?-How has electronic books been implemented by librariansin the libraries and on the libraries? websites?-How do users describe their view of electronic books?-How do the librarians and users think of electronic book inthe future?To be able to answer these questions I have studied relevantliterature, made qualitative interviews with two librarians attwo similar libraries and I had dialogues with several usersElectronic books were introduced 2002 at the two libraries.In the beginning the libraries made different types ofmarketing, but today they only have the website withinformation. Their purpose was to try this out and offer theusers a new media. So far, there are few users who borrowthese books, and maybe it depends on technical conditions.According to the dialogues I had, most of the users have noidea what electronic books are.

Ideologier i biblioteksbyggnaden ? en fallstudie av Arlövs bibliotek

Library architecture today is a complicated history. Public libraries are no longer merely a place for book storage, but also a virtual library a social meeting place and a place for study. All these diverse tasks and roles emerge in the democratic designing process of a new library and also transform into the architecture. The underlying process is the evaluation and negotiation of the libraries overall tasks and ideas, ideals and values. Multiple ideologies are incorporated in library architecture.

Iranska invandrare och svenska bibliotek : en sociokulturell studie

This thesis is an investigation of Iranian immigrants and their use of libraries in Sweden. It isbased on a combination of a qualitative and a·quantitative method.Using a qualitative method, I give an outline of the history of lran from ancient times up to the present, as well as the different ethnological groups in Iran and their cultures. The main objective of this part is to clarify the contrasts between Iranian and Swedish cultural, social, linguistic and family structures, and also the characteristics of the crisis that most immigrants go through on their arrival in the new country. The qualitative method also involves structured telephone interviews with eight highly educated Iranians.This method was supplemented by a quantitative study through questionnaires of the attitudes· of lranian immigrants to libraries and reading. Iranians in Sweden turned out to be frequent Iibrary users.

Exemplet Grubbe och intraprenad : en studie av bibliotek och intraprenad i kommunal verksamhet

Today the ability to swim is taken for granted by most people. Most of Sweden?s adult population can swim which is reflected in the reduced number of accidental drownings. About 1900 AD when Sweden?s population was about five million the average drownings per year was 1100.

Priskuranten - en resa i tiden: Priskuranter i Kungl. biblioteket, Uppsala universitetsbibliotek och Nordiska museets bibliotek

The aim of my master?s thesis has been to examine the situation of the price lists in the National Library of Sweden, in Uppsala University Library and in the Nordiska Museet Library. The starting point was that the institutes have been operating within different institutional practices. These operational differences between the institutes have affected the collecting, the organizing and the accessibility to the information of the price lists. My master?s thesis is based on Birger Hjørlands theories of domains and knowledge organization.

Bibliotek och bokhandel som litteraturförmedlare: En användarundersökning på ett bibliotek och i en bokhandel

The purpose of this study is to examine what readers of fiction literature are influenced by when they choose books. What libraries and bookstores do to influence readers in their choice of literature and how readers perceive the librarys and the bookstores influence on them in their choice of fiction literature. We have also studied which factors outside the library and the bookstore that readers are influenced by when borrowing or buying a certain book and to what extent readers are influenced by the books appearance. To answer our questions we chose a public library and a bookstore, where we interviewed six persons in each place. We have interviewed a librarian and a bookstore manager for information about how these two cultural institutions work with marketing of their fiction literature.

Böcker, bibliotek och beigt : En diskursanalytisk studie om hur bibliotekarien beskrivs i skönlitteraturen

This bachelor thesis explores how librarians are portrayed in fiction literature. The aim is to see how the librarian and their work tasks are described. Our material consists of 12 fiction novels from the years 2000 to 2012 (with an exception of a book from 1998). We have used discourse analysis in order to examine the picture of the librarian.We have used three major questions: How is the librarian portrayed in our selected fiction literature from year 2000 until today (the beginning of 2013)? How are the librarians profession portrayed in our selected fiction literature? Does our selection of the fiction literature give a positive or negative image of the librarianand how can that affect the view of the profession?Our analysis resulted in the discourses the librarian and literature and the librarian and the library.

Biblioteken som glöder. En studie av ideellt drivna bibliotek i Uppsala kommun och eldsjälarna bakom dem

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to study, describe andimprove the understanding of voluntary driven libraries. How doesthe library staff view their role? How is the library operationworking in respect of economy, organization structure and systemsof rules? Research methods I used were semistructured interviewsand document research.The theoretical framework was based on Joacim Hansson´sdiscussion about libraries in a local community, Henning Bang´sdiscussion about organization culture and the Swedishgovernment´s non- profit advisory group`s discussion aboutvoluntary work.The results of this study shows that the library staff are enthusiastsmotivated by a wish to spread literature to people who find itdifficult to visit municipal libraries. Other motives for theirvoluntary work is the opportunity for being a part of a socialcommunity, to be surrounded by books and to activate body andsenses. The results of this study also shows that the voluntarylibrary system differ from the traditional, municipal library systemconcerning economy, organization structure and set of rules..

?Den stojande hopen? : Diskurser om ungdomar i två bibliotekstidskrifter 2005?2010

The aim of this thesis is to examine discourses about the user category young people in two well-established Swedish library journals between the years 2005 and 2010.The empirical material consists of 65 texts derived from the library journals Biblioteksbladet and Bibliotek i samhälle. By using discourse theory and methodology I discover several different ways in which young people are categorized in the library context. As a complementary theory I have analyzed the material from an intersectional perspective. The result shows that young people most of the times are defined by adults. Several characteristics such as creativity, interest in modern technology, messiness and need for support are repeated in the descriptions of the young, suggesting that there is clear idea of how young people are.

Surfplattan som ny teknik vid två bibliotek : Barn- och ungdomsbibliotekariers attityder och lärdomar

Biblioteken som plats för teknik är något som diskuteras och förändras. Den teknik som här undersöks är surfplattor ochde bibliotek som undersökts närmre är biblioteket Miini (målgrupp 0-5 år) och biblioteket Dynamo (målgrupp 15-25 år)i Göteborg. Frågeställningen lyder: Hur påverkar bibliotekariers attityder till ny teknik deras kunskaper ochtillgängliggörande av teknik på bibliotek? Hur går surfplatteverksamheten och bibliotekariernas kunskaper kringsurfplattor att utvecklas?Studiens resultat visar att attityden till surfplattan inte nödvändigtvis påverkar bibliotekens tillgängliggörande avteknik. Däremot finns det ett behov hos bibliotekarier att ha en gemensam strategi vad gäller syftet med surfplattan ochvad den ska användas till.

?Till Skriptoriet i hopp om excerpering? ? Om uppbyggnaden av Svenska Akademiens Ordboks bibliotek

This thesis deals with the question of why the Swedish Academy Dictionary has its own Library when, for almost a hundred years, it has been located at the University Library of Lund. Looking at the library functions: librarian, users, room and books and their external factors: economy, internal actors, external actors and the development of the Swedish Academy Dictionary helped to shed light upon which relations between these factors have been important in the development of the library. The results show that there has not been a conscious plan behind the Library. A large number of the books in the Library was given by those who have worked at the Dictionary and also by their friends and collegues. Another part was given by the Swedish Academy and was partly gathered when the project was still in Stockholm.

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