349 Uppsatser om Joint swelling - Sida 19 av 24
Vad är misslyckande? : Vikten av noggranna definitioner vid undersökningar av misslyckandegraden hos joint ventures
Syfte och frågeställningarStudien avser att undersöka hur idrottsföreningar upplever LOK-stödet. Följande frågeställningar har valts för att uppfylla syftet:? Hur fördelas det statliga LOK-stödet i föreningarna?? Hur anser föreningarna att arbetet med aktivitetskort fungerar?? Vad betyder LOK-stödet för föreningarna?? Anser föreningarna att LOK-stödet är ett rättvist system för att fördela pengar till ungdomsidrotten?? Finns det någon skillnad mellan stora föreningar (>500 medlemmar) och små föreningar (<50 medlemmar)?MetodStudiens mätinstrument utgjordes av enkäter och omfattar 2000 slumpvis utvalda svenska idrottsföreningar som uppbådar statligt LOK-stöd. Urvalet utgjordes av föreningar som ingår i RF:s organisation. Ur RF:s medlemsregister valdes sedan var tionde förening ut, oavsett verksamhet, storlek och regional tillhörighet.Studien är ett samarbete mellan IH och RF där RF angav vad de ville ha undersökt.
Samförståelse inom mjukvaruutveckling : Visioner, utvecklare och brukskvaliteter
Vi vill med den här uppsatsen undersöka om brukskvaliteter kan vara ett stöd vid mjukvaruutveckling, med fokus på dess kommunikativa egenskaper och hur de kan bidra till skapandet av samförståelse. Empirin för studien är hämtat från UIQ Technology i Ronneby som utvecklar en plattform för ?smart phones? och har ett starkt fokus på användbarhet.I denna uppsats beskriver vi deras arbete som två nivåer. Först ut är Vision vilket representerar dem som tar in kundens krav och skapar, eller formulerar, en vision utefter dessa. Därefter förs denna formulering ner till Utförande som står för dem som skapar den faktiska produkten.
Boomerang/Filippa K : En studie i lojalitet till klädesmärken
Most of the clothes sold in Europe today are produced in developing countries where the production costs are lower. The exploitation of the developing countries has led to that the inferior working conditions in these countries have attracted attention from media and NGOs. Globalisation makes company activities more transparent and the absence of transnational laws calls for alternative regulations. Many companies in Europe has since mid 1990s developed codes of conduct to satisfy the demands of external and internal stakeholders. EU also brought Corporate Social Responsibility to it?s agenda in the beginning of the 2000s and subsequently signals of approaching laws were given.
Riskkapitalbolag : En analys av hur den svenska riskkapitalmarknaden påverkades av IT-haussen
Most of the clothes sold in Europe today are produced in developing countries where the production costs are lower. The exploitation of the developing countries has led to that the inferior working conditions in these countries have attracted attention from media and NGOs. Globalisation makes company activities more transparent and the absence of transnational laws calls for alternative regulations. Many companies in Europe has since mid 1990s developed codes of conduct to satisfy the demands of external and internal stakeholders. EU also brought Corporate Social Responsibility to it?s agenda in the beginning of the 2000s and subsequently signals of approaching laws were given.
BSCI : Ett europeiskt initiativ till standardisering av socialt ansvarstagande
Most of the clothes sold in Europe today are produced in developing countries where the production costs are lower. The exploitation of the developing countries has led to that the inferior working conditions in these countries have attracted attention from media and NGOs. Globalisation makes company activities more transparent and the absence of transnational laws calls for alternative regulations. Many companies in Europe has since mid 1990s developed codes of conduct to satisfy the demands of external and internal stakeholders. EU also brought Corporate Social Responsibility to it?s agenda in the beginning of the 2000s and subsequently signals of approaching laws were given.
On demandradio, nya lyssnarmönster : En c-uppsats om radio när man vill
Avsikten med uppsatsen är att ta reda på om det skapats ett nytt radiolyssnarmönster i och med att Sveriges Radios (SR) erbjuder tjänsten on demandradio, det vill säga möjlighet att lyssna på radioprogram som redan har sänts på vanlig radio eller webbradio. John Fiske Kommunikations teorier har använts samt Walter Benjamin teorier som behandlar förändringar som sker vid reproduktion. Historiska teorier av Marshall McLuhan och Tony Schwartz har även använts.Författarnas metod består av tre delar där en jämförelse genomförts mellan olika sekundära data från SR, Radioundersökningar AB (RUAB), Nordiskt informationscenter för medie- och kommunikationsforskning (Nordicom), British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) samt Radio Joint Audience Research Limited (RAJAR). Därefter har insamling av kvantitativa data gjorts via enkät som publicerats på SR:s hemsida samt via utskick till en referensgrupp. Författarna har gjort längre telefonintervjuer om cirka 35-45 minuter vilka spelats in och delvis transkriberats för att få in data med mer kvalitativ tyngd.
Att göra stad. Om demokrati och deltagande i det offentliga rummet
Malmö has often been described as a segregated city, with relatively low democratic participation and high poverty and alienation. Behind this kind of statements we often find a material reality, with unequal distribution of assets and potentials that needs to be taken into consideration for political action. At the same time this categorisation of people into different groups can take stigmatising effects and result in increased inequality.I find the theoretical basis for my thesis in Lefebvre?s writings on ?the right to the city?, that shortly means that all inhabitants of a city have the right to take active part in the constantly ongoing process of producing and reproducing the city ? on all levels, from a hands-on everyday life level to a more abstract political level.With an interdisciplinary approach, where the right to the city is discussed in relation to citizenship, presence, representation and public space, I try to understand the connections between democracy, participation, justice and equality. These discussions are then applied to examples from Malmö; both publically initiated projects and individual physical markings in the city.
Tollarsjuka hos Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever : en sjukdomsbeskrivning
In the dog breed Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (NSDTR)
several dogs suffer from joint pain and possibly pain from the
muscles. This diffuse disease is called Immune-mediated Non-
Erosive Arthritis in Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.
The disease is most likely of autoimmune nature where the etiology
still is unknown. The musculoskeletal symptoms of stiffness and
shifting lameness are intermittently seen. Some dogs also have
dermatological changes and some dogs suffer from pain when
opening their mouth.
The study included 20 diseased and 20 healthy NSDTR. The purpose
was to describe immune-mediated arthritis in NSDTR based on
symptoms, results of analysis and effect of treatment.
Among the diseased dogs 65% had serum positive for antinuclear
antibodies by indirect immunofluorescense (IIF) ANA-test.
"Mer chef än ledare skulle jag säga" : En studie om ledarskap och motivation som är präglat av en trepartsrelation.
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att skapa förståelse för hur konsultchefers ledarskap blir präglat a trepartsrelationen som uppstår när det är två parter som är ansvariga för en konsult. Vi ville skapa oss en inblick i hur konsultcheferna leder sina konsulter och hur de arbetar för att motivera dem. Vidare ville vi skaffa oss en uppfattning över hur konsulterna upplever situationen.Metodik: Studien har genomförts i form av en fallstudie på två bemanningsföretag med utgångspunkt i en induktiv forskningsansats. Data har samlats in genom en kvalitativ metod där sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer på fallföretagen har genomförts.Slutsats och slutdiskussion: Genom studien har det framkommit att trepartsrelationen är ett komplext fenomen där chefen inte ses som den traditionella ledaren utan snarare som en administratör. Genom trepartsrelationen har det framkommit att problem kan uppstå då konsultchefernas roll blir likt medlare istället för chef.
Säger en blick mer än tusen ord? : En kvalitativ studie om relationsskapande mekanismer i vården av flerfunktionshindrade ungdomar och unga vuxna inom en specifik verksamhet
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka faktorer som inverkar på personalens relation till brukarna på ett korttidshem för flerfunktionshindrade ungdomar och unga vuxna, samt att granska hur dessa faktorer influerar varandra. Data har insamlats i huvudsak genom djupintervjuer men också utifrån ett självetnografiskt förhållningssätt. Analysmetoden som använts är Grounded Theory. Resultatet av studien visar att vårdpersonalens relation till brukarna kan kopplas till den nivå av relationell trygghet som upplevs gentemot brukarna på korttidshemmet. Den relationella tryggheten påverkas i sin tur av vårdgivarens personlighet, det upplevda relationella djupet mellan vårdgivaren och brukaren, samt graden av upplevd arbetsrelaterad stabilitet.
KOMMUNIKATIVT LEDARSKAP ett ledarskap för moderna organisationer : Kvalitativ studie med ansats att definiera begreppet
AbstractTitle: Communicative leadership ? a leadership for modern organizationsQualitative research attempting to define the concept.(Kommunikativt ledarskap ? ett ledarskap för moderna organisationerKvalitativ studie med ansats att definiera begreppet.)Author: Jenny AxällAim: The aim of this essay is to try to find the essence of and a definition of the communicative leadership. Questions asked are: How can communicative leadership be described? How can it be practiced? What does it demand of those who practice it? What organizational conditions are required? And what results and performances can this leadership lead to?Method: Qualitative explorative research method. The study contains an academic lit-erature review of the science of leadership and communication in general and the more specific communicative leadership.
Revisionens betydelse vid kreditprövning : Påverkan ur kreditgivares perspektiv.
Bachelor thesis in business administration with emphasis in accounting and auditing. Spring term 2011, Mälardalens Högskola.Authors:Jim Hansson, Filip Sahl and Pererik Sewerin.Advisor:Lennart Bogg.Key words:Abolition of mandatory auditing, optional audit, auditor, audit.Title:The role of audit in a credit review - impact from the creditor's perspectiveBackground:As of November 1st2010, auditing became optional for micro companies in Sweden. This leads to an opportunity for about 70 % of the joint-stock companies to choose whether or not to keep their auditors. Creditors are affected by this as they may receive a less trustworthy base to make a good credit review if many companies choose to proceed their accountings without the control of an auditor. Creditors have the option to require that companies are to be reviewed by auditors, while authorized accounting consultants may be a possible substitute as a quality control for the accountings.Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is to examine what impact optional audit has had in credit processes so far and look into alternative forms of reviews for businesses.Problem definition:? Does auditing simplify for the creditors in a credit review? ? Is there some kind of accounting that could be a substitute for the audit?Method:The study is qualitative in character through six interviews.
Från internationell programstudent till regional skattebetalare i Kronoberg. : En återspeglingsstudie om ?Det entreprenöriella universitetet? och Linnéuniversitetets samverkan med det regionala näringslivet i kontexten av dess användbarhet i att behål
AbstraktHaving influence over questions that concern us is a part of the society that we live in, where every individual have the right to make her voice heard (Danell, 2006). For many decades, the school has had many different ways to give the students influence. Rönnlund (2013) is giving a historical overview of the history of students influence and enlighten us how the influence has changed over time. The influence from the students is very important and it is the students right to make their voices heard about things that concerns their work environment but also to affect their curriculum. The education in school should be fitted to every individual student (Danell, 2006). According to Aaron Antonovsky (2007) our wellbeing is based on that we all can take part and deicide about the things we are meant to do.
Arbetsmiljövänliga låsvätskor i stötdämpare
This master thesis is a study of anaerobic thread lockers and is done in cooperation withÖhlins Racing AB, which is a Swedish manufacturer of vehicle suspensions.The suspension in vehicles is constantly exposed to high vibration levels and a suspensionunit has several screw- and cylindrical joints. As an extra safety precaution so that thecomponents in the suspension doesn?t fall apart when using the vehicle, an anaerobicthreadlocker is added in these joints. The handling of these threadlockers is not totallyharmless and could lead to allergic reactions, and therefore there are Swedish laws to limit theuse of these. However, new types of anaerobic threadlockers have recently been launched onthe marked that are not considered under this law.
Hägn i skogsbruket :
This survey was made during the autumn of 2002 and the beginning of 2003, on commission
from the National Board of Forestry. The purpose with the survey was to gather experience
and knowledge in the organisation about fencing and this was made through interviews. The
ambition was also to get knowledge from people outside the organisation that have great
experience of forestry and fencing.
The interviews were based on questions that have been composed by the author with help
from the supervisors. The questions were the same to both the personal from the National
Board of Forestry and to the foresters. Interviews were also made with private landowners, gamekeepers, game researcher, the County Administrative Board, the National Road Administration, pole and net retailers and contractors.
The target group for this work is the National Board of Forestry to be forwarded to persons interested in forestry with the ambition to spread knowledge about how to prevent damage on the forest by browsing animals.
The deer populations are big in the south of Sweden and growing populations have increased the damage on plantations of broadleaves of the most species.