349 Uppsatser om Joint swelling - Sida 12 av 24
Internationalisering av innovationer : innovationsföretags möjligheter under en internationaliseringsprocess
The purpose of this study is to identify a successful way of expanding a business on a global market, focusing on innovation products. An analysis was also made to see how internationalization theories are useful in businesses with innovation products. Four companies have been interviewed where two of them have innovation products (Proline AB and Q-Med AB) and the others are widely successful in exporting to a global market (Safegate Group and Weda Poolcleaners AB). Furthermore four interviews have been made with support organizations that have great experience in helping companies in this area (Svenska Uppfinnareföreningen, Almi Företagspartner AB, Exportrådet and The Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce).One of the results that can be identified is the diverse view and will to expand the business. The inventor often has a born global strategy in mind whereas the helping organizations rather expand step by step and only to one country at a time.
Framtagning av ett nytt recept för clear-coat batter av pommes frites : En teknisk och sensorisk utvärdering
The requirements of good quality and appetizing fast food increases continuously as a consequence of a community where food is always available. The crispiness of French fries is an issue that must be considered in this context, since it tends to decrease and give the fries a soft surface not appreciated by the consumer. To prolong the crispiness, the fries can be coated by a batter, a mix of starches. The batters used often consists of modified starches, e.g. cross-linked, acetylated and dextrinizated to increase and prolong crispiness, flour to stabilize the batter and sodium bicarbonate to make the batter ?rise?.The cross-linked starch keeps the granules in a swelled state and prevents them from breaking when exposed to heat or processing: therefore, it delays the gelatinization and decreases the stickiness of the batter.
Integrering av pelletsfabrik med Rya kraftvärmeverk i Göteborg : en teknisk och ekonomisk utredning
Göteborg Energi has a surplus of district heating during spring, summer and fall. The heat surplus is due to a constant production of waste heat from oil refineries and heat from waste incineration over the year. It would be desirable to increase the demand for heat and the uptime for the newly built combined heat and power generation plant, Rya Kraftvärmeverk. One alternative could be to integrate Rya Kraftvärmeverk with a pellet production facility. By producing heat, electricity and pellet in a joint process the energy use can be decreased.
Betydelsen av att samverka : En studie av det interorganisatoriska samarbetet kring demensvården i Halland
The purpose of our study is to interpret and understand the collaborative process around a regional model that is based on state developed guidelines for people with dementia. We have chosen to focus on the importance of interaction and have therefore interviewed participants in the project's steering committee. This group participates in efforts to develop a model for dementia care in Halland.The project work in Halland, to develop a joint model for people with dementia and their families was initiated in the spring of 2011 and is due to finish at the end of 2012. The Halland model has been named ?Annas led? and is about Anna and her husband Lars and living with dementia.
Utdragshållfasthet hos limmade och olimmade gängstänger i limträ
This essay examines pull-out strength of threaded rods fixed into glulam timber. The technology is intended to be used in hidden joints between glulam components. The work began with a study of literature focusing on current research within the topic, mainly to create a base of knowledge before the testing was initiated. Studies of scientific articles reveals a lack of research within this area, which makes it difficult to develop standards and calculation models for these joints. The drill holes in the tests have a diameter of 7 mm.
Biståndshandläggares uppfattning av begreppet skälig levnadsnivå och handlingsutrymme. : En kvalitativ studie.
Our aim of this study is to analyze how the concept of reasonable standard of living is by assistance officers in geriatric care, as well as the impact of their discretion on the assessment. We conducted a qualitative study with the help of interviews. During the collection of the empirical material, we have experienced greater confusion among assistance officers opinion about the concept of reasonable standard of living. We lacked a clear answer to the concept content. The interview subjects' responses did not differ so much, they said, among other things, that the concept is difficult to interpret, fuzzy, or that they do not have a good understanding of it.
Sjuksköterskors omvårdnadsåtgärder för att förebygga PVK- releterade komplikationer - En litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: Perifer venkateter (PVK) är en allmän och rutinmässig åtgärd inom hälso- och sjukvården för att kunna lindra, bota och behandla genom att tillföra infusioner, läkemedel eller för att hålla en fri venväg. PVK består av ett främmande material som i kontakt med blod kan leda till att komplikationer som tromboflebiter bildas. Vid minsta tecken på rodnad, ömhet, svullnad, tromboflebit eller extravasation ska PVK avlägsnas. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att beskriva de senaste forskningsrönen kring sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder för att undvika PVK-relaterade komplikationer. Metod: Studien är en litteraturstudie där resultatet baserats på kvantitativa och kvalitativa artiklar.
Mind-mindedness och kommunikativ utveckling : Samband mellan moderns mentaliseringsyttranden och barnets senare språkliga och kommunikativa utveckling
Mind-mindedness refers to the mother?s ability to treat her child as an individual with a mental life of his or her own. In the present study, the purpose is to investigate the relationship between the amount of mind-related comments the mother produces when the child is 9 months of age and the child?s development in language and communication at the age of 15 months. The hypothesis is that the amount of mind-related comments the mother produces has a positive affect on the child?s language abilities as well as his or her ability to initiate joint attention.
Revision i små och mikro aktiebolag : lagstadgad eller självvald
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om revisionsplikten för små och mikro AB bör finnas kvar eller inte. Inom den Europeiska Unionen (EU) är det endast Sverige och Malta som i nuläget har plikten kvar fullt ut. För att få en uppfattning om vad debatten handlar om har vi i första hand studerat aktuella artiklar. Vi har även använt oss av två olika forskarrapporter inom området och litteratur. Åsikter i debatten har vi även tagit del av genom sju stycken olika intervjuer med anställda hos banker, Skatteverket, revisionsbyråer och ägare i små och mikro AB.
Det är ju samma barn och ungdomar vi arbetar med ? En intervjustudie om samverkan mellan skola, skol- och folkbibliotek på Gotland
This master?s thesis deals with problems and opportunities when it comes to cooperation between compulsory schools, upper secondary schools, school libraries and public libraries on Gotland. The goal of this thesis is to investigate which ideas exist among public librarians, school librarians and headmasters when it comes to taking responsibility for the students? information literacy, basic library knowledge and passion for books. It also examines some of the problems they meet when trying to work together around these tasks.
Svenska företags etableringar i Sydkorea och Japan : En jämförande studie av den koreanska och japanska marknaden
South Korea is one of the fastest growing economies of the world and experts claim that it?s headed towards the same direction as Japan. This doesn?t imply that the countries are similar to an extent where companies don?t have to consider the differences while entering the host market. This study was conducted for the purpose of giving a view of the business climate in the countries and thereby could help companies who see the countries as potential host markets.
Strategiska förändringar på multipla nivåer
Tre av fyra sammangåenden misslyckas med att uppnå de finansiella och strategiska mål som de har satt upp. Anledningen till att varför så många kombinationer av sammangåenden misslyckas beror på att sammangåenden är i behov av rigorösa och omfattande ansträngningar före, under och efter förloppet. Ofta ignoreras dessa behov och/eller får inte tillräckligt stort utrymme. De flesta studier av strategiska förändringsprocesser i form av sammangåenden organisationer emellan fokuserar endast på en sammangåendeprocess i taget och det finns få studier som över huvud taget beaktar flera processer i följd. Dessutom verkar det vara mer regel än undantag att den mänskliga faktorn glöms bort eller i alla fall inte tas hänsyn till i tillräckligt stor grad.
Matematikdidaktiska val En argumentationsanalys av det lustfyllda lärandet Mathematics education choice An argumentation analysis of a zestful learning
The purpose of this study is to present arguments concerning a zestful learning for children ages 6-9 in mathematics. Four books in mathematics has specifically been analyzed to investigate what is written concerning a zestful learning. By means of an argumentation analysis within a qualitative text analysis the arguments are put forth. The didactic choices of the chosen literature are analyzed in a subject-matter didactic context. The result implicates a multitude of arguments and didactic choices supporting a zestful learning.
Funktionell test på hundar med artros
The field rehabilitation in veterinary medicine has expanded over the past ten years. Animalswith disorders in the musculoskeletal system are often treated. The methods used lacksufficient scientific documentation; however claim to affect the animal's function in a positiveway. In order to investigate the efficacy of different rehabilitation modalities, it is important touse validated evaluation tolls. Therefore, a literature study on pain, pain-scales and functionaltest was performed together a pilot study on a functional test.The aim of the present pilot-study was to investigate a functional test, "Bioarth functionalevaluation scale", used in veterinary medicine.
Språkens plats i en mångkulturell förskola : Lärares syn på modersmål och andraspråk
The study is a qualitative textual analysis comparing how two newspapers fromSmåland reacted to Nazi Germany during the interwar period. The purpose of the studyis to illustrate how newspapers' political orientation may influence its content. Theexamined material is limited to letters to the editor, editorials and columns. The twopapers are of different political orientations, Smålänningen is bourgeois andKronobergaren is social democratic. The theoretical basis is founded in Klas Åmarksperspective on Sweden's position in the war, the so-called small state realistic paradigmand the moral perspective, as well all Kosellecks theory about the written word.