

984 Uppsatser om John Green - Sida 11 av 66

Vem är jag? Vem blir jag? : Identitetsskapande hos elever med svenska som andraspråk

This paper addresses the question about what role typography plays in the interpretation of a text. From three different handbooks in typography arguments are gathered and categorized in to three categories: roman types, san serif and others. Interviews with people from the graphic design area are also a part of the paper and are accounted for in the discussion part of the paper. Areas of theory are a broad hermeneutic view based on Hans-Georg Gadamers thoughts, which have sub categories such as: Michel Foucault?s theory about discourses, John Swales genre theory and Anders Björkvall?s thoughts on typography and multi-modal texts.

Förstudie och utformning av grönrum och terrass, Tillbyggnad till äldreboende på Forellen i Partille

Partille municipality is planning an extension of the building Forellen. Green environments in health care have been shown to improve the health of patients, especially in elderly care. This report addresses the possibility of using the leftover space in close connection to a dementia and short-term accommodation to a winter garden and a terrace. The report also analyzes the impact of these green spaces on the residents.The purpose is to find alternative answers on the issue through the study of nursing homes and green spaces, and that these may be useful for Partille municipality and inspiration for future projects. The goal is to get conclusions in to a report, drawings, and an oral presentation.The results show that the design of environments can affect human well-being and also be healing both mentally and physically.

Den fysiska planeringens påverkan på människans rekreationsmiljöer : tillämpning av de åtta parkkaraktärerna inom balanseringsprincipen

The development of our time, is due to great progresses in technology and an enormous ex-plosion of knowledge, has lead to an increased effort of our attention as a result of a boundless torrent of information . Higher productivity and efficiency in our workplaces and homes crea-tes fewer opportunities for rest, leading to a community where stress has become a national disease. Recreation is an important part of our lives in order to be able to deal with stress and is now considered to be an essential resource when it comes to sustainable development. Green spaces are therefore today viewed to play a considerable roll for the national health. Nature has proven to have positive influence on man which leads to a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in power of concentration and lowered production of stress hormones.

Föreställningen om en direkt kontroll : En precisering av John Rawls beslut att exkludera de naturliga nyttigheterna

Framsteg inom genteknik har givit upphov till tanken om en förestående förändring av vår rättviseuppfattning, däribland vilken roll hälsa, intelligens och fantasi kan ha i en distributiv rättviseteori. Denna uppsats syftar till att tydliggöra John Rawls förhållningssätt till dessa nyttigheter, vilken i samtida forskning ofta beskrivs som en exkludering, med hänvisning till att de inte innefattas i Rawls rättviseuppfattning. Medan den gängse uppfattningen beskriver denna exkludering som ett resultat av bristande kontroll, vilket genteknik anses kunna förändra, visar denna uppsats genom en beskrivande idéanalys att frågan är mer problematisk än vad som vanligen framförs. Bland annat dras slutsatsen att Rawls exkludering i viktiga avseenden inte är ett resultat av bristande kontroll, utan att den snarare bör betraktas som ett medvetet val. Detta påverkar inte bara vår syn på Rawls rättviseteori, utan även synen på vilka implikationer genteknik i själva verket har på vår rättviseuppfattning..

Boyd, Warden och slaget om Storbritannien : håller förhärskande luftmaktsteori vad den lovar?

? Mitt syfte med denna uppsats är att pröva förhärskande luftmaktsteori på ett verkligtskeende. I uppsatsen prövas därför giltigheten av John Boyds och John A. Warden III teorier påSlaget om Storbritannien. Min avsikt med detta är inte att ställa Warden mot Boyd för attdärigenom pröva vilken av teorierna som framstår som bättre än den andra, utan metoden attpröva dessa på ett verkligt skeende syftar endast till att pröva dem var för sig.

Miljöpartiet - ett parti i förändring : En komparativ textanalys av Miljöpartietspartiprogram mellan 1994 och 2005

Following changes in society and other influences, the ideology of political parties can evolveover time. For example, theories exist claiming that all parties in Sweden strive towards the"middle".A good example of a political party in Sweden which recently has gained entry toparliament is the Swedish Green Party (Miljöpartiet, MP).MP was initially influenced by a green ideology (ecologism) which started as a globalmovement stating that no other ideologies shared their concerns about the environment. Thegoal of the ideology was to, via an increased influence within the political system and throughsmall-scale production, increases both natural values and people's well being. By becomingelected into parliament it is plausible that the ideology of MP could have changed due to theinfluence of for example, the realities that parliamentary every day represent.The aim with this essay was to study the changes in MP's party program from the yearof 1994 and the most recent, to see if any changes have occurred related to MP's officialideology. The study was conducted using a comparative text analysis.

Lean i sfi-klassrummet : en studie i ett kommunalt projekt utifrån pedagogiska perspektiv

This paper addresses the question about what role typography plays in the interpretation of a text. From three different handbooks in typography arguments are gathered and categorized in to three categories: roman types, san serif and others. Interviews with people from the graphic design area are also a part of the paper and are accounted for in the discussion part of the paper. Areas of theory are a broad hermeneutic view based on Hans-Georg Gadamers thoughts, which have sub categories such as: Michel Foucault?s theory about discourses, John Swales genre theory and Anders Björkvall?s thoughts on typography and multi-modal texts.

Optimalt ekologiskt : att gestalta praktfulla parker som kan skötas på ett hållbart sätt

This is a graduate work at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, The Department of Urban and Rural Development, Ultuna. The purpose of this paper has been to find out and describe principles for designing parks that offers good recreational and aesthetical values and require little amount of carbon dioxide emissions during their maintenance. The purpose has also been to see if it's possible to use city wastewater in some extent to assure the plants water supply and to find other means to make it less necessary to use purified water for watering. Recently made studies as well as older ones show how important green areas are in dense city structures both from a health and a climate perspective. Trees and other plants adsorbs different forms of air pollution and can also lower the temperature in the surrounding area through their transpiration.

Kontinuerlig leverans till molntjänst

Många företag som utvecklar en webb-applikation försäkrar regelbundet med olika testmetoder att de har en fungerande produkt. Ändå dröjer ofta leverans till kund och slutanvändare. Här beskrivs en lyckad implementation av hur leverans regelbundet kan ske till en molntjänst med ett så kallat blue green pattern som gör att applikationen kan uppdateras med minimal påverkan för slutanvändaren. Lösningen består i att webb-applikationenkan driftsättas i två olika miljöer och att användare alltid, via en html-sida som fungerar som en trafikriktare, skickas till den miljö som har den senaste versionen av applikationen. Genom ett script driftsätts den nya applikationen på den miljö som för tillfället inte har några besökare.

Gestaltning av boendelandskapet i gränsen mellan stad och land : exemplet Norränga i Lund

This is a 20 credit Master thesis within the landscape architecture education at the Institute for Landscape Planning at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences at Alnarp. Norränga is situated on the fringe of the city of Lund, east of the existing district of Linero.The city planning office of Lund municipality has come up with a ?in-depth comprehensive plan? for the exploatation of the eastern area of Lund. The plan concerns an area of 1035 square kilometre which contains at least 1500 nya buildings, two schools, primaryschools, stores and bus station for local bus traffic and the new bus line - Lundalänken. The townplan is inspired from the historical Square block city with defined street system. The municipality has visions of what the green areas should consist of.

Att leva grönt är skönt ? men tänker vi likadant? : En retorisk analys av Coop som grönt företag

The purpose of this study is to examine a brand?s green marketing and its consumers? perception of it in order to compare these views. The idea is to find a potential gap and what effect it may have on the brand. A case study has therefore been made with the grocery market brand Coop with focus on organic food. The material used consists of texts from Coop?s website to represent their brand.

Ämnesordsindexering av ryttmästare John Andréns specialsamling : Utveckling av en indexeringsmodell utifrån teoretiska och praktiska perspektiv

This is an explorative study about subject indexing of a special collection of books, administered by the John Andrén Foundation at the library of Ystad. The study summarises a number of theoretical perspectives as well as some practical instructions on how to carry out the task. Theories have been placed into five different groups according to their various approaches to subject indexing. These have been analysed in regard to their usefulness to the Andrén collection. The authors have tested and evaluated six practical models on a selection of books from the Andrén collection.

Övernaturliga vardagar : En studie av det övernaturliga i svensk litteratur som medel för social kritik.

This essay analyses the existence of a literary tendency in Sweden the last decade, which shares many similarities with magical realism. The study includes the work of three writers: Majgull Axelsson with Aprilhäxan; John Ajvide Lindquist with Hanteringen av odöda and Låt den rätte komma in; and finally a short story of Alejandro Leiva Wegner, ?Elixir?.Focus for this work is to expose how these writers use supernatural events/people as a strategy to create a new identity and to effect social criticism, strategies that are common to magical realism.The aim of this work is therefore to clarify generalities about magical realism as a genre and give it a place in Swedish literature and in a changing Swedish society. Furthermore this essay defines a unique term for the genre as adapted to the Swedish reader and with some characteristics of its own: ?övernaturlig realism? (supernatural realism)..

Det politiska spelet bakom betygskompromissen år 2015 : En spelteoretisk analys av regeringens och Alliansens överrenskommelse gällande betyg från årskurs fyra

The essay?s main focus has been to investigate and analyze the political actions behind the 2015?s grade compromise; an agreement to introduce grades from the fourth year in primary school. Through a game-theory analysis, mainly based in Leif Lewin?s and Jörgen Herman's research on rationality in politics, this study examined the grade debate  during a fifteen year period. The primary task has thereby been to explain the grade compromise through game-theory.

Drivkrafter och barriärer för Green supply chain management inom offentliga organisationer

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the driving forces and barriers which may exist at the implementation of green supply chain management (GSCM) within public organizations. Suggestions that may increase or reduce driving forces and barriers to public activities will also be provided, where such is found. The background of the study is that the public sector is such a major customer for many companies / providers, which makes the sector able to highly affect its suppliers. This essay is based on literature studies. The results showed that GSCM is a relatively unexplored area, especially applied on the public sector.

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