1044 Uppsatser om Isometric trunk training - Sida 22 av 70
Heterogenitet i skogsbestånd : faktorer av betydelse för artrikedom och förekomst av småfåglar
Denna studie undersökte hur heterogenitet i skogsbestånd samt omgivningsfaktorerna träddiameter, variation i träddiameter, död ved och lövinslag påverkar förekomsten av 18 skogsfågelarter i södra Sverige. Fågelinventeringen utfördes med hjälp av linjetaxering längs 100 meter långa transekter. Omgivningsfaktorerna mättes i varje transekt i fem provcirklar med diametern 10 meter. Analysen av träddiameter visade att det främst var diameter på barrträd, men inte på lövträd som inverkade på förekomsten av fåglarna. Sambanden mellan diameter på barrträd och totalt antal fågelarter var övervägande negativa vid 0-30 centimeter i diameter och övervägande positiva vid 30-80 centimeter i diameter.
Data och metodik för utbytesberäkning - en studie på Medelpads Skogsförvaltning
To manage the industry?s need of wood assortments in a optimal and cost effective way the forest companies need to have knowledge of the actual standing volume and the yield of the planned clear cuts. The mean volume of the trunk is also important since it is important for the contractors prices. Today the total volume are estimated either with Näslund (1940) or Brandels (1990) functions of volumes, and the yield is estimated with Rune Ollas (1980) function for trunks and stands. The purpose of this study has been to answer the following questions: How good is the yield forecast with data collected with currently used methods? How well can the yield forecasts became with data collected according to the instructions? How well can the yield forecast be with data collected according to the instruction and calculated with the program Aptan for theoretical bucking? The study has been initiated and financed by SCA Skog AB.The material consisted of a number of randomly selected objects ready for clear cut.
Skapandet av morgondagens lärare : En komparativ analys av två lärarutbildningars introduktionskurser
This study intends to analyze and compare the core litterature outlined in two specially selected teacher training establishments. The purpose of the investigation is to examine what specific perspectives they focus upon and the competences they require for teachers of tomorrow.The result shows that there are certain differences in perspective when varying the point of focus, but there are also common elements inte the core litterature between the two establishments. This analysis will provide a base for discussion on how the differences may be a result of the environment where the colleges of higher learning are situated and also on the individual needs in the surrounding area when they were first established..
Spelrörelsekrav och temporalt mönster i amerikansk fotboll : en deskriptiv studie av försvarsspelare
AimThe aim of the study was to develop a method for the survey of play movement demands and temporal patterns in order to enable a descriptive study of the defensive players in American Football. The overall aim was to improve the understanding of how American Football is played to create opportunities for enhancement of current or developing new training methods to better suit football.MethodFifty plays from a Division 3 college football game on video from 2005 was divided into sequences of action for one player each from the defensive line, linebackers and defensive backs and analyzed with the video analyzing software cSwing. Every players sequence of action was recorded in a spreadsheet and noted on a scaled football field where distances were measured and together with time stamps from cSwing velocity was calculated.ResultsUsing this method it was possible to describe the play movement demands and temporal patterns which was the main task of the study. The defensive end worked on an average 4.61 seconds per play, the distance was 12.4 meters and average speed 2.5 m×s-1. The linebacker worked on an average 4.35 s per play, 13.7 m and at a mean speed of 3.0 m×s-1.
Syntaxbaserad författarigenkänning
The writing style of a particular author can be divided into many subfeatures, for example use of words, language and syntax. Focusing on the latter, this study aims to show how well syntactic information alone can attribute the correct author to a document. Syntactic information is defined as overlapping syntactic subtrees of height one (1) for all sentences of all included documents. The performance is compared to that of the previously very successful method of comparing stop word frequencies. These are words normally excluded from search engine queries, because they are present in all sorts of texts regardless of topic.
?Jag har blivit en lugn kille..? : Upplevelser av Aggression Replacement Training
Ungdomars aggression kan få negativa konsekvenser både för dem själva och för omgivningen genom olika former av destruktivt och störande beteende. Det behöver inte vara våld och hot utan även mobbing, snatteri och skolk. Hur ska vi inom socialt arbete på bästa sätt bemöta utagerande, aggressiva ungdomar? Aggression Replacement Training (ART) är en evidensbaserad metod inspirerad av Kognitiv Beteendeterapi (KBT), vilken används i arbete med ungdomar som påvisar ett utagerande beteende. ART består av tre komponenter; interpersonell färdighetsträning, ilskekontrollträning och moralisk färdighetsträning.
Gullrisbock (Phytoecia nigricornis) i grus- och sandtäkter i Halland.
This dissertation is done as a preparatory step for the action plan of environmental protection shall issue to preserve the Phytoecia nigricornis in the country when it is red-listed and classified as vulnerable (VU). My task was to investigate the prevalence of the Phytoecia nigricornis in Halland County. They wanted to see if it existed in Halland (Ehnström, 1999). If it did not exist they wanted to know how to improve its habitat.the Phytoecia nigricornis is difficult to inventory because when it is larvae it lives in the roots and lower parts of the trunk of the Solidago Virgaurea plant and the adult beetles only keeps to Solidago Virgaurea by mating and egg laying and larval caterpillars when they hatch (Bily, 1989; Molander, 1999). Often it is overlooked or missed, and one question was whether it existed in the whole country or only in those parts where it was previously found in, Skåne, Blekinge and Östergötland (Ehnström, 1999).One problem for the Phytoecia nigricornis is that their habitats is declining.
Styrmansyrket : Förväntan kontra verklighet
Med de nya implementeringarna av ISPS-koden så är det svårt att få en insikt i styrmansyrket. Hur skulle nya studenter veta vad de ansöker till när de vill bli ovan nämnda styrmän. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utreda vad förväntan på styrmansyrket är inom den svenska handelsflottan. Intervjuerna utfördes på tredjeårsstudenter vid en sjöfartshögskola i Sverige angående bilden på styrmansyrket som de fått under sin fartygsförlagda styrmanspraktik. Förväntan jämfördes sedan med den bild de fått under ombordtiden. Resultaten visade att styrmansyrket inte kan liknas vid något landjobb och att man måste uppleva styrmansyrket för att förstå sig på styrmansyrket..
Improvisationsförmågan som dansstudentens fronesis : En danspedagog synar sin praktiska kunskap
This essay is an attempt to scrutinize dance improvisation in terms of Aristotle?s concept of the practical knowledge phronesis. By remembering and reflecting upon lessons and my own practical knowledge and experience as a teacher in the subject of dance improvisation, I want to examine the ability to improvise as the dance students´ phronesis. Awareness, spontaneity and intuition are vital elements for the comprehension of phronesis and even represented in the basis training in dance improvisation. During the contemplation I have used philosophical books and texts mainly about practical knowledge, intuition and reflection..
Att beskriva och jämföra en expertgrupp och intensivvårdssjuksköterskors överensstämmelse i att detektera delirium hos intuberade, respiratorbehandlade patienter med sedering/analgesi, före och efter en utbildningsintervention : En kvasiexperimentell stud
The aim: was to describe and compare a group of experts and critical care nurses' agreement in detecting delirium in intubated, ventilator treated patients with sedation / analgesia, before and after an in house training intervention with the instrument Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU).Method: A quasi-experimental study, one group pretest - posttest design. A convenience sample of 17 critical care nurses in a general intensive care unit included. To detect delirium the instrument CAM-ICU was used, 21 paired tests before and 22 after an educational intervention.Main Results: The results showed that after an in house training intervention sensitivity and kappa coefficient improved of the characteristic 1 "acute onset and fluctuating course," an improvement that was significant. In other features, and overall values were signs of numerical improvement and deterioration in sensitivity, specificity and kappa coefficient but no significant change.Conclusion: Implementing a new instrument for detecting delirium in clinical practice requires education and follow-up. A small sample of critical care nurses with varying ability to use the new instrument and the fact that patients' status may change rapidly making it difficult to draw any conclusions from this study.
Menstruationscykelns och p-pillers påverkan på den fysiska prestationsförmågan
Effects of Menstrual Cycle and Oral Contraceptives on Sport Performance During the menstrual cycle, there is a variation of the female steriod hormones estrogen and progestogen. These hormones has mainly reproduktive functions, but do also affect other physiological systems, which may have an influence on athletic performance. The use of oral contraceptives among female athletes matches the use among the general population. There is a concern among female athletes and there coaches weather oral contraceptives can affect the performance. The purpose of this litterature review is to determine the effect of the menstrual cycle and the use of oral contraceptives on athletic performance.
Silva Quattro-S : Utveckling av träningsprodukt med multifunktion
In the spring of 2009 Silva Sweden AB was contacted for a collaboration within the scope of a MasterThesis project. The company had discussed the possibility to develop a device that monitors usermovement during different types of exercise. The objective of this Master Thesis has therefore been todevelop and design a multi training device that records the user?s physical performance during severalactivities. The purpose of the thesis project has been to use scientific methods for product development inorder to design a multi device that supplements Silva?s range of products.The project followed a product development process divided into four phases; Market Analysis, ConceptCreation, Concept Development and Construction.
Kontextuell inverkan på intranät : Viktiga aspekter vid design för kontextuell förändring och limiterade utrymmen
Studien startade på uppdrag av KTRAB saneringsbolag i Göteborg då de eftersökte ett förslag till ett intranät med mål att det skulle vara enkelt att använda i deras saneringsfordon.Studiens syfte utvecklades då till att undersöka hur den kontextuella miljön och dess skiftningar inverkade på hur användaren skulle ha möjlighet att använda intranätet när denne befann sig i ett utrymme med begränsade interaktionsmöjligheter, i detta fall i hytten av ett saneringsfordon. Intranätens utveckling har gått framåt starkt sedan 1990-talet och har kommit att spela en viktigare och viktigare roll för företagen och dess profilering. Intranäten har kommit en lång väg från att bara vara en uppsamlingsplats för information och i denna artikel undersöks det närmare hur långt intranätet har kommit gällande funktionalitet i begränsade utrymmen och föränderlig kontext, samt hur ett intranät kan anpassas att passa in i just en sådan miljö.Under studiens gång har intervjuer och workshops genomförts samt har designprinciper som Nielsens 10 heuristiska och Krugs ?Trunk Test? applicerats och har tillsammans med ett flertal andra designprinciper lagt grunden för en ny lista med specifika designprinciper gällande vad som möjliggör för god design i ett intranät i föränderlig kontext. Detta ledde fram till att studien kunde presentera ett svar på forskningsfrågan och ge svar på vad som krävs för att underlätta navigering och informationshantering vilket resulterade att i en föränderlig kontext med limiterade interaktionsmöjligheter tjänar designen på att förse med stora knappar och valmöjligheter, tydlig text anpassat till användaren samt en så grund och okomplicerad hierarki som möjligt, undvik alla de funktioner som inte anses vara absolut nödvändiga för att låta användaren arbeta effektivt med intranätet..
There are many risk factors involved with a sedentary lifestyle. Deep vein thrombosis (blood clot), circulatory problems and contractures are just a selection of problems you can get by too little exercise. For people who are immobilized because of illness, it can be difficult to get enough exercise and movement to avoid similar complications. Because of most medical supplies on the market today are not optimal for use at home, I have chosen to develop a training device for the lower limbs, adapted for use in a bed, both in hospitals and at home. It is important that the devise can be used in any bed, regardless of headboards.
Magnesiumintagets betydelse för blodtryck och magnesiumkoncentrationen i stickprov av urin, träck och blodplasma hos häst
The purpose of this trial was to evaluate the possibility to use sampling of faeces, urine and plasma, and measurements of blood pressure as methods of discovering hypomagnesemia in horses, as well as the application handiness of these methods. The most commonly used method of checking the magnesium status of a horse is to analyze samples of serum or plasma. The trial was of a switch-back design, in which the horses were used as their own controls. The animal material was five Swedish warm blooded trotters between six to ten years old, and weighing between 485-620 kg. The trial consisted of three periods that were two months each.