512 Uppsatser om Isometric strength - Sida 7 av 35
Undersökning av svetsförband med avseende på svetsgeometri, diskontinuiteter och blästring med stålkulor
Breakdowns of welded structures are usually a consequence of fatigue loading. Fatigue fractures are commonly initiated in the region close to the weld toe but can also initiate from the weld root and from discontinuities inside the weld. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the weld quality of welded joints produced at Volvo Wheel Loaders factory in Arvika. The goal of the investigation is to give a clearer insight regarding factors influencing the fatigue strength of the welded joints and thereby give a better foundation for fatigue strength calculations.The investigation is including examination of the weld geometry, weld discontinuities and the effects of shot peening. Mainly three different methods for collecting test data have been used: Plastic replicas cast on the weld profile, weld specimens from a rear frame belonging to a wheel loader of model L110E/120E and Almen testing of the shot peening.The results showed that it is not possible to control even transition between the weld material and the base material without after treatment.
Faktorer av betydelse för styrkeutvecklingen i nedre extremitet vid kombinerade uthållighet- och styrketräningsprogram: En beskrivande litteraturöversikt
Vissa studier som undersökt kombinerad styrketräning och uthållighetsträningjämfört med styrketräning har funnit hämmad styrkeutveckling vid kombinerad träning. Forskning har därför riktats mot att undersöka hur hämmad effekt kan undvikas. Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att genom att granska vetenskaplig litteratur i området beskriva faktorer av betydelse för styrkeutvecklingen i nedre extremitet vid kombinerade uthållighetoch styrketräningsprogram. En beskrivande litteraturstudie gjordes på ämnet. En litteratursökning genomfördes mellan 6-24/9, 2014 i databaserna Scopus, Proquest, Pubmed, Cinahl, AMED, Web Of Sciense.
Genetisk variation i brunststyrka hos svenska mjölkkor :
When cows in Sweden are inseminated the heat strength is reported to the Swedish milk-recording scheme and AI scheme. Cows that show strong signs of estrus are desirable and the trait is included in the Swedish breeding goal. A strong heat makes it easier to inseminate at the right time and to avoid long and expensive days open. Since ten years the heat strength is scored from one to five by the farmer and reported to the milk-recording scheme and AI scheme. Earlier the score was from one to three and the decision was made by the AI technician.
En jämförelse avseende beståndsgående-och stickvägsgående gallringsmaskiner
The purpose of this report is to investigate and compare the difference between stand-thinning machines and strip-road thinning machines, and how they affect the stand on behalf of future growth, theoretical economic result, wind impact, snow pressure and density of stand.
The investigation is regarding the first commercial thinning of pine stands, after pre-commercial thinning that was well conducted.
The investigation area was located near Katrineholm, Sweden. The measurements that were measured were strength of thinning and amounts of wind throws, snow-breaks and hauling damages.
The results that emerged, was that thinning with strip-road machines had a significantly higher strength of thinning over all, as compared with the stand- thinning machines (45 percent versus 30 percent).
Comparisons between wind-throws, snow-breaks and hauling damages of the stand could not establish any significant differences between the two methods that were investigated.
Conclusions, over all, were that if forest owners want to have more timber volume left for second thinning and final cut of the stand, the forest owners should choose the method with stand-thinning machines. From the point of view of gentle treatment of the stand and ground damages the choice should be the same.
However, the method with strip-road thinning machines is the most common and accessible method in Sweden. Most likely it is the most economical way to manage the stand for forest owners in present time.
If the method with stand-thinning machines is becoming more common in Sweden, it is suggested for forest owners to consider the stand-thinning method as a candidate for treatment due to economic aspects..
Makt i klassrummet : En maktanalys av relationen mellan lärare och elev
This essay is about power in the classroom. It is about the power dimension of the student-teacher relationships that arise in that space. The overall aim has been to investigate which categories are fruitful in a power analysis of these relationships. My aim has therefore been to develop power categories and to use them to identify and to categorise cases of power interaction that take place between those particular actors in that particular setting.In order to gather material for my study I have both read literature that approaches the study of the student-teacher relationships from a power perspective and done a series of observations in a high school.My theoretical frame comprises a concept of power and a series of power categories. These categories include strength, authority, inducement, coercion, violence, resistance as well as to possess power, to have power, to exert power, the scope of power and the base of power.
Att tala är silver, men är tiga guld
A crisis situation that has been more commonly occurred in the industry of conveniencegoods lately is the product related crises which thereby has become a challenge for everymarketer to handle. As the negative publicity tend to enlarge the crisis and spread to thecategory as a whole, it's not only important to have a crisis management to handle crisesconcerning the company itself. But also to be ready to make the best out of the situationwhere the company is threatened to get infected by the negative effects caused by acompetitor.When companies get the chance to make a response on the negative publicity on theircompetitor, as well as the category, through media, the question is - shall they act And howshall they act Which response is the most effective to send out to get out of involvement, notget infected by negative spill over's or even - to make the valenced comparison a way togenerate positive effects and gain market share The purpose of this paper is thereby to find the optimal strategy for an organization in theindustry to handle their competitor's crises through a pronouncement in media. Anotherpurpose to address is whether the brand strength is moderating the effects from the differenttypes of responses tested in this study. This purpose aims to find guidelines depending onthese moderating effects.The paper commodiously, strongly supports that there are beneficial effects to be generatedfrom making a response in either positive or negative direction in oppose of actively choosingnot to make a pronouncement at all.
Återgång till fysisk aktivitet hos män efter en främre korsbandsrekonstruktion
Background: Earlier studies show that 30-92 % of ACL reconstructed return to their pre-injury physical activity. It is not clear why some people do not return.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the return rate to pre-injury sport among ACL reconstructed men. Another purpose was to characterize those patients who return and those who do not.Metod: A Web-based questionnaire with questions about returning to physical activity was sent out during the spring of 2012 to 93 men who had undergone an ACL reconstruction 6-40 months earlier and who, after 6-40 months after surgery, were evaluated with validated strength tests and self-assessment outcome measures.Results: At 12 months after surgery 56 % of the subjects had returned to their pre-injury sport. If the criteria were set higher ?back to the same- or a higher level? 14 % had returned.
Fysisk aktivitet som egenvårdsåtgärd och dess effekter vid hjärtsvikt hos patienter över 65 år : en litteraturöversikt
BackgroundHeart failure is an increasing chronic disease in the western world due to an aging population and a changed lifestyle. The basic treatment is pharmacological with substantial lifestyle changes. Much is known about physical exercise in middle aged and younger patients but in the patients over the age of 65, little is known. AimThe aim of this study was to investigate the effects of physical exercise on patients aged over 65 with congestive heart failure. MethodA systematic review was undertaken in the databases Cinahl and PubMed.
Konstruktion av infästning till dysa
The goal of this thesis is to design an attachment between a duct and a pod. A pod is what could be compared to an outboard engine for larger vessels. The pod is placed on the outside of the ship?s hull and can rotate 360 ?. A duct is a large steel ring that can be placed around the propeller on the pod to increasethe propulsion force of the ship in lower velocities.
Betongpelare och brand : En utvärdering av 500 °C isotermmetoden
At the beginning of 2011, Sweden started using the European rules for structural design, the Eurocodes, instead of the previous national rules. In both the previous rules and the Eurocodes, it is possible to dimension concrete columns using tabled values. However, the required cross section measurements have increased considerably. Moreover, it is possible to dimension concrete columns using calculations, however, this is unusual.The development of a fire in a fire cell can be divided into the growth stage, the fully developed fire and the cooling phase. The duration of each phase, as well as the temperature, is dependent on a number of factors, e.g.
Kostnadsföring av optionsprogram : En studie om IFRS 2 och dess effekter för svenska börsnoterade företag som innehar aktiva optionsprogram
SummaryThe purpose of this thesis is to examine what effect the IFRS 2 has on earnings, equity, financial strength and return on equity for listed Swedish companies with active stock option plans. The purpose is further to investigate the companies? attitudes towards IFRS 2 and to find out if companies tend to deviate from stock option plans due to the changed accounting rules. We also want to examine the view of IFRS 2 from an auditor?s perspective.We have used a deductive approach and a mix of quantitative and qualitative research methods with a view to get a completely clear picture within the field of study.
Matematiska samtal i klassrummet
Idag äger drygt 7 miljoner svenskar någon typ av värdepapper. Dessa handlas av två typer av investerare, den aktiva och den passiva. Den aktiva investeraren köper och säljer sina värdepapper mer frekvent för att dra nytta av dess upp och nedgångar, jämfört med den passiva investeraren som köper värdepappret på lång sikt.En aktiv investerare analyserar ständigt marknaden och dess utveckling, försöker utläsa historiska mönster för att förutspå hur framtiden kommer att utveckla sig. Att studera historiskt kursdata för att förutspå framtida mönster kallas teknisk analys . Två vanligt förekommande analysmetoder inom teknisk analys är glidande medelvärde och Relative Strength Index.
Teknisk Analys : Hur påverkar marknadsförhållanden valet av investeringsstrategi?
Idag äger drygt 7 miljoner svenskar någon typ av värdepapper. Dessa handlas av två typer av investerare, den aktiva och den passiva. Den aktiva investeraren köper och säljer sina värdepapper mer frekvent för att dra nytta av dess upp och nedgångar, jämfört med den passiva investeraren som köper värdepappret på lång sikt.En aktiv investerare analyserar ständigt marknaden och dess utveckling, försöker utläsa historiska mönster för att förutspå hur framtiden kommer att utveckla sig. Att studera historiskt kursdata för att förutspå framtida mönster kallas teknisk analys . Två vanligt förekommande analysmetoder inom teknisk analys är glidande medelvärde och Relative Strength Index.
Friidrottsungdomars fysiska kapacitet över tid : En retrospektiv studie av intagningstesterna vid friidrottsgymnasiet i Växjö mellan åren 1982 ? 2009
Background: Today when leisure time is spent, spontaneous sports activities decrease, due to a more comfortable way of living and physical capacity among non active adolescents decreases. There for it´s interesting to see how the physical capacity level has changed over time among young people participating in organized leisure time sports.Studies around the world show that young people standing outside organized sport activities have tended to decrease their physical activity levels over the last few decades. Less leisure time is spent doing physical activity and sometimes gets put into context with increased time spent behind the computer or inactivity.Design: A retrospective study of the test results on physical capacity between 1982 and 2009 for students applying to Växjö track and field high school. A total of 635 students (15 years old) have done 11 physical tests during the years. Five of these tests, with enough participants (at least 100) and documentation over at least 10 years, were used in this study.Results: This study shows that young track and field athletes have maintained the same physical capacity from 1982 to 2009.
Svensk vindkraft
Sweden's drinking water quality is considered to be high partly due to a high quality of the raw water and a well developed sewage infrastructure. Despite this, there is water contamination that could be prevented by installation of a sophisticated early warning system. Some of the major players in the production of drinking water have already invested in different types of early warning systems to ensure drinking water of high quality. There are various forms of early warning systems where automatic monitoring of E. Coli is an interesting alternative.