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På andra sidan gatan : En kvalitativ studie om unga homosexuella män och deras upplevelser av att vara öppna med sin sexuella läggning i Stockholm
AbstractThe purpose of this study is to investigate how seven homosexual men in the age between 18 and 26 years experience openness with their sexuality in Stockholm. We wish to investigate how these men experience and handle their everyday life in a community characterized by a heteronormative foundation. We will focus on how they handle their openness in an urban environment and if they experience any limitations dependent on the situation or surroundings they live in, and also how they handle these situations. The study is hermeneutically inspired where seven life story interviews are analyzed within the theoretical frameworks provided by Connell, Goffman, Foucault and Queer theory.The results show that the respondents? openness varies depending on a variety of factors where surroundings, situations and previous experiences are influential.
Varumärken och varningsetiketter: En kvantitativ studie i hur varningsetiketter påverkar personer då de är placerade på läskförpackningar och om varningsetiketternas effekt påverkas av varumärket
Warning labels can be used to change the attitude and behavior in the general public. The use of warning labels is also increasing and suggestions have been made to expand their use to more general food products. However, the research regarding the effects of warning labels and how other factors may influence them is limited.The purpose of this study was to develop the research on warning labels and the effects the strength of the brand might have on the warning label?s effect on more regular food products. To achieve this goal a 2x2 factorial design was used where over 200 respondents filled in four different forms.
Urvalsdesign för SCB:s undersökning av föetagens ekonomi
Tree fiber lengths controls properties like strength and smoothness in paper and other wood products. For forest researchers it is of interest to be able to determine the fiber lengths in standing trees. Mo?rling et al. (2003), among others, have developed methods to estimate fiber length distributions in standing trees without damaging them.
Bruket av hierateuma i 1Petr dess teologiska och retoriska funktioner
Which theological and rhetorical functions may the naming ????????? of the recipients have had in First Peter? This paper provides a theological and rhetorical analysis of the use of ????????? in First Peter. Theological background is provided through intertextual research on its occurences in the Septuagint (Ex 19:6; 23:22 and 2 Macc 2:17). Analysis of the theological and rhetorical functions of ????????? in First Peter builds on rhetorical methods, and predominantly the work of professor Lauri Thurén.
Grundläggning med cellglas : En studie av byggtid och lönsamhet
This report describes a new foundation method and compares it with a traditional founding of concrete. This new method is called the Koljern technique and uses cellular glass which is called Foamglas. The Foamglas is compounded to founding elements by lightweight steel beams. Foamglas is an insulation material with high compressive strength, and is rot, insect, vermin and acid proof. The cellular glass is also fire proof and watertight, which makes it a very good construction material.The report contains a study of a number of cases for which the Koljern technique is compared with a foundation of concrete.
Att skapa Alexander den Stores fotspår : Tre generationers nutida föreställningar om Alexander den Store i Proti Serron i Grekland
The purpose of this essay has been to explore Alexander the Great from two different perspectives in Greece. The village Proti Serron represents the local area and the national area named Macedonia represents the second perspective. Oral history has been used as a method in addition to literature and trips to museums and archaeological places.As a guideline for the essay and its contents a stereotyped schedule has been created. This schedule is presented below, and it is also possible to read it backwards.The villagers who identify themselves with Alexander the Great from their local area Proti Serron which is a part of the national area named Macedonia.This study proves that the villagers who has been interviewed, identify themselves with the place they live in as well as its history and that they feel that it is their duty to pass this knowledge forward. Alexander the Great is described as intelligent, humble, a man of strength and courage as well as a strategist and sovereign.
"Vi ses i Nangijala!" : En studie om hur döden framställs i ett urval barnböcker
The purpose of this paper was to study how the death is described in some books for children and how the books may affect the readers. I chose five books where the leading character was a child who lost a close relative like a parent or a sibling. I asked the book questions like you would do at an interwiew.The main questions were:· What do the children think about the death?· How does the child react when it finds out that a parent or a sibling is dead?· What does the child think about seeing the dead person and how does it react at the funeral?· From what or whom do they find the strength to move on?· What support does the child have from people in the surroundings?· How may the books affect the readers?The results showed that the books give you an image close to the reality. The children had different ways to mourn.
Konsten att uppfattas rätt - Varumärkesstrategier för svenska artister
Personal branding is a common phenomenon within the Swedish business world, although less applied on the competitive and fast paced music industry. In order to strengthen Swedish artists' personal brands and to ensure congruence between the artists' presented identities and the target audiences' perceived images, we have developed a model, containing of seven essential factors. The seven dimensions authenticity, credibility, certainty, openness, availability, awareness and timeliness help improve strength when communicating brand identity, as well as minimizing potential discrepancy between identity and image. This report examines the brand strategies within the Swedish music industry through a case study of Sweden's largest pop star, Eric Saade, where Team Saade's communicated identity is compared to the targets audience's perceived image of Saade. Overall, Saade's personal brand has a high level of congruence, except from the clarity dimension, where his words are considered differing from his actions.
Om matematikundervisningens svåra konst. Ett sätt att undervisa abstrakt bevisföring
Tree fiber lengths controls properties like strength and smoothness in paper and other wood products. For forest researchers it is of interest to be able to determine the fiber lengths in standing trees. Mo?rling et al. (2003), among others, have developed methods to estimate fiber length distributions in standing trees without damaging them.
Uppfattningar om främjande av barns psykosociala styrka i förskolan
Psykosocial motståndskraft (?resilience?) innebär att klara sig bra i samband med motgång. Det är viktigt att främja detta i unga år då utvecklingskaskader (kedjereaktioner) som följd av olika upplevelser kan påverka resten av livet. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur motståndskraft uppfattas och hur det främjas i det dagliga arbetet i förskolan. Sju intervjuer med förskolepersonal genomfördes och analyserades och resultatet tyder på att begreppet i sig inte är känt men att många delar av det appliceras.
Gruppträning som inslag i uppbyggnadsträning för lagidrottare : En kvalitativ studie om tränares uppfattningar kring gruppträning som inslag i uppbyggnadsträning för lagidrottare
This study was aimed to investigate why team sport coaches use group training as a part in their build-up training. Issues covered in this study are: "What motives have coaches in team sports that use group exercise as part of the build-up training?" and "What are the positive and negative aspects experienced trainers of using group exercise as part of build-up training in team sports?". It was a qualitative study, seven interviews were made with team sport coaches that has used group training as a type of exercise in their built-up training in collaboration with Friskvårdskompaniet. The results showed that the reasons why group exercise were used was different from coach to coach for example one motive was to increase the players physically ability.
Mötet mellan misshandlade kvinnor och vårdpersonal : En litteraturstudie
Men abuse women every day. It has become a Health Problem which we affects all of us. Help is available for those women who have the strength to seek it. Health care personnel are often these women?s only contact with the surrounding world.
Analys av fiberlängdsfördelning hos gran (Picea Abies) och tall (Pinus Sylvestris)
Tree fiber lengths controls properties like strength and smoothness in paper and other wood products. For forest researchers it is of interest to be able to determine the fiber lengths in standing trees. Mo?rling et al. (2003), among others, have developed methods to estimate fiber length distributions in standing trees without damaging them.
Hur påverkar nya religiösa rörelser medlemmarnas Identitet? : En kvalitativ studie i avhoppares uppfattning.
The purpose of this study was to try to develop a better understanding of the process that being a member in a new religious movement might imply, and to find out how the identity of a defector changes from the time upon entering the movement, while they are within the movement and after leaving the movement. We also wanted to examine what kind of help and support would be needed around a defection. The study focuses on identity and our questions were: How does the defector describe him/herself and his/her identity before joining the new religious movement until the period after defecting? What demand for support and help may there be when defecting from new religious movement? The theoretical starting point was The Identity Theory, Structural Role Theory and KASAM. A qualitative method was used and four defectors from new religious movements were interviewed.
Heteronormativ fantasy? En queerteoretisk analys av sex fantasyromaner
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how six fantasynovels reflects or breaks the heteronormativity in society bylooking at how gender roles and sexuality are described.The theoretical framework is based on Judith Butler's theoryabout the heterosexual matrix which requires two separategenders and a compulsory heterosexuality and YvonneHirdman's two principles about dichotomy and hierarchy.The method used was idea analysis where dimensions basedon the theoretical framework were constructed. Thesedimensions were: behaviour, tasks, relationships and roles.The result shows that all of the books both breaks andreflects the society's values on gender and sexuality. Thereare some stereotypes present, for example that intuition isassociated with femininity and physical strength withmasculinity. However, the books also offer characters ofboth sexes that break the gender stereotypes, such asstrong women and emotional men.