512 Uppsatser om Isometric strength - Sida 12 av 35
Hållfasthetsvariationer i bandände hos varmvalsade höghållfasta stål
Varmvalsade HSLA-stål (high strength low alloy) uppvisar normalt en lägre hållfasthet i sista änden av bandet. Denna s.k. ändeffekt har länge varit känd och flera undersökningar har genomförts för att utvärdera hur mycket de sistametrarna minskar i hållfasthet. Materialet som undersökts i detta examensarbete är Domex 700MC. DX 700MC är ett extra höghållfast kallformningsstål och dess typiska egenskaper är: ? Utmärkt formbarhet i förhållande till sin höga hållfasthet.
Co-creational Effects: En studie i betydelsen av varumärkets styrka
Consumer involvement in the product development process, co-creation, is being practiced by numerous companies. Previous research has investigated how consumer participation in co-creation affects consumer attitude. However, little is known about how co-creation affects the attitudes of the observervers of co-creation. The effect of observed co-creation on consumer attitude should be important when deciding whether to apply co-creation or not, as the observing consumers make up a larger part of the consumer collective than the participating consumers do. The paper at hand aims to investigate how observed co-creation affects consumer attitude and purchase intentions.
Ompositioneringens dolda hot : Riskerna med varumärkesompositioneringar
The purpose with this essay is to study how companies use the repositioning process and identify the risks involved from a business perspective. We have chosen to base our essay on the following research questions:What reasons are there for a company to initiate a repositioning?, What does it mean for companies to implement a repositioning?, What are the risks with a repositioning?We have used a qualitative research method and have chosen to interview six respondents which in various ways are actively working with brand repositioning. Our study has been implemented with and deductive character.The most important conclusion that we observed after implementing our study is that repositioning is a high-risk project. Instead of changing their entire brand image, companies should instead make small changes and revitalize the brand by developing the strength that already exist.
The purpose of this study was to identify exerciser athlete?s motivational orientation, coping strategies used and stressors that primarily is perceived in gym training. The study also studied gender differences in relation to motivation orientation, coping strategies and stressors. A survey was conducted with a quantitative design. The study included 118 participants (43 women and 75 men) aged 18 - 42.
According to recent research the basics for a good body posture is balance between the muscles, if unbalance originates this can be strengthen by gymnastics when most of the practise performs only in one direction. Because of limited research in the area was an explorative study conducted. The purpose of the study was to inquire if exercise adjusted to the individual contributes for balanced muscles and if it contributes for a positive or negative development for the team.On the basics of that the team is not equable an other team in the area has the results for two different periods been measured, during the first period the exercise continued as usual but during the second period each gymnast (n=9) received an individual strength- and stretch program that was performed during the teampractise twice a week. The gymnasts were tested in areas that are imported for them as body posture, balance between the muscles, vigour, range of movement, balance, the running and coordination. The results showed on that the difference is largest between test two and three, except the coordination and balance which did not show any particular change.
Påverkar mineralbalansering hälsan? : upplevda effekter hos vuxna med visuell problematik
Diabetes mellitus type 2 and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) are two of the most common diseases in the world and the amount are increasing. The treatments of these diseases are self care and a change of lifestyle. For this to be successful there is a need for the person to have knowledge about the diseases and a motivation for making changes in his or her lifestyle. Most of this information is given by the district nurse at the health centre. It is important to get a better knowledge of these persons experiences and how they used the information given to them.
Val av kommunikationsmedia i en affärskontext
Vårt syfte är att undersöka huruvida det är möjligt att identifiera variabler som påverkar valet av kommunikationsmedia där kontexten utgörs av en affärsrelation. Vi strävar efter att i vår slutsats kunna presentera en viss vägledning i valet av kommunikationsmedia. I denna studie har ett kvalitativt angreppssätt använts. För att skapa en teoretisk förankring har vi behandlat relevant och aktuell litteratur bestående av i huvudsak vetenskapliga artiklar och böcker. Som metod för att besvara vårt syfte har vi även använt oss av intervjuer.
Automatiskt Nödstopp
In today?s industry it is starting to get more and more interesting with wireless systems and solutions for applications. To be able to reduce the amount of cables drawn to various machines which takes both space and an extra fee for every cable drawn. Some systems might require the user to use a handheld device that is directly connected by a cable which in some machines might be inelegant for the user.The goal with this bachelor thesis is to develop wireless monitoring of the machine operators position that is working with heavy industrial machinery. The thesis started out with researching different techniques for positioning a transmitter indoors, this was done in order to get a better understanding on how to go about.
Fortskridande relation : En studie om relationer där en av partnerna drabbats av en demenssjukdom och bor på ett särskilt boende.
This study aims at investigating the spousal relationships of persons who have been diagnosed with dementia and are living in a nursing home. Eight spouses? descriptions of their relationship, spousal interaction and the relationship´s impact on the spouse´s life were captured through qualitative interviews. The results show three main types of interaction patterns: one of spousal joy and happiness; a combination of both happiness and sadness; and a pattern of no positive reactions. The strength of the relationship was based on the analysis of trust, intimacy and commitment to the relationship.
Före detta tandhygieniststuderandes uppfattning om utbildningen vid Högskolan Kristianstad
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate former dental hygienist students? view regarding their education at Kristianstad University.Material and methods: This quantitative study was descriptive and the data collection method was used by a questionnaire. This was sent by post to former dental hygienist students at Kristianstad University. In total, 57 dental hygienists participated in the study.Result: The majority of the respondents (94 %, n=54) were content with their education. The education?s primary strength turned out to be the clinical activity that is conducted while at the same time there was a wish for more practice.
Betydelsen av verbal uppmuntran vid utförande av handstyrketest
The purpose of this study was to evaluate if verbal encouragement had any influence on handstrength measurements. Twenty subjects participated in the study, all women between the age of 20 and 62 years. A standardisation of testing conditions and verbal encouragement were designed. Three measurements were conducted during two days using T.K.K 5401 Grip D. First there was a trial set, and then Test 1 (without verbal encouragement) and Test 2 (with verbal encouragement) were conducted.
Är klassisk imperialism fortfarande relevant? : En komparativ fallstudie av Marocko-Västsahara och Kina-Tibet
Imperialism has for a long time been an important concept in international relations. The literature identifies many different types of imperialism. After the great de-colonization scientists stopped discussing ?classic? imperialism, i.e. using physical strength in the form of conquest and occupation to subdue weaker states.
Fred och säkerhet? : En studie om det Svenska Försvaret utifrån tre perspektiv, Bonsdorff, Andrén och Clausewitz
Following an increase in hostile foreign activity. The discussion regarding Sweden?s defense force´s ability to perform its task has come to a new heading. With the end of the cold war as a major revolution in matters of international security, a major overhaul has taken place to transform the static total defense plan of the nation to a less rigid operational system.Following an analysis of the budgets total amount from the governments of 2002 until 2015 it is clear that while the amount of resources has never directly been lowered, it has shrunk in relation to the countries total GDP. The possible futures for the defense of Sweden bring three possibilities forward in correlation three unique perspectives on military and political policy.Out of the three possibilities the focus on military strength as a political resource seems to be garnering the most support with the latest incursions made my foreign submersibles and the ever growing presence of 5th generation of warfare.
Stabilisering av betongstommar : Beräkning av en ekvivalent beräkningsmodul med hänsyn till samverkande kort- och långtidslast
Vid stabilisering av betongstommar är det komplicerat att välja en korrekt elasticitetsmodul. Detta då stommens laster verkar under både kort och lång tid. I detta examensarbete utförs en noggrann kryptalsberäkning för varje plans vertikala element, där hänsyn tas till den varierande byggtiden. Utifrån det analyseras kort- och långtidslaster med respektive elasticitetsmodul för att erhålla en ekvivalent elasticitetsmodul som tar hänsyn till de olika belastningstiderna. Denna elasticitetsmodul bestäms efter förhållandet mellan stommens knäcksäkerhet, snedställning och den vindlast som verkar på byggnaden.Den ekvivalenta elasticitetsmodulen ligger till grund för mer noggrann indata än tidigare vid stabilitetsberäkningar och redovisas i diagram som sedan kan användas i det praktiska ingenjörsarbetet.Där inget annat anges utförs beräkningar enligt Eurokod 2.Där inget annat anges är figurerna ritade av författarna..
I dig finner jag mig : Väninnor som narrativ motor i tre 2000-tals romaner
By reading three 21st century books am I trying to see how the female friendship is described in literature of our days. The books are Rebell med frusna fötter by Johanna Nilsson, Lutherska badet by Unni Drougge and I närheten av solen by Hanna Wallsten. They are all written by Swedish authors and taking place in Stockholm in the early years of 2000. I am doing a critical reading against the roles of ?heteronormativitet? as the word is described by Tiina Rosenberg and Fanny Ambjörnsson trying to see how the characters are following or breaking these roles.