

477 Uppsatser om Isometric exercise - Sida 10 av 32

Barns beteenden i naturen

AbstractThis study is based on qualitative interviews with five-year-old children from a nursery school and two teachers with great experience. The purpose with the interviews is to find out what knowledge these children have about the Right of Common and what the teachers think they need to find this knowledge.The children didn't know what the word Right of Common stands for but when they got more concrete alternatives they had good experiences. The two teachers had different opinions about what is the most important concerning the stays in the nature. Exercise meant a lot for one teacher. To have fun and to use all your senses were more important for the other one.

Travhästars aktivitet i hagen

Today there is a research project undertaken by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences along with Wången (a highschool specialized in trotter training), which focuses on trotting horse training, performance and health. The project investigates how exercise intensity and feeding strategies affect the development of growing horses. The project includes two groups of horses where all 16 horses are fed in the same way. One group of eight individuals are trained 100% compared to conventional training and the other group are trained 20% less than the other group. All horses are trained twice a week and are out at pasture beyond that.

Power and exercise public authority.

I denna studie har jag försökt få en ökad kunskap om hur biståndshandläggare upplever samt hur dessa hanterar makten i sina arbeten som myndighetsutövare. För att kunna uppnå mitt syfte har jag intervjuat fyra biståndshandläggare inom samma kommun som alla arbetar mot lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS). Intervjumaterialet har jag analyserat utifrån Michel Foucaults relationella maktbegrepp. Det visade sig att informanterna inte reflekterade över makten utan fokuserar istället på den enskilde brukarens behov av diverse hjälpinsatser från kommunen..

Implementation av en 3D applikation i Macromedia's Director
för Pan Vision Studio

This 3d navigation application is a part of a project that helps the user to learn and find the right position on a map with many exercises, the user has a compass nearby that he/she can use to find the position that requires to get the right answer on that particular exercise. Macromedia's Director is used for the creating of the program, where Lingo has a importent part as the script language for the scenes in Director. A 3D scene is build up with codes in Lingo, a few 3d models and serveral overlays are created and displayed on the screen. Different kind of textures from pict files are is representing the overlays and put on the 3D models. That give the user a more pleasant experience when going through the exercises that helpes the user when he/she is going to navigate on a boat at sea..

Let's Walk, (interaktionsdesign) från början till slut

Many interactive products constructed today is not produced towards a specific targetaudience and how they will interact with the product. This master's thesis follows the designprocess in the development of the Let's Walk webapplication. In the designprocess has users of the webapplikation been identified, prototypes developed and an interactive version has been evaluated. The Let's Walk webapplication is a fully working system used to administrate Let's Walk, an exercise competition between companies. Experts and users have been involved to evaluate the Let's walk high-fidelity webapplication prototype.

Kunders betalningsvilja- från initialkostnad till drift- och underhållskostnad

Many interactive products constructed today is not produced towards a specific targetaudience and how they will interact with the product. This master's thesis follows the designprocess in the development of the Let's Walk webapplication. In the designprocess has users of the webapplikation been identified, prototypes developed and an interactive version has been evaluated. The Let's Walk webapplication is a fully working system used to administrate Let's Walk, an exercise competition between companies. Experts and users have been involved to evaluate the Let's walk high-fidelity webapplication prototype.

Det omänskliga lidandets diskurs : En diskussion kring FN:s definition av tortyrbegreppet i dialog med postkolonial teori

The aim of this thesis has been to discuss whether remainders of colonial influences exist within the UN's definition of torture or not. The discussion has been presented from a postcolonial point of view, in dialogue with contemporary power critical theorists. In order to raise awareness of a potential colonial influence, the following questions were intended to be answered:?                                        Are there any reasons, if so ? which ones, to regard the UN's definition of torture as a colonial project? And;?                                        To what extent is the term ?inhumane? limiting for the prohibition against torture from a postcolonial perspective?One of the most central arguments of the chosen theories is that the term ?inhumane? evokes prejudices that a racializing apparatus within the social norms of the UN automatically produces. These prejudices are, according to the theorists, influenced by images of people in non-western and non-secular (especially muslim) societies as more prone to exercise ?violence? and ?cruelty? towards their own citizens as well as towards the population of the world in general.

Djursjukskötarens roll i rehabiliteringen av inneliggande patienter på hästsjukhus

Veterinary hospital care and advanced veterinary services are rapidly growing industries. As of January 1, 2010, veterinary nursing became a licensed vocation, the title of veterinary nurse became protected, and the act regulating competence among the professions of the veterinary field was extended. These changes, along with increased demands and expectations from owners, have given rise to greater demands on the staff's qualifications and have increased the need for well-educated staff with expertise in several different areas. The aim of this study was to find out what the licensed veterinary nurse can do in terms of rehabilitation for the hospitalized equine patient suffering from orthopedic injury. This has been carried out through qualitative interviews with veterinary surgeons experienced in treating such patients, and also by reviewing the relevant literature.

"Jag gjorde det dom betala för" : En narrativ berättelse om en kvinnas liv och vägen ut ur prostitution och missbruk

This study aims to find out what happens with the roles that are seemingly left behind. Are there roles that are harder or easier to exercise? Available roles with us through life and affect our future decisions or we switched completely away from them and create new roles based on the situations we find ourselves in at the moment? The aim is also to see how the relationship looks like between closed roles and new roles in life. To try to find this out, I have used the narrative method. The study is based largely on Goffman's theories of roles, behind and above the front- and back stage.

Eleiko 360°

This report will present athesis on behalf of Eleiko Sports AB and carried out by two students at the InnovationEngineering (University of Halmstad). In this report the project participants willdescribe the project background along with the current product issues andneeds. A clear structure for participants, stakeholders and information flowbetween these parts will be included in this report so that you can clearly seethe areas of responsibility. The report includes a timetable which the grouphas worked along and also methods used. In the development process you will beable to read about how the students in an interdisciplinary way have used themethods and come up with an entirely new product.

Kvinnliga ledare kommunicerar : Motiv och former inom den svenska mediebranschen

From an early age kids learn that their good performance and efforts will be rewarded. Unfortunately, not all leaders in the media industry are rewarded or given the same opportunities to exercise their communicative leadership, according to studies in media research. The aim of our study is to highlight female managers' experiences of their communicative leadership in the Swe-dish media industry. This study was based on qualitative interviews with four female respondents in management positions. The core of the study concerns female communicative leadership and interpersonal communication.

Lunchlektion : En undersökning om den pedagogiska måltiden i två svenska grundskolor.

The purpose of the study is to get a deeper understanding in how the teachers work withthe students during the pedagogic meal. This by observing teachers during the schoollunchand see which pedagogic activities takes place. The paper intends to investigatehow teachers relate to, and act according to the guidelines that are applicable to theeducational meal by both the Swedish government and the schools.The study was conducted with the help of observations studies in two elementaryschools. The two municipalities looks different on the pedagogic meal. At both schoolsthe survey was conducted in the school canteen.

Att förebygga osteoporos i ett tidigt skede

Bakgrund: Osteoporos har under de senaste decennierna utvecklats till en av de stora folksjukdomarna. I Sverige drabbas cirka 70 000 människor av osteoporosrelaterade frakturer varje år och av dessa är det främst kvinnor som drabbas. Risken för att en svensk kvinna någon gång under sin livstid skall drabbas av en osteoporosrelaterad fraktur är 50 %. Hur snabbt en kvinna förlorar benmassan samt hur stor benmassa hon har från början är avgörande för om hon kommer att drabbas av osteoporos och därför är prevention i ett tidigt skede viktigt. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa preventiva åtgärder för premenopausala kvinnor som kan förebygga primär osteoporos.

Kan supplementering med omega 3 förbättra syreupptagningsförmågan hos idrottare?

AbstractTitle: Does supplementation with omega 3 improve oxygen uptake among athletes?Author: Jonna Gustafsson and Maria Bohlin Nygren Supervisor: Frode Slinde Examiner: Ingrid Larsson Programme: Programme in dietetics, 180/240 hp Type of paper: Bachelor?s thesis in clinical nutrition, 15 hp Date: May 26, 2015Background: Previous research has shown that omega 3 fatty acids may improve cardiovascular functions by decreased aggregation and increased red blood cell deformability. This produces an increased blood flow and could have a potential effect on oxygen uptake. Optimal aerobic capacity is a determinant factor of performance within endurance exercise.Objective: To compile scientific research of the possibility that omega 3 supplementation could improve oxygen uptake among athletes.Search strategy: The literature research is based on searches in PubMed and Scopus with the terms ?Physical Endurance?, ?Oxygen Consumption?, ?Fatty Acids Omega 3?, ?Dietary Supplements?, ?Exercise?, ?Fatty Acids Essential?, ?Docosahexaenoic Acids?, ?Eicosanoic Acids?, ?Fish Oils?, ?oxygen consumption?, ?maximal oxygen consumption?, ?VO2 max?, ?athlete?, ?omega-3 supplementation?, ?physical endurance?, ??-3?, ?omega-3?, ?Maximal Aerobic Power?, ?Oxygen Uptake?, ?VO2? and ?Maximal Aerobic Capacity?.Selection criteria: Randomized controlled trials (RCT) with an intervention of omega 3-supplementation during three weeks or more were included.


Gångproblematiken hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom är svårhanterad av både vårdtagare och vårdare och kräver mycket kunskap och förståelse. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att identifiera omvårdnadsåtgärder som kan underlätta gångproblematik hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom. Tio kvantitativa studier har används i denna litteraturstudie och sökningar har gjorts i Pubmed och i CINAHL. Resultatet från dessa sökningar presenterades i fyra strategier och fynden var rehabilitering, individanpassad träning, stimuli och användandet av dagböcker. Dessa strategier kan användas som verktyg för en sjuksköterska när hon interagerar med personer med Parkinsons sjukdom.

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