1069 Uppsatser om Isometric core exercise - Sida 13 av 72
Förhållandet mellan arbetsrätt och straffrätt för statligt anställda : - särskilt vid åtgärder mot främlingsfientlighet inom polisen
What happens when employees within the police-force make mistakes in their line of duty? This essay set out to investigate the relationship between labour law sanctions and the criminal law punishments for wrongful acts for government employees. This relationship is also set in the perspective of how acts or statements of xenophobia are handled within the Swedish police-force. Further, the essay aims to examine the principle of ne bis in idem in relation to labour law sanctions and criminal law punishment for wrongful acts, and if these two should be considered in line with this principle. Regarding the relationship between labour law sanctions and criminal law punishment for government employees, the determination for which system to use in any given situation is not fully stipulated.
Familjediskursen : 1998-2008
Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to see how the media, through the newspaper, "Vi föräldrar?, produces family and parental roles, and to investigate how the image changed over time.Material/Method: The material consists of a number of selected texts from the years 1968, 1988 and 2008. The method used is a discourse analysis based on the three level model by Norman Fairclough. The three levels are the text, the discourse practise and the sociocultural practise. In this study two of the levels, text and sociocultural practise, are used in analysing the texts.Main results: Family and parenting in the texts from 1968 can be linked to the structural functionalist theory in which the core family is central and women and men are assigned to specific roles.
?Överskott, är det ämnet som får stå i hörnet och vänta? En studie på hur lärarens intentioner uppfattas av eleverna.
Syftet med studien är att studera lärarens intentioner och hur elever uppfattar lärarens budskap inom kemi på gymnasieskolan. Metoden jag använt mig av är Stimulated Recall. Genom att jag observerat och filmat lektionerna, där jag har träffat lärare och elever var för sig för att reflektera över lektionstillfället. De reflektionsfrågor jag använt mig av är mallen för en så kallad CoRe, som Berry, Loughran & Mulhall (2003) från Australien har utformat. Det är ett reflektionsverktyg men även ett sätt för att exemplifiera PCK (pedagogical content knowledge).
Resurshantering i Dual-core kluster
Med den nya generationen processorer där vi har flera cpu-kärnor på ett chip, så ökas prestandan genom parallell exekvering. I denna rapport presenterar vi en omvärldsstudie om allmän multiprocessorteori där vi går igenom olika tekniker för både hårdvara och mjukvara. Vi har även utfört empiriska tester på ett datorkluster, där vi har testat de två olika programmen Fluent och CFX, som utför CFD beräkningar. För varje program så har tre modeller använts för simuleringar med varierande antal beräkningsnoder. Vi har undersökt vad som är mest lönsamt, att använda en eller båda CPU-kärnorna vid de olika simuleringarna.
Confidence : The Shivray Udyan gymnasium and sports introduction centre
This project investigates how team sports can be used to include young women in public space aswell as how through the addition of a sporting facility adjacent to three schools can be used as a stepping stone for the young people of Dharavi to have a chance at a brighter future..
Fröåtjärns föroreningshistoria : Utredning av hur metallbelastningen varierat över tid med hjälp av sediment som ett naturligt historiearkiv
The metal mining history goes thousands of years back. The downside of the mining industry is the large amount of tailings created during the mining operations. Drainage and leaching of heavy metals from these tailings may cause major environmental problems including acid mine drainage and leaching of heavy metals. This study examines a pond located near an old mining site, where part of the old mining facility has been recently (1990) restored. The objective was to assess eventual metal contamination from historical mining and the recently performed restoration using a sediment core as a natural archive of historical metal inputs to the pond.
Ett pulshöjande reklammedium -Är det effektivt att exponera konsumenter för reklam i en gruppträningssal relativt i ett traditionellt reklammedium?
It appears that it has never been easier for the marketer to create and distribute advertising messages. The technical development has created new possible channels, which in addition to the traditional advertising media has resulted in consumers encountering loads of commercial messages every day. Unfortunately for the marketer, the overload of messages has contributed to an extensive advertising avoidance. This forces him to think outside the box in order to come up with attention-grabbing and innovative methods to reach out to consumers. This paper aims to examine if facilities for group exercise classes at fitness centres could be a potential advertising medium due to the unexpectedness of encountering advertising in those premises.
Metadata på webben : en studie av metadata och dess användning på sex svenska högskolors och universitets webbplatser
The purpose of this Master's thesis is to study metadata and its use at Web sites of six Swedish universities and colleges. Each Web site has been examined at three different hierarchical levels and the total number of examined Web pages is 258. 16 questionnaires have also been sent to webmasters at the six universities and colleges. The results show that metadata refers to the data which can assist to organize, describe, identify, locate, evaluate and retrieve resources on the Internet. Even though there are several different metadata formats available on the Internet, the commercial search engines only support the HTML's title tag and the meta tags with the attributes keywords and description.
Att påverka en samhällsdebatt : En retorisk studie av organisationen Ruter Dams strategiska kommunikation
Det har aldrig varit så lätt att uttrycka sin åsikt och samtidigt så svårt att faktiskt göra sin röst hörd som det är idag. För att nå ut med sin åsikt måste man uttrycka sig på rätt sätt och i rätt forum. Den här uppsatsen granskar hur man kan påverka en samhällsdebatt genom strategisk kommunikation och uppnå en förändring som kommer från publiken man riktar sig till. Uppsatsen sammanför retorik med strategisk kommunikation och undersöker specifikt hur organisationen Ruter Dam arbetar för att påverka jämställdhet inom svenskt näringsliv. Analysen åskådliggör hur Ruter Dam arbetar mot ett jämställt näringsliv med utgångspunkt i den retoriska situationen, publiker, core message och stakeholders.
Going Green - Why and How Thule Should Make Environmental Issues a Part of Their Business
Problem: When opening a newspaper today there is a good chance that the headlines have something to do with recent developments in the global climate debate. This development is forcing companies to take action. The problem for many companies, including Thule, is that they are unaware of the environmental work conducted throughout their value chain and also what they need to do to become green. Thule, a company with a strong focus on profitability and growth, will not make environmental issues a part of their core strategy unless it can be shown that economic incentives exist. With this thesis we will try to build a case that will help Thule, and also other companies, see the possibilities a green venture brings with it.
Utvärdering av en behandlingsperiod i varmt klimat för personer med pelvospondylit
Purpose: To evaluate how a treatment period on four weeks in a warm climate influences physical function, condition and the patient's experience of the climate effect of patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Method: 10 persons with a diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis went through four weeks of treatment on Centro Forestal Sueco, Marbella. The treatment consisted of both physical and theoretic lessons given of a rehabilitation team. All patients were examinated measured for physical function and condition before treatment, after two weeks and at the end of the treatment. To measure physical function, Timed-Stands Test, Timed Get Up and Go, The Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index, Index of muscle function and functionestimitation of shoulder/arm were used.
Exercise pens as an environmental enrichment for laboratory rabbits
This thesis analyzes the effects of different fertilization strategies on forest management at Holmen Skog in Umeå district. Harvesting volumes, net present values and fertilization intensity are presented for each fertilization scenario. The planning reserve (percentage area older than minimum final felling age) was also analyzed in this study.The thesis covers the analysis of five different fertilization scenarios, varying in fertilization intensity, from no fertilization at all, to fertilization at every harvesting operation (thinning or final felling). A sub-study was also carried out so the reader in detail can see how the different fertilization scenarios affect individual forest stands of different nature. The analysis has been done with the planning tool PlanWise, which is an application of the Heureka analysis and planning system.
Idrott och hälsa ? ett livsviktigt ämne : en kvalitativ studie om vad som utmärker gymnasieelever som deltar i ämneskursen idrott och hälsa 1
AimThe overall aim of this study has been to gain knowledge about what characterize upper secondary school students participating in the subject course physical education and health (PEH). To investigate this, the following questions are formulated:What motivates the students to attend PEH?How do the students experience teaching?What influences the students' opinions of the subject?MethodWe conducted a qualitative study using interview as method. Six students, from year 2; three girls and three boys, from different studying programs at an upper secondary school in the region of Mälardalen were interviewed. The students had been recommended and asked to participate by their teachers in PEH.
Ett samhällsengagemang som Skapar Shared Value - En studie om hållbarhetsstyrning och Creating Shared Value i en svensk kontext
This study investigates the corporate sustainability activity, linked to the company's core business, which is a relatively unexplored field in a Swedish context. The study examines how the organization has used management control for its sustainability activity within two social initiatives; and whether these initiatives have generated value for the organization and involved stakeholders. Management control of social initiatives are examined within the theoretical framework of The Sustainable Balanced Scorecard and the organization's value creation contributions are outlined in accordance with a definition of the concept of Creating Shared Value. The method used for the implementation of the study is a qualitative study, embodied in an illustrative case study of a large Swedish company operating within financial sector. The empirical data was collected through 12 in-depth interviews with representative interviewees within the organization and with other stakeholders involved in the company's social initiatives.
Kursen TMS, en intervjuundersökning bland lärare om kursen Teknik, Människa, Samhälle
A query using telephone interviews of technology teachers teaching the course "Teknik, Människa, Samhälle", a core course of the technique programme at the swedish gymnasium..